S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

31.7K 1.2K 329

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-

Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3

1K 45 5
By Victor_TheRiper



The next day, it is now morning, Clementine, Kenny, Sarah, Rebecca, Luke, Mike, and Jane gathered around at the table as Kenny place the radio on the table...

Kenny: Alright, we're all here.

Rebecca: Someone's got to give the radio to (YN) and Luke, what's the problem?

Kenny: We should probably figure out who's doing out before we-

They all then notice the gate opening as Kenny quickly dispose the radio into his pockets and seeing Tavia appear...

Tavia: Alright, daylights brining, they let you sleep in, all things considered. Rebecca, Nick, Sarah, Jane, if you gotta take a piss, do it now, there will not be any more breaks afterwards. Troy will be coming for the rest of you.

Kenny: ...Why just them?

Tavia: Like I said, Troys coming for the rest of you.

And so, the ones that were called by Tavia leave the yard with her as the gate closes, which leaves Kenny Clem and Mike alone...

Kenny: Alright look, if we're gonna do something, we gotta do it now. (YN) is our only hope here.

Mike: And Luke.

Kenny: ...Right, him too.

Mike: Okay, let me do it, where's the meeting?

Kenny: Mike...Clementine should do it.

Mike: Are you fucking kidding me??? I mean no offense, but that's crazy! She's a kid, why would-

Kenny: There's a million reasons why, she and (YN) know way more each other, and are best friends too. She can hide, and got the radio for us. Look I'm sorry Mike, but I don't know you from fucking Adam, alright? If I'm trusting someone to do this important, I'm trusting her.

Mike: So you don't trust ME to do it??

Clementine: Kenny's right, I should do it.

Mike: Come on, don't do something stupid to get respect.

Kenny: She don't need your respect, So-

They notice the gate opening and to see Troy appearing...

Troy: Alright little chickens, let's get to peckin, and don't think todays like yesterday. No way. No shenanigans. This rooster is gonna be surveilling your asses every second of the day ya hear? Especially you little girl, ima need an answer, now!

Clementine: *Scoffs* Whatever.

Troy: Tch, come on.

Kenny: Aw Clem, you for your pockets out.

Kenny made up an excuse to hide the radio and giving it to Clem by hiding it in her pocket sweater, with that said, they follow Troy. Troy takes them with him as he was gonna take them outside, until Bonnie stops him...

Bonnie: I think she's with me.

Troy: Ah shit, totally forgot.

Bonnie: Yeah.

Troy: ...Well take her, I don't care.

Troy shoves Clementine to Bonnie, as Kenny started to worry the fact the plan is already breaking down loose...

Kenny: Wait Wait, what's going on??

Bonnie: Just chores of a different sort, come on city mouse.

Kenny: I mean, can't you cut her a break? She really rather keep up on us, people that she knows?

Clementine: Yeah, won't they need my help??

Bonnie: Well, today I need it more, come on.

Bonnie takes Clem with her as the two started walking together as Troy takes Kenny and Mike...Bonnie started talking to Clem...

Bonnie: Sorry, but I really wanna see to make sure you're okay....I found out what happen yesterday, about Reggie.

Clementine: ...

Bonnie: Bill was just so matter of fact about it...like he'd pulled up a weed or something. Like it had to be done and..that was just one of those moments when your blood runs cold. Goose pimples up and down your arm, cause it turns out the person you thought you knew, was never there.

Clementine: ....

Bonnie: Clementine? Is something the matter? You look anxious. Look, I know I was dishonest when we first met, but I swear on everything holy that'll never happen again.

Clementine: ...I..I need to talk with Kenny.

Bonnie: ....*sighs* I can understand your uncomfortable...I won't force you to be around with me if you want to, I understand. So, go out there and be with Kenny.

Clementine: ..Thanks.

Clementine then makes a run for, instead of going for Kenny, she goes looking for (YN) and Luke at the room she and them met yesterday. She arrives and to notices Troy there without noticing, she quickly rushes in the store and to call out...

Clementine: (YN)? Luke? It's safe to come out.

Nothing, just pure silence, no response, she began roaming around the room, looking for them, and no where to be seen...

