How it really begun | Natasha...

Por SophiaFalcon23

50.8K 1.3K 130

Raven, 24 years old, ex well train military and spy living in Washington DC, ex assassin, taking care of her... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 | Truth discovered
Chapter 11 | The chase
Chapter 12 | cooperation
Chapter 13 | Probation
Chapter 14 | Help ?!
Chapter 15 | Meeting and Greeting
Chapter 16 | Gods and Problems
Chapter 17 | That hurt
Chapter 18 | save your breath
Chapter 19 | What do you think you're doing ?
Chapter 20 | First battle together
Chapter 21 | Afterwards
Chapter 22 | Back in the house
Chapter 23 | Faces from the past return
Chapter 24 | Sierra Oscar Sierra
Chapter 25 | Adjustments
Chapter 26 | S.T.R.I.K.E and S.T.R.I.K.E team alpha
Chapter 27 | Foxtrot is down.
Chapter 28 | Open wounds
Chapter 30 | Run. Decipher. Hide... Kiss ?
Chapter 31 | Way down we go
Chapter 32 | Breaking News
Chapter 33 | Buried and ringing
Chapter 34 | Bath and loving touches
Chapter 35 | plan
Chapter 36 | Oh shit ! What the...?

Chapter 29 | Tension

688 18 9
Por SophiaFalcon23

They spent the journey back to the hospital talking about what happened back at SHIELD, the super soldier being his natural safe, apologized for dragging the brunette in his mess. Luckily Raven was quick to reassure him, explaining how being on the run is nothing new and Pierce wanted to talk to her as well. Who knows, it could have been worse than for him. Steve was very surprised when she told him how the Secretary was against her recruitment into the agency, but then again he remembered after New York, Pierce wanted Raven to be incarcerated. The ex mercenary tried to get Steve to tell her what he left at the hospital but for once, he didn't budge and left her without anything, resulting in a pouting Raven.

The ex soldier is following Steve in the hallways of the hospital, keeping her head down, the hood from her sweater covering her face, same as Steve. Unfortunately his broad stature doesn't help him in blending in, and his wide clothes are not exactly very discreet either, but it'll do for now. Raven can't help but sweep the hallways with her eyes, looking for any cameras and making sure to keep her head down. She almost bump into the blond man when he stops in front of a vending machine, a frown on his face. Taking a look around, the ex soldier now realize they're back in the same hallway they were in a few hours ago. She look both ways, making sure no one else is wandering around as Steve is taking a real sudden interest in a vending machine, and less in covering is face.

The ex assassin let out a long sigh, ready to ask what is taking him so long and why he's so engrossed in a vending machine, when she feels a presence behind her, the hair on the back of her neck standing up. Her ears recognized the soft almost inaudible footsteps that stopped right behind her, her characteristic sweet soft perfume invading her nostrils. For some odd reason, Raven wants to turn around and wrap her arms around that person, seeking comfort in her embrace, burying her face in her neck. But it's soon enough replaced by anger, each words she said coming back, and if her heart skipped a beat from seeing Natasha, it soon enough start to beat again, and fast because of anger.

Steve seem to finally realize someone is waiting behind them, the redhead announcing her presence by poping a bubble from the gum she's chewing on. His gaze set upon the spy, before turning around to face a smug looking Natasha. It's a smug expression but also a bored one at the same time, betraying how actually proud of herself she is. Steve quickly and angrily grab Natasha's upper arms, pushing her into a storage room behind, the redhead barely keeping up with how fast the super soldier is almost dragging her.

Raven roll her eyes all this violence displayed in a hospital, making sure nobody saw that, since they're still standing in a hallway. Luckily no one is looking too busy doing their own thing and the ex mercenary follow the other two, entering the room just in time to see Steve roughly pushing Natasha against the wall, getting a grunt from the force he used. Raven's slightly taken aback, if Natasha grunted with this it might have been more powerful than she thought it would be, proving Steve's anger. She close the door for a little bit of privacy, looking around one last time to make sure nobody saw anything, before walking towards the duo.

Steve's angry and it shows a lot. All of his muscles are tense, his hands still gripping at the redhead's arms, trapping her against the wall. He also seem very tall all of sudden, probably trying to intimidate the ex assassin. But Natasha is not someone to be intimidated easily, her whole face and body showing it, her answers ready almost like she knew what he was gonna ask, as her eyes bore into his soul and her body tense ready for anything he might do, not that Raven would let him do anything to her.

