Rise of the Death Eaters [3]

By wintergirl08

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Book 3: Voldemort has returned and with him, new challenges for Ava to face. Her parents make an uncalled for... More

"Trailer" and Playlist
Chapter 1: Summertime
Chapter 2: Socialites and Horseback Riding
Chapter 3: It-Girl for Dummies
Chapter 4: The Spencer Clan
Chapter 5: Gloomy Mood
Chapter 6: Last Days of Summer
Chapter 7: My Return
Chapter 8: Umbridge
Chapter 9: Passwords and Potions
Chapter 10: Ava on Limited Sleep
Chapter 11: Competition
Chapter 12: Library Deals
Chapter 13: School Girl Crush
Chapter 14: A Weekend
Chapter 15: Tension
Chapter 16: Electric
Chapter 17: Life Goes On
Chapter 18: Cattiness vs A Truth
Chapter 19: Hog's Head
Chapter 20: A Secret No Longer
Chapter 21: Rumors in Troves
Chapter 22: A Heart to Heart
Chapter 23: A New Normal
Chapter 24: The First Meeting
Chapter 25: The D.A.
Chapter 26: Weasley is Our King
Chapter 27: Jinxes and Chocolate
Chapter 28: Polaris
Chapter 29: Views of December
Chapter 30: The Christmas Season
Chapter 31: A Classic Family Holiday
Chapter 32: Christmas in Paris
Chapter 33: Mixed Signals
Chapter 34: Where my Loyalties Lie
Chapter 35: Resolutions
Chapter 36: Blood Lines
Chapter 37: Schmooze 101
Chapter 38: V-Day
Chapter 39: Eat Your Words
Chapter 40: Who has the Power?
Chapter 41: The Club Facade
Chapter 42: Faire Confiance
Chapter 43: Tea and Migraines
Chapter 44: My Patronus
Chapter 45: A Word with Dumbledore
Chapter 46: I Must Not Tell Lies
Chapter 47: Let's be Honest
Chapter 48: Repercussions
Chapter 49: Easy Pray
Chapter 50: Gaslighting
Chapter 51: Dolores vs Emmeline
Chapter 52: OWL season
Chapter 53: The Ring
Chapter 54: We Fly of Course
Chapter 55: The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 56: I am my Father's Daughter
Chapter 57: Safe, not Sound
Chapter 58: A True Confrontation
Chapter 59: Into the Unknown
Chapter 60: Old Money Fancies
Chapter 61: A Simple Dress Fitting
Chapter 62: The Crème de la Crème
Chapter 63: The American Dream
Chapter 64: American Politics
Chapter 66: Walking the Line
Chapter 67: Back Onboard
Chapter 68: Schemes and Counter Schemes
Chapter 69: Fifth Year Going Strong
Chapter 70: Potions Darling
Chapter 71: The Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter 72: A Change in the Air
Chapter 73: Moving Pieces

Chapter 65: Another Damn Ball

60 4 0
By wintergirl08

"I'm surprised you accepted my invitation."

I was in Paris once again, dressed to the nines in a new gown cut to the standards of Madam Léontine with the Hepburn theme illustrated in the seams. While the Grace Kelly dress was flowing fabric that whispered in the air as I moved, the Hepburn dress was cut for stillness. Nonexistent sleeves were hidden behind a high-rising neckline that let the silk fabric drape over my body and hide any shadow of a doubt about my size. I was thinner than sin this summer, and one look at myself in this dress confirmed what Elizabeth had been nagging at earlier.

I had lost enough weight over the summer that my body covered itself in shadows of concaved lines and sharp edges in my cheeks and clavicles. But I wasn't entirely eaten away which was probably why my mother hadn't said anything to me about it. Either that or she was hoping to ignore the problem, expecting it to solve itself.

No doubt a few weeks at Hogwarts with its overflowing tables of food will solve this for me. But until then...

