S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

31.7K 1.2K 329

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-


835 39 10
By Victor_TheRiper



After everything that has happen...Clementine was sleeping on the floor near the fireplace as she slowly started waking up, seeing Arvo tied up, and to also notice she's covered in a blanket, she stood up and noticed Jane sitting down near her with baby AJ on the little cabinet, sleeping of course.

Jane: Hey, you're up.

Clementine: Wh..Where's (YN)?

Jane: He'll be back, went to make some chocolate for you till you woke up...Kenny's outside working on some stupid truck.

Clementine stood up and to sit down with Jane, and to see Baby AJ resting at ease as she smiles in relief...but to see Jane feel sad, sad the fact that Luke is gone...

Jane: I can't believe it...he's gone. I lost people before but this one...this one feels...different.

Clementine: ..He was a great guy.

Jane: ...God damn it...I shouldn't have come back, I knew this would happen, I just...knew it.

Clementine: ...We'll be okay.

Jane: ...Thanks.

(YN) then appears with a cup of hot chocolate on his hands and sighs in relief to see Clem awake...

(YN): Oh great, you're awake, I made this for you.

He hands her the hot chocolate, as she took some sips...

Clementine: Thank you.

(YN): No problem.

Suddenly, Kenny appears too...

Kenny: Feeling better kids?

(YN): Yeah.

Kenny: ..Hell of a day. But listen, we gotta get moving, if you both are feeling up to it, I could use you help with the truck outside, knowing this house ain't worth a crap, but vehicle ain't bad shape, with a little luck, we can get it fix up in no time.

Clementine: Yeah.

(YN): Sure Kenny.

Kenny: That's the spirit, I'll wait for y'all outside.

Kenny how's our snd waits for them, as Clem and (YN) both look at AJ..

Jane: I'll watch him.

(YN): Okay, thanks.

Clementine stood up, grabs her sweater, puts it on as she and (YN) walk out the house and meet up with Kenny...

Kenny: So, what did SHE had to say? Cause I know she was running her mouth.

Clementine: Well, we didn't talk about you.

Kenny: Oh, Really??

(YN): Relax Ken.

Kenny: *sighs* Sorry, Sorry.

They walk over to the truck...

Kenny: Look what happen...it's over now. But AJ needs us now. We gotta stick together on this thing, alright?

Clementine: Of course.

(YN): Besides, we kept our promise to Rebecca well take good care of him.

Kenny: I know y'all will, we will....anyways, let's see if the trucks gonna go.

Kenny hands (YN) the keys to the truck as he and (YN) got in the truck and Kenny to work on the engine...

Kenny: My daddy always had a half dozen wrecks he was fixing up. He was a mean old son of a bitch though, but taught me respect. Girl like Jane, could learn a thing or two about that.

(YN): Well, she's not that easy to like.

Clementine: She's...odd.

Kenny: Heh, that's putting it mild. Feels like another Lilly situation to me.

(YN): Aw man, don't even bring her up.

Kenny: Heh, okay okay, give it a turn.

(YN) turns the key to turn on the truck...nothing.

(YN): Nothing.

Kenny: Shit...*sighs* We're so close kids, with a little bit luck, I can get this thing running. And we can get on the road. And really make distance. Wellington's gotta be out there, has to be. Those rumors can't be bunk. I mean there's gotta be something out there, other than snow and Euro trash.

Clementine: Sounds good to me.

(YN): Yeah, I can feel it.

Kenny: Hehe, we'll make it, together. Okay, turn it again.

(YN) gives another turn, and still nothing...

Kenny: Did you even turn it?

(YN): Yes.

Kenny: Damn it!

Kenny with frustration, he kicks the truck, and to then sigh afterwards...the kids seem to be worried for him, and can understand him. The two got out of the car.

Clementine: We'll get it working.

(YN): Yeah, I mean if you manage to get an RV working, then you can with this truck too.

Kenny: ...We'll get it moving, so we can keep AJ alive, we can't run out of time. Maybe I'll try warming up the battery...Go on inside you two, I don't like leaving him alone with that girl, don't worry...I'll be fine.

(YN): Okay Ken, let's go Clementine.

The two then leave Kenny alone for him to work on the truck...as they head to the house, they spot Bonnie smoking a cigarette...

Clementine: Hey Bonnie.

Bonnie: Hey...want one?

Clementine: O-Oh, no thank you.

Bonnie: (YN)?

(YN): ...Meh, fuck it.

Clementine: You sure??

(YN): How harm can one cigarette hurt me.

Bonnie gives him her cigarette as he then takes one smoke...and to exhale the smoke out...

(YN): ..Oof that's *coughs* that's tough.

Bonnie: Hm.

