Haikyuu x Y/n oneshots

Da ily-yams

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Haikyuu characters x yn oneshots Swearing sometimes Female Y/n More information in the intro Enjoy Altro

yachi hitoka : cute
kosume kenma : frequent customer
tendou satori : sleepover?
kunimi akira : walk me home
oikawa toru : good enough
sakusa kiyoomi : finally
semi eita : something changed
author's note
akagi michinari : hurt
suna rintaro : hiding spot
shirabu kenjiro : never again - pt 1
shirabu kenjiro : never again - pt 2
bokuto kotaro : lack of sleep
miya osamu : different
kita shinsuke : a new feeling
goshiki tsutomu : stay

yamaguchi tadashi : locked up

707 5 3
Da ily-yams

My #1 kin!! Here's the song that inspired me:

Like Real People Do - Hozier
"We should just kiss like real people do."

It's the same thing everyday. There's only a few things to do in my cell anyways : eat, sleep, think and read. Even reading is boring as there's only five books in my bookshelf. All of them are old books, classic books, that you think would be an interesting read, but when I read them, they were terribly written. They weren't even written by the actual author!

Off brand Little Women sits beside my bed, it being the one I'm reading at the moment. Imagine Little Women, but like, no plot and it's mostly about the men. Not to mention, the women live "happily ever after" as housewives for their husbands. Little Women my ass.

The only other thing I can do is think. I just woke up from my first nap and it's only 11 in the morning so I can't sleep anymore for a while and lunch doesn't come for another hour and a half so I can't eat either so the only left is to think.

Not to mention, the only source of the outside world I have is a small window that I keep open during the spring and summer. It's spring at the moment. That leaves me with thinking.

It's been about half a year now that I've been locked in this hellhole of a cell. All for standing up for a little kid getting mistreated by a castle guard.

If it's not clear, the king and queen of my kingdom aren't the best. No, they're the worst. They locked up so many people for stupid reasons like: climbing trees, not working hard enough or even just having an annoying presence. I am one of those unfortunate victims. At least I wasn't alone for the most of it.

A couple months ago, there were different people in the hallway, chatting away to get rid of the boredom. But then, they found their opportunity to escape. When I tried to make them take me with them, they refused, saying they had no need for me. They left after that, leaving me alone in the small hallway. It's close to where all the other prisoners are yet I'm still very much alone.

For a couple weeks, I had a nice guard that was here. Usually, guards would come check on everybody once and a while, just to see if they were planing to escape. This one guard, though, was wonderful.

Seeing how alone and bored I was, she would sneak in books from the library and treats from the kitchen. She'd have long discussions with me on any topic. It only lasted a couple weeks before the other guards caught her. She was locked up somewhere else, away from me. Her lock up happened around a couple moths ago as well.

I'm all alone again in this disgusting cell in the disgusting dungeon of the castle. I'm about to force my way through another chapter of Not Little Women when the sound a creaking door is heard. That makes me sit up straight since the guards never check up on me at his time.

"Get in," the gruff voice of a guard commands someone. I hear the sound of struggling, grunts and feet sliding on the floor.

"I didn't do anything!" A male voice asks which surprises me. "I'm just not good at talking to people sometimes. I got lost!"

Before he can say anything more, the sound of shoving is heard. I quietly get out of my bed, desperate not to creek it. I slowly make my way to the cell door, not too close as to not get caught eavesdropping but close enough to try and peek at what's happening.

I see the guard's feet in front of the cell beside me before he walks away. I hear the new prisoner in the other side sigh before sliding his back down the wall. "What the hell am I going to do?" He mumbles.

"Hi," I greet out of nowhere. I chuckle slightly as he lets out a yelp. "Sorry for scaring you."

"Who are you? Where are you?" He asks nervously, making me chuckle again.

"I'm the girl in the cell beside you. You can't see my face since my left wall is connected to your right wall. My name's L/n Y/n."

There's silence before he speaks up in a calmer way. "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi."

"I don't mean to pry but what did you mean when said you got lost?" I lean my back against the wall as well. Sure, it's uncomfortable, but this whole place is uncomfortable to be honest.

"I'm from another kingdom," he answers, his answer intriguing me. "My friends and I wanted to take a trip to another kingdom but I got lost on the way there." I hum, letting him know I'm listening. "I stumbled across a guard and I got too nervous to talk to him. I'm a nervous person, if I'm being honest. He got mad at me and here I am."

