The Missing Zip Tie | Bocchi...

By Anwwwes

23.2K 588 469

Kamisato Ichiro is a 17-years-old boy a former introvert who is one of the members of Five Times Rock, which... More

Ch.1 : Unusual meeting
Ch.2 : Mysterious Bassist and Strange Vocalist
Extra: Valentine Day's special
Ch.3 : You are my friend?
Ch.4 : Stalker?
Ch.6 : Spying and some drunk girl
Ch.7 : Private practicing with "Kessoku Band"
Ch.8 : I don't need a girlfriend
Ch.9 : The exams
Ch.10 : Visiting Bocchi
(Fake Ch.) : Confession to Bocchi
Ch.11 : Visiting Bocchi part 2
Ch.12 : Meeting with Bocchi's parents
Ch.13 : Back to Starry
About this story
Ch.14 : First performance
Ch.15 : They came to my house
10K Special
Ch.16 : Declassified?
Ch.17 : Last Days Of Summer [1] Date Or Not A Date
Update number 412823

Ch.5 : "Shopping"

869 25 6
By Anwwwes

After hanging out with the Kessoku Band, I decided to go back home.

"Interesting day to say the least." - I muttered.

Walking down the street, I looked around and stopped.

"I think I forgot something?" - I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

Then I suddenly opened my eyes. "I can't remember at all." - I said.

"Could it be something important?" - I started thinking again.

I remember leaving the house today...And my mom told me something....What is this...?

I took out my phone and turned it on.

"Thursday...huh?" - I said quietly.

"Thursday?" - I repeated with a question in my voice.

It suddenly hit me and I opened my eyes.

"Today it's my turn to buy groceries..." - I muttered.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and ran towards the store.

"How could I forget?" - I said while running.

I started running to the nearest store.

(Store, store?) - I started looking around for my destination.

"Oh I found." - I said and then ran to the store.

I entered the store. "So let's go." - I said and looking for the products I need.

But suddenly I heard a familiar voice.

"Wait Ichiro-san is that you?" - I turned around at a familiar voice and saw Nijika.

She ran up to me. "Long time no see huh?" - She joked.

"Yes, that was a long time ago, Nijika-san." - I also answered jokingly. "As I think you're here for shopping?"

"Yeah.I'm here buying groceries for my family. But I saw you here, so I wanted to say hello." - She said smiling.

"Well, I'm also here shopping for my family.Because today is my turn." - I look at her and answered.

"I see. But Ichiro-san, why do you look tired? You weren't like this a couple of hours ago." - She asked me.

"Ah? Well, I ran here quickly so that's why I look tired." - I told her and examined myself.

"Eh? Did you run here? But why?" - She asked me and tilted her head to the side.

"Really... I don't know myself. Probably wanted to come here early." - I answered to her.

"I understand." - She said and nodded.

"Well, in general, this is my first time here and if you don't mind, can you show me where the products I need are located?" - I asked.

"Sure! It might take a while, but follow me!" - She said and went to show me.

"Thank you and sorry for bothering you." - I said as I followed her.

"Eh?" - She turned to me. "Don't worry,I'm happy to help you." - She gave me a warm smile.

I was shocked by her smile. 

(To be honest, I can't understand what is going on in the minds of such people) - I thought looking at her.

After that I looked at my phone in the grocery list.

"What is this?" - I look at my phone not understanding what is written here.

"Hm? What happened?" - She approached me.

"I just don't understand what is written here." - After I said that, she looked at my phone.

She started to giggle. "This is a brand of bread you know?"

"Really?" - I asked her.

"Yes,I use this brand all the time." - She answered.

"Ah,I see." - I told her.

After that, Nijika and I bought everything that was needed.

"Thank you for letting me help you with your groceries." - Nijika said while I was packing the groceries.

"You're welcome, but it's me who should thank you." - I said as I finished packing the groceries.

She giggled "Well then you're welcome." - She look at me with a smile. "By the way, can I have your contacts? It may seem strange, but I want to keep in touch with my friends."