Clementine: Where could they be? Oh no, please don't let nothing bad happen.

As she roams around the room, suddenly, Troy busts in the room and finds her here, and already warned her not to be in this room.

Troy: Oh for fucking Christ sakes!

Clementine: I was-

Troy without hesitation slaps Clementine across her face and to grab her by the neck, dragging her outside...

Troy: You ain't suppose to be here, y'all been here for one fucking day and you're fucking up! Now you'll see what happens!

Kenny and Mike appears ...

Kenny: Hey! Let her go damn it!!

Troy shoves Clem over to Kenny as Kenny wanted to charge at Troy for hurting her, but Troy aims his gun at him...

Troy: Move it.

Troy takes them over back to the yard...
At the yard, Clementine Kenny and Mike arrive, and to notice the other group there, and Carver too, and also, Luke too! Luke has been caught red handed by Carver, beaten up as well as he was on the ground hurt, and Carlos checking on him as Carver paces around with disappointment, with Tavia and some other guard with him...

Carver: And how is it that we're repaid for our trust? With treachery? ...With deceit? ...With theft?

Clem whispers to Kenny...

Clementine: They caught Luke..!

Kenny: I know...shit!

Clementine: B-But (YN)!..! He's not here too?! No-

Kenny: Don't panic sweetie, he's alright, he's around here, I know him.

Clementine: ..I hope.

Carver then pulls out the radio Luke had, and knows one of the groups has the other...

Carver: Whatever you were planning us over, it's done. You can't just run away from your problems. You can't just up and leave when it gets tough...cause there's nowhere else you can go where it ain't. Tough is all we got now, get that through your fucking skulls....Now Luke here, he can't help you now, you gotta help yourselves, help me find the strength to forgive you. You can start...by telling me where the other radio is. I'm going to count to three, and if that radio ain't in my hand by then, I'll make this more difficult: One.....Two....

Clementine: ...I got-

Kenny: I got it right here.

Kenny quickly pulls the radio out of Clementine's pocket and to take the blame, he walks up to Carver as Sarita felt worried something bad will happen. Kenny hands the radio to Carver.

Kenny: Heh, sorry about that, not sure what was I thinking.

Carver: .....

Kenny: ...heh, fucker.

Carver then strikes Kenny with the radio, as Kenny falls to the ground, Carver then repeatedly started hitting Kenny's face with the radio...

Sarita: NO!! Stop him!! Somebody stop him!! No!!

Carlos: Sarita no!

Carlos stops Sarita from trying to go for Kenny...

Nick: Bill! You don't have to do this!!

Carlos: No Sarita! Don't!

Nick: Troy do something!!

Troy: ....

Sarita: Someone stop him!! Kenny!! Please stop him!!

Clementine runs over to try helping Kenny, but Troy steps in and to knock Clementine down with his gun...

Troy: Little Shit...

Carver kept hitting Kenny as Bonnie appears...

Bonnie: Bill!! That's enough!! Please!! Bill, there's a breach!

Carver listened to Bonnie...and to let go of Kenny...

Carver: Alright, everyone come with me. Bonnie, you stick around and make sure these folks don't get into trouble anymore.

Bonnie: ..Yeah, okay.

Carver and his guards leave the yard and shut the gate, Sarita and Carlos rushes over to check on Kenny and Bonnie to check up on Clementine...

Bonnie: Do your best with him Carlos, you need to get him able to move...cause we're leaving tonight

Everyone was surprise to hear that Bonnie will be helping out as well to escape, and right now...all they can do, is wait till tonight.
Later on that day, it was night already. Clementine woke up from her consciousness after being knocked out by Troy. She gets off the bed and to see the others sitting around the camp fire as the others notices...and seeing Sarita crying, after what they did to Kenny, she felt bad for her and Kenny. Then, Mike and Luke comes back with them after done talking with Bonnie...

Rebecca: What he say?

Mike: She'll get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going. The second she hears it, she'll run over and spring us.

Rebecca: Thats great.

Luke: No..it's not great.

Rebecca: What?? What are you talking about?