"I'm sorry." I genuinely am. That's just terrible. Despite seeing so many innocent people being mistreated, it's still upsetting to hear. "The king and queen of this kingdom are shitty and they like to lock up whoever they want. I'm here for standing up against a guard."

"I'm sorry too." I smile. His voice is nice. If only I could see his face. "How long have you been in here?"

"About six months."

"What?!" He exclaims loudly before excusing himself. He calms down a bit, me hearing his deep breaths. "That's a long time. How long will I be in here?"

"I don't know," I respond honestly. "But..." I start, hesitating to say what I want to say next. There's a silence and I know that means Yamaguchi's listening which makes me more comfortable. "It's nice to have a friend to talk to. I've been surviving off of this torture called The Odyssey but in a terrible English. It's like it was translated by a five year old."

His laugh makes me laugh too. He takes one of the books from his so called bookshelf and reads the title. We spend a bit of time talking, getting comfortable with each other by making fun of these books.

We continue talking until the food comes along to smooth my rumbling stomach. We eat in silence but it's different now with Yamaguchi. I eat in the presence of someone else, despite not being able to see his face.

"I'm going to take a nap," I tell Yamaguchi.

"I will too," he responds. "There's not much to do in these cells. I can't believe you've spent six months like this."

I don't respond, instead, going to sleep. I'll probably talk to him another time. By 'probably', I mean definitely. Who knows how long we'll be here? I've already been here halls a month. Well, all I can do is hope, despite me losing most it it during the long while I was stuck here.

It's been a couple weeks since Yamaguchi was first thrown into the cell beside me. Since then we've connected a lot. We've shared memories together, shared thoughts, and even exchanged jokes and gossip from our respective kingdoms.

Despite all the sharing we've done, I find myself nervous when he starts talking about his friends and family. Then, the dreadful questions comes.

"So what about your friends and family?" He asks innocently, having no clue what that question means to me. There's silence on my end. "Y/n?" He asks, concern laced in his voice. "You don't have to answer if you're too uncomfortable."

Yet, I want to. I've never shared this with anyone, not even that nice guard that used to be here. But somehow, I'm telling Yamaguchi the truth. "My family and friends disowned me after I was put in here." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I got many letters saying that my loyalty to the king and queen are no longer there so they don't love me anymore. They just want the royals to like them, even if that means complete ignoring me."

I start to snifflewhich seems to make the boy in the other end of the wall panic. "I'm sorry!" He apologizes immediately. "I shouldn't have made you answer that."

"No no, it's fine. It's not your fault. You were just curious." He calms down a bit when I laugh at his worry.

"For what it's worth, I think your friends and family are terrible," he declares, surprising me a little. "But you have... me now," he continues nervously.

I can't ignore the heat on my face or the fast pace of my heart at his words. I smile. I want to see his flustered face so bad but I can't imagine it if I haven't even seen it. But I can do something.

"Reach out your hand through the space between the bars closest to me," I order, scooting towards the bars of my own cell. I try to press my face as close the the bars as I can without actually touching them. Those things are nasty.

After a second I see an arm reach out hesitantly. I can't help but smile when I see a few freckles coat his arm. So he has freckles. "Lean it more towards your right," I order again. He does so and I reach out my arm as well.

Finally, I'm able to touch his fingers. Electric sparks flow through me instantly as I hold his hand in mine. He moves a bit to intertwine our fingers, which makes me gush like a little girl on the inside.

No words are exchanged between us as we hold hands. I don't want to let go and it seems he doesn't want to either. I could stay like this all day.

The only time we let go is when a guard comes in to give us today's dinner. More silence surrounds the empty hallway as we eat. But as if he read my mind, his arm extends again as mine does the same, and we hold hands again. I have a feeling that we'll be doing this more often. I'm not complaining.

It has officially been a month since Yamaguchi's been here. I feel really bad for him, I think the time has started getting to him. We're still talking but sometimes I have to comfort him while he cries about how much he wants to go home. I don't really have to comfort him, it's something I chose to do.

We're starting to loose things to talk about now. We've shared so many things and there're aren't many things to talk about here. It's going back to usual for me, only being able to do a few things.

I'm woken from the second nap of the day to some unfamiliar voices. "Yamaguchi, it's us!" One explains excitedly. "We're just disguised as guards so that they don't find out that it's us." Another one hums.

"How did you guys find me?" Yamaguchi asks in disbelief.

"We tried our best to remember where you got lost and where you could have gone. We've looked all month for you."