Blaise turned to face me at the steps leading to the entrance. He was fashionably dressed in a simple black and white cut suit that highlighted the sharpness of his jaw and the lines of his eyes. He looked as happy to see me as I him.

"Don't expect my appearance to be any indication of wanting your attention, Fountaine."

"Nor I on inviting you here," I replied steadily. "I simply had a small list to choose from and yours was the least vexing option." He barely gave me a once over, his face impassive, before turning away from me and toward the door.

I walked up to him, leaving the car at the curb for my driver to leave us be. My mother had chosen to escort my grand'mère inside with the rest of the guests, leaving me to my own devices.

"Well then," I motioned, looking back to him as the car's engine roared to life. "Glad we got that out of the way. But do you have to make me lecture you on the rules of this ball that I know you know?" His gaze sliced to me for a barely another moment before he extended his arm to me as if he was biting back poison. I took his arm with a hint of a smile on my lips and then moved us forward.

The Parisian street that held the hotel hosting was in a quiet neighborhood filled with street lights that made the white of my dress shimmer like fairy lights. The contrast of my pale skin with the warmness of Blaise's hand made us a striking contrast to those watching. As the doors opened in, unveiling a long open marble hall with a long red carpet lining the entrance, numerous couples walking by glanced our way with cleverly placed features that almost entirely shielded their intrigue.

A photographer was waiting for us in the long hallway and stopped us a quarter of the way in to get our picture.

"And your names, if you please monsieur, mademoiselle?"

One look at Blaise's curling lips told me he would rather drink liquid acid than admit anything to the balding Frenchman.

"Blaise Zabini and Ava Fountaine."

The photographer gave a quick bow before ushering us forward, barely giving another look our way as we took another few steps forward, away from the moving company around us.

"You could try to enjoy yourself, Blaise. Otherwise I don't see why you came."

"Don't act like you gave me much of a choice," he cut in coldly, making me rise a brow.

No doubt his mother made him come. If what I've heard about his mother is true, and that she runs around marrying high society only to kill them off for their money and influence, I'm sure this invitation made her heart raise at such an opportunity.

"If it makes you feel any better, I also would rather be anywhere else but here."

"Right," he countered in disbelief, giving me a passive glance before leading off to the stairwell at the end of the hall behind a pair of double doors. Two of the wait staff gave us stiff nods as we neared and opened the doors simultaneously in time for us to pass. I grabbed the side of my dress while holding tightly to Blaise's arm as we moved up to the second level where other couples stood in huddles behind a pair of double doors that no doubt held the ball room in question.

"Do I need to tell you what to do when we are paraded out for my introduction?" I asked his way after a beat. I would have thought he was ignoring me if it wasn't for the slight nod of the head as I stared at him unapologetically.

"That's better than my last date at least," I muttered more to myself as I looked away to catch sight at the other girls' dresses. None had the characteristic fabric of Leontine's dresses at least. But there was no doubt that this was the fashion capitol. My dress barely made a passing statement against some of the dresses I caught sight of.

When I looked back ahead of me, I caught Blaise staring.


"You've done this before." It wasn't a question.


A flicker of absolute bafflement followed by cold dissonance appeared on my escorts face before he had a moment to add, "This is a waste of time then. Why am I here? Why are you here?"

"I'm pretty sure that's the most I've heard you speak in some time, Blaise," I commented without hiding the humor in my eyes. "Trust me, you're not the only one following mother's orders." His eyes found mine just long enough to see my own resentment before glancing ahead of us at the moving couples getting in line.

"Let's just get through this night and then we never have to speak about it again," I continued as he led me forward toward the others. "You don't recognize anyone here do you? Because I don't."

Being taller than me by more than a few inches, I watched as Blaise did a sweep through the room before shaking his head slowly. I released a steady breath and had a sense Blaise did the same.

At least in that regard we could agree.

We were near the front of the line this time around so I only had to bare Blaise's stony silence for a ten minute span before we stepped up, ready to go.