Clementine: ...You okay?

Bonnie: I'm fine, thank you....do you two remember when y'all saw me back at the lodge first? "Check her for weapons", that was smart....I like y'all from the start. Did y'all..ever done something that you two regret doing, even if it's something you knew you had to do?

Clementine: ...I wish we didn't went to look for our parents.

(YN): ...Same.

Bonnie: ...You know, I'll say none thing about Luke: No matter where you end up, there's always one bad seat rock in the boat, and I'd never though he'd be that guy. But let me ask you kids, when was the last time anyone did what you two wanted?

(YN): ...I mean, lot of people respects us.

Bonnie: Y'all think?

Clementine: Definitely.

Bonnie: Heh, good for you two....anyways, I'll be back, gonna take a leak.

Bonnie walks away as Clem and (YN) both walk inside the house...and to find Jane looking out the window, starting at Kenny, and having Baby AJ with her, still sleeping as the tel sat down with her...and to hear Kenny outside...

Kenny: God damn it!

Jane: ...Seen that look before.

Clementine: He'll be fine.

Jane: Clem that guy beat a boy within an inch of his life.

(YN): Look, I get it, it was pretty messed up, but you couldn't seen Arvo setting us up. Kenny had every right to teach him a lesson.

Jane: ...He is way past fine. Look I know he is a nice guy...but I bet Carver was a nice guy too.

(YN): ...

Clementine: Jane-

(YN): No, it's alright Clem...Kenny isn't Carver, big difference, my so called piece of shit father left me and my mom, while Kenny stayed with his family the whole time, he cared and loved his family.

Jane: All I'm saying is starting to think about what happens if you're wrong. You three known each other for a long time, sooner or later, you're gonna have to decide how much is that worth.

. . . Suddenly, Baby AJ started to cry...

Jane: I think it needs food...or something.

Clem then walks over to him and to pick him up and hold onto her arms as she and (YN) comforts him and he quickly calms down and slowly goes back to sleep again.

Jane: Huh, seems like you two done that before.

Clementine: I guess we're getting close.

Jane: Seems like it.

(YN): Besides, it ain't rocket science.

Then, they heard a loud engine and to see the truck turn on and Kenny manage to get it working...

Clementine: He for it to work!

(YN): Let's go check it!

Clementine places AJ back to his little bed as the two rush outside as Jane goes following them, Mike and Bonnie were there too...

Mike: It works??

Kenny: Heh, what I tell y'all?

Mikes: So what's the plan?

Clementine: We should look for more people.

(YN): Yeah, and could use some new good people too.

Mike: Yeah. This is crazy. There's nobody up here but us.

Jane: We should head back South.

Kenny: What??

Jane: We're gonna freeze to death. So I don't know who's stupid idea was to march up all the way here in the first place. What if we go back to Howe's?

Mike: What?? Fuck that, I was thinking more Like Texas.

Kenny: The fuck???

Mike: It was just an idea.

Kenny: Hey we talked about this!

Mike: I'm sorry, "we"?

Kenny: We are going to fine Wellington, right kids?

Jane: Wellington?

Kenny: Yes, we've come this far, and ain't going back.

(YN): Kenny's right.

Clementine: I'm with him too, Wellington is out there.

Kenny: Heh, damn right!

Jane: Come on you two, seriously??

(YN): Heh look, it may sound bullshit to y'all, but for us it ain't. Not only Kenny, but we had a friend, Christa, she told us about it long time ago.

Clementine: Yea, and we've been looking for it months, so it has to be out there.

Jane: ...

Bonnie: ....

Mike: ...

Kenny: Besides, I don't give two shuts what you people think. I got this truck working, and I say where we go, and we head fucking North.

Mike: ...And Arvo?

Kenny: Who? Oh, the Russkie? Yeah, he ain't coming with us.

Mike: And you're gonna leave him here!?

Kenny: I don't give a god damn fuck where he goes. He's done.

Mike: He could die!

Kenny: Better him than another one of us.

(YN): Yeah, I don't trust him anymore.

Clementine: He's too dangerous to bring.

Jane: At this point, y'all might be right.

Mike: He knows the area, he can help us.

Kenny: Oh yeah, some help he's been. He got Luke killed.

Mike: Look, how about if you ease him up before, he wouldn't have run away from the first place, thought about that, Kenny?!

Jane: Either way, I'm not going anywhere in the middle of the night.

Mike: Yeah, me too, it could be a herd out there.

Kenny: Oh so you want that child's blood on your hands, Mike?!

Mike: We're all gonna die out here if you don't chill the fuck down, Kenny!

Jane: Haven't we've been through enough one day?!

Kenny: Jesus fucking Christ...Clem, (YN), remember the last time we had a workin RV and sat around our asses?

