The Stronghold

By pleasantly_wholocked

2.1K 569 252

All the Super Glitches are grown up and have got on with their lives. Rebecca runs a school for assassins, Ge... More

Parcel Or Letter?
Contract Of Doom
The News
First Day On The Job
Riddle Me This...
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Picture Not So-Perfect
Crazy Nights
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Search Party
Body Swap
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Message Of The Mind
Rebecca Is Satan
Escape On Unicorns
DI Rogers and DS Rogers
Connected Via BrainFi
Pool Partay!!!!!!!!
Something's Bugging Me...
Dark Magic
Missing: One Sanders
Curse Breaking And Adam Levine
Flying Like A Rounders Ball
Connection Errors
Dancing Queen
Be Original, Evil People
Escalators Are Simply Moving Stairs
Water Is Thicker Than Blood
Bench Is NOT A Name
Ready To Go
Tippex Is Evil
Purgatory Is Not A Nice Home
Close The Goddamn Door!
Sass Battle
Panic! In The Town
Creepy Baby Demon Thing
Count The Scars
Trees Are More Dangerous Than Chainsaws
Land Of The Free
Home Of The Brave
Friends Can Be TOO Close
Tom's New Crush
Friend Fights
Did I Mention I'm Armed?
Ghostly Trix
Trusting Can Be Dangerous
Every Jeremy Packs A Punch
Here All Week!
Famous Last Words
Walking On Water
Take That, The Beatles!
Question Time

Every Angel-Demon Makes Mistakes

37 9 4
By pleasantly_wholocked

After explaining my ideas to Tom and promising to buy him a balaclava we set off to go and get a change of outfit and various other things that would put us on our road to a brand new life.

Walking from shop to shop with a gradually growing pile of bags and clothes we finally ventured into a 'cool' shop. Only the best fashion suits this face.

"No leather jackets," I said sternly, noticing Tom automatically migrate to that section of the store. "You're always in a leather jacket."

"I like leather jackets..." Tom whined.


"Alright then, you don't get any hats or glasses," Tom smirked.

"No!" I cried. "I need my hats! And my choice of lenses is fabulous!"

"If I don't get the stuff I like, neither do you."

"Evil," I grumbled. Then my eyes lit up and I darted around, grabbing things.

"Here, put these on," I ordered, thrusting my armful of clothes at Tom. He staggered slightly under the weight and I grinned, pushing him to the changing rooms.

"Go on," I said, waving him away. He gave me a death glare and then vanished from sight.


I waited for what seemed like forever for him to return. When he did I immediately started laughing.

"I knew it!" I yelled, punching the air triumphantly. "I knew you'd suit a top with kittens on it!"

"Shut up," he muttered, retreating back into the changing rooms hurriedly. I sat down again, cackling to myself and getting a lot of odd looks.

"Oh, get over it," I muttered, putting my feet up on the seat next to me and folding my arms. There was a cough and I looked up with a bored expression. A store official was stood next to me, arms folded.

"Are you waiting for anyone?" he asked frostily.




The official laughed slightly, but it was a cold laugh. "Stop messing around or we'll throw you out of the store."

I fixed him with a hard glare. "I'd like to see you try," I said coolly, standing up.

"You really should have stayed sat down," Salt said, shaking his head. "And not started a fight."

"I'm not fighting with you, sir," I said. "So don't call for backup." I'd seen him reach for his radio and was happy to surprise him by interrupting his movements with a simple comment.

"I'm going to have to take your name," the official said.

"And I'm going to have to take it back," I retorted. "Sorry, I don't give personal information to strangers." I turned my back on him and folded my arms, praying silently that Tom would hurry up.

Godspeed, peasant, I sent the man in question.


I'm being questioned by shop people.

Really? I thought you were trying to get a new life!

I am! I don't go outside normally so this is a Goddamn first!  

Tom emerged from the changing rooms with his jacket done up to his neck. He caught my eye and nodded towards the door, ice cracking across the floor in front of him to craft a speedier path.

I nodded my reply and we both ran, him sliding across the ground with perfect ease and me sprinting for the door. We exited at the same time, shooting through the doorway and straight into the road.

Tom jumped over the bonnet of an approaching car whereas I slipped beneath. Together we looked like the coolest duo ever to grace the streets of London and that includes Ant and Dec, when they're not following Simon Cowell around. It's a shame that they became his personal pets. I met them once, when they were still human and not robots. Nice people. About the same height as me, something that made me feel happy about being short.

"Run," Tom called. I rolled my eyes and sprinted down the road, using cars as springboards and climbing my way up the front of double decker buses. Tom slid between the cars in a slalom, perfecting the balance ice skaters needed. He had a look of concentration on his face and whenever a car beeped its horn at him he froze its tyres to the tarmac with a small smile.

"Left!" I shouted suddenly, recognising where we were. We were heading closer to the Stronghold, the one place I wanted to get away from. Tom yelped as he lost his footing and hit a car head-on.

There was a snap as his collarbone broke and he was flipped over the car. The driver kept on going and so I launched myself at the vehicle, throwing it into the air with a scream of anger. The driver was sobbing and so I set it down lightly on the road before giving the bumper a massive kick, firing it down the street.

"How the flip did you get to be so strong?" Tom asked, tilting his head with difficulty so that he was looking at me. I shrugged and crouched next to him, flinching at the cold radiating off him.

"I can give him life," Salt informed me. I twitched and shook my head.

"I did it to you," he continued. "That's how come you're alive. It's not just his collarbone that broke, it's his neck."

"Ouch," I hissed under my breath.

"And he is slow-ly dy-ing," Salt sang, spinning on his heels. He stopped and gave me a smile.

"He'll probably go to heaven," he said. "Tom's a nice person. You're not. You'll end up in Hell."

"You ran an evil spy company," I muttered. Salt shrugged and sat beside me, facing away from Tom.

"I did some good things," Salt said. "That evens things out."

"Pepper? Who are you talking to?" Tom asked weakly.

"Salt," I said.

"Pepper, he's dead."

"So will you be soon," Salt said cheerfully. Tom's eyes widened and he went a shade or two paler.

"I can see you," he gasped. Salt frowned and bit his lip.

"Yep, you're dying," he murmured. "Look, Pepper, just let me heal him. Please? I want to do a good thing."

"How do you heal me?" Tom asked suspiciously. "Please don't say its a kiss."

"It's not," Salt laughed. "All you need to do is stay very still."

Salt put his fingers on Tom's collarbone and closed his eyes. Tom had slipped into unconsciousness, breathing slowing.

White light burst from Salt's hand and wrapped around Tom completely, cocooning him. The angel-demon took a sharp intake of breath and drew his hand away, replacing it with his left hand. This gave out red light that sucked in the white, aiming it at Tom's neck, the burnt skin around his eyes and his collar.

A single tendril broke off, a mixture of white and red. It turned into a hand and touched his heart.

"Oops," Salt said, eyes springing open. "That wasn't meant to happen."

"Salt? What have you done?" I said with mounting fear in my voice. My brother didn't reply, hanging his head.


"I, er, killed him by mistake," he said at