The super soldier angrily yank his hood back, before demanding with a stern tone. "Where is it ?"

"Safe." Yeah okay, what now ? Clearly they're having their own argument about something and Raven clearly feels left out, and completely clueless.

"Do better."

"Where did you get it ?" Natasha now ask, emphasizing on the 'you', clearly whatever it is she got that Steve want, is very valuable and, she's really surprised Steve is the one who had... whatever it is they're arguing about.

"Why would I tell you ?" Raven almost laugh at the ignorance Steve has about the redhead. Clearly he still doesn't know how capable of a spy and persuasive, and manipulative she can be. Slipping into anyone's mind and extracting information without them even realizing what's happening, and that's why she's the best in the game. If anyone would ask Raven, she would immediately explain that Natasha is the most talented spy that ever walked the planet. So clearly, Steve is on a losing fight.

But as amused as she is by Steve trying to intimidate the Black Widow, and even if she's still angry at her partner, she really doesn't like the way Rogers is standing so close to her, his hands tightening around her arms and harshly shaking her on his last words, as if he wants to prove he won't budge even though the three of them know that won't happen. Steve is so focused on trying to get answers, he doesn't pay attention to the ex soldier next to him, and only snap his head her way when she harshly yank him back, the blond almost losing his balance with the force she used. Raven now stand in front of Natasha, a hand in front of herself to stand her ground and making sure Steve stays back.

"Back off Rogers."

It came out more as a growl than a demand, surprising both of them. Steve more because of the fire in her eyes, the strength she all of a sudden have to push him back, and how her words actually frightened him. While Natasha is surprised she's even standing up for her, and not punching her for all the things she said to her, few hours prior.

"Fury gave it to you didn't he ?" The statement is more of an affirmation than a question, a question the super soldier decide to ignore by asking his own question, but also answering the unanswered question. But it also now answers Raven's question as what was Fury doing in their apartment.

"What's on it ?" Okay, question number two answered they're talking about the flash-drive and the information gathered on it. Thank you Rogers. Though looking into it, Raven clearly understand the question is also for her, and so decide to take Steve's attention off Natasha by answering.

"We don't know." Unfortunately it seems like Rogers doesn't believe them, as if he's now someone who knows when people are lying, big joke he doesn't. "Stop lying." Steve take a step forward, his anger level still pretty high, but Raven place her hand on his chest to prevent him from going any closer. Natasha is quick to defend herself, from Steve's accusation, clearly becoming fed up with the blond's behavior and ridiculous presumption.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers."

"I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didn't you ?" Well clearly it was pretty obvious. Raven understood that doing her mission report, recalling a few mercenary not being very clever, the way they were spread around the ship, and also with a bit of hacking... open sesame the doors of truth.

"It was kinda obvious." Steve's eyes harden on the ex mercenary, clearly he doesn't take the subject lightly and her tone didn't sit well with him. Luckily Natasha is quick to gain Steve's attention back. "Well it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in, so do you."

It seems like Rogers didn't like how smug Natasha's words sounded, and clearly forgot about the 5'2 ft tall ex soldier standing in front of him, as he quickly take closer steps, Raven getting sandwiched between two bodies all of a sudden. "I'm not gonna ask you again !" Fortunately she manage to set her foot right and push the blond away, annoyance written all over her face and his. But both of their attention is quickly back on the redhead as the next words reach them.

"I know who killed Fury."

Well, that shut him up. Of course it isn't news for Raven, she understood the Russian woman knew him due to her reaction earlier, but it still sound surreal when said out loud. Rogers eyes slightly widen, Raven could almost see the cogs turning in his head and the questions he so wanted to ask, but Natasha answered before he had to ask them.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't believe he exists. The ones that do call him the Winter soldier. He's credited with over two dozen assassinations in the last 50 years."

Clearly Rogers is having trouble understanding, and believing someone can have so many assassinations on such a long period of time. "So he's a ghost story."

"No he's not." The agents both turn their head to look at the ex racer, who's already looking at the blond, avoiding her favorite pair of green eyes. Lifting up her shirt, Raven point to one of the many scars she has on her body, this one situated below her left rib cage, displaying an old stab wound, then a second one, this time a bullet wound she clearly dug out, the skin exposing a large bump from the healing process. "I encountered him two times. Once in Russia, second time in Italy. He got me good in Russia but I was expecting him in Italy, so I just got a stab wound. Russia was hell though, I managed to hide before he could finish me but I had to dig the bullet out, it was putting too much pressure on my ribs and threatening an artery. But the most annoying thing, soviet slug, no rifling. Italy was the last I heard and seen of him."