As the older witch motioned us to go ahead, the entire crowd turned our way that made whatever calmness I had dissipate in a moment making me release a string of curses under my breath as Blaise took my arm.

And he chuckled.

I shot a glance toward my escort fast enough to see a spark of humor lace his cold eyes before I turned front again.

"Presenting Mademoiselle Ave Elise Fountaine, escorted by Monsieur Blaise Zabini."

We made it to the front and Blaise turned me round with ease before letting go of my hand for me to bow. The applause felt louder this time. As if an extension charm had been placed on the sound. As I rose my head to look out, I could not see my mother's face, nor my Grand'mère's. Instead I saw a witch who stood out for her ostentatious attire in the midst of the crowd and knew immediately that it was Blaise's mother.

Most likely on the hunt again.

Blaise walked me off the platform without another word and there we stood until trouble arrived.

I should have learned from my last ball that when it comes to making an entrance, the best entrances are made at the end of the lineup.

No truer statement could be shown when I caught sight of a small little thing of a girl step up with her date to end the introductions.

She was nothing in comparison to some of the other European daughters present at the ball. But her date was something else entirely and he knew it.

"Presenting Mademoiselle Catherine Elizabeth Ashbury and her escort, Monsieur Theodore Cantan Nott."

As the couples moved to the floor, I turned away from Nott's gloating eyes to face Blaise's impassive expression.

"Did you know he was coming?"


"Great. I would have assumed you all being friends and what that you'd have some awareness of each other's plans."

"We're not as close as you think, Fountaine. Not anymore." As the orchestra went into a breath of stillness before the first cord, I gave Blaise a thorough look for what he meant by that statement. But as always, he wouldn't shed a single hint through his carefully crafted mask.

The music began and I let him take my hand to dance.

Blaise didn't care about how well he danced. He didn't care if I was having a good time or not. But with a watchful eye, it didn't take long for me to notice that what Blaise did care about was the girl wrapped around Nott's arm as they danced a few lines behind us.

Of course Nott would bring the one girl that would make Blaise go soft. There's always something going in that friend group and even though his friends would never admit it, it was obvious that Nott was always involved.

When the main dance had ended, I let myself bow gracefully for our mothers to see before coming back up to give my escort a knowing stare.

"You can do whatever you want now. I'd thank you for making this bearable but I can't say I've heard much from you tonight as it is. Nor would you care about my thanks." Blaise was already itching to go but he had the decency to let his eyes fall on me once more before giving the slightest of shrugs to show he heard me. And then we walked off.

"I have to say," I heard a familiar voice say before I caught sight of the ever lingering Nott behind me. "If it wasn't for the whole Draco drama going on, I'd say you and Blaise make quite an attractive pair out there on the floor..."

We were standing off one side of the dance floor, watching the other couples who wanted to keep dancing do so. If I was in a better mood and in a more forgiving dress with a better date, I probably would have been one of them. Now I simply watched off the side with the urchin also known as Theo Nott lingering beside me.

"You always have a way with words, Nott," I commented, turning away from him. I could sense his smirk before I saw it as he took a quick step in front of me.

"What can I say? It's my native charm. Speaking of which, I may not always have the brooding skills down like our dark king over there," we both unironically looked across the floor where Blaise was stewing with a glass of golden bubbly in one hand, looking miserable. He caught sight of us staring, and if it were even possible, I could have sworn I saw his jaw tighten before looking away.

"You were saying," I commented, looking back to catch Nott's sly smile as his eyes followed his friend's movement across the room. He looked back to me with the same up-to-no-good spark.

"I was saying," he went on with a growing smile, " that while Blaise may visually look brilliant next to you, there's no hiding the history you and I share that would make for a much more entertaining pairing."

"Ah, I see," I cooed, glancing at a couple walk past us abruptly. "You heard about your name being on my list of escorts."

"And I can't reckon a reason as to why you'd bring poor Blaise to such an event that he wants nothing to do with, when you have someone like me around who—"

"Shines in such environments?" I answered for him. He pointed a finger at me, "Exactly."

