Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

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Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
06 Crystal Cavern Part 3
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
13. Reunion
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
17. Searching Pt. 01
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
22. Home Pt. 02
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
37. Countdown Pt. 04
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day 01
46. Just Another Normal Day 02

20. Deal Pt 01

804 20 737
By LeJesterVixen

20. Deal Part 01

Warnings: This chapter contains mild language and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Hedgehog Residence - 7:17 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The water turns off as Chuck dries his hands. The four hedgehogs had just finished eating dinner a bit ago and Chuck had decided he would do the dishes tonight since Jules went shopping to buy the ingredients and Bernadette has cooked. The three always kept that pattern: someone shops, someone else cooks and that last person does the dishes. That way, they can't argue about someone slacking off.

Sonic pats his lap a few times before he gets up from the table, wanting to take his much-needed shower. The moment he got home did his dad have him help put the groceries away. After that his mom had him help cook dinner since he hasn't helped cook in a while. He's pretty surprised that his uncle didn't have him help with the dishes afterwards.

"Welp," Sonic takes a step away from the table, "-dinner was great but I'm gonn-"

"Sit down." Jules says before he takes a drink from his mug. The tone in his voice was one that was of authority. He wasn't going to allow his son to get out of this, no. Especially when he came home in such a foul mood at that. Sonic had barely said a word the entire time he was home.

The young hedgehog looks over to his mom to see her nod her head towards his chair and he let outs a breath, before taking a seat, still being mindful of his tail-ring. He looks between the three adults: his dad has his eyes closed while drinking his coffee, his mom has her chin on her hand looking at him, while his uncle is tracing over the rim of his mug, looking at him. It wouldn't be as nerve-racking if they weren't all waiting for him to speak.

'Uh-oh, looks like we're in trouble~'

Sonic completely ignores his other side as he turns his attention back to his dad. "So..."

Jules places his mug down and finally looks at his son. "Are you finally going to talk about what's going on?"

Sonic sucks in a breath. "Don't really wanna," he lets out a nervous chuckle. He then clears his throat when he sees his dad glare at him. 'Apparently he's not in a joking mood. Noted.'

"Let me rephrase it since this is not up for debate: what is going on?"


Said hedgehog looks over to his mother.

"-you were kidnapped by that stalker, who, Chaos knows why, looks just like you."

Sonic flinches a bit from that. Out of everything he's been through the last seven days, that's the only thing he can do without remembering. As bad as it sounds, he'll takes every thing else that happened to him all over again before remembering what his stalker did to him.

Bernadette places both hands on the table as she's trying keep herself calm. "And then when you do come back, you're heavily drugged and wounded and," she slams her hands on the table and leans close to her son. "-what happened to you?!"

Sonic looks over to his uncle to see if his elder is going to chime in but only gets a raised eyebrow instead. He rubs his forehead and leans back in his chair. "Look, it's just... a lot has happened and I-"


Sonic's ear fold back from the sternness in his father's voice. This is not how he wanted to spend his evening, not at all. "I... I don't even know where to start."

"Start from when you went on the mission with Miss Rouge." Chuck suggests, only to see Sonic's eyes widen in... embarrassment?

"I can't! Especially not in front of mom-"

"And why don't you want to say anything in front of me?" Bernadette leans back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest.

Sonic looks back to his mother and opens his mouth. Any words he wants to say instantly dies, making him close his mouth.

'Hey, just let me out and I'll tell them what happened-'

'Hell no! You're just gonna make it worse!'

'Fine. You're such a jerk for not even letting me say hi to mommy and daddy and uncle Chuck. Whatever. Just remember to tell them about me too and for the love of life be VAGUE about everything. Chaos knows we'd end up here all night if you're too detailed.'

"Sonic." Jules snaps his son out of his trance. That's another thing that's been bothering him. The entire time during dinner, Sonic, was not only barely eating, but he's been out of it, almost like he was somewhere else entirely.

Sonic snaps back into reality and takes a deep breath, covering his eyes. "Okay... okay, I'll talk, just..." he looks over to his mom specifically, "-please don't freak out."

Bernadette just rolls her eyes but stays quiet, wanting to know what's going on with her son.

Sonic takes another breath as he shakes his head, wanting to get this over with so he can just shower and sleep. "So, the mission was a failure," He looks around to see all three of them looking intently at him, wanting him to continue. "-and it was mostly likely my fault. And before you ask, no I didn't do anything out of the ordinary. It's just, ugh," he rubs his forehead, "-I was kidnapped by a jerk before he molest-"

"He WHAT?!" Bernadette screams as she shoots up from her seat, knocking the poor chair over in the process.

