S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

Da Victor_TheRiper

31.9K 1.2K 329

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... Altro

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-


859 43 4
Da Victor_TheRiper


Later that day, it was midnight, walkers were roaming around the building, The group were sleeping and resting for the day, (YN) Clem was sleeping onto (YN)'s laps as (YN) was sleeping sitting down hugging Clem...then, the two woke up as they heard Rebecca's baby started quietly whining and see Rebecca with a warm coat Mike gave her that he found back at the Museum, and how happy she is to finally have her baby on her hands...she notices the two of them awake...

Rebecca: Hey kids.

They stood up and approach to Rebecca...

Clementine: Hey, how's he doing?

Rebecca: He's perfect, a perfect little man...who's the most perfect little man in whole world? You are.

Clementine: He looks like Alvin.

Rebecca: You think so?

(YN): Definitely, and doesn't look like Carver at all.

Rebecca: ..Thank you.

Rebecca then began coughing, and yet the two realize her skin is a bit pale after giving birth...

(YN): You okay Rebecca??

Rebecca: I'm fine..I'm fine...do you wanna hold him?

Clementine: Can we?

Rebecca: Of course, you two are family, here.

Rebecca gently gives her baby to Clem as she then holds onto him, Clem and (YN) both smiled to see how adorable the baby looks...

Clementine: Isn't he adorable, (YN)?

(YN): Heh, he sure is.

The baby began to cry, as Clementine started comforting the baby..

Clementine: Shh, Shh. There you go.

(YN): Don't worry little guy, you're safe with us.

(YN) places points just finger at the baby, as the baby then slowly grabs his finger and to then gently smile at him and Clementine...

Rebecca: Well would you look at that, you two are a natural.

(YN): Heh, guess so.

Kenny appears...

Kenny: Look at you two, like a big brother and sister. Here, let me take him.

Clementine hands the baby to Kenny...

Kenny: You three should rest, especially you little fella.

Rebecca: When's the last time you slept Kenny?

Kenny: About two years ago, but I'm fine, because somebody's gonna have to watch this little one here while his momma's asleep...I will never forget that look.

As Kenny takes care of the baby for a moment, Clem and (YN) both notice Jane outside...

(YN): We'll be back Rebecca.

Clementine: Won't take long.

Rebecca: Okay, be careful you two.

the two walk over outside and to spot Jane looking through the exit downstairs and notice them ...

Jane: Oh...shit.

Clementine: What are you doing??

Jane: Listen...I'm sorry, I've got to go. It's just...

(YN): Don't worry, we understand.

Jane: Good, I was worried this was gonna turn into a thing...you know, Jaime...Sarah...Im not gonna stick around and...watch it happen to Clementine...

(YN): Thats not gonna happen, never will.

Clementine: But..I thought you believe in us?

Jane: I do...but give it enough time, and everyone's luck runs out...listen, when shit hits the fan, like it always does, remember: the two of you can make it out alone on your own. It's not an option for everyone, if things start hitting south, don't let them drag you down, you don't owe them anything.

Clementine: We owe them everything.

(YN): They've helped us, look out for us and kept us safe. We wouldn't be here without them.

Jane: Well they can't keep you safe forever.

(YN): Nobody's ever safe forever.

Jane: If you say so....anyways, take care you two, I mean that.

And so with that said, Jane said her final words to Clem and (YN)...as she then walks downstairs and makes an exit out of the building as the two s looked down and let her leave...then, Luke appears...

Luke: Hey, thought y'all were asleep by now, you two okay?

(YN): We're fine.

Luke: Okay, good. Man, he'll of a night though....temperature's dropping, low on food, I think we've gotta stay put a while here, you know for Becca and the baby. So I'm thinking as soon as it gets light, Jane and I should go explore, if see we can find to scavenge.

(YN)/Clem: ....

Luke: What??

Clementine: Jane left..for good.

Luke: What?! When??

(YN): Just now.

Luke: Are you serious?! She didn't say anything about leaving to me. What the Fuck!?

Luke paces around, the fact he through he and Jane had something together, but was wrong...and Jane didn't even bother saying goodbye to Luke at all.

Luke: Damn it!!

Kenny then shows up holding the baby...

Kenny: Keep it down will you??

Luke: O-Oh sorry, I..sorry, it's just..Jane's gone.

Kenny: Really Luke??! Of all the childish bullshit.

