My Emir ✅

By bookcounter

22.3K 2K 312

Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... More

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 12- Wedding party
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 19- Boundaries
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 23 - Selfish
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 26- Calm before the storm
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 42- Couture
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 18- Arcane

432 43 1
By bookcounter


     This particular chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful readers out there. 🥰❤️




All this wouldn't have been possible without the cute little words of motivation you guys slip through my dm.
   And the comments too, though they seem a bit nonexistent these days. I miss them__  honestly. Keep them flowing.

     To all the aspiring writers out there;  I know it's difficult, especially those in school. Balancing school assignments and working hard to meet your expectations is quite a heavy cross to carry. However, you chose this path. Have you ever had an experience where you decide to quit writing but several ideas keep bugging you??
That's the spirit. Keep going 😊. It is difficult, not impossible. If you do not, the ideas will keep on eating your brains.

   Una don turn me into a motivational speaker😂

    I present to you, your long-awaited chapter update...

           She looked so peaceful and innocent as she slept as if she was not the same person who had scolded him a few hours ago, for reaching home late. It reminded him of their first meeting at his brother's law firm.
    After his visit to the cemetery, he had come home to meet her pacing through the huge hall, worriedly. It was the same with him when she got abducted from their wedding venue. As odd as it sounded, it was quite elating to know that his absence from home, at such an hour makes her worry.It was an exceptional sentiment.

   It is normal to feel as such, right?

  He was able to get away with his tardiness, after receiving an earful from her, ranting about how apprehensive she had been. She calmed down a bit when he told her that his car broke down out of nowhere and it took quite a lot of time to get it repaired.

   It wasn't a plausible fallacy but she had let it slide. Truth be told, he missed those nostalgic days when his mother used to scold him and Eskander for reaching home late from school.

    Mariya had told him that she was uneasy because she thought something had happened to him, hence, the reason he seemed to be nowhere near home.
He had convinced her that nothing else happened on his way home. Regardless, her intuitions were authentic.


      A few hours ago,

     The metal gates of the cemetery screeched loudly as Zayn pushed them open. He took a last glance at the graveyard behind him, keeping in mind that, a time will come when he would end up at such a place__ six feet under the ground. Just like the others.
Shaking all those thoughts away, he walked towards his car, which was parked only a few yards away. He walked to the vehicle and was about to open it when he heard a voice behind him, making him halt abruptly.
   He loosened his grip on the door's handle.

    " Hands up!" the gruff manly voice yelled at him. " Raise your hands! And don't try to act smart."
  That was to render Zayn harmless, just in case he's got some tricks up his sleeves.

  ' Was that a threat?'

     Judging from how loud the voice was, he could assume that there was barely a reasonable distance between the two of them.
Must have been the one who was playing pranks on him back inside the cemetery.
Whoever it was must be a coward, for attacking him from behind.

   " Ji min tsiya." Zayn fought the urge to scoff. Come to think of it, some people haul around, an irritable amount of fortitude.
" So what if I pull out a weapon?" he challenged, even though he was completely unarmed.
   He hasn't even turned to see whoever it was. All he knew was that the man must be an idiot to even think of attacking him.

    He turned to whoever it was, masking his features with an extremely stoic expression. The type that is ever dedicated to people who decide to mess with him.

   The man's eyes traveled from Zayn's hands that were purposely tucked into his pockets, instead of being raised in the air, as per the man's orders, to Zayn's ever-stoic expression.

    Nevertheless, his lips stretched into a creepy smile. He has hit a jackpot! It was the prince himself.

Zayn was quite puzzled, trying to figure out the reason behind the man's smile because it meant him no good.
It was all good until he saw the man cock his gun with the smile still etched on his face, ready to shoot at any given time.

    'Yaa Allah! What is this with people pointing guns at me lately.'

   What was his drive?

   " Bring out all the money!" The man ordered." I know you have it."

   ' Which money?'

" You don't want my gun to do the talking, do you." The man threatened when he grew frustrated by Zayn's unfazed demeanor.