Both Jules and Chuck grab her arms while they're still looking at Sonic.

'I told you to be vague, dumbass!'

'How am I supposed to be vague about that?!' Sonic then looks back at his mother. "Mom, please..."

She takes a breath and grabs her chair, standing it up before sitting in it. She then gestures for Sonic to continue.

Another breath is taken before Sonic continues. "So after that happened, Shadow saved me and we made it back to G.U.N. HQ where we were told our mission failed. I left the building and ended up at some ruins where I ran into," he looks up, trying to figure out how to describe Zero without telling them who he is... or was. "-uh, another person. We got into a bit of a scuffle and he,"

"What, did he molest you too?" Jules asks, clearly upset about this. Maybe not nearly as much as Bernie is, but he's not happy at all.

"No," he turns to his father. "-he kissed me-" Sonic covers his eyes with a loud thud and lets out a breath. He really wished he didn't say it like that.

'Wow, you're really digging deep there, genius.'

"You... let someone kiss you?" Chuck asks confused. Ever since Sonic and Amy split up his nephew was always careful about letting others touch him in any intimate way.

Sonic directs his attention to his uncle. "What? No. There's no way I'd just let anyone kiss me. You guys know I don't care for romantic things like that."

"This doesn't sound like romance to me, so much as it is them asserting dominance over you."

"Dad, please, don't say it like that." Sonic lowers his head and rubs the top of it. He probably should've just snuck in his bedroom window to avoid all of this.

"Keep going Sonic, clearly there's more to ... this nonsense." Bernadette has a scowl on her face. She's completely disgusted that anyone would touch her son in such a manner. That alone is enough, but to find out that someone else had kissed him? On top of whatever that stalker did to him after he was kidnapped.

Sonic raises his head and looks down at his folded hands on the table. "So after I was-that happened, I left only to be, ugh,"

"Keep going, Sonny."

Another breath is taken. "I was kidnapped by the first guy again. We... got into a fight and I was already worn out from the last time I met him since it was literally just that morning, he puts this stupid tail-ring on me that I can't get off and no, I refuse to get into what that's all about. It just sucks, okay? That's all you need to know."

The three adults look at each other before looking back at Sonic. He didn't want to talk about the jewelry when they first seen it either.

"After he put this stupid thing on me, we fought, he kissed me and I don't even know how I ended up here afterwards."

Chuck raises an eyebrow. "I thought you said you got in late that night."

"I did, don't know how, but I did."

"So let me get this straight: my baby was kidnapped and molested by guy 1 on a mission that had been failed by possibly the best team ever known to Mobius, kissed by guy 2, and then kidnapped, forced to wear some magical tail-ring that who knows does what since you're not saying, and then kissed again by guy 1? All in a span of one day?"

Sonic leans back in his chair and nods his head. "Yep, all in one day. Thank for reminding me of that."

"Don't get sassy right now, Sonic. I am not in the mood to deal with anything from you." Jules says. His wife is visibly upset that her son went through this, but he's very upset that his son had kept this from them. Even if there wasn't anything they could do about it, they'd rather know what he's going through then to find out during a casual night after dinner.

Sonic looks to his dad and his ears fold down a bit more when he hears that stern tone again. "Sorry."

Chuck lets out a breath and places his chin on the back of his hands. "What happened next, Sonny?"

Sonic's hand twitches a bit, recalling the next part. "I... well, you guys saw the s-stal..." He takes a breath and tries again. "The stal-st," his breath gets caught in his throat and he closes his eyes. The images of skeletons and blood flashes through his mind and he can smell the scent of rotting flesh and blood, which causes his hands to start trembling.

"Sonic? Chuck calls out to him as he places a hand on the shoulder, only to see his nephew flinch backwards while letting out a small whimper, which causes his eyes to widen in surprise.

Bernadette quickly gets out of her chair to run to her son's side, grabbing his face to try and have him look at her. "Honey? Sonic look at me."

The young hedgehog blinks his eyes a few times, coming back from that nightmare to see his mom. "S-sorry..."

She instantly brings his head to her chest, petting the top of his head. "Shh, it's okay. You're okay, alright? We're here now. Mommy's got you."

As childish as this may seem to anyone else, Sonic wouldn't have it any other way at the moment. He scared himself, which in turn, scared his family and he feels... weak. Out of everything he's been through, his stalker is the one who has caused him the most damage.

He brings his arms up to hug his mom. "Can... can we just skip that part? ... I can't talk about it..."

Bernadette pulls back and looks to her husband seeing him nod his head. Jules may be stern right now but he will not have his son hurt himself by talking about something so traumatic. Just hopefully Shadow can find something when he reads those damned letters.