Luke: Childish?? God damn it Kenny. You know what? Just...lay off!

With them arguing, the baby began to cry and get scared of them yelling at each other...

Kenny: No! You put our lives, this baby's life at risk, so two could roll around like fucking teenagers!

Luke: Look I made a mistake alright?!

Kenny: No, not alright!

Luke: Then the fuck!?

(YN): Hey easy okay?? Kenny's just trying to protect the group.

Luke: Well coming down on me ain't helping. Look, I'm sorry okay? I fucked up, okay?! Like, Jane, she made an offer and..Jesus Christ, I needed it okay? I mean look around you! Everything is SHIT, so forgive me for what I wanted to enjoy ONE MOMENT of something else!

Kenny: Fine, but this baby here, he's what matters Now alright? So get your shit together.

Mike: Everything alright?

Luke: ...Yeah, we're fine.

Rebecca: Kenny, my baby.

Kenny: Oh, of course, sorry.

Kenny then walks and hands Rebecca her baby back as the rest of the group woke up from the argument...

Kenny: Alright look, we're gonna need a good place to raise him, which ain't here of course, we gotta push on. We all head North, get to Wellington. That's our best shot.

Clementine: (YN) and I spot a town across the river from up here, it might be safe there.

(YN): Yeah, might be a good spot to make a stop on the way.

Bonnie: The kids are right, that town could have full of supplies, and not that far from here.

Kenny: Whole lot better than here anyway, so that's our best bet then. We need to get on the road as soon as possible, we leave at first light tomorrow.

Luke: Woah Woah! What are you talking about?? Rebecca needs rest, a few days..at the very least!

Bonnie: I mean we got that baby formula..

Mike: That won't help the rest of us, and what about shelter? We'll freeze out here.

Clementines: Kenny's right, we need to leave tomorrow to get there.

Luke: What?! Rebecca is not in any condition to travel!

(YN) walks up to Rebecca and crouches and says...

(YN): What do you think Rebecca?

Rebecca: M-Me??

(YN): It's your choice, either rest for a day or two until your better to travel, or leave tomorrow to get food for us, and the baby especially.

Rebecca: ...I really want to find us food for my baby, and all of us too...we have to risk it, we leave tomorrow...

(YN): Welp, there you have it.

Luke: But-

Rebecca: Luke, don't worry, I'll be fine, we have to risk it.

Luke: ...*sighs* Okay, if that's what you want.

Mike: Look, we should all try get some sleep, it's been a long day.

They all get some rest for tomorrow...and wait.


The next day afternoon, winter hits, it was snowy and the temperature is really low. Luke and the rest of the group were on their feet, traveling to reach to the town Clem and (YN) talked about...Clementine realizes (YN) wasn't holding tono his warms to keep himself warm...

Clementine: (YN), you should keep yourself warm-

(YN): I'm fine Clem, don't worry...the cold don't bother me...

Bonnie helps Rebecca walk as she holds her baby, but started loosing strength and balance...

Bonnie: You alright?

Rebecca: I-I'm fine.

Luke: No, you're not. You're exhausted, we all are. *looks at Kenny*

Rebecca: I can keep...going..

They kept walking...Rebecca wasn't looking too good, her skin started to pale up more and more...

Luke: We should've stayed put, stay put till she was in better shape.

Kenny: She wasn't gonna get no better back there. We gotta find food, get her someplace warm.

Luke: This looks warm to you?! Look, we can turn back-

Kenny: Not an option. Everybody keep moving and hang in there, we have to keep up and make it to that town.

Luke: You don't even listen anybody! You just bark orders! You have to lighten them up, you're pushing it too far.

Kenny: I'm just doing the best I can to keep us safe, like always! Keeping us alive.

Clementine: Kenny's right, we need to keep moving.

Luke: Tch, I guess, course I expected you and (YN) to say that, seeing as you agreed with him last night.

Clementine: ...

(YN): Aww, still miss Jane?

Luke: Can it (YN).

(YN): Oho no please, Tell me, I really wanna here this "Offer" she gave you, I mean, what kind of "Offer" would she give you if she didn't even have anything on her, what did you Exocet from her?? come on Luke, I expected more from you, you could've think through before, you know-

Luke: Jesus can you drop it?! I get it, alright?! Geez you sound like that old bastard father of yours!

(YN) then stops, and so does everybody else too after what Luke said, everybody else gave this "oh no he didn't" look expression, and Luke noticed he should have not said that to (YN), even comparing him like Carver, his father...