"Oh that's okay" - I said to her.

After that we exchanged contacts.

"You can text me or call me whenever you want." - She said with a smile again.

"Sure thank you." - I said and we left the store.

I took a look at Nijiki's package and thought it would be nice to help.

"Hey Nijika, can I help you?" - I looked at her.

"If that's okay with you, I would be happy to get some help. I don't want to bother you." - She look at me as well.

"Yes I'm okay with that." - After that, she handed me a pocket and I took it.

"Thanks Ichiro-san you're really strong huh? That's pocket is really heavy and I really appreciate your help." - She seems happy.

"Yeah you're welcome." - I said and kept walking.

"So how far is your house?" - Nijika asked me.

"I live in the neighborhood nearby." - I answered her.

"Hm but I wonder how you got here?" - She asked me with curiosity.

"Well, I usually go here by train." - I answered her.

"Eh? But if you think about it, your neighborhood is 30 minutes from here." - She looked at me again.

"Well, the train is faster to come here." - I said and shrugged.

"Yeah it makes sense." - She nods. "Oh we've already arrived." - She said.

I looked at her house. "Wait, you live here so close to Starry?" - I asked her.

"Yes,surprised?" - She looked at me with smile.

"Yes I am..." - I said but then immediately remembered. "Oh here." - I gave her a bag of her groceries.

"Thank you Ichiro-san you are a life saver." - She smiled and took the bag from my hand.

"No problem. Well then bye, Nijika-san." - I said after that I started to walk and waved my hand.

"Bye bye Ichiro-san!" - She said and went into the house.

I watched her come home and after that I went on my way.But suddenly I realized one thing.

"I'll have to take the train home with a full bag of groceries..." - I muttered.

(Maybe I overreacted? Maybe I should have taken the train and bought groceries from store in my neighborhood?....Well no use crying over spilt milk.) - I thought and started walking towards the station.

After arriving at the station, I boarded the train and placed the bag on my lap.

The train started moving.And I got a notification on my phone.

"Hm?" -  I pulled out my phone and looked at it.

(This is from Nijika) - I opened the message.

Nijika: Thanks again Ichiro-san. Have a good road.

For some reason she texted me a few minutes later. I decided to write a simple answer.

Me:Thanks for today.

After that, most of the ride I was looking at the phone. 

A few minutes later I arrived and got off the train.

"Yeah what a day." - I said and started walking towards my house. Also I somehow feel relaxed.

I went into the house and after that...I saw the ball flying at me. I dodged quickly.

"The heck?" - I was surprised and started looking for directions where the ball came from.

"Wow big brother you are so cool!" - I heard the voice of my younger sister Yuki.

"What was that for Yuki??" - I looked at her.

"Nice throw Yuki!" - I heard my father's voice and saw that he did a thumbs up.

"But still, you need to be careful, you almost hit Ichiro." - Father praised her and blamed her at the same time.

"Sorry next time I'll be more careful." - She looks remorseful.

"Well I understood Yuuki. But father, what are you doing here, don't you have a job?" - I looked at him.

"Eh? I told you this morning, have you forgotten? I have a day off today." - He answered looking at me.

"I came out quite sleepy today so I don't remember." - I told him.

"I understand, but you have to go to bed on time." - He said to me.

"Yes, I understand, anyway, what are you doing here with Yuki?" - I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Well Yuuki wanted to play so here it is." - He answered.

"Do you know that you could break something in the house?" - I asked him again.

"Well." - He scratched the back of his head. "She didn't break anything"

"Oh my god sometimes I think I'm mature than my own father" - I muttered.

"Anyway I bought the groceries." - I said showing the package.

"Well done, I'll put it all myself." - He said.

"Thank you." - I said and went to my room.

I have a feeling that Kessoku Band will start performing soon...When this happens should I call my band?

I went into my room and took a look at my guitar. I walked up to the guitar and took it in my hands.

"Perfomance huh?" - I said looking at the guitar.

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