Sonic pats his mom's back, seeing how she still has a hold on him. "I'm okay, ma."

She turns her attention back to him. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he nods his head and lets out a faint smile. "-I'm okay now."

Bernadette pats his head before walking back to her seat. She grabs her beverage and drinks it. She could go for a stiff drink right about.

Sonic pats his cheeks twice, needing to get back into this. "After he brought me back I blacked out. I woke up in someone's house and uh, it was guy 2." A chuckle leaves his mouth. "Don't worry, he didn't try to do anything to me. No, we just talked, and I found out that he... was having a hard time. Plus it was late when I first woke up and he wasn't gonna let me leave in the middle of the night so I stayed there. Found out he's really cool, actually. Anyways, the next morning I ran into Knuckles, we went to Angel Island since he needed some help but we got ambushed by Doc. F, and I was drugged. I don't remember anything myself after me and Knux were sparring on Angel Island except," his memory is fuzzy but he's trying to piece together who saved them from the mad scientist. "-I think guy 1 saved us. I... can't remember though..."

"And that's all that happened?" Jules asks as the reaches for the mug.

A dry laugh leaves Sonic's lip. "Ha, I wish."

"Wait, there's more?" Chuck questions. His nephew is already going through a lot from that maniac of a stalker. All of these other people are just unnecessary now. This is too much, even for Sonic.

"Yeah, after Knux left, Sally came to visit and,"

Bernadette's eyes widen before she shakes her head. "Please don't tell me..."

"Yeah," Sonic shakes his head, still surprised and a bit upset that it happened. "-she kissed me."

"But she's engaged to Kahn!"

"I know."

"Sonic, did, did you return the kiss?" Bernadette fearfully asks. She really hopes he didn't because there is nothing good that will come out of it.

"What? No. I'm still a little, and forgive my language, but I'm still pissed that it happened." He shakes his head, needing to forget that memory before he continues. "Anyways, she and I got into an argument then I left. I took the back way home from the hospital and,"

Jules narrows his at the situation. "Please don't tell me someone else got a hold of you on your way home?"

Another dry laugh leaves Sonic's mouth. "Well, I don't have to now since you said it."

"Are you serious?"

"Sonic, who?!"

The hero lets out a breath. "I dunno, he was holding me by my face, covering my eyes and kissed me before throwing me to the side and instantly he disappeared. I know I heard his voice before but I can't remember where or when."

The room is quiet for a bit with the sound of the ticking clock being the only thing to break the silence.

"Is... is there anything else, Sonic?" Chucks asks. He looks down to his mug and notices that he has yet been able to take a drink from it.

"... Oh, yeah, that's right. This whole thing has got me worked up, right? Where it's stressing me out or getting me angry to the point that Fleetway's seal is broken."


"Yeah, actually, it broke a few days ago, so yeah, that's something else I gotta deal with now too."

Bernadette places her face in her hands. She's almost at the point of tears right now. Her baby boy, her only child, has been going through hell from some random people and an over obsessed stalker. But if that wasn't enough, then a demon from their past, who wants to kill all of them with his bare hands, is finally free?


Sonic looks over to his uncle.

"-can you control him or do we..."

The hero shakes his head. "Nah, he's... he's been alright. The only time he came out was when Doc. F had a hold of me and Knux but that was only because of whatever drugs he lunatic put in me. Other than though, Fleetway hasn't been trying to take over."

"At least we can breathe easy knowing that."

"Yeah, but for how long? We know how much that demon loves to play mind games with us."

"That is true. He can't be trusted."

"Still though, Sonic has a lot on his plate right now, and that's not including the maniac."

Sonic takes a sip of his water as he watches his family talk. He has a weird feeling right now: he's hungry and he knows he should eat something but he doesn't have an appetite to the point where if he were to try and eat anything, it'd just come right back up. He's honestly surprised that his mom didn't force him to eat any dinner.

"Sonic." Jules calls out. "-you can leave now."

A yawn makes its way out of Sonic's mouth before he nods and stands up. He shakes his head and stretches his arms before leaving the table. "Thanks, I'll see you guys in the morning."


Sonic stops to see his dad. "Yeah?"

"Whatever these creeps are doing to you, or trying to do, remember they're only trying to break you. You need to make sure not to enjoy it. Sonic, you cannot fall for their traps, understand?"

"Yeah," Sonic nods his head, "-I hear ya."

"Good," Jules pats his son's shoulder as his wife comes up and kisses him on the cheek. "-try to have a good night."