He didn't seem too convinced so Natasha decided to bring up her own story. "Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out or Iran. Somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out. But the Winter soldier was there. I was covering my engineer so he shot him, straight through me." the redhead lift up her shirt as well, exposing a nasty bullet wound. "Soviet slug. No rifling. Bye-bye, bikinis."

"Yeah I bet you look terrible in them now." Clearly that was sarcasm, which is good news as it means Steve is relaxing a bit. But the image of Natasha in a bikini quickly went through Raven's head, her eyebrow quirking up and her head tilting in thoughts, not ashamed in the slightest and wouldn't mind the view. Natasha's voice bring her out of her daydream, her eyes moving to rest on the redhead's face. The first time she really looked at her since they got in the room.

"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried. Like you said, he's a ghost story." Natasha bring out the flash-drive containing all the information they collected on the boat, from her jacket pocket, gaining Steve's attention as his gaze is quickly drawn on the USB. Natasha use this distraction to cross gaze with Raven. The ex soldier had soften her gaze and the spy saw it, but as soon as her hazel eyes were staring into her favorite green ones, her gaze turn back to one as hard as rocks, and a quiet yet still audible sad sigh escaped the Russian spy.

Steve had now his attention back on the redhead, taking the electronic stick out of her hand, probably to reassure himself he got it now and probably thinking its safest if he keep it. "Well, let's find out what the ghost wants."

"Wow, what a pep talk. Can we go now ?" Raven started getting annoyed of waiting around, they needed to move now. SHIELD in onto them and getting back to the hospital was a risky move, even though no one will think they would go back there it's still a high risk.

The ex mercenary open the door, checking the hallway for anyone but it's still empty. Visiting hours must be later. "Come on. Let's go."

The other two agents follow the brunette through the hallways, making sure to dodge any cameras as they reach the parking lot to get into the blue truck. No words were spoken between the three, a newfound tension settling over the group. Raven of course, take the driver seat while Steve climb into the passenger seat, leaving the redhead to hang in the back. "So, where to ?"

Raven look at the super soldier while bringing the engines to life and adjusting herself in the seat, her gaze crossing Natasha's as she look into the mirror, before diverting her eyes in front of her. "We need to change clothes, with the luck we have they still caught up on us when we were in the hospital and they're after us right now, so they're gonna base themselves on our clothes as well. I got another garage not too far from here, we'll swap outfits and then get to a mall. The busier the better, I don't have my computer with me and we don't want them tracking us in my car or they'll find us like that." She answer the blond, snapping her fingers on the last word. "We get in, decipher the USB and get out."

"Sounds good enough."

Raven roll her eyes hearing Natasha's voice, something the redhead clearly see through the mirror. "What I can't agree when for once I hear a good enough plan ?"

"Я не говорю с тобой, Наташа, как только все это закончится, ты можешь забыть обо мне. Одна вещь, которую я ненавижу, это когда люди бьют меня в спину." (I'm not talking to you Natasha, once this is all over you can forget about me. One thing I hate is when people stab me in the back.)

"Это не то, что произошло." (That's not what happened.)

"Действительно? Потому что это было похоже на это. Ты использовал мое прошлое против меня. Я доверил вам это." (Really ? Because it felt like it. You used my past against me. I trusted you with it.) Raven's words hang in the now tense air, Steve didn't understand a word but seeing how his friend was reacting, he can only deduce that something wrong happened.

Natasha has no word. She want to say sorry, and she wish she did it sooner. Raven scoff in anger, she thought and hoped Natasha would use this opportunity to apologize but apparently, she meant every words.

"Что бы ни." (Whatever.)

Raven's face goes back on the road, her head lost in every memories and laugh she shared with the redhead, missing the heavy look in Natasha's eyes as she look out of the tinted window, her mind trying to find a way to get the French's trust back. Poor Steve is sitting awkwardly on the side, clearly feeling like intruding in a personal conversation as he look out the window taking in the surroundings, but not missing the way the conversation ended. Completely on a bad note.

The Russian spy think for a long time, stealing a few glances at the brunette she grew a lot of conflicted feelings for. There's no other way to put it than the fact that she's scared. She never felt like that for anyone and she's scared to open up, scared of being weak when she's always been taught love is for children. But the words of a wise person she once knew resurface in her clear memories, the voice still as soft as she remember, 'Never let them take your heart.' And she did, she kept her heart and her mind strong. Never showed more feelings than necessary, built up walls so strong nobody could ever touch her, get to her. She's scared to get hurt, but she's also scared to hurt Raven.