(YN): Worst three months ever.

Clementine: I hear you.

Jane: I can't deal with this, I'm going inside.

Jane goes walking back to the house and so does Bonnie and Mike, leaving Kenny and the kids alone as Kenny grunts ....

Kenny: Jesus, can you believe this kids?! I bring them a working truck, and they act like I just shot in their cereal! I knew Jane would have a stick up her ass, but I thought Mike have more sense...he's turn out to be a real disappointment.

Clementine: I don't understand them either.

(YN): Yeah, they probably dense.

Kenny: I know, I know...look, we maybe have a days worth of food for little AJ, that's it. That kid is depending on us...Clem, (YN), think about Rebecca and Alvin, I mean...A lot of folks tear their asses of risk their lives to save the ones they care for...just Like Lee.

(YN)/Clementine: ...

Kenny: ...*sighs* ...I wish he was here...what you think he'd say?

(YN): I think he tell us...to try keeping the group together.

Clementine: And not turn on each others back.

Kenny: I know he'd say some like that...but hey, we can't just give up on little AJ. I mean Whats the point of going on after that? That's what people like Lee knew. And what people like Jane won't ever understand. Look I know Wellington might be bullshit, but where there's smoke, there is fire, I mean you two said Christs heard about it too, right?
.........You know, when I first saw you two back at the lodge, I thought I was dreaming...and when both sat down next to me, we share that meal, and I can tell you two are way different now, grown up, and still together as always, and that gave me..pride, a pride I haven't felt a long time ago...so I need you both now.

Clementine: Something definitely has to be out there.

(YN): Don't worry Ken, we'll find it.

Kenny: *smiles* I knew I could count on the two of ya. Look, we'll figure it out in the morning, let's go get some sleep.

They got off the truck as they walk back to the house inside, and to get some rest for tomorrow.



During midnight...a noise was to be heard, which Clem woke up from it, and noticing (YN) awake too and had his bat on him.

Clementine: (YN).?

(YN): You heard it too? It's coming from outside.

Clementine: Walkers?

(YN): Nah, if it were, they'd be grunting by now, we gotta check it. Get your gun.

Clem and (YN) quietly walk out of the house, and then to hear the truck door open, and to see a few people near it, as if somebody was trying to steal it...Clem aims her gun and (YN) holding his nail bat on him as the two quietly sneak up ...

(YN): Don't move!

Suddenly, one of the people startled, and to pull out a rifle gun...and then to be Arvo, alongside with Mike and Bonnie, holding on duffel bags of supplies, and to seem like they are trying to steal the truck.

(YN): Mike!?

Clementine: Bonnie!?

Mike: Easy you two, Easy.

Bonnie: Clem...(YN)...I'm...sorry.

Clementine: What are you doing??!

Mike: We're just leaving...nobody else has to get involved in this. We just...want to get away from that guy.

(YN): Who, Kenny?

Mike: Damn, just..we don't have time for this.

Bonnie: Please, don't make this...harder for yourselves.

Clementine: Thats everything we have.

(YN): We won't let you take those stuffs, even if we had to do it the hard way.

Mike: ...Alright, Alright...we'll leave you one, and we'll be on our-

And then BANG! Arvo shot his rifle, and to hit Clementine towards her shoulder as she grunts and collapses to the floor...Mike and Bonnie were shocked to see what Arvo did...
But as for (YN)...he saw him shot Clementine, right in front of his eyes, his eyes shaken and to breathe like crazy, and to slowly turn and lm stare at Arvo as Arvo went from glaring to feel a bit frighten of how (YN) was starting at him...(YN) slowly clenches his hands and yells...


Mike: (YN)!!

Bonnie: Don't!!

(YN) ferociously tackles Mike and Bonnie down to the ground and rushes over to Arvo as he tried reloading his gun to shoot him, but was too late as (YN) tackles and spears Arvo to the window, dropping him down and his gun off his hands...Mike and Bonnie rush over to stop (YN) from hurting Arvo, (YN) swings a punch to Mike's face, and then a punch to the gut to Bonnie as the two fall to the ground....he slowly turns and looks at Arvo grunting and stammering...trying to reach for the gun....(YN) brutally stomps Arvo's hand, and can hear some of his bone crack from that stomp and screams in pain and (YN) to strike a punt to his face, facing him upwards to him...(YN) slowly reaches for the gun, and holds it in a position like he holds his baseball bat, and glares at Arvo with this anger look on his face...

(YN): You're lucky Kenny didn't busted your whole damn face...cause I'm gonna finish it!!!

(YN) lifts the rifle up...and then to brutally hit Arvo's face with it.
And everything hows pitch black afterwards.


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