     That was when it dawned on him__ it's a robber. An armed one.

     He didn't leave the place without staining the man's clothes with his blood. He should have known better.
Zayn deemed what he had done t be right, otherwise, he would have been in the robber's place__ drenched in blood in the middle of a road, right in front of a cemetery.


       Silence! Sultan's hall was engulfed in utmost silence as all eyes were fixated on the only doctor in the room.
He was engrossed in a file held in his hand. A file that seemed to hold a bit of confidential information that can disrupt the smooth the family.

    A tragedy.

    The doctor sighed deeply before bringing up a hand to adjust the thin-rimmed glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.
   He didn't even know how to disclose the unpleasant news to Sultan.
He could feel three pairs of eyes, intently gazing at him, eager to hear what he had to say.

    Albeit, judging from the frown that masked the doctor's features, they could tell that what the file contained was far from good. But they still had hope__ a flickering lamp of hope.

    On one hand was a wife and a mother, keen to know the condition of their beloved. And there was him, a dear friend, who had taken up the responsibility of breaking the distasteful news. He intended to try his best to euphemize the situation. Unfortunately, that's not going to do them any good.

   " Sultan," he called out after clear in his throat. " Your health hasn't gotten any better. It keeps getting worse."
He muttered with a heavy heart. There seemed to be no way out of their current predicament.

   The two women sighed, almost simultaneously.

  " Allah ya kawo lafiya."  The older woman supplicated, striving to keep her optimistic hopes up.

" Ameen." Sultan and his wife countered in unison.

    This particular session and more prior to it were held without the rest of the family's knowledge. The doctor had proposed time without number, that the issue be publicized to the family but Sultan suggested otherwise.

   Reckon, that's not the first time the meeting was being held, except that, this time there was another individual, seeing and hearing everything.

   " Sultan, don't you think it is high time you let the princes know about your ailment?"  The doctor dared to ask even though he knew his suggestion would be brushed away, just like always. It wouldn't hurt to keep trying but it would hurt a particular group of people if they were to find out from somewhere else, other than their father.
" They should know.  Who knows?...simple cardiac arrest could kill you." He emphasized, hoping Sultan would change his mind." Your heart failure has gotten a toll on your already poor health and I'm afraid... you don't have much time to live." 

    As bitter as it sounded, the doctor had to say it and it worked because he could see Sultan's stoic resolve, slowly crack.

    " I'll consider it."

  "Consider? Did you just say 'consider'?"  Emraan fought the strong urge to scoff in his father's face. He shook his head in disbelief.

    All heads pivoted towards the entrance of the hall, where Emraan was standing, with his arms crossed in front of his torso. He took long strides into the hall and stopped right where the meeting was being held.

   " You didn't deem it necessary to tell us?" He inquired, raising his voice slightly. " We are your children, for God's sake!"
    Emraan stared at his father with an emotion__ or more accurately, many emotions that he couldn't comprehend.
    Anger? Sorrow? Fear?
  He didn't know which exact one to feel at the given moment. It all arrived with an impulsive rush. He was angry that his father never thought of telling him about his condition when he could die if any little thing goes wrong. Furthermore, dreaded the death of his father.

     Every soul is bound to taste death. That's a fact __ but it is best the time remains obscure.

    Questions. Too many questions were running through his head and he answers them__ desperately.
  For how long have they been hiding it? Was there any remedy to cure the disease that is slowly killing his father? Could this be the reason Zayn had to get married in a haste? To secure the throne.

   He brought up a hand to massage his temples, where a headache was building up.

   " Calm down, Emraan." His mother urged, standing up on her feet.

  What in the name of optimism was that?!

   His mother was on the verge of tears but she knew she had to control her emotions, at least to keep her son's sanity in check.

    "Uncle Khalid, is there anything that can be done to cure it?" He turned to the doctor desperately. " Heart transplant? Anything?"

   " No." He shook his head in disappointment." His diabetes and age have got him at a disadvantage. The case is a complicated one. It will be risky to take such a step. So for now, we're treating him orally." Khalid explained, much to Emraan's dismay. He couldn't comprehend how things took a sharp turn. All he knew about his father's health, was that his father was diabetic. Nothing else.