The ex soldier's eyes stay fixed on the road, driving the speed limit, blending in like a calm person that has all the time in the world, but her mind is quite the opposite. Raven is very conflicted, her mind screaming at her for ever letting herself open up to the ex assassin in the slightest. Her heart however, as aching as it is right now, is also very aware of the butterflies in her stomach every time she feel the redhead's green eyes on her, how it warm her up thinking of all the moments they shared in the last two years. Even Clint took Raven on the side once, trying to make her 'spill the beans' because he knew. He probably would've tried to get Natasha to tell him as well, but he knew it was a losing game, so he went for the one that might accept her feelings for once. Her eyes almost water in frustration, her hands tightening on the wheel, her shoulders tensing. She wants to break or punch something right now, maybe breaking something by punching it. But is she angry at herself or the redhead ?

Raven get out of her head when the street sign she needs to make a turn on appear, flicking on the indicator. The other two people in the car look around at their surroundings, taking in the unfamiliarity of the place. The brunette park the car in front of another sliding garage door, similar to the one Steve and her where at previously. She turn off the engines before literally jumping out of the truck, and walking to the door, her ears picking up on the other sets of footsteps following her and the car doors shutting close. This sliding garage door is the kind of one where there's also a simple normal door, and looking at the sight of the padlock, she chose the simple door, but also sigh at the sight, not very better than the padlock.

Shaking her head, the ex mercenary slide the master key in the lock, relief flooding over when the audible click of the lock resound, but her smile quickly disappear when she tries the handle and the door doesn't budge. Raven look at the door in confusion, looking around to make sure they don't have any curious eyes, before using her shoulder to put more strength into it but still with no result.

"You need help ?" Good little Steve of course try to help but the ex assassin is way too lost in her head and frustrated still, to mask her annoyance at the question.

"It's fine I got it." The words came out as a low grumble of frustration, as she try and push the door open more violently, the steel of the door creating a loud rumble, but it still doesn't move. Anxious of people maybe trying to see what's happening with the ruckus the door is creating, or simply trying to help, Steve try a second time, even with Natasha shaking her head in warning to let the ex soldier alone right now. "Let me help." Steve take a step forward, only to take three backward, when the brunette whip around with a murderous glare. "I said I got it !"

Of course she didn't mean to lash out on the super soldier, and she would probably feel guilty with the look he's giving her if her own set of hazel eyes didn't cross the soft green ones. Blinded by anger she didn't register the look Natasha is giving her is not one of pity, but her stupid mind apparently decided it was. In a fit of anger she turn around and kick the door open with her foot. Studying the lock with a quick glance is enough to tell her it was not opening due to rust, bonding the door to the frame, making her sigh in exasperation. "Fucking rust."

Raven walk to the side in search of the light switch, while her companions walk in. She flick on the light-switch, a few bulbs flickering on, while others kept flickering and a few just didn't turn on. The ex soldier glare at the flickering ones, absolutely hating when lights do that. She take a few steps forward before shielding her face with her arms, when one of the lights decide to just shatter. She let out yet another sigh, this one more desperate before walking towards boxes. Surprisingly this garage didn't contain any vehicles, just boxes and bags.

A few of them seemed like they were containing weapons, others were probably full of cash she might have snitched from a few drug places she dismantled back then, or even from one of her fights. Who knows ? The brunette approach a few boxes, checking the paper tags on them to make sure they're clothes before opening it. Being on the run means blending in, which also means disguising yourself. So she needs to get rid of her cargo pants and all black outfit, a habit she has, always kind of wearing the same type of clothes, which is a bad habit since it create a sort of pattern.

She fish out a pair of women dark blue jeans, a black t-shirt, a gray zipper hoodie with blue strips and a green jacket for Natasha, handing them out blindly behind her still looking in the box to look for other clothes for herself. Natasha take the clothes handed to her, taking the hint of who they are for seeing the size, her fingers accidentally brushing against Raven's, making the brunette stiffen in her movement, before gaining back her composure.

She take out a white t-shirt with a green and blue flannel, a pair of black jeans, and a teal jacket for herself. She place her item on top of the box before opening another box, closing it quickly with wide eyes, and opening the one on top of it instead, breathing in relief when she see the clothes inside.