"You see Nott, I have my reasons for not inviting you to this. Our history as you put it has always lingered between creepy and mild bickering. My skins crawls at the idea of you. Not exactly the fuel of affection."

"Ouch. I'd like to call it a mild bit of banter and flirting but to each their own I guess," he mused, turning away to glance once more at his old friend.

"That girl you brought has a connection to Blaise, doesn't she?" I asked, keeping my gaze on the urchin. Nott's eyes shimmered before turning to me and raising his brows.

"Catherine and Blaise had a nasty breakup not too long ago. It's a shame given the awkward coincidence of having them both here at a ball in Paris of all places."

"I always thought Blaise played with his girls. Not take them seriously enough to date them. Not at all your doing, was it?" I asked carefully guarding the slim enjoyment I found in this conversation. Nott gave a lazy smile in my direction.

"With Catherine? Never. She had something on him that made him do more than play. And as badly as you may see me, Ava, I'm not a home wreaker to mess with a small bit of happiness he may have." I flagged down one of the staff walking by with glasses of bubbly and took one for myself before turning to face Nott's wondering eyes.

"No, I wouldn't label you a home wreaker, Nott. But I don't believe this awkward coincidence happened by mistake." A glance at Nott's eyes made me keep going. "How'd you convince her to take you?"

"My dashing looks." I snorted.

"I'll try not to take offense to that. Not all of us can be cool blonds." I looked up from glass with what I hoped was my own icy stare but Nott's up-to-no-good gaze continued to simmer as he added, "Catherine may not look like much but she carries a vendetta that would challenge even the likes of Pansy."

"Ah I see," I admitted. "You going with her would spark jealousy in poor Blaise. But did it work?" I mused, through heavy eyes. Nott nodded his head to across the dance floor.

"See for yourself."

I turned in time to see Catherine wave down a waiter and grab two glasses and handing one to Blaise who stood directly by her side. His mask was still carefully in place but I could sense his lips were curved up somewhat at the end.

"Well done," I applauded, as I watched the pair walk off the dance floor toward one of the many side rooms where guest and debutante alike networked over dazzling drinks and beautifully eclectic desserts.

"I guess," Nott began, making me turn to him, "that leaves the pair of us without dates and it's only what-" he glanced at his nonexistent watch. "The beginning of the night."

"I will jinx you if you try and pull anything tonight, Nott."

"Wow, talk about water under the bridge." I turned away from the dancing to stare him down.

"That requires an apology. Something I can't remember you ever saying." He dropped his head, hiding a smile I had already seen and reappearing with an attempt to look somber.

"Where have my manners been? My dear grandmother would turn in her grave for this." I gave him a hazy stare as he grabbed another two glasses of bubbly from the staff walking by and handed me one. I gave my other empty glass on the same staff member's tray as he passed by.

"I'm terribly sorry for being, what was it you called it—creepy— on that one day you invaded that toad of a headmistress's office. Won't happen again."

"You're a poet with words." Nott's eyes brightened.

"Am I forgiven?"

"You're getting there. But I'll need more than another drink to really think positively of you."

"That can be arranged."

I held out my glass and he clinked his own to mine before we both turned to drink.

We walked off the dance floor shortly thereafter and began to wonder out toward the other rooms. The rooms were just as crowded as the dance floor, if not worse given the cigarettes wafting from the bar.

We continued on, sniggering together as we passed an older woman closer to my Grand'mère's age spill her glass of cherry liquor on her partner and quickly attempted to remove the globs of cherry off the other's shirt with pitiful apologies.

Following a music room where people milled about as a pianist played to his heart's content, came another room far less filled except for a spare few sitting by a card table with cigarettes alight, and drinks in hand. A pool table stood on the opposing end and with one glance, Nott darted in its direction leaving me no choice but to follow.

"Isn't this a bit muggle of you? I thought pool was a muggle invention."

"Our little secret," He said with a wink from across the table. He had one of the sticks out and was polishing the end before looking back up at me.