"Yeah," a faint smile goes on his face. "-you guys too."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sand Blast City - 8:20 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Zero closes the door to his apartment, instantly locking it before he throws his jacket on the coat hanger. He's so tired that he doesn't bother on turning the lights on. He just goes down the hallway and into his room. The black and white tail closes the door behind him as he falls onto the bed.

'You're a damn fool, do you know that? Do you really think the little blue hero cares for you? Cares for your well-being? Don't you think he's just trying to lower your guard down so when you're the most vulnerable, he can strike?'

The jackal lets out a low growl in response but says nothing else as he turns over in his bed, already missing having the hedgehog laying besides him. That and his smile, his bright, cheesy, goofy or smug smile. It's been a few days, but he already misses it.

Infinite rolls his eyes and scoffs at his original. 'Really? You're pathetic. Not only are you disloyal to your wife, dead or not, but you're actually starting to feel something for that filthy rat? You truly are a disappointment.'

Blue and yellow eyes glare at the wall in front. Zero refuses to fall for the other's trap. "If you're done, then I'd like to sleep. I have work in the morning and I'd rather not be late."

'Tch. You're an absolute disgrace, do you know that? You truly are nothing.'

Zero finally gets up from the bed and takes his shirt off, throwing it in the clothes bin in the corner of his room before puling the covers back. He lays in the bed and closes his eyes. "If you don't like it then leave this body." A small chuckle leaves his lips. "Oh wait, you can't, now can you?"

Infinite releases another growl but doesn't say anymore before he falls back into Zero's subconscious.

Zero can take anything that Infinite says about him all day long. It won't bother him, at least, not most of the time but the day he left Friaca, he noticed that Infinite had changed his tactic and has been talking about Sonic. Just hearing the abomination talk about his friend made his blood boil.

He will not let anyone talk about Sonic in any way negative. The hedgehog forgave him, befriended him and Zero will even admit to himself that he's attracted to his-the little troublemaker, though he'd rather die than tell Sonic that himself, but still.

He feels something for the younger and if it's only one-sided for the rest of his life, then he's fine with it. He won't run away from the truth about what he feels towards anyone. Whether it be good or bad. That's how Infinite was made in the first place, because although he hated but accepted the fact that Shadow had killed his family, he couldn't accept being called weak. He ran from it. Infinite was created from the loss of his family, yes, but also at the fact that he was a weak coward.

He's not going to run from his feelings.

Not anymore.

Especially if Sonic is involved.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sonic's Room - 8:46 p.m.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The water continues to hit the blue and peach pelt, rolling down the body as steam continues to fill the room. The ventilation fan keeps spinning, trying to suck up the steam so it doesn't settle on the ceiling to create any mold. The mirror is mainly fogged up but one can see slight fingerprints along the edges due to the condensation.

Sonic runs his hands over his quills, making sure that all of the conditioner is washed out before he lifts his head, allowing the water to hit his face to make sure there's no residue on it. He then leans his arms forwards, letting his hands rest on the wall and he bends over a bit, allowing the top and middle of his back to feel the hot spray. Green eyes open and just watch the semi-milky water run down the drain. Now if only he could wash his troubles away like he washes the grime and dirt from his body.

Ah, life would be too easy if that were the case though.

He can feel the water drops run down his back and sides before they travel down his body in different directions; some are running down his sides to his thighs, some are running down his back to either his tail-ring, which thankfully isn't being used against him, or down his rear, and very few drops are finding their way towards his more private area.

This, and needing to use the restroom, are the only times that those areas should ever be touched. Not from when Mephiles had a hold of him, and definitely not when he was being... milked.

A sigh leaves peach lips, only for some of the water traveling down his face to go in his mouth.

'We can't stay in here forever, ya'know.'

Sonic finally pulls himself back, feeling the water hit the top of his head before going on his face, then his chest. He then runs his left hand up his right arm to his shoulder, wanting to make sure everything has been thoroughly washed out. 'I know, it's just...' His hand makes its way to the right side of his neck and he can feel tiny holes from where the needles punctured him. He releases a sigh as he keeps rubbing the area. 'It's my safe place right now...'

Fleetway doesn't respond to his other. If anything, he feels for Sonic right now. Sure, he enjoys what their Master and the jackal do to them but other than those two, they, but mainly Sonic, has been going through hell. Or at least annoyed and the holes on the right side only prove some of the annoyance.

Sonic switches hands and runs it across his collar bone, rinsing his fur before feeling the left side of his neck, feeling bigger holes in there. He instantly closes his eyes and leans his back against the wall. "Damn it..."

Fleetway lets out an awkward chuckle before he tries to lighten the mood some. 'Hey, at least you enjoyed it when Master was doing it.'

