Kiss the Girl

By AngelDaelCruz

272K 10.3K 1.6K

Kristina moves into New York with hopes that she can start over again, moving from city to city to escape fro... More

Chapter 1 "THE BAR"
Chapter 2 "Jessie"
Chapter 3 "Fragments"
Chapter 4 "Blue Eyes"
Chapter 5
Author's Note: 100 Reads :)
Chapter 6 "BREAKFAST"
Chapter 7 "RAIN CHECK"
Chapter 8 "THE SONG"
Chapter 9 "THE 22ND STREET"
Chapter 10 "CONFUSION"
Chapter 11 "SUDDENLY"
Chapter 12 "RED VELVET"
Chapter 15 "STAINED GLASS"
Chapter 16 "One Step Closer Part 1"
Chapter 17 "One Step Closer Part 2"
Chapter 18 "Sí"
Chapter 19 "Falling Slowly"
Chapter 21 "I dropped my bagel"
Chapter 22 "Dreamscape"
Chapter 24 "Think Of Me"
Chapter 25 " A Christmas Carol"
Chapter 26 "Doubt"
Chapter 27 "Christine, I love you"
Chapter 28 "Giving Up"
Chapter 29 "Stranger"
Chapter 30 "Opening Up Wounds"
Chapter 31 "A Girl Named Zita"
Chapter 32 "Be Brave"
Chapter 33 "Cut and Run"
Chapter 34 "Devil Take the Hindmost"
Chapter 35 "My Salvation"
Chapter 36 "Wise Men Say..."
Chapter 37 "Break It To Me Gently"
Chapter 38 "The Wedding"
Author's Note
Author's note

Chapter 20 "BURLESQUE"

5.8K 246 54
By AngelDaelCruz

(AJ's POV)

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Everything is in a complete blur. Another morning is starting soon and I have tons of stuff to do with the casting calls and meetings with the whole production. I don't want to fail Mr. Webber. We still have to finalize things on the set design, the orchestra and we still have the auditions for the female lead role. Christine Daae's role is vital. She's a beautiful stunning girl with a voice of an angel.

I stopped at the middle of my thought.

I was glad to finally apologize to Kristina last week. Not being able to speak to her whenever she is around is a bit awkward especially she's now my best friend's girlfriend. I stared at my coffee for a few seconds and released a sigh as I start my daily routine.

I went to the bathroom to shower then after that I laid down on my bed what I was going to wear, I chose to wear a white long sleeve shirt and a pair of black slacks. I tucked my shirt in and wore my navy blue tie. I put on my black socks and my black Oxfords plus my trusty old hanky. Before I could even leave my apartment, my phone rang.


"Hey buddy! I have an exciting news for you!! Your aunt wants you to come to The Riff this evening! We have a new segment and she wants to know your opinion about it. This time, it's not about just dancing. We have discovered that some of our dancers can also sing so we decided to perform a song from a musical film. We have been practicing it for about a week now. You are the expert on this so help us out, AJ. Please??" said Jessie with an excited tone on her voice.

"Jess, I can't promise that I can stop by this evening 'cause I'm having dinner with our potential sponsors for our production." Hmmm... this is why I didn't see Jessie that much at the café, I thought to myself.

"Dude, this is important. PLEASE??" pleaded Jessie.

"Jess... I-"

I was about to turn her down but before I could even finish, Jessie butted in. "A... J... Kingsley. Your aunt figured out that you would have excuses on not going so she wants me to tell you this in case that you don't want to show up. She wants you to know that if she doesn't see your face this evening at The Riff, she is going to tell everybody your real name. The name that your father and mother had given you and not this nickname you always use plus, she is going to bring your childhood photos and show them to everybody."

"What?!! Is this some sort of a joke, Jessie?" I asked with a bit of disgust.

"Buddy, you know that whenever she threatens someone she always do it. Right? You don't want to upset her 'cause she'll definitely go crazy."

"Oh bollocks!! Fine, I'll stop by The Riff later. You happy?"

"More than ever! I'll see you later, dude! I promise you won't regret this!" Jessie hanged up.