"I almost didn't recognize you earlier. You look... different."

"Ah well, the French love this look on me," I said before turning nonchalantly toward the card table were a guy certainly was watching me with a cigarette caught between his teeth. His eyes twinkled at my stare.

"And I thought you were just starving yourself in protest." I spun back around to face him.

"For what?"

He lowered the first stick onto the table and grabbed the other to polish before looking back to me suggestingly.

"I'm waiting for you to ask, you know."

I took a slow sip from my drink while laughter erupted from behind us at the card table.

"Have you seen much of him this summer?"

Nott let his eyes go downcast but a hint of another smirk lingered at the curve of his upper lip, before stating, "A little."

"He's not doing anything stupid is he?"

"Define stupid." Nott placed the other stick on the table and rolled it to me. I stopped it with one finger while maintain eye contact.

"What's he up to Nott?" I watched his smile grow as he grabbed the second stick and took the divider, holding the balls together, off the table.

"He's taken his father's imprisonment pretty hard as you no doubt can guess." I mirrored his walk as he went to the end of the table and lowered himself so that the stick was perfectly perpendicular to the triangle of balls. He let the stick hit its aim and the balls went everywhere across the table.

"Enough so to do some rather drastic things if you ask me."

"Like what?" I asked softly. Nott grabbed his glass from the side and took a long sip just to vex me before stating, "It's your turn."


"Go on," he mused eyeing the stick in my hands. "Play." I gave him a withering look before lowering my glass to the table and stalking over to assess the game. After finding a good angle, I let the white ball fly, barely hitting a stripped orange ball off to the right.

Nott watched the scene with glimmering eyes as he took another drink.

"It seems like he will be a bit more proactive in political affairs from here on out."

"That's not a straight answer. "

"You lost your right to straight answers given the crowd you're so close to."

"I'm close to you, aren't I?"

"Sure, with a three meter stick in between." I watched as he scanned the table before stopping at an angle to aim.

"That could change," I said slowly. "If you behave yourself." He shot the white ball sending two solids straight through their respective corners.

"Ah, and here I thought I was the only one with a silver tongue," he said, straightening up. "Where was this side of Ava when you were a thorn in Umbridge's fat arse.

"Playing victim. As one does." He took a step toward my side of the table and his grin reminded me suddenly of a wolf and I didn't like it.

"And don't I like to see it. I always knew you had a bit more edge under that popular girl demeanor. The others didn't always believe me, however..."

I walked to the other side of the table and aimed the white ball toward another stripped ball nearing a corner. I shot at it and it hit with a satisfactory smack.

"And she plays," he added, sounding impressed.

"Who doesn't in our social bracket?" He snickered again as he leaned over the table to aim a tricky hit. It succeeded to my surprise and I watched as he stood back up.

"Has Draco done it? Officially that is."

"Done what? Go out side? No but he sure bloody needs it. He spends all his time in tutoring."


Nott nodded toward the table making me move to a position I found appropriate to play. When the ball missed, I looked back to find Nott already on my side of the table and turning to lean his back against the edge to look at me.

"I don't see him as much as I used to. So I can't answer your question entirely."

"But you have a suspicion?" I whispered urgently. Nott shrugged and by the attempt of laziness in his motions I felt a sinking feeling in my gut at what he meant.

"And you're just going to tell me this because?"

"Because it's about time you let go of a lost cause like Draco when you see it."

"And fill it with something like you, is that right?" Not didn't even hide the smirk as he wiggled his brows my way.

"I meant what I said earlier, Ava. We could be fun."

"And I meant what I said earlier," I said while lowering the stick on the table. "My skin crawls at the idea of you."

I turned to walk out of the room, and felt a few pairs of eyes follow my profile.

"Always a pleasure, Ava." 


I meant to stop writing this chapter earlier in the evening but I just kept going and didn't stop. So here we are. 

I'll post again on tuesday! 

See you then :)


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