
By idek_Jessy

798 11 2

Jasmine is an out-going type of girl.She has no fears.And now she gets a summer job at her local mall.She wor... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

49 2 0
By idek_Jessy

The movie ended.I wanted to stay and catch another film,but i was kinda tiered.I think Zayn was too."Wanna leave and call it a night?" i asked him. "Uh yeah sure." "Alright cool,but um there is 1 problem." i informed him. "What?"he asked with a concerned face."I am really tired,and i was wondering if you don't mind driving?I mean you can drive yourself home and i can take it from there ya know."i said while holding out my keys. "You know what", he said,"I'll drive you back to your flat and I'll just call one of my friends to come pick me up.Sound good?" "M'kay,but it's called an apartment.But you sound hot when you say flat."i told him while walking to my car."You think everything i say is 'hot' don't you,Jaz?" DOES HE ALREADY HAVE A NICKNAME FOR ME?Dam he moves fast.I wonder if i should make one for him? Nah.Maybe later,but not today.He started the engine and off we went.

"Zayn,what are some words that you say differently from Americans?"  "Uhh, we say lift instead of elevator.We call those thin sweaters,jumpers.When we say who's your bird we are referring to who's your girlfriend.And there is plenty more; just can't think of them right now."he told me in his accent. "Oh well you guys sound more sophisticated than us.We use cheep slang and probably sound and look really dumb next to you guys.Haha that's like a middle finger up everyone's ass.See i start cussing which is probably bad in a 'young lady''.I am probably the worst girl in the history of girls cause I'm not that girly,i hang out more with boys,and a fuck-load more reasons why."  O.O << That was Zayn's face right after i did my dramatic scene in front of him.I have played this scene more than once in my head,but i always flick it away."Oh My Fucking Gosh,I'm sorry i just dumped that all on you.Didn't mean to." He cut me off and said,"No,it's alright sometimes we have to let out what we are thinking.Don't worry about's cool."He gave me a warm smile and i returned it.He then pulled into my driveway and opened my door for me."What a gentleman."i said giggling as usual.He gave me back my keys and i opened the door."Ok i suppose you have a phone on you i can call one of your friends and yeah.I honestly dunno what else to say.I'm pretty tiered even though it's burly 9 but whatever. Ima go change into my PJ's."With that i went down my hall.

Zayn's POV:

 "Ima go change into my PJ's."she finished telling me.Ha she's so cute when she just runs her mouth.But gosh what she told me earlier.Does she really think that about her self?Well,good thing I am her and i can fix that and hopefully show her a different side of herself.Yup.Alright i have the sudden urge to go pee,but have one idea where her goddam bathroom is at.So i went on a search.I took a wild guess and went down the same hallway she went in.I think i could see it from here.But then realized it was her  bedroom.She was changing and was only in pajama shorts and her bra.Okay,I am going to admit she looked pretty fit.By the looks of it,she was looking for a top.I just coughed and she turned around.She just smiled and asked"Need some help with anything?" Still very interested in what she was doing."Urmm yeah,where's your bathroom?" "There's one straight down this hall or you can just use the one in my room." she said pointing to some door in her room."Don't mind if I do." i joked.She just laughed.Dam Jaz is very comfortable with her body,then again she don't give a dam about others' thoughts or opinions.I finished and found her now with a nice baggy mint color jumper along with her black shorts."HEY!"she yelled at me. She is probably bored or she just likes yelling."WHAT?"i yelled back while laughing."I feel like blasting music up so fucking loud and just dancing and SCREAMING,but i can't cause the neighbors caught me too many times and i could get kicked out :P" "Jaz, what haven't you done that hasn't got you in trouble?" "Dunno.....Did i warn you?I am quite the rebel you know the ones who go to the Block and wear black leather jackets and talk back to anyone.So better watch out,cause you is hagging out with a bad-ass.From here on out you live the thug life with meh." I gave her a blank stare.I didn't know how to respond.But after a minute,she started cracking up."OMFG did you actually take me serious?Ahhh you should of seen your face,hahaha.Don't worry I'm not that bad of a troublemaker.I don't go to jail every weekend...I go every end of every other month." O.o<< My face when she told me that."LOL  JK.I'm chill.Sometimes i just want to do the most randomised of shit but yeah i stop myself or i tone it down." "Haha you had me there for a second." i told her. "Well ok LEGGO my room is boring ,so lets go to my living room."she said while pushing me out of her bedroom door. "We can make it fun."i mumbled softly so that she wouldn't hear me. "WAIT WHAT?First of all that sounded sexual.Second of all are you asking for sex?And finally, you sounded funny saying that.Hahaha." Shit.She heard me.Guess i have to dig my way out of this."I said nothing of that sort." i told her.She just laughed.

Jasmine's POV:

"I said nothing of that sort." he told me.I just laughed it off. Then i sat him down next to me on my couch.I cuddled up next to him and asked,"Are your friends on their way to come pick you up?" "Oops i forgot to text them,thanks for reminding me."He pulled out his phone and texted away. "WAIT,are you texting Blondie?" "Uh no i am texting Liam" "Text Blondie or Niall or whatever his name is Plz; he seems chill and funny! He is the only one i know better plus he has a fine accent." I got up to his ear and whispered,"Like yours." "Fine, I guess you also have a thing for Niall."he said while erasing his text and starting to text Niall. "Not true,I mean don't get me wrong, all of you guys are hot, but You stand out more for me.Dude, no lie, you look like some model.So don't get butt hurt Babe.If anything i want you to be my boyfriend."i told him. Right after he sent the text, he looked at me with a smirk."So urm.....Do you like want to....go out?"

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