
By Artemisia738

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She got alerted hearing the same footsteps approaching her. Crawling backwards she shook her head vigorously... More

Chapter 1- Abducted
Chapter 2-Ruined
Chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- Handwriting
Chapter 5- Escape
Chapter- 8


3.4K 205 55
By Artemisia738

" You will marry him," A voice interrupted their father-daughter moment.

It was none other than Rubab's mother. She was leaning against the doorframe to balance her weak body. Tears glistened on her wrinkled pale face. She had been crying non stop since Zulfikar's arrest.

" If this marriage can bring back my son then I don't have any problem," Rubab's mother said. Her voice was desperate as if she would do anything for her son.

Rubab's father scowled," This is absurd. How can we just marry off our daughter to a stranger?"

He tightened his hold around Rubab's shoulder. Rubab did not say anything for a few moments or we can say she could not voice out anything. She was still bewildered by everything.

" Darwish is rich and not too old. What more do you want? He will keep our Rubab happy," Runa explained to Selim as if she knew Darwish personally. Her confident voice was indicating so.

He shook his head in denial," Just because he is rich. Doesn't mean he is a good person. Do we know anything about his parents? His background? Nothing!"

" I am not going to hand over my only daughter to him. That's final," Selim declared. His voice was firm and straight.

Runa cried out," If this marriage don't happen then Zulfikar will be thrown into jail for 7 years! I talked to the lawyer. He told me that our chance of winning is low. He just assumed that the judge may giv...........

" Your son's love has blinded you!" Selim blurted out before she could even complete her words.

Runa was disturbed about everything. Since Rubab's abduction and Zulfikar's arrest her mental situation was in complete chaos and now Selim's straightforward words triggered a strong nerve inside her.

" Oh, really! Then, tell me who is going to marry her?" Runa pointed her finger at Rubab. " She is ruined and the whole society knows it. Every single person in our locality considers her a plague as if even her shadow will taint their daughters. Even small children are brainwashed against her. In this situation, if a man is willing to marry her then it's her luck."

" I am sick of hearing their taunts behind my back. I am tired of hearing my upbringing questioned. I am sick of people scrunching their noses at my family. I will go crazy one day. It would be better if she leaves our house, our life and this locality ," Runa screeched  before collapsing on her knees.

It was a pin-drop silence after her outburst. Selim was speechless while Rubab just let silent tears flow down. She felt a sudden sting in her chest looking at her mother's broken figure. She wasn't hurt by her mother's words because it was the truth. Though there was no fault of her, no one was bothered to understand her perspective.

Rubab was just hurt, guilty and felt like a useless human being because her mother had been digesting different types of taunting and humiliation because of her. She could understand her mother's feelings. She took the full blame on her head.

" This marriage will shut down these filthy people's mouths and bring back my son. I just want my children's happiness. That's it," Runa hiccuped.

Selim was silent but he was still not convinced to marry off Rubab to Darwish. He would never marry off his daughter against her wish.

" Rubab will find happiness in America. Away from these filthy people's eyes," Selim reminded Runa.

Runa questioned back," And, what about Zulfikar? Are you ready to see your son rotting in jail?"

Selim lowered his head because he didn't have answer to this question. He was still clueless about how he was going to save Zulfikar.

" I will marry, Mr Yazdani," Rubab wiped away her tears with the back of her hands.

She didn't want to think anything at all. If this marriage can bring back her brother and mother's smile then she was ready for it. She could even walk on heated coal for her family. It was just a marriage that too an arrogant man. Without anything about her future she agreed. She did not want to think practically. She gave up in front of her emotions.

Her father narrowed his brows," Don't be ridiculous, Rubi. Marriage is not a plaything. I don't want you to regret marrying a stranger."

Rubab ignored her father's words. She went near her mother and crouched down her level. Her lips twisted into a sad smile.

" I won't let you cry anymore, Mamma," Rubab held her mother's face gently. Runa's eyes beamed with happiness.

Rubab placed her mother's head on her chest while Selim stormed outside angrily.

" I will do whatever you want," Rubab said biting her lips. She did not let her tears flow.

Two days later

Rubab and her father went to the hospital since she wasn't feeling well at all. Everything was traumatic enough for her to be depressed. That abduction, her brother's arrest and now Darwish's proposal had drained out the remaining peace of mind of her. Selim was noticing how depressed Rubab was. So, he took her to a doctor though she resisted at first. He was afraid that Rubab might take some extreme steps to fight depression.

Meanwhile, Rubab's mother Runa and her brother Joheb received an uninvited guest in their home. They were not expecting Darwish in their house. They were surprised by his sudden presence but they were surprised beyond level after meeting Darwish.

They heard a lot of foul things about him like he was arrogant, manner less etc. But, he was the complete opposite with them. His politeness, gestures to the elders and way of talking astonished Runa and Joheb.

" Mrs Mirza, I want you to not judge me because I complained against Zulfikar. I did whatever was right according to me. I had evidences against Zulfikar that's why I had............" Darwish was interrupted by Runa.

She questioned," If you are sure that Zulfikar is a culprit then why do you want to................"

" Because I believe that he is innocent. I have inspected his earlier records. He was always loyal to the company so it was kinda odd that suddenly he betrayed. I trust his loyalty. But, the evidences are solid too. If my lawyer present them in the court then he will get at least 7 years of jail," Darwish explained understanding Runa's words. He observed her suspicious eyes roaming on his face.