His presses his fingers deeper into his neck, really trying to wish the holes away. "I'm not supposed to enjoy it... remember?"

A sigh leaves the golden hedgehog. 'I'll ask you one more time; are you sure you want to repress this? And I mean ALL of this? You know what happened the last you s-'

"Yeah," Sonic pushes himself off the wall and continues rinsing his body. His hands are running over his chest and down his stomach. "-I'll deal with the consequences if-"


"-when that times comes. I just," An image of Sally flashes through his mind and he instantly closes his eyes, not needing to recall anything regarding her and today. "-I don't want to remember, Fleet."

If Fleetway was in his astro-body then he would just stare at his counterpart. 'Alright, it's getting worked on right now.'

Sonic can feel the other's presence leave, and he lets out another sigh before moving his hands to his hips and upper thighs.

A small smile goes on his face as a thought crosses his mind. "Never thought I'd miss Eggy so much. Wonder how the bald man's doin'." He runs his hands down his legs before turning the shower off. He runs his hands down his arms trying to get the excess water off before moving his hands to his collar bones and slowly running them down his chest, his stomach which is flatter than he would like it to be. Or more caved in actually from the lack of eating he's been doing. He knows he needs to eat since he's pretty sure he's malnourished right now-

Sonic shakes his head to get that thought out of his head, even if it is true. He then runs his hands down his thighs, his knees, and his shins, watching how all of the water is running down the drain. He then straightens himself up and reaches his arms above his head to ring his quills out.

His smile grows bigger on his face as he fees lighter. Not enough to eat anything, but he feels so much better. Fleetway was able to repress it for him. He feels good, actually, he feels great. "Yeah, I should totally go check in on Eggy tomorrow."

Peach hands open the shower-stall door and Sonic steps out, grabbing his towel to dry himself off.

While Sonic is in his bathroom a figure emerges from the shadows of the bedroom corner. Green eyes scan the unfamiliar room before looking at the light under the bathroom door. Thought he's been here once to drop Sonic off after their second erotic dance, he wasn't able to take in the room that belonged to his pet. Its rather... bland.

From the way Sonic carries himself, Mephiles thought his resting place would have been cluttered with useless things but he was completely wrong. Just a bed in a shape of something he's not familiar with. A tall, wooden block with six slots for some purpose. There are two rather unique objects on the wall with strings attached that look like they could possibly make music but the last time he's seen a stringed instrument was centuries ago and they definitely did not look like... whatever these shapes are.

Mephiles takes a step but he instantly stops when he smells something... off. It's out of place and there should be no reason why he should smell it, especially not here. He follows the source of the smell only to see a blue flower. He picks up the flower with one hand and sniffs it before shaking his head. It stinks but it isn't that smell. He then walks around some more, trying to find where the source of the stench is before heading towards the bed.

He takes a deep breath and he can small his pet's scent all over the bedding but he can faintly smell blood. But the weird thing is that it's not coming from the bed-

Mephiles moves his foot under the bed and hears something crumble. He looks down and sees a piece of paper before reaching down to grab it. Green, snake-eyes narrow as the stench rushes up to his nose and there's no mistaking it. This is blood, old blood but blood nonetheless. Thankfully, it doesn't belong to is pet.

Mephiles reads the first few lines and instantly does his free hand clench to the point his claws are digging into his hand.

My beloved Sonic

How are you, my Love?

It's been two weeks. Have you thought about my proposal?

Will you be mine?

Will you marry me?

Mate with me?

Forever be my soul mate?

Oh, my lovely Sonic,

Please don't make me wait any longer for you answer.

I'll kill to know.

Love me, Sonic. Love me with your everything: You heart, mind, body, soul, words, lips, your entire existence,

I just want your love, Love

I love you~

Your one and only~

It's taking a great deal for Mephiles to not rip the paper into shreds. Maybe, it's just one of the reckless mortals confessing their unhealthy love to his pet and they didn't have any ink on them, so they did some sort of blood ritual to write this abomination of a letter to him instead...?

Even if that were the case, it's giving Mephiles more reason to rip whoever wrote this into shreds.

Sonic opens the bathroom door and tosses his towel in the hamper as he makes his way to his dresser. He picks out some boxers and a pair of lightweight pants to sleep in. "Okay, so that's the game plan for tomorrow."

He brings his boxers up and pulls his tail through the hole, biting hard on his lip. He barely turns his head to look over his shoulder. "I hate the damn thing." Sonic then puts his pants on and bites harder on his lip when he pulls the tail-ring through. "I... really do hate you...stupid tail-ring..."

