Royal Troubles {A Ninjago Fan...

By SixEared_Lotus

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Kai never understood the looks people gave him. Or the reason they were talking about marriage. And what in N... More

World Building
This Chapter Is Really Just Filler
Thinking Thoughts
Back Home
Meeting The Family
Back To Gaya
Filler And Nothing Else
It Will Be Okay
Filler Again(I'm Sorry!)
Kai's Boutta Go On A Killing Spree~!

An Unfamiliar Feeling

409 14 63
By SixEared_Lotus

I have had nearly four panic attacks in the last week. And nearly a dozen mental breakdowns.

I am not okay.


Kai sat at his desk while Cole rushed around the room trying to get ready for a meeting.

The meeting had been a surprise, and it wasn't helped by the fact that Cole had gotten back way later than usual the night before and had thus gone to bed way later than usual.

Which meant he was way more tired than usual and hadn't gotten ready first thing in the morning like usual.

Kai was just sitting at his desk drawing.

He was working on a scene from one of the new books the Brookstones had gotten.

He had scrapped many pieces of paper while working on it.

Suddenly he felt a presence behind him.

He turned his head to see Cole looking over his shoulder at the drawing.

"It looks good." He said before silently going back to getting ready.

Kai raised an eyebrow at that.

Cole had been acting odd for a while.

But Kai mostly brushed it off as just all the many meetings starting to get to him.

But it seemed, today was something of a turning point.

Kai was just working on his drawings when suddenly.

He felt Cole kiss his cheek.

"Bye, I'll see you later."

And then the sound of a door opening and closing rang throughout the room.

Kai had completely stopped moving.

He hadn't been prepared for that, and had no idea how to react.

He felt his pen slip from his grasp onto the piece of paper, without a doubt splattering ink all over it.

If he were more aware he would definitely be very frustrated since he would have to scrap the drawing AGAIN.

But as it was, he was still stuck processing the fact that Cole had just kissed him.

Sure, it was only on the cheek, but it was still a kiss.

There was a... A warm feeling spreading through. A feeling he couldn't identify.

It felt similar to how he felt about his family and friends. But at the same time it felt so, so different.

He had no clue what he was feeling. And that scared him.

He had been kissed on the cheek many times before. By his mom, his siblings, as a greeting from other royals... But this was different.

It was such a warm feeling. But not like he was overheating. It was more like a sunny day, shortly before the sun starts setting. When it's not hot but not cold either.

It was a pleasant feeling.

Like fondness, but stronger.

It almost felt like how he felt when he was cuddling with Lloyd or Nya. Or when he was hanging out with Skyler.

But it also felt nothing like that.

It felt better. A happy feeling.

But he had no idea what it was.

Why would Cole kiss him anyway?

That was a more intimate thing. For people who were really close. Besides when it was in greeting.

But it wasn't in greeting. They had known each other to long for that. And even if they hadn't, they had been awake for awhile so it wouldn't make sense for it be in greeting anyway.

He was probably sitting there frozen for at least half an hour before he finally shook out of his daze.

He finally registered the giant ink stain that had already dried on the paper.

He groaned and balled up the paper.

He pulled out a new one and restarted his drawing for the hundredth time, deciding to ignore the odd feeling.


Cole had barely gotten halfway down the stairs before he realized what he had done.

He was... Mortified. To say the least.

He stood on the stairs with his head in his hands, hiding his red face.

'how could I be that stupid!' He internally scolded himself.

'he already told me he didn't feel that way about me!'

He dropped his hands back down to his sides but kept staring down at the stairs

How was he supposed to ever face Kai again?

What if Kai hated him for this?

What if Kai wanted to call off the marriage?!

Not that Cole would blame him.

Kai hadn't wanted this in the first place.

How was he supposed to live with Cole knowing he was in love with him?

It would be so awkward for them to get married if Kai knew.

At least if Kai didn't know Cole could pretend all he wanted was to get his parents off his back.

But would Kai even still want to marry him after this?

Even if Cole was the best option for Kai at the moment, Cole knew that if Kai didn't want to do something, he wouldn't.

He could always just go find someone else. There were probably plenty of other people who thought like Cole. Kai could just go marry one of them.

If Cole was really lucky, then maybe Kai hadn't realized Cole loved him.

But Kai was smart. There's no way he didn't realize why Cole did that.

Really the only thing he could do for now was avoid Kai. Maybe he would forget. Maybe it would give Cole enough time to come up with a believable enough lie.

It would be difficult, sure. They slept in the same bed for First Spinjitzu Masters sake!

But he could do it.

He could go to bed late and get up early. Earlier than he already did, that is.

Kai would definitely question it, but that wouldn't matter. Cole would be avoiding him anyway.

He was way too stressed.

Worrying about how Kai would react, and with the Serpentine moving their camps closer to the surrounding kingdoms.

This was really unhealthy.

It would probably take a serious toll on his health.

He shook all those thoughts from his head.

Right now, he desperately needed to get to the meeting.

He was probably almost an hour late now.


This chapter was kinda rushed, but I still had fun writing it.

I've been waiting to write this chapter for weeks now, so I was super excited when the time finally came.

I enjoyed making a distinction between familial, platonic and romantic love. Since I feel like there is a big difference.

All in all, I liked this chapter. I hope you did too.

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