Ugghhh... I can't believe Carol would do that to me. She knows I'm knackered and I have a lot of things going on. Why would they need me anyway? It's not like I own that place! I am really upset right now. I went to my kitchen and opened the refrigerator to get me some water. After that, I headed outside to where my car is parked. I opened the car door and got in.

"AJ, it's morning. Why do you look tired?" Asked Alastair.

"Our aunt is driving me crazy. She's been calling and texting me all morning about this new segment that she and Jessie made. It's ridiculous really." I said in my most frustrated voice.

"What about this new segment?" asked Alastair while drinking his cup of coffee.

"I have no idea. They both want me to come later tonight or else... Ugh!"

"Or else what?"

"Nothing. Anyway, I need the schedule for the call backs for the female lead and also..."

The hours passed by so quickly. I met with the orchestra and Mr. Andrew Lloyd Webber himself. He was sure pleased with everything that has been done so far. He sure was very articulate with the production.


"Dude, I'll be expecting you tonight."

"AJ, you better show up or else. I love you, pumpkin!"

Annoying as f*ck!

Later that evening.

This freakin' new segment should better be worth my time. I can't believe once again I am dragged into this sick entertainment. Damn it!

I parked my car in front of the café and headed upstairs. Loud music and sweaty faces greeted me as I walked in. The first thing I noticed is that the stage is fully covered by a red curtain.

"Hmm... that's new."

I saw Jessie sitting at the second table on the middle of the room.

"Hey, Jess." As I patted her back.

"DUUDE!!!!! You came!!!!" she greeted me ecstatically.

She stood up and hugged me. She pulled up a chair for me and invited me to sit down. She signaled to one of the waitress to get us 2 bottles of beer.

"This night will be legendary, AJ! I swear this will blow your mind! I also have a surprise for you after the show so stick around, okay?"

She seems so happy and excited. It kinda makes me look forward as to what this night is all about.

I just raised my brow and gave her a nod.

"So Jess, what musical did you get this show from?" I asked her while drinking from my bottle of beer.

Before Jessie could answer me, I heard Carol announcing to the audience that the show is about to start and that they should sit tight and enjoy the show.

I glanced at Jessie and she said, "Brace yourself AJ Kingsley. I give you my masterpiece!" and pointed her hand at the stage.

The lights dimmed and I can hear the curtain being pulled aside. I narrowed my eye sight to see clearly. Three spotlights went on and suddenly three girls appeared on the stage sitting on a chair with their backs facing the audience.

The music started and the girls started singing.

"It's a cold and crazy world that's raging outside Well baby, me and all my girls are bringing on the fire"

"This song sounds so familiar," I thought to myself.

The three girls are still sitting but this time, they are snapping their fingers.

"Show a little leg, got to shimmy your chest It's a life, it's a style, it's a need..."

I was taken aback when the girls started dancing seductively on their seat.

"Wait, I have watched this before. This is the musical about a cocktail waitress that works in lounge. Let me think about who played the lead character" I told Jessie and I thought harder to remember who played the lead female role.

After a second, I finally figured it out.

"It was played by Christina Aguile-"


My jaw dropped upon looking at the stage. I almost spitted my drink on my slacks and coughed a little.

Dressed in a black lingerie and fish net stockings with a small hat on her head was Kristina. She is the girl singing in the middle. She keeps swaying and dancing sexily while she sings. She is an awesome dancer I must say. Due to the spotlight on her, her curves and her flawless skin are highlighted. I must admit, she has a great body. I've never expected that her body was like this. It was like sculpted to perfection. She is really beautiful.

My eyes wondered and saw all the customers shouting and screaming at them. You can see that they are very pleased on what they are seeing. I suddenly felt sick. Being exposed like that to a pile of screaming audience and the only thing that is on their minds is to touch you.

I quickly gave a distraught and puzzled look at Jessie.

She looked at me and said, "Dude!!! Isn't Kristina hot?"

I bolted at what Jess said. "Jessie Andrews, you allowed your girlfriend to dance like that in front of these people? How the hell Carol approved this?" I raised my voice so that she knows I am being serious.