Luke: ...Look, part of this is all my fault, I..I was reckless, hungry and got caught even (YN) told me so-

Clementine: You left him behind?!

Luke: I-I know, I'm sorry Clem-

Clementine: Please tell me he's okay at least!!

She raised her voice, which startled everyone and can tell her worries for (YN)...

Luke: ...Don't worry he's fine, he's probably roaming around to try finding us...I'm sorry Clem, it's my fault, but the plan about leaving?? It's already risky.

Mike: Risky?? Do you not see what the crazy fucker just did? Look, the plan works, nothing needs to be changed. It's all set up, the hard part is done, this guys fucking crazy, who knows what he'll do next.

Luke: Yeah, but now we're dealing with a guy beat to shit, Sarita is in no shape to do anything, and I'm a god damn mess. Look, we should rest up, buy some time and wait for an opening.

Rebecca: We're NOT waiting!

Luke: ...

Clementine: ...Where's Kenny?

Carlos then comes back after cleaning and patching Kenny up...

Clementine: Is he okay?? Can..I go see him?

Carlos: ...I don't..I don't think that's a good idea. His orbital is crushed...I don't think there much hope for the eye...I got him as stable as I could, cleaned it, got some of the swelling down, bandaged it the best I can. But until he wakes up...we won't know if there's any damage to the brain.

Luke: ...Fuck...okay look, maybe I'm playin devil's advocate here. But if...if y'all are serious to leave tonight, then we might talk about...leaving folks behind.

Sarita: No!!

Luke: There is no other way.

Rebecca: This is bullshit.

Luke: Hey, I don't like it either but guess what? It's what we're at.

Sarita: Kenny and I are here cause of you people, and NOW you intend to leave him behind!? We are not leaving him!

Clementine: Of course not! We're not leaving him here! That's not fair, we stay together.

Luke: Life ain't fair Clem, we're trying to make the best of the bad situation here.

Clementine: So you wanna leave Kenny behind? Just like you left (YN) behind too?!

Luke: Look I'm sorry okay?! It happen fast, and I didn't wanted to drag him with me or Carver will get him as bad as he did to me-

Clementine: Then you could've done that!

Luke: What??!

Clementine: (YN) would've dealt Carver Like nothing.

Luke: Are you crazy??! Carver would've kill him-

Clementine: No!! You don't know him as well as I do. Trust me...(YN), would literally beat the shit out of Carver, and he would do it for me too, I know he will, just like he did to this crazy guy back at some dairy farm before....he broke his jaw with his bat for grabbing me by my hair.

Luke: ...!!

Clementine: So, before we leave, we have to find him, and not leaving Kenny as well.

Kenny: ...Good, cause...you won't have to.

Everyone else notice Kenny is up, bit tired and weak, but is standing strong, Clementine was so relief he's okay, Sarita as well as she goes and hugs him...

Kenny: I'm alright hon...so, we leave tonight, plan don't change.

Nick: Heh, not bad old man.

Kenny: Thanks asshole.

Mike: You are one tough bastard.

Kenny: Do tough bastards get their ass kicked by informer of everybody?

Kenny notices Clem approaching up to him...

Kenny: You alright?

Clementine: ...

Kenny: ...It wasn't your fault Okay? So don't go blaming yourself.

Clementine hugs Kenny...

Kenny: It's alright, it's alright...

Luke: ...Okay, now what?

Kenny: We get the bell outta here.

Luke: Like now now??

Rebecca: Yes now.

Kenny: But where will we go? if things get squirrelly and we gotta make a break for it, we need a place to meet up.

Mike: We can meet up at Parker's run, a civil war site a few miles north. Tourist trap. Got signs all over. Follow the road.

Rebecca: We stopped there after we escaped the first time. Luke and Carlos know where it is, not that far.

Kenny: Well, at least if folks know where it's at, it'll be easier for us to find it fi we split up. All right, that works.

Luke: Okay, with that said, we just need to get the PA working, so how and who will do it?

Rebecca and the others stare at Clem, as she is the only one that was able to know where the PA system is at Carver's office...

Luke: Wait hold on, SHES the plan??!

Clementine: I'm gonna need a boost.

And with that said, their plan to escape starts.


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