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By ashesdimples

5.9K 278 799

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334 19 9
By ashesdimples

The smell of coffee started to linger around the small apartment,

as well as the sound of eggs crackling in the pan. It was early Monday morning, too early to be up at this hour according to Hyunjin who was currently frying eggs for breakfast, but he had no choice but to be up at this hour because today was the first day of fall semester at Eden University, and he definitely did not want to show up late to class on the first day.

The sky was covered in dark grey clouds signaling that summer was finally over, it's definitely going to rain today, hyunjin thought to himself as he plated his eggs and poured himself a cup of coffee.

The faint noise of the tv could be heard in the background as he sat on the couch, he then grabbed the tv remote and turned the volume up so he could listen to the weather report for the week, but the weather report was suddenly interrupted by breaking news,

*Breaking News, early this morning police report finding a body late last night near the abandoned Penitrary asylum after another body was found earlier that evening near the Northbound Highway, the victim is yet to be identified, but police report that this was once again the doing of the infamous serial killer Jigsaw. We also report that the FBI has decided to put together a special task force to catch the serial killer, as there have been no new leads in the previous months regarding the killer himself. We will continue to keep you updated on any new leads relating to the case. This is Channel 5 reporting live and signing off. *

The news of finding yet another body was no surprise to hyunjin, ever since he moved up to Seattle a few years ago, he had been hearing the same words every single day, that a new body had been discovered and it was the work of the notorious Jigsaw. Nothing really surprised him anymore, but today he felt different than before, because of the fact that the abandoned asylum was only a 5 minuet drive away from his apartment, and the fact that the police found two bodies in one day which is unusual regarding the killer.

He couldn't help but feel a bit panicked for the first time, but he quickly shook off the feeling as he saw the time and decided to get dressed for the day. As he stood up to clean his dishes, a zombie had emerged from his room waddling into the living room, wishing he could have slept five more minutes.

"Morning zombie minnie."

"Shut up hwang, is there coffee?" the younger said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Good morning to you too." hyunjin said as he rolled his eyes towards the younger, "Yes I put a fresh pot out."

The youngers eyes brightened up immediately, "Did I ever tell you that I love you!" Seungmin said as he practically ran towards the coffee pot. Hyunjin then turned towards the younger to see him pour himself a cup of coffee,

"Minnie how do you feel today? Are you sure you're okay to go to school today?"

Seungmin now held a big cup of coffee around his cold hands as he looked out of the kitchen window seeing the grey clouds that seemed to represent his mood for the day.

"I have to jinnie, it's my first day of school as a freshman, especially in University. I have to show up no matter what, I also promised Jeongin that we could look for our classrooms together, so we don't get lost on our first day."

"Okay, but you'll tell me right away of your not feeling well, right?"

Seungmin couldn't help but smile at his childhood best friend, hyunjin had always cared for him through thick and thin, he really didn't deserve someone like him in his life,

"Of course, jinnie, you'll be the first to know."

Hyunjin smiled and pinched seungmins cheek before heading to his room to get dressed for the day. Leaving seungmin to get lost in his thoughts.

Seungmin had been through a lot this past year, getting into a car accident and being the only sole survivor in your family put a toll on him, mentally and physically.

He was grateful towards hyunjin who offered him to move up to Seattle to live with him so he wouldn't be alone. But still he didn't know how to function anymore, especially the fact that him and his parents were never close to each other, but after their passing, the feeling of regret lingered constantly in his mind.

He quickly pulled himself out of his thoughts and looked at the time, Shit I'm going to be late, he thought as he then set his coffee cup on the kitchen counter and ran towards his room to get dressed for the day.

"Yo minnie are you dressed yet? If we don't leave now jeongin's going to murder, you for being late!" hyunjin yelled out as he grabbed his car keys.

"Coming!" seungmin yelled out as he quickly tied his shoelaces. He then took one final look in the mirror before grabbing his backpack and heading out.

"Minnie, did you grab everything you need?"

"Yeah, lets head out."

As hyunjin was driving, seungmin found himself lost in thought again,

I wish for this school year to go by normally for once, I hope nothing else goes wrong.

But the unfortunate thing was, sometimes we never get what we wished for.