The two agents behind her share a look of confusion, clearly there's something in those boxes she doesn't want them to see, the redhead trying to sneak a peak of the tag on it, but Raven is blocking her view. She rummage through the box, taking out a pair of men's jeans, a blue zipper hoodie, and a gray t-shirt for Steve, all pretty large so they should be his size. That way he can get rid of these ridiculous clothes he's wearing. She close both boxes before opening a third one, taking out gray and blue sneakers for Steve, black heels sneakers for Natasha and red high converse for herself.

Raven is already laughing in her head knowing the height difference between the three of them will be very noticeable, but also, every trio has the tall guy, the beautiful one, and the small cute one where people always almost coo over like a small puppy. Guess who is who in this one.

Steve get out of the garage to let the women have a bit of privacy, but unfortunately also creating an even bigger tension in the room. Though Raven brush it off, turning around and start taking off her combat boots.

Of course she hears the audible sigh the redhead let escape, maybe on purpose to force the brunette to talk to her, but the ex soldier is too stubborn to let it get to her. So they get dressed in a thick tension, a few glances thrown at each other, Raven's cheeks heating up when she accidentally catch sight of the redhead's bare back, bra on of course, but still bare. The ex mercenary was quicker though, knowing Natasha was stealing a few glances too she still didn't want her seeing her scared back. When they're done, the ex assassins put their clothes in a duffel bag, then walk towards one of the big bags on the other side of the garage, opening one, a cloud of dust flying in the air as she pull it open.

"You have your Glocks 43 ?" The ex soldier ask without turning around. Natasha nods before realizing she can't see her and won't turn around. She clear her throat before replying a small yet firm "yes." Raven nod her head before taking out a few weapons out of the bag, checking over the magazines on the guns and the blades of the knives. She take out a butterfly knife, a big smile etching itself on her lips, with a glint of excitement in her eyes, like a kid on Christmas. She handle the weapon with the utmost care in the world, before letting it fly, literally. Her fingers start twirling it around, letting the handle fly in between her fingers, the blade grazing her skin, before ending in the palm of her hand, blade out. She then repeat the same process, only this time the blade is securely inside the handles.

Natasha watch as Raven place the butterfly knife in her converse, hiding it in her sock, the materiel of the shoe strapping it tightly against her skin, before folding the tight jeans over. The ex mercenary then reach for two gun holsters, sliding them on her belt so it rest in the hollow of her loins, before taking out a Sig-Sauer P226 and a HK USP 9mm. The redhead watch as the ex soldier place the weapons inside the holsters, before taking off her flannel and tighten it around her waist, thus concealing her weapons, draping her jacket over.

"You want anything ?" The low voice bring Natasha out of her thoughts, realizing the brunette is now facing her. "What ?" Raven quirk an eyebrow at the question, clarifying what she implies. "You want any weapons from the bag ?" The SHIELD agent shake her head in answer.

"Okay." Raven crouch back down, taking out a few ammos from the bag, sliding them in her pockets. "Let's go."

The ex assassins walk outside, Raven grabbing the duffel bag with their clothes on the way out, greeted by a nervous Steve who's looking around, making sure nobody's seeing him. It's true, that was not the smartest move, to make him wait outside, but there was no way in hell he would be in the same room as them while they're changing. The true gentleman he is, would be too embarrassed anyway. The women jump back in the truck, Raven behind the wheel and Natasha in the back again, waiting for the super soldier to change, the brunette throwing the bag in the back, almost hitting Natasha in the process.

The blond thankfully doesn't take long, coming out of the garage with the hood over his head getting in the truck very fast. "Let's go."

Though Raven doesn't start the engines, making the super soldier frown, turning his head to look at the ex soldier who's already looking at him intensely, eyes squinting. "What are you waiting for ?"

Raven doesn't respond, making the super soldier even more confuse, as she open the glove box, taking out a dark blue baseball cap, taking off the Captain's hood from his head, and slide the cap on his head. She take a good look at him again before shaking her head, looking around the glove box again but closing it abruptly, leaning against her door to look into the other compartments. Steve look at the brunette in confusion, turning his head to look at Natasha who just shrug her shoulders, not bothered by Raven's behavior in the slightest.

The ex mercenary let out a triumph laugh, reaching her hand down to grab a small glasses case, handing it to Steve. "Put these on. When you wear a cap with sunglasses, it's suspicious. But wearing a cap and reading glasses, is another story. You're the most wanted out of both of us right now, better hide your face as much as we can." the ex racer explain.