He chuckled," But, why all this unnecessary drama? Let me marry Rubab. Then, I will take back my complaint and everything will be sorted out."

" Why do you want to marry Rubab? If I remember clearly you don't even know her properly then why do you want to marry her?" Joheb raised a question. Darwish might look like a saint but Joheb did not trust this man at all. Joheb was no fool.

Darwish leaned on the couch. He nodded his head," Hmm. Good question. You are being protective of your sister, aren't you?"

Joheb raised his brow," Isn't it obvious?"

" Yes we should be protective over our younger siblings," Darwish mumbled.

Then, he answered pinching the breeze of his nose," Well, I have been searching for a nice girl to marry. Rubab has everything I have been searching for. That's why I asked for her hand in marriage."

His eyes observed Joheb who wasn't convinced at all. But, the moment his eyes caught Runa's face, he knew that she would be the trump card for him in marrying Rubab.

" Mrs Mirza, I promise that I will keep your daughter happy. I will give her anything she will wish for. I won't let even a single drop of tear leave her eyes. I will make sure her face never lose the charm she has," Darwish diverted his concentration on Runa who was nonplussed.

She will just lose her sanity. That's it. It's not that bad.

His mind spoke looking at Runa's hesitant expression. Darwish was master in pretending and she was fool enough to fall for his fake promises.

Their conversation were interrupted when Rubab and her father returned home. Walking in the living room they got one of the biggest shock in their life. They wondered what was Darwish doing here. Selim told Darwish that he will inform him about Rubab's decision. So, he wasn't very pleased by Darwish's presence.

Rubab stiffed in her place seeing Darwish sitting on the couch. She felt goosebumps noticing his eyes observing her closely. His emotionless eyes met her petrified ones and she felt a chill running down her spine. She could feel his insults ringing inside her head. Darwish laughed mentally observing the nervousness in her.

" What are you doing here?" Selim questioned. His voice was loud and rude as if he was telling Darwish that he wasn't invited.

Darwish's eyes met Selim's eyes. His dark brown orbs inspected Selim's wrinkled face for a few seconds. Darwish could hear voices in his mind after seeing Selim.

" You will disturb my daughter, huh! You have this much audacity," A harsh voice shouted.

A pitiful and gentle voice pleaded," I did not disturb her. I am not an Eve teaser. We love each other. You can ask her."

" If I offended you then I am sorry but I swear I didn't disturb her. We love each other," He hiccuped helplessly.

The harsh voice sounded dangerous," I am gonna break every single bone of your body."

" You didn't answer, Mr Yazdani," Selim cleared his throat.

Darwish's eyes flickered frantically. He let out an awkward chuckle to cover up his sudden anxiety. He straightened his face instantly.

" I....." Darwish opened his mouth.

" He is here to meet his future in laws. What's wrong in this?" Runa interrupted smiling.

Darwish looked at Runa with amusement. She was the only person whom could be fooled easily. He smiled at his own thought. Runa is convinced by him that means he had succeeded in convincing others. He already realized that no one will deny Runa's words.

" I haven't agreed on this proposal yet," Selim glared at Darwish.

Darwish did not mind Selim's words. Selim was not anything concerning for him. He was sure that Runa will convince Selim.

" If you permit may I talk to Rubab alone?" Darwish looked at Runa.

Rubab shared a dumbfounded look with her father and brother.

" No," Selim and Joheb refused at once but Runa gestured them to not say anything.

She smiled at Darwish," Why not?"

" Rubi, take him to the garden," Runa ordered Rubab grabbing her husband's hand tightly.

Darwish diverted his eyes at Rubab who was observing him with her scrutinizing eyes. She was trying to figure out his intention.

" Shall we?" Darwish gestured outside smiling at Rubab.

She didn't answer. She just glared at him from head to toe before taking steps outside. Darwish followed her silently while a devilish grin formed at the corner of his lips.

" What's your intention, Mr Yazdani?" Rubab turned behind the moment they reached the garden.

She folded her arms looking directly into his eyes. Her brows were curled with suspicion.

" I just want to marry you. That's all," Darwish answered.

Rubab scowled," Stop repeating this shit like a parrot. That day you insulted me, said whatever you wanted and now you want to marry me! What do you want actually? What's your ulterior motive?"

" I am sorry for my misbehaviour, Rubab," Darwish apologized.

Rubab was taken aback by the sudden change in his voice. He sounded so genuine, so concerned that made her confused. She flickerd her eyes swallowing the lump in her throat. Was he truly sorry for misbehaving with her?

" That day I was just thinking of you as a thief's sister. That's why I talked shit. But, once you left my office I couldn't think about anything or anyone except you. You didn't just catch my eyes. You stole my heart, Rubab," His eyes softened while confessing his feelings.

Rubab gave him a wary look," I am not a teenager to fall for your sugar coated words, Mr Yazdani."

" I knew that you will be suspicious about my interest in you," Darwish did not mind her attitude.

He got close to her. She quailed backwards seeing him leaning close to her face.

" How about you date me for a few days so that you can know me better? I am sure your outlook about me will change," He gave her a charming smile.

Unknowingly, Rubab's cheeks flushed. If she knew his true identity, her face would have shown disgust. She didn't know that the person in front of her was preparing for her destruction.

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