    He took a seat beside his father and Sultan didn't fail to notice the film of tears in his eyes.

   " Emraan, everything is going to be alright." Sultan who had been quiet since Emraan walked in affirmed, patting his son's back gently. He has always maintained a healthy relationship with his children. They were dear to his heart.

  Emraan turned to his father,  only to see a smile on his face. He wondered where all that optimism came from. Apparently, the father was the one in dire need of affirmation and not the son.

    Nevertheless, Emraan accepted the words of affirmation with a nod, as he needed it too.

   " No one else should know about this, Emraan. Not even Zayn." This time, it was Nana who spoke. The issue had to be kept a secret, for as long as possible. She was well aware that people had their hawk eyes on the throne.

   " You have my word." Saying that Emraan got up on his feet and stormed out of the hall. It will be difficult for him to accept such a predicament.

   It won't be easy.


    Zayn leaned back into the swivel chair he was seated in, and heaved a tired sigh. His gaze was set beyond the floor to ceiling windows of his office cabin. He cracked his knuckles repeatedly until he was certain that he had cracked every single joint. He had a lot of work ahead of him. The whole day was meeting after meeting.
   His gaze fell on the huge mahogany desk in front of him. There were a lot of files that needed his attention.
    He checked the watch that adorned his left wrist and a frown immediately marred his forehead. The time was running fast and he still had a lot to do. It was almost 3 pm and all he had eaten was nothing but the breakfast that Mariya had made for him earlier in the day.

    Being the aspiring Chief Executive Officer the company was harder than he had anticipated. Albeit, it was his responsibility. According to the traditions if the royal family, whoever ascends the throne becomes the head of the family's numerous industries.

  " Salamalaikum.",came a faint voice from outside his office,which he recognized immediately. It was preceded by a couple of knocks on the door.

   " Walaikum Salam. Come in." He responded, sitting up straight.

    The door opened slowly and Mariya filed into the office, with a radiant smile on her face. Her hands were occupied by two polythene bags that had the Maina's Restaurant's logo plastered on them.

   Usually, it was difficult to attain a last-minute reservation at the five-star restaurant, but she was able to get away with two packs of lunch, all thanks to the cordial relationship between her and her friend, Saratu Maina.

  Zayn sighed in relief. He never realized how famished he was until Mariya walked in with the packs of food.

   " I brought us food!" She announced excitedly, holding up the bags." ... and your favorite tsobo. I told Saratu how much you like it."
" Thank you." He chuckled.

    Mariya dropped the bags on one of the two couches in the office and sat on the swivel chair that was situated in front of his desk. The two seemed to have grown a bit comfortable around each other.
  Well, that's for their own good.

   " You are supposed to be at home, enjoying your grace period. What's the tea?" Zayn inquired with a questioning look, leaning forward toward her a bit. He wished he was in her place. A newly wedded bride like her is supposed to stay at home for at least a week before going back to work. That was the norm of their society. Yet, this wife of his chose to visit him. If it was him, he would have used that period to wear off his tiredness.

   " I was bored at home so I asked the driver to bring me here." She answered truthfully, not forgetting to add the driver part to emphasize her sense of security, since he had told her to take a guard along, anytime she leaves the mansion alone. Luckily, the driver was eligible to play both roles for her.

   " Let's eat before the food grows cold."

" Sure." He agreed and closed the file that was lying open on his desk and made his way towards the couch, with Mariya in tow.
Soon enough, they dug into their meals, relishing the goodness of Maina's Restaurant.

    A while after, both of them had finished eating and were casually chatting, like any other normal couple.
" Hassan." Mariya pronounced out of the blue." What are we going to do with that man?" She questioned.
The two seemed to have forgotten about their cause for a while. A lot has been happening in their lives lately.