Steve nod in comprehension, sliding the glasses on before looking at the proud smile Raven wears on her face. She turn back around to start the engines, sliding her sunglasses on her face. "I thought sunglasses were suspicious." A small laugh escape the brunette who turn back to the blond, an eyebrow raising up. "I'm not wearing a cap, Cap."

"Very funny."

Raven snicker at the dry tone, and adorable annoyed look Steve is pulling, shaking her head in amusement as she look back at the road, her gaze flying to the mirrors, her covered hazel eyes, locking with green ones.

The drive to the mall is in awkward silent again, Raven picking up on something Steve wanted to say or ask. His eyes constantly moving to look at her which means it concerned her. His body shuffling around like he's uncomfortable, or nervous to be around her all of a sudden. "Steve, I can hear your thoughts." The ex mercenary advert her eyes from the road for a second, to look at his face. Clearly he's having his own battle of thoughts, until he finally make the decision, what he wanted to ask was bothering him and he wants the truth.

"Did you bug our apartment ?"

Clearly she was not ready to hear that, stopping a little too abruptly on the next red light, earning a honk from the car behind. It take her a moment to answer, but her behavior clearly betrayed her, Steve already knowing the answer, but he still want to hear it. Raven let out a defeated sigh, knowing it doesn't matter anymore and there's no point in hiding the truth. "Yes, yes I did. Fury's orders."

The super soldier shake his head angrily, letting out a sigh of disappointment, a part of him still hoped Pierce bullshitted him with that, trying to make him doubt Raven's friendship.

Raven look in the mirror, looking at Natasha's reaction but she doesn't let anything out, her face as blank as always.

"Did you know about project Insight ?" That was a demand, and accusation, in a way he knows the answer to that too.

Raven visibly cringe at the question, not wanting to answer positively to that one too. But she owe him the truth, so she's going to tell him the whole truth. "Yes. I actually, had to give a few ideas and design."

Steve run his hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose, before looking at Raven who's wearing a sorry expression. "Had to ? What did Fury force you ?" The brunette is taken aback by the question, she thought his mind would just hold onto the fact she designed a few things but apparently he caught on the other words, making her sigh in relief. Maybe, just maybe, she has a chance to at least keep a decent friendship ? Partnership ? If she explain herself.

"Fury sent an agent to my office, in the first few months I started to work for SHIELD. The guy dropped huge blueprints of the old Helicarrier. At first I thought he wanted me to modify a few things, but then the agent handed me a folder with the usual 'Top Secret' Stamp on it. I just read the first few lines before it downed on me. Fury wanted me to design the program, build the tracing coding, and an impossible barrier for anyone who would try and hack into it. He knew my skills for that even though I don't think it's that impressive. I almost lashed out on the poor agent who brought me the blueprints before I stormed to Fury's office. I kinda lashed out on him a lot, he really didn't seem impressed, kept a neutral almost bored face the whole time and I was fuming. Even threaten to quit and share with the world what they're planning to do. Though I knew no one would believe me. SHIELD has the government and others to hide behind, I don't and I don't have any proof. Trust me Cap, that project is disgusting me as much as you and I hate myself for having a say in it. I won't tell you what Fury said to me to convince me, but you know, you knew how he worked. We all know for a fact, that he handled his words very well."

Steve doesn't answer for a few minutes, trying to process the words in his brain. Raven sigh in defeat, before realizing the parking of the mall is just in front. "Thank you for being honest with me."

She smile in appreciation, nodding her head at him, before finally parking the car. "I never really lie you know. I just hide the truth. There is a difference." The blond nod his head in understanding, before going out of the car. Raven let out a long breath she didn't know she was holding, before jumping when a soft hand is placed on her shoulder, squeezing it in comfort. Raven tense under the gentle touch until she give up on trying to appear angry, especially when the simple contact bring a warmth through her whole body, butterflies erupting in her stomach.

"One day maybe, he'll understand how much being a spy is not easy."

Raven nod and hum in agreement before opening her door, slipping on a white baseball cap on her long black hair she set free from it's messy bun. "Let's go clear the unclear."

A/N I tried to proof read as much as I could, I'm actually super happy to get out another chapter in the same month, it's kind of a shorter one only 5631 words on this one, but it's out ! Hopefully Raven and Natasha will get along again... I hope you're having a great day or evening, even night. Thanks you all for the views and the votes and the comments ! It always makes my day ! I hope the next chapter will be as fast as this one, hopefully I'll manage to quicken the pace, who knows. Take care of yourselves !

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