
By nickinacpattywack

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Now I was barely seventeen with a pocket full of hope Screamin', dollar and a dream with my closet lookin' br... More



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By nickinacpattywack

"What'd you even do?" Onika gritted to me over the glass. I did not want her to find out I was locked up but somebody decided to post free me. Dumb bitches! And guess who the fuck it was...This girl is being delusional over me and we haven't had any relations since before the first time I went to jail. She's playing with fire and I don't need shit to set off while i'm in here.

Only way Onika found out is because one of her friends sent it to her. Now I can't stop Onika from doing anything cause i'm not in her face to get on her ass. That's the only way she'll listen, if i'm yelling in her face. I hate that about her though, it makes things so much harder.

"You know i'm fucking tired of this right? This is your third time Beyoncé. Why do you keep putting yourself in this position? Are you not tired?"

"Ain't nobody finna bitch me Onika, you know this. I don't give a fuck about that."

"You need to give a fuck. We're supposed to be moving up together not getting held back by the motherfuckers that'll do anything to watch us fall. Come on now." She was speaking low with that motherly tone. I felt it all in my soul, but at the same time she doesn't know what happened. And I don't want to tell her either. She'll be so pissed with me, I just know it. "What the fuck happened?"

"Don't worry about it, Onika. I just need you to look in my car and get some money to bail me out." They booked me so quick I didn't have the time to get my first phone call. Could've been out of here but they just moved too fast for me. I already knew who I was gonna call to get me out. Bitches wanna be messy and post my mug shot though.

"I'm not doing shit until you tell me what happened."

"Please don't play with me Onika. Imma tell you when i'm out cause I can't say shit in this fucking jail. I'm booked....they're listening to all my shit trynna see if imma admit to anything. Bond ain't shit but 10k, get this shit out the way for me. My car, under the passenger seat." I made sure to stare into her soul. She gotta hear this and listen closely. We need no slip ups. Bank people already acting suspicious of us, we really need to lay low for a good minute.

"Got it. You get on my nerves." She smacked the phone down and stood to walk away.

"Man sit the fuck down. Onika stop fuckin wit me." I mugged my face up to look at her.

"I don't wanna talk no more. I'm finna do what you said so you can get the fuck out. What imma need?"

"Yo ID. You got one right?"

"Yes I have a damn ID. I'm not some little ass kid."

I nodded and licked my lips at her. She look good when she's mad. I've been craving her taste since I ate her out that day.

"Thank you mama....hold me down Bonnie." I smiled at the corny line and she smiled small.

"I gotchu Clyde."

We both laughed loudly before she flipped me off and walked off. That ass! Onika is so damn fine it's crazy. The moment I start fucking on that, it's over for her. She gon be locked in for infinity.

But right now I need to get my ass out this jail.

I'm in jail because of marijuana. Not that serious but it's the how. Onika would kill me if she knew I was back in line with her brothers. Or at least I think she will. We were doing drop offs and the police were following behind me. So I circled the block a couple times just for them to stop me.

Their excuse was to see if I was safe because they noticed my double taking. And somehow they smelled weed.... They searched the car and found over 50 pounds. So yes i'm guilty but i'm not staying in this shit no longer. I was already in here for murder, but I got out by luck. I'm not doing it again.  

Hearing my name be called, I cheered. They started handing me my shit and I smiled widely. I knew I could count on my baby to get me out. She be on her shit when it come to me.

After the whole leaving process, I stepped outside. I looked around for Onika but she was nowhere in sight. As I continued looking my eyes focused on someone else. Blo. He was leaning against his car and staring directly at me. I still owe this man an ass whooping.

"Long time no see sis."

"Fuck you want?"

"To help you."

"How the hell you gon help me? I'm helping you by not beating your ass right here. Just not trynna get locked back up when i'm barely out."

"You ain't safe with them Maraj's."

I chuckled shaking my head. They just can't leave me alone. Word around town is that i'm doing good and all of a sudden i'm not safe. I'm protected by myself, ain't nobody else doing it. So I know for a fact that i'm safe.

"Man...look, I appreciate this but ion need y'all. Momma already said she hope them niggas get me so her word official. I ain't fucking with y'all."

"This ain't got nun to do with Ma. It's me, you and my pops."

"Why the fuck would I deal with anything that gotta do with you and that motherfucker? Fuck y'all."

I saw my phone finally powered on fully and started to contact my baby. Got me all excited to see her and it ain't even her out here. It's damn near midnight and i'm out here with this dude. Bullshit.

"You fucking Nic?"

"That ain't yo business." I let the phone ring against my ear.

"It is my business. I was up in that way before you."

"What that gotta do with anything? You broke her heart so you don't matter. I know you better leave her alone though." The line went to voicemail and I called again. She need to wake her ass up cause I know she sleep right now. Always gotta sleep hard as shit.

"You got it, I ain't fucking with her."

"What you want Blo? I'm not trynna hear shit you saying so is that it?"

"I'm just here to warn you. You're still my sister Bey. I got you out cause I love you wanted to make sure you were good. Be safe.... them people ain't right for you."

Bullshit. He ain't right for me.

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