    Zayn was aware that Hassan desired the throne of the emirate and as far as he knew him, he would do anything in his power to achieve that. It was too good to be true that he hasn't made any move towards his goal yet__ one of his dirty tricks.
    His silence regarding the matter was intriguing, it only meant that Hassan is planning something big. One that will cause trouble to the couple.
Apart from seeing to it that Hassan misses his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of becoming the Emir, his devious deeds are bound to be exposed too. That was part of the deal he had made with Mariya.
To make sure Hassan pays for what he has done, and what he's yet to do, he ought to be caught red-handed.

    Already, Zayn has Eskander tracking most of his dealings, yet the man seemed to come out clean and that wasn't the Hassan he was acquainted with.

   The man doesn't give up easily.

   " For now, we'll just lay low until he makes a heinous move. Trust me, he'll fall victim to hamartia. You'll get the justice you deserve. I'll see to it." Zayn explained briefly, the wheels in his head, spinning just like the pen he was twirling between his fingers.

   He's the one to be affected the most if Hassan was to pull any nasty tricks since he's Hassan's primary target.
Heck! He's been Hassan's object of resentment since their teenage years.

     The phase of their lives, when reality dawned on them. When Zayn and Emraan became the most cherished princes in the royal family. He was left out because his father was an outcast, only because his father was born outside the legal institution of marriage.
  It wasn't Hamza Malik's fault until he began to live up to the title of an outcast as the people had perceived him to be.

    The people wouldn't accept him as their emir after the death of Sultan Ahmad, so Zayn's father being the next in line to the throne and the son of a lawfully wedded wife of the emir, had to succeed his father.
According to the people, Hamza Malik's bloodline should never ascend to the throne.

    Shege bai zama sarki.
It was a saying by the people of Kano, generated from the decades-old scandal.

   Unfortunately, this event raised a beast of a human__ Hassan. Someone who would anything in his power to break that stigma. He would let terror reign if it happens otherwise.
He won't spare anyone who tries to abort his crusade ___ as he likes to refer it to.

    Mariya didn't question Zayn's earlier suggestion as it seemed to be the best thing to thrive on. It's not like the man would wake up one day and simply confess to the police or give up on his cause.

    The path that the couple decided to tread on wasn't easy. Even if it seems to be a bed of roses, judging from how smooth things are at the moment, there are bound to be nasty thorns beneath those roses that would create nasty and unforgettable scars.

   Slowly, the roses will wilt, get carried away by the callous wind, and leave behind, thorns.


   " Babe!" Nazeera called out to Emraan who was absentmindedly staring into vacuum, while his MacBook rested on his lap as he sat on the king-sized bed in his room. He didn't seem to have heard her at all.
" Emraan!" She snapped her fingers at him, making him quickly pivot his head towards her towering figure.

   " Yes, Nazi." He responded after she had snapped him out of his trance. His father's condition has taken a huge toll on him.

   " What's wrong? You've not been yourself lately." She questioned as a frown morphed her face. She settled down on their bed, right beside him.
" Is there any problem at the firm?"
She further asked.

   Emraan only gazed at her with a sad smile. Only if she knew what was bothering him.

   " Nothing." He simply lied.

   Nazeera only gave him a look which meant that she didn't believe him.
Getting rid of the laptop between them. She engulfed him in a big hug.
In return, he wrapped his arms around her tightly, not willing to let go. He wanted to tell her about his father's condition but he didn't want her to end up in the same state as him.
For now, he was content with the hug they shared.
   The was heartwarming and he wasn't ready to let go. He got want he desperately needed without even asking for it.

    Nazeera's frown deepened, after noticing how desperately Emraan had reciprocated her little gesture and it got her worried, thinking that something was amiss with him. He didn't seem ready to share what was bothering him with her, so all she could do was exercise patience. For the time being, she whispered to him, sweet and heart-warming words so he could be at ease.
   She doesn't like to see her husband heartbroken.

     Things got worse that night when she felt the nape of her neck, where Emraan had buried his face, started to feel wet.

     Call him weak. Who cares when he has got a terrible revelation eating up his head?


  That one terrible day Emraan turned into a week and it grew into weeks and weeks became months__ two, to be precise.