The hedgehog stretches his arms over his head and yawns before he makes his way to his bed. He's so tired from absolutely nothing that has happened today. Nope, he just left the hospital, helped in the kitchen, ate dinner with his family and that was it-

Something loosely wraps around his torso as something else covers his mouth, instantly making his body tense. Sonic brings his hand down to the thing around his stomach to feel an arm before he feels something rest on his shoulder. He relaxes a bit, already knowing who the person is without looking at them, before he tenses up again. There is no reason he should be relaxed with Mephiles around him... even if he did get Knuckles and himself out of danger...

Mephiles nuzzles his face into the blue shoulder and lets out a content sigh. This is what he misses: this warmth, his pet's warmth. It's so comforting. He can literally ignore everything going on in existence and just hold his pet for the rest of eternity, bathed in this wonderful warmth of his. But, like all good things, this must come to an end as well.

The onyx hedgehog brings his mouth up to the blue ear. "Keep your voice in a whisper. We wouldn't want to wake the household up, now would you?"

A low growl leaves Sonic's mouth and he raises his hands up, agreeing to the elder's terms. Immediately after does he feel the hands unwrap from his body. A breath leaves the peach mouth as Sonic turns around, wanting to face the deity and question why the heck he's here but the moment he turns around does he feel lips on his own, a hand grab that cursed ring, and himself falling to the bed with the other on top of him. He clenches his eyes shut from feeling the sensation run through his body, but it's not strong at all. In fact, it's fading faster than it came.

Sonic raises his hands up, about to push the jerk off him but stops when he notices something: he isn't being kissed. Mephiles barely has his lips on top of him. 'I thought... The last time he kidnapped me he was all over me... what the hell is going on?'

A faint click can be heard as Mephiles moves his head to the right side of the neck. He flicks his tongue out, licking the tiny holes before he blows on it. He can feel his pet slightly shudder underneath him and as much as he would've enjoyed it, he's not really in the mood for it. "Never again."

Sonic sees Mephiles pull himself up from his neck to go right in front of his face. "What...?"

"You will never allow anyone to touch you like that. To put those..." he hisses the next word out, "-liquids in you again, do I make myself clear?" He absolutely hated seeing his pet in such a state, in so much pain. His eyes nearly looked dead but worst of all, he couldn't feel that warmth coming from his pet from that nonsense he was injected with.

'He really was the one who saved us...' Sonic is absolutely shocked by the most random visit right now but more so than anything, about the order Mephiles is pushing on him. 'It's probably so he can abuse me himself is all...'

A sigh leaves Sonic's lips as he turns his head to the side. "I'm not making you that promise, because one: it's you. You'll want to do something to me yourself and two, they'll probably try to find a way to drug me anyways. He's a very persistent guy. But yeah, I'll try not to get drugged by him. Now get off me."

"Sonic," Mephiles closes his eyes and a smirk goes on his face before looking at the younger's face. "-if I were to do anything to you," he holds the tail-ring up, watching how green eyes widen, "-then trust me, you'll know."

"When did you-" a peach hand reaches behind him to touch his tail from the tip to the base. There's no weird sensation shooting up it, a bit of pain from the pressure maybe, but the ring is completely off him.

Mephiles doesn't say anything as he places the tail-ring on the nightstand. He won't admit aloud but he should have taken it off the moment they left Crystal Cavern. His own device had been used by someone else. He felt two sets of scratches on the ring, meaning his pet was pushed against a hard surface at least twice. He knows that Sonic wouldn't press himself up against it, he had evaded doing that when he first received the gift, but knowing someone else did it... Mephiles is not happy about it at all.

Speaking of being unhappy, Mephiles needs to get information about why his pet's room reeks of old blood, blood that belongs to other creatures.

"Are ya gonna get off anytime soon? Cause I don't plan on getting comfortable with you on top of me." Sonic glares at the being on him. He wants to have a reason not to be so hostile to him but every time they meet, Mephiles always ends up touching him some way that makes him both hate and enjoy the touch, but mainly hate it.

A smirk reaches its way onto the deity's face. "Oh? Won't you get comfortable under me?" He sees the green eyes widen before the younger goes to move his arms to attack but grabs the forearms and pins them down on either side of the bed. Peach hands move to grab his own but they're just out of reach. The blue body turns to the side, trying to throw him off but only presses his chest against his pet's, forcing him to stop his movements. "You don't want to disturb the household, remember?"

Another growl leaves Sonic's lips as he tries to pull any of his limbs free but the way Mephiles has him pinned is making all of his efforts futile. "Fine," a harsh breath leaves his mouth. "-what do you want?"

