Albert vs. Milverton

By eleanor_moriarty

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This story focuses on Albert James Moriarty when his love, Eleanor (Ella), was kidnapped by Charles Augustus... More

Part 1 - The Dream
Part 2 - The Kid
Part 3 - The Kidnap
Part 4 - The Warning (I)
Part 5 - The Warning (II)
Part 6 - The Moriarty Plan
Part 7 - Falco & his mom
Part 8 - Ella's Attempt
Part 9 - The Beginning of the War
Part 10 - Infiltration
Part 11 - The Boss
Part 12 - Resolve
Part 13 - The Hospital
Part 15 - Healing (I)
Part 16 - Healing (II)
Part 17 - Albert's Contemplation
Part 18 - End
BONUS: The Original Draft of Albert vs. Milverton
BONUS: Plan B of the Climax in Albert vs. Milverton

Part 14 - Peace

101 2 0
By eleanor_moriarty

The day after the showdown between Milverton and the Moriarty gang, Falco and his mother were relieved to hear that no one can blackmail them and they are now free to live on their lives...

"Thank you, Mr. Moriarty!", Falco said but as he scanned the room...he couldn't find the girl who helped him before. "Mr. Moriarty?", Falco asked but William interrupted him.

"Please, call me William."

"Hai...William. I want to is she? And that man with the green eyes?", Falco's hoping to meet Ella, so he can apologize and explain his reason for doing so.

"She's at Brighton's hospital. She needed immediate medical attention.", William informed him with a gentle tone.

Falco was surprised to hear that. "Will...she be alright?"

"I hope so...but honestly I'm afraid I also cannot tell how long she'll stay there.", William explained. 

Falco felt devastated and guilty that he was responsible for Ella's state.

"Falco", William called him. The little boy looked up to those scarlet eyes as William kneeled 1 leg down and placed a hand on Falco's shoulder. "It's really not your fault. You were blackmailed - forced to act against your will at such a young age when all you wanted was to protect your mother. I know you regretted what you've done, but you cannot erase the past anymore; instead, learn from them and look toward the future. How about this: come with us to visit her in the hospital tomorrow?"

"Hai...William. Thank you...very much."


The next day, William, Louis, and Falco arrived to Brighton's hospital. Falco was holding a few flowers in his hand that he had picked before, hoping that Ella would like them. After passing along the hallways, they came to a room with a white door.

He first saw Albert leaning towards the hospital bed with his arms crossed, looking at the girl lying down. And when his eyes drifted towards that girl, he was surprised that's Ella - with all the bruises, tubes, and bandages attached to her body like a vegetable on a science experiment! Falco felt appalled and he knew that William's right: there was nothing else he could do to make her situation better.

"Nii-san!", William called Albert.


"I brought Falco along with us. He hoped to meet Ella and express his sentiments."

"Hai! I...uh...brought these for her.", Falco handed the flowers towards Albert.

"Thank you, Falco, I believe she would love these once she wakes up.", Albert accepted the flowers and placed them on the desk next to the bed.

"How is she now? Will she be able to wake up?", Falco asked with concern.

"...I hope so. She has a 50% chance of surviving this..."

"Oh...there's also something I would like to say...", Falco took a pause, " mother and I are eternally grateful for saving us and for giving us hope. Is there any way where we can repay you?"

"You don't need to repay us in return, Falco", Louis said.

"Louis is right. In fact, I encourage you to continue living on for Ella's sake because someday you will witness an ideal world where social classes will be removed and the sadness and hate wouldn't thrive anymore longer in the society - and she would want that for you too."

"Haaaa...Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu!", Falco said while he bowed down.

"Falco, have you already eaten?", Albert asked.

"I'm afraid not yet."

"Then let's get you something to eat, shall we?"

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