"AJ, chill! Kristina agreed on this as well and it was okay with her! Look at her! She is born a performer! Her voice is awesome and can you not see how good she is at dancing? I promised Carol that this performance will bring her lots of customer and they will keep coming back if we make this a regular show every week. Just relax dude and just enjoy it, will you?"

I scrunched my eyebrows and crossed my arms, "I don't feel comfortable with this kind of performance." I irritably said.

I continued watching. She is smiling and I can see that she is happy with what she is doing.

She's just like Sam...

I looked down and I shrugged the thought of her. I need to stop thinking about her. I shifted my glance to the stage. The people around me are clapping as Kristina and the other dancers bowed their heads. Jessie is also applauding at her girlfriend's performance. She and the other dancers went to the back stage and I was just glad that it was over. Jessie disappeared as everyone started calming down.

I went to the bar to get another drink. Someone tapped my shoulders and I hurriedly turned my head to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Jessie. She is carrying a pile of folded white towels.

"Hey, AJ. This is my surprise for you!" she said as she winked at me.

"Towels? That is your big surprise?" I sarcastically asked.

"No, silly! I want you to bring these towels backstage. There is one dancer there who has a big crush on you and she wants to meet you! She is the girl on Kristina's right side! Wouldn't it be great if you could do a nice thing for her? Perhaps giving her a fresh clean towel so she can wipe herself in front of you almost naked?" Jessie is raising her brows with her naughty idea in mind.

"Jessie, NO! I won't do that! That is really rude! Absolutely not!" I protested.

"AJ, it wouldn't be rude 'cause she is into you! Come on, just do it!!" then Jessie quickly handed me the towels and pushed me to where the door for the backstage is. "Just get in there and hand the towels to everybody!!" she pushed me so hard I tripped. I will kill her for this.

When I got up, I scouted the dimmed hallway of the backstage to look for her but Jessie suddenly disappeared

"That insolent... bloke!"

I opened the door through the dressing room and BAAM!

There it is.

It wasn't the girl that Jessie set me up with... It was her naked girlfriend who was about to put on her clothes.


Just wow... The boobs. The body.

AJ quick... you look stupid. Do something!!!! Act normal!!!

"Amm... H-here. Dis-distribute these to your colleagues." I said in my most normal voice while handing her the pile of towels.

"Close the door, please." Said Kristina looking so shocked.

"R-right. I'll head off then...."

I gently closed the door and punched the wall on my right. I am screaming inside. Damn it, Jess! I f*cking hate you! That was so awkward... I will cringe again and again.

There is no freakin' way that I just saw Kristina naked. Am I supposed to be happy? F*ck no!!

"Are you alright?"

I got startled and slipped on the floor.

"Oh, gosh I'm so sorry. Here let me help you up."

"Amm... N-no need." I said as I get up. "Who are you?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.

"I'm Claire." Said Claire reaching for a hand shake.

Suddenly, the door of the dressing room opened and Kristina came out.

Oh God! I'm cringing again. I looked away and started to scratch my head.

"Hey, Claire. Here's your towel." Said Kristina.

I know she's looking at me... I know she is. I turned my head to see if she was staring and I was right. I quickly looked away again and said, "I need a drink. See you girls later."

"Hey, wait." Said Claire.

I turned around and said, "Nice meeting you, Claire."

I went back to our table and sat down as I covered my face and shouted.

"Dude, what's wrong? Did you met Claire?" asked Jessie.

I looked up and said, "I hate you, Jess."

"What? Wh-why?" asked Jessie surprisingly.

"Shh... No questions ask. Just let me hate you, okay?"

I can't tell my bestfriend that I just saw her girlfriend... Ugh! I can't even...

"Hi, babe."

"Oh my God! You did great, babe!" said Jessie standing up and giving Kristina a hug. "Wasn't she great, dude? Her curves are so perfect for this."

Kill me now.

"Well? What do you think, AJ? We should make this as a regular show. Much like your work." Added Jessie.

"I... I amm... I have to get a drink. I'll be at the bar." I stood up and left Jessie and Kristina at the table.