"I missed you and needed your warmth" would have been his original answer two days ago before he found his pet in such a state, so that reasoning is thrown out the window. Then finding his pet drugged and injured would have been his next reasoning but his main reason for being here right now, is to find out whoever is sending his pet that... letter...

Mephiles brings his face closer to his pet's as he wipes all amusement away from his own features. "I don't need you to ignore the question or for you to be silent, just be honest with me."

Sonic is a little taken aback from the sudden request.

"Who sent that letter?" Mephiles bores his gaze into the younger's, watching how the eyes widen with different emotions dancing across them but the main one being fear before they break contact as Sonic looks to the side. He releases an arm and grabs the peach chin firmly, turning the face back so they can look at each other once more. "You're afraid."

Sonic slightly flinches at the statement as he's trying to regain his composure and glare and the elder. He grabs the wrist and takes a moment to make sure he voice won't crack when he speaks. "No, I'm not."

"I can smell the fear radiating off your body." He sees the blue body tense from the statement as he continues. "It's almost as strong of that stench of blood. If I didn't know any better, then I would have thought you murdered people here. That's how foul this room is."

Sonic doesn't say anything in return and he releases his hold on the arm. He just looks to the side instead. He knew the stalker was using blood to write those damn things and he really hoped that he was crazy enough to just use his own blood, but deep down, he knew that psychopath had been using blood from other people. Though the letters stunk, they all smelled different from each other and what Mephiles just said confirms why.

"Answer me, who had sent you that letter?"

Sonic can hear the patience leave the elder's voice before he lets out a sigh. He does not want to deal with him all night, even though Mephiles isn't actually the worst person in his life right now.

"I... there's some creep that's been stalking me for nearly six months now and he's the one sending those damn things to me. I don't know his name and I don't care why he's so fascinated with me, I just, I hate it." Sonic breaks eye contact with him once more. He's tired, he just wants to fall asleep right now.

The hand loosens its grip on the chin before the thumb gently rubs it as green snake-eyes look over the blue and peach face. "I will offer you my services,"

Blue ears instantly perk up as Sonic's eyes fly open. All of the sleepiness disappeared. "W-what?"

"I was curious as to why you were exhausted during our first encounter. Your body is weakened." He presses his front against the younger's, hearing a small squeak but he ignores the sound as he focuses on something else. "You're stomach is shrinking, meaning, you're not eating."

Sonic just looks at the man surprised that he's figuring this out so easily. 'How is he able to tell?'

"I will not have my pet starved and weakened, but," the black and teal hand move from the chin to gently caress the cheek as Mephiles brings his lips close to the peach ones, "-I will not force you to eat. I will only suggest that you do."

Peach cheeks feel just a tad warmer than they should be right now. "I-I'm not gonna kiss you and you're defin-" he's cut short when a finger softly goes on his lips. He immediately feels the other's breath wash of his face.

Mephiles shakes his head. "I didn't say anything about a kiss, not yet at least." He moves his finger from the mouth. "No, in exchange for my assistance, I merely need you to say something, and to say something once."

The finger leaves Sonic's lips as he raises an eyebrow at the other. "...say what, exactly?"

Seeing how those beautiful green orbs are skeptically looking at him makes Mephiles chuckle. "I need you to call me," he places his lips directly on top of Sonic's, making them move as he speaks, "-Master.'

Sonic is torn between glaring at the man or widening his eyes from the request. It's so weird, so sudden, so



'Sonic, do it! Call him Master! Or if you want, let me out and I'll call him Master. Wait, he probably only wants to hear it from you, then, huh... Okay, well give me control of your voice and I'll do it. I'll call him Master for you. Please? Sonic please? Let me do it? C'mon, be a pal. Let me call our Mephi-Daddy Master!!!'

The peach cheeks get warmer from Fleetway's pleas as he's trying his hardest to ignore them. "W-why should I do that...?"

Mephiles pulls back some. "You haven't been able to do anything about this stalker of yours in the time he's been harassing you, am I correct?"


"And I refused to let my pet suffer at the hands of someone else."

Now Sonic is able to narrow his eyes at the deity. "Right, you're the only one allowed to torture me."

The smirk turns into a grin. "If that's what my pet is into."

Sonic bits his lip and tries to glare some more at the darker one but he can't seem to and his face won't stop heating up for some reason.

'Ooh, didn't realize that was your kink. Heh, I should've known better~'

'Shut it Fleet!' Sonic tries to release a low growl but it only comes out as a whimper from how flustered he is. "I-I'm not into that so shut up-"

"Shh," Mephiles covers the mouth. "-other's are resting."