I sit up in my bed when I realize something. Yamaguchi's going home. Good for him. However, I can't help but feel upset.

I'm jealous that he has a place to go to. But more then that, I'm upset that he's leaving. The person I've come to develop feelings for is leaving me alone. Again, I'll be all a- "Can we bring the person in cell beside me too?"

Huh? Before I can even think to say anything, three unfamiliar people are standing in front of my cell.

There's a shorter one with orange hair who smiles at me. He must have been the excited voice that call out to Yamaguchi.

Another one has dark hair and he looks serious. I can't tell if he's glaring at me or if he's just observing me very deeply.

The tallest one is indeed glaring at me, but it's more of a judgemental glare. He has blond hair, glasses and he's pretty skinny. He kind of reminds me of a French fry with glasses.

"L/n, these are my friends," Yamaguchi introduces. "L/n, the short one is Hinata." Hinata let's out an offended cry. "Kageyama is the one who looks like he's glaring at you." Kageyama now glares at Yamaguchi. "And Tsukishima, my best friend, is the other one."

"Hello," I greet nervously. All the guards are masked and I obviously can't see Yamaguchi's face so I haven't seen any face in a while. I'm reminded of when Yamaguchi told me he finds it easier to talk to me if he can't see my face because he won't get nervous. I can't help but relate at the moment. "I'm L/n Y/n."

"Hi, L/n," Hinata greets back. "We're going to get you out of here."

My face switches to one of surprise. I'm... getting out. They're taking me with them.

Hinata frowns at my expression. "How long have you been in here?"

"Seven months," I tell him hesitantly. At my response, all. Three of them widen their eyes.

But the blond one smirks after a second. "No wonder, I mean look at you."

"Tsuki that was mean!" Yamaguchi defends.

"Shut up Yamaguchi."

"No." That surprises all of us. I remember Yamaguchi telling me about Tsukishima and how he always said sorry whenever the blond one told him to shut up. I know he wants to stand for himself, but I understand how hard it is. Yet he's doing it right now. He's standing up for me.

Tsukishima gives his best friend a small smirk before stepping away. Hinata unlocks my door with the keys they stole from the guards. I still wonder how they did that.

I stay in my cell, not really believing that I'm actually leaving. I'm free. As I stand there in shock, they also unlock Yamaguchi's door

That makes me realize another thing. I can see Yamaguchi's face now.

As Hinata and Tsukishima do their own respective 'welcome back''s, Kageyama appears in front of my door. "Are you not coming?" I stare at him, opening my mouth but no sound comes out.

Then, a face I've never seen before appears beside Kageyama. I'm so shocked that I don't pay mind to - probably - Hinata who yanks Kageyama out of the way.

Yamaguchi looks nervous, an adorable blush coating his cheeks as he rubs his neck. Yet, he still looks me in the eye, like he can't look away. I can't say anything since I'm doing the same thing.

His dark eyes are mesmerizing to look at but I glance at everything on his face. His freckles on his cheeks and nose that are absolutely adorable. His dark green hair that I want to run my fingers through so bad. His tall build, neither buff nor skinny. Finally, his lips.

I find myself walking closer and closer to him. He gets nervous and almost jumps out of his skin when I touch his shoulder. I look up from his lips back to his eyes, trying to convey a message.

He seems to get it but doesn't quite believe it. I have to be the one to take charge.

Without another second, I cup his cheeks and pull him in with our lips touching at the end. He tenses again, hands flying around, clearly not knowing what to do. So I take his hands, and put them on my back.

Despite neither of us being good at kissing, the feeling is amazing all the same. I give in to my instincts by running my fingers in his hair. He seems to like it by the way he smiles against my lips.

Unfortunately, we have to let go due to lack of oxygen. Despite letting go, his hands don't leave my back so I put my arms around his neck too.

"Eww," Hinata teases which reminds me that his friends are here. Embarrassed, I put my head into Yamaguchi's chest. He puts his face in my hair which tells me that he's embarrassed too.

"Come on love birds, we have a kingdom to return too," Tsukishima slightly teases. I completely let go of my... wait.

"Are you my boyfriend now?" I ask.

He tenses for the 100th time today but calms down sooner. "I-I guess."

I smile and that his hand. "Well then let's go, Tadashi." I don't even have to imagine his flustered face.
It's my birthday!
Yet my mental health is still bad
And all my friends forgot about my birthday
But I got to see some old Viking houses!

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