oikawa toru : good enough

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Dont worry, the oneshot isn't that sad...
It's a bit sad. Happy ending though!

Rescue - Lauren Daigle
"I will rescue you."

I practically stomp from my room to the front door of my house. If my parents weren't out late, they would have probably asked why I'm causing such a ruckus. They would have understood if I told them.

I glare forward as I rush to the nearby park. Even with this cool breeze coming in as the sun starts to slowly set, I still leave the house with only a sweater and shoes. It's an emergency and I need to get to the park as soon as possible.

Let me explain. A minute ago, I got a text from my friend Iwaizumi. He told me that Oikawa wanted to practice more after official practice was over. The ace let him go but called him fifteen minutes later to check on him since it was the team's first practice after loosing against Karasuno.

When Oikawa didn't answer, he got worried and went to his house to find out that he wasn't there. His mother told him that her son went to the park. That only means one thing, an hour after practice, Oikawa is still practicing. He's overworking himself again.

Iwaizumi told me it was best that I do it since he doesn't think Oikawa would want to see any of his team. When he texted me that, it looked like he was about to say something else but backed out at the last second. I wondered what it was for only a second because a moment later, I was out the door.

After a few minutes of walking in the cold air outside, I approach the park, immediately feeling a ton of sadness on my shoulders when I see the familiar figure of my closest friend and the guy I've been in love with since first year. I slowly make my way to him, careful not to make too much noise. I don't want to scare him since he seems focused.

Instead, I sit at a bench close by and watch him. His expression looks pained but it's clear he doesn't want to cry, even if nobody was here to watch him in the first place. He serves the ball with another of his amazing serves that he still doesn't think is good enough.

All I want to do is run to him, hug him and tell him how amazing he is. I want him to actually be proud of himself and not compare himself to others. I want it, but it's not that easy.

I sit, watching his every move. At some point, the ball he serves falls close to me and I straighten up. When he goes to pick up the ball, he notices me midway. He freezes with wide eyes, starring at me who's casually sitting on the bench. I don't react, just watch him with a calm face until he moves again.

He gets the ball before walking to me. "What are you doing here?" He asks, the usual cheery or teasing tone in his voice gone.

I silently pat the spot beside me so he sits, us both being silent as he does so. He turns his head to looks at me, patiently waiting for my answer. "Iwa told me you'd be here," I finally respond.

Oikawa sighs and looks away from me, glaring at nothing in particular. "Are you here to scold me, lecture me?" I hear the annoyance in his voice but it's clear he wants to hide it. I stay calm.

"No. But I am ordering you to come back to my place and take a break," I tell him, looking at him with a pointed look. He sighs, not bothering to hide his annoyance this time.

"I can't," he snaps. "I just lost to Tobio a couple days ago. I haven't been to nationals once. This time I didn't even get to the finals. If I don't get better, I'm useless. If I'm not the best, I'm not enough."

I'm slightly surprised that he admitted that since usually he would just cover up his feelings with a smile that I could always read through. But I'm relieved that he's opening up to me, even if it was a snap of annoyance.

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