Sonic just purses his lips to the side and lowers his ears some. Not only does he have to call the deity something he doesn't want to but the same guy is reminding him that everyone is resting. Oh, how he hates this so much.

"Well," Mephiles is enjoying watching his pet have an internal crisis. "-do we have a deal?"

"I really don't like you." Sonic only gets the grin in return before he rolls his eyes and takes a breath. "Fine, we have a deal," he turns his head, not wanting to look at the other while saying the stupid word. He suddenly feels fingers turn his face so he can look back at the elder.

He really doesn't want to do this but out of everything going on with him, his stalker is the biggest threat and needs to get any type of help that he can to deal with the psychopath. Even if he has to call this man that stupid name.


The moment peach lips close does Mephiles lower his own to them, kissing his pet. Though the way Sonic said it wasn't the most alluring, it still sounded right coming from the younger's lip.

Peach arms instantly grabs onyx ones, in an attempt to push the older man away from him but he stops when he feels the lips traveling to his jaw, down his throat and to the left side of his neck, sensually licking it. Sonic bites down on his lip when he feels the tongue roam over the bite that Mephiles had made. He can feel that stupid sensation coursing through his body from it. 'No! I thought it was just that stupid tail ring that did that?!'

The tongue licks at his bite marks once more, feeling the peach hands tighten their hold on his arms. Mephiles moves his mouth more to the left only to feel another set of bites. He withdraws his mouth and lightly traces his fingers over it as his other hand clenches tightly. He can feel blood starting to run down his fingers. "Who did this?"

Sonic is trying to calm down from that stupid sensation. He has no idea why it felt so strong when Mephiles licked his bite.. After a moment his breathing goes back to normal. Now if only he can get his heart to stop pounding so hard "T-that... stalker..."

Mephiles looks from his pet to the side of the neck before harshly licking it. He feels the body under him shudder before he blows on it, closing both his and the stalker's marks. He doesn't want to get rid of his own, but he needs to make sure that the other's is completely gone. He'll wait until the stalker is completely erased from existence as well before he properly claims his pet.

Sonic brings a hand up and he rubs his neck, feeling the skin under his fur. There's not bites, none at all. He brings his attention back to Mephiles before a small smile goes on his face and he leans back into his pillow. He brings a hand to cover his eyes as his smile grows bigger.

He's probably making a big deal out of nothing but Sonic is genuinely happy right now. That bastard's mark, it's gone. It's one less thing he has to worry about from that psycho. It one less thing that the maniac has over him. "Thank you..."

Mephiles hears the words spoken, but they mean nothing to him when he sees that smile, the smile that the crystal version of his pet could never make. He had no intention to make his pet smile, he just wanted that damn thing off of him, but, he had actually made Sonic smile just from fixing something that disgusted him.

He had made Sonic smile a genuine smile.

The moment Sonic moves his hand from his face does he see toxic green eyes close before lips go on top of his own again. He doesn't resist at all, no, he just lays there and lets the other have his way with his lips. Hell, he's so happy he may even kiss him ba-

'Don't. We're not supposed to enjoy it, remember?'

'Right, right... he's only helping with the psycho so there's less competition over me afterwards. He just wants to break me himself.'

If that really is the case, then the thought makes both Sonic and Fleetway sad. Fleetway because he's actually taken a liking to Mephiles and not because of his body either. But because of the way that he does things; he's very methodical. It's the complete opposite of how he is. As for Sonic, he had just found reasons to respect the deity.

Mephiles feels his pet's body suddenly tense and he pulls back. He would have like to do more with the kiss but he won't push it. No, that smile was payment enough. Besides, he has plenty of time to get another kiss from his pet.

Mephiles watches as Sonic stifles a yawn and shakes his head to try to keep himself awake. A small chuckle leaves pale lips as he moves his hand to go under the blue head, putting pressure on the spot where it meets the neck to put his pet to sleep.

"Stop... doing tha-" the words barely leave Sonic's mouth as he falls asleep. His body instantly relaxes on the bed.

Though this method is quite sufficient in putting someone to sleep, it can end up being bad for their neck later on. 'I'll have to keep that in mind.'

Mephiles finally gets off from the hero, laying down right next to him as he wraps his arms around the body, pulling him close. He can feel all of the warmth he's been missing, which makes a small smile go on his face. Unfortunately that smile immediately turns into a smirk as the bedroom door opens and the person comes in, only to freeze on the spot.

Green eyes get a wicked glint in them as they see the newcomer. "Welcome in, Shadow."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To be continued

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey all, welcome to the greatest storm~

Kinda sad I had to split this chapter in half because of how long it would've been otherwise but I'm really happy I got this part done.

Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed it.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, Luvs~

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