    It felt like only yesterday when Mariya and Zayn had got married and it's been two months already.

   Zayn was the best husband Mariya could ever ask for. He even agreed to her request to wait for a while before they consummate the marriage. Except that, he has this habit of coming home late from work on most days of the week and it bothered her so much. At times, she stays up late waiting for him, only to give in to sleep after a couple of hours.

    His only answer to the numerous questions she posed to him was," I had some work to do." Nothing else.
  And it bothered Mariya so much.

   Tonight was no different. She didn't bother to call Eskander or Emraan to ask them about Zayn's whereabouts since they were the people he hung out with the most.

   None of these gave her the answers she itched to hear.

   ' Could he be seeing another woman?'
She thought but quickly shrugged it away. It's too early in their marriage life, to start getting such thoughts.

    Just like every other night, she strolled through the empty hallways of the mansion with Cairo slowly cat walking in front of her.
    She held a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, and the other tugged her comfy boubou__   every typical African woman's favorite.

     Cairo quickly branched into a room along the hallway, whose door was slightly left ajar. She was about to enter the room to get the kitten out when she remembered. It was the very room that Zayn had vehemently prohibited her from entering. That was the day he had shown her around the house. She didn't know the reason and she didn't ask, though she got a bit curious after he had cautioned her.

   She would have simply passed by, but the kitten that kept her company was inside the room, and she needed to get it out. It wouldn't hurt anyone if she entered the room, will it? After all, it's only a room just like the others.

    Taking calculated strides, she entered the dark room and then traced her hands against the walls of the room, in search of a switch __ any switch that would light up the room.

     She blinked a couple of times, to get her eyes accustomed to the room after she had found the switch and turned it on.
   Her eyes scanned through the brightly lit room. It was a just room, just like the others. However, this particular room was stuffed with a lot of things. It served as a storeroom. Right in the middle of the room Kashmir carpet. On it, was a rocking chair that was stiffened in its spot. She would have teleported out of the room if the chair was to be rocking to and fro.

     Finally, her gaze fell on Cairo, who was seated in a moderate-sized metal trunk.
  'Captain Zayn .A. Malik', was inscribed boldly on the side of the trunk.

   ' Captain?'  Mariya mused. He was in the army too?

    No wonder he's all about discipline.

    She picked up a picture of a woman, engraved in a wooden frame. In the picture, the woman clad in a baby blue abaya, was smiling widely at whoever took the picture at that time. She was absolutely adorable.

    The longer she lived with him, the more she realized that the man's past held an arcane event, which should be left in the dark__ its painful abode.

   The woman in the picture was a vital figment of that theory of hers.

   Who could she be?

    She turned over to the back of the frame and the words scribbled there were quite alarming. It was written in black ink.
   Could this be the reason why Zayn had asked her to keep out of the area?

    " With love, Zayn." She read out loud.

   " What on earth are you doing here?" Came Zayn's gruff voice, which shook Mariya to the core, that she unconsciously dropped the frame to the floor.

   Why today of all days?

   The gruffness in Zayn's voice didn't help the situation at all.
   Curiosity killed the cat!

   She gasped in surprise, looking at the picture frame and the shattered pieces of glass that were callously scattered around it.

   She slowly turned to look at Zayn, only to meet with his icy glare, that was threatening to bore hikes into her whole being.

    He's never looked at her in that manner before. He looked so angry. Something looked so familiar about his darkened gaze__ the type he glares at Hassan with.

   " Allah. What have I done ?" She muttered.

      Hi guyssss

   Another update!! 🥂

     Okayyy, Emraan's emotional scene got me. What's your opinion on that??

    Mariya 😂 she turned into Cairo the cat and now ta shiga uku😂.

    Sultan !! someone save that kind soul from me😂 I'm not good.

Please ignore the typos

    Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

     Tag anyone in the comments section so they can also enjoy the book.

      Till then ,see ya❤️

   Do I even see you ??😂
  Okay, read me? Read you??
  Whatever.... Byeeee.

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