After hyunjin parked his car, seungmin walked out and noticed how packed the campus was. Some students were running around frantically trying to get to class on time, while others were catching up with their friends about what they did over summer break.

Overall, it made him slightly panic seeing the big crowd, he just hoped to stay quietly in the background all year long, only ever interacting with his two best friends, he just hopes to have a peaceful quiet freshman year.

"You guys are late! Freshman orientation is starting in 5 minutes minnie." Jeongin yelled as he ran over towards the two.

"Sorry innie, mr. zombie here took his sweet time getting up this morning." hyunjin spoke as the three of them started walking towards the gymnasium.

"Whatever, at least we made it and besides it's the first day of school, they'll understand if we're a few minutes late."

"Your always late minnie."

"Shut up jeongin, or I won't buy you lunch today."

Jeongin rolled his eyes as the three of them walked side by side on the packed walkway.

"Hey, I have to head out towards the Sophomore art department, I need to setup my canvas for my painting class, will you two be okay by yourselves?" hyunjin said as he checked the time on his phone.

"Yeah, don't worry about us jinnie, we'll meet you for lunch."

"Don't worry hyunjin, we'll be fine seungmin has me, so there's nothing to worry about."

Jeongin said as he then wrapped his arm around seungmin's.

"Okay, if anything just text me, okay? I'll meet you guys for lunch!" Hyunjin said as he then started walking the opposite direction towards the art department.

Jeongin and seungmin then started walking towards the gymnasium for their freshman orientation, they didn't really know where they were going, but they hoped to eventually find their destination.

As they were waking on the packed walkway, suddenly someone harshly bumped into seungmins shoulder causing him to slightly loose his balance and start to fall backwards. He closed his eyes, waiting to feel the impact of the concrete walkway, but instead he felt a strong-arm wrap around his waist, catching him before he fell.

Seungmin then opened his eyes to see that it wasn't jeongin who had caught him, but instead it was someone unfamiliar to him, someone who he's never seen before.

"Sorry sweetheart I'm kind of in a rush, are you okay?" the stranger said to seungmin.

But seungmin couldn't respond because this stranger was handsome, actually devilishly handsome. It felt like a sin to look at someone this beautiful, the stranger then smiled at him, oh gosh his gummy smile could kill people, seungmin thought as he couldn't look away from the handsome stranger in front of him.

He then snapped back to reality and stood himself up, suddenly missing the strangers arm wrapped arm his waist.

"Minnie are you okay?" Jeongin voiced out.

"Yes innie, I'm fine don't worry."

Seungmin then turned around to face the stranger, to see that he was intently staring right back at seungmin, which sent goosebumps down his arm.

"Once again I'm terribly sorry for running into you, I had to meet up with my friends, and I was running late and I had no idea where I was going, once again I'm terribly sorry for running into you!" The handsome stranger rapped out.

Seungmin smiled, he's a cutie, he thought to himself, "It's no problem, really!"

"Thank you so much, I owe you one really!" the handsome stranger said while looking at seungmin with sympathetic eyes.

"Hey like I said before, it's no problem really, now if you'll excuse us, we have to head out."

Before seungmin could walk away, he felt a strong hand grip his wrist causing him to halt his step.

"Wait! before you leave, can you please tell me your name?" The handsome stranger said.

"It's Kim Seungmin."

"Kim Seungmin... that's a pretty name." The stranger said with a smile.

There is something about him that makes me want to be near him at all times, seungmin thought to himself as he was staring right back at the handsome stranger in front of him.

"Oh, and by the way, I'm Han, Han Jisung, it's lovely to meet you seungmin, I hope to see you around." The handsome stranger said with a wink as he then started to walk away.

I hope to see you around too, seungmin thought as he saw the stranger walk away.

"Minnie, we have to go! we're late!" Jeongin said as the two then started to panic and run towards the gymnasium.

But what they failed to notice was that a certain someone stopped walking to look back towards the two frantically trying to make it to the gymnasium on time.

"Kim Seungmin, you'll be seeing a lot of me this year, I hope you'll be prepared." Han thought as he watched a certain boy fade into the crowd.

And unfortunate for seungmin, this school year will turn his whole world upside down.

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