I looked back and saw Kristina's friends from the café giving their congratulations. They all look so impressed. She looks comfortable... how can she act so normal in front of them while I'm here trying to give my best poker face ever as if nothing happened? Maybe I'm just the one who's making a big deal out of this. Maybe she doesn't mind.

Well then, I guess it's fine

It's fine...

Later on, I looked at my watch and saw that it's pass 10 o'clock. I better get home. I drank my last shot of tequila then suddenly...

"Dude, I have a favor to ask." Said Jessie.

What now... I'm not in the mood for favors.

"We were just about to head out but my mom called and she said she wanted to meet me. It's really urgent and I need you to take Kristina home."


"Please, AJ. I can't let her go home by herself. It's dangerous outside and you're the only one I could trust to do this for me. Besides you have a car."

I glanced at Kristina as I was about to give Jessie my answer, "Okay."

"Thanks buddy!" said Jessie with a sigh of relief. "Babe, I promise next time I go meet my mom... you're gonna be with me. I love you." Then Jessie gave Kristina a kiss.

Jessie left immediately after that. Kristina on the other hand sat on a bar stool beside me and then there was silence.

What do I say? Should I tell her that she did a great job as well? How do I act cool? Darn it! She looks uncomfortable.

"Amm... Krist-"

"AJ, please don't tell anyone about what happened earlier... especially Jessie. Gosh, this is so awkward. I don't how you can stay cool about this. After you closed the door... I wanted to scream."

"Sure." She actually thought I was the calm one. That's so funny. I thought I looked like an idiot in front of her. "I mean, we both have lady parts. So... I really don't mind." LIAR!!!!!! YOU PANICKED!!!!! YOU STARED AT HER HOOHAA!

"Yeah... you have a point."

I smiled at her and said, "Let's get you home."

We got in my car and I started the engine. I reached for her seat belt and locked it in place.

"Let's go." I said.

"Wait." Said Kristina tugging the sleeves of my polo.

I looked at her, "What is it?"

"Jessie left so quickly and we were supposed to have our late dinner. So... can we eat first? I'll buy and don't you dare reach in for your wallet to pay."

I smirked and said, "Not a chance."

We drove off to a fast food restaurant and ordered burgers and fries to go. Kristina said she was craving for it. We also drove passed a food cart and ordered more food then later on we decided to eat our packed meal on the park. We sat on our usual bench as we dig in with our wonderful feast.

"You better watch what you eat." I said while chewing a mouthful of fries.

"Nah. I don't have any problems on that area. Because no matter how much I eat, I don't gain weight. I think I have a fast metabolism or something."

"Good for you." I said as I chuckle. "So... anyway... why did approved of dancing at Burlesque night? I mean, people are looking at your body and I think some of them wants to touch you." I suddenly asked.

"Well... I don't know. Suddenly Jessie dragged me into it. But I liked it. Jessie said she likes showing me off... telling them how 'hot' I am, you know her..."

"Yeah but why would you be okay with it? 'Cause when Sam was starting out with dancing and singing... I didn't really approved of it. I am more of a conservative type of person... so I want my girlfriend's body to be only exposed with me. Not with everyone else. Just me."

Kristina looked away and said, "Oh. I see. Well, Jessie's different. She's proud of my body and if she's okay with it then I'm okay with it as well."

I looked down and frowned, "Jessie's not always right you know." I then smiled bitterly and took out something from my pocket. "Here."

Kristina turned her head and saw my white handkerchief on my hand and said, "Hey, where did you get that? I have been looking for that in weeks now. I thought I've lost it." She said with her eyes shimmering.

"I found it on the floor of the studio. I thought you might want it back."

"Gracias. Muchas gracias." Kristina moved forward and gave me a hug. I suddenly have the urge to hug her back as well and so I did.

These are those moments that makes up for your day. One cannot simply be alone and won't have someone to share everything with. I don't want this to ever end. For at least a moment I have you here in my arms. I want you here by my side. I want to kiss you. But I can't, can I? This is enough for me.

You're enough for me.


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