(YN): ...Say that again.

Clementine: (YN) don't.

Clementine tried to stop him from trying to hurt Luke...

Luke: Sh-Shit I didn't mean to! Sorry, it just I..It just slip-

(YN): Oh nah, it sounded like you mean it, so come on, say it again!

Clementine: (YN) please don't! He didn't mean it!

Kenny: Easy son, don't do nothing dumb. Damn it Luke, the fuck was that about?!

Luke: Hey I didn't mean it alright?! Besides he-

Arvo: Hello!

Suddenly, they all heard somebody calling them out, and to turn and see somebody approaching to them, Bonnie sits Rebecca down on a rock...

Mike: What is this??

Arvo: <Speaks Russian>

Clem and (YN) notice that voice accent anywhere, and as soon that stranger got closer, they recognize him, it was Arvo...

Clementine: Arvo?

Bonnie: Arvo??

(YN): We and Jane met him back at the deck before we brought you guys there.

Kenny: You two know this son of a bitch? What does he want??

Bonnie: He doesn't look much.

Kenny: That ain't the point.

Arvo: Hello? Please??

Kenny: ...I don't like this.

(YN): ...Neither do we, it's strange seeing him appear again, alone too.

Clementine: I have a bad feeling he might be mad at us.

Luke: Keep your eyes open.

Everyone gather together and stood close with Rebecca and the baby as Arvo got close, and Kenny to pull out his gun from behind and hiding it...

Arvo: Hello, Clementine, (YN).

Kenny: What's going on here friend? You got people with you? Where are they?

Luke: Are you alone?

Then suddenly, somebody approach our form the woods, and happens to be Arvo's sister, aiming a gun at the group, and then, two Russian bandits appear behind with assault rifles and surrounding them...

Kenny: The fuck!?

Arvo: These are my friends, we stay hidden for safety.

Arvo's sister: <Speaks Russian>

Arvo: <Speaks Russian>

Whatever they said, it made the other two Russian bandits laugh...

Russian Bandit #1: <Russian Bandit>

Clementine: Hey, What's so funny??

(YN): Yeah, why are they're laughing?

Arvo: I told them you are the ones that robbed me, they think it's funny that you two are just little kids.

Kenny: Robbed??

Arvo: Yes, and they want you and your friends to put down your guns and take your things.

Luke: Woah Woah!

Kenny: The hell??! Clem, (YN), you robbed this guy?

The two couldn't even believe it, after letting him free, not harming him at all, and especially not stealing from him and manage to get some of his supplies with his permission granted, he sets them up and backstabs them...

(YN): Oh you fucking <pedazo de mierda! Pinché mentiroso!!> Fucking liar! We didn't rob you!

Clementine: We literally let you go without any harms way, and you let us take some of your stuff, you even said so! Besides, Jane was the one who wanted to steal, and don't want to!

Arvo: Jane?? Where is the other woman? Where is she?!

(YN): She's gone four eyes, can't you see she ain't with us now, dumbass!

Arvo: I don't believe you, it's a trap! <Speaks Russian>

Arvo tells his friends in his language that Clem and (YN) are lying and is a trap, so they aim their weapons at them, as Kenny and the others aim their guns at them...

Arvo: No please, don't make this harder, this can be easy for you, all of you put your guns down, it'll be fine.

Kenny: Fine my ass!

Clementine: Don't do this! We have A baby with us!

Arvo: And where-

Arvo looks over to Rebecca sitting down on a rock, holding her baby still...

Arvo: You..have a baby really?!

(YN): No shit idiot! Now tell them to put their guns down!

Arvo: I..I Uh...

Arvo's sister: <Speaks Russian>

Kenny: The fuck she's saying?! I will NOT let them touch that baby!!

Arvo panics and warns his friends to not shoot, it then started a whole argument between the group and Arvo's group too, trying to warn them to drop their weapons...the baby started to cry from the yelling..
Suddenly, Clem notices Rebecca wasn't moving at all, and then...she begin to twitch, and she suddenly woke up...
And she then was turn into a Walker, and noticing her holding her baby, she was going to eat him...

Clementine: (YN)!!


With luck, (YN) pulls his gun out, and to then quickly shoots Rebecca on the head from trying to eat and hurting her baby...

Luke: NO!!

And then...gunshots started to fire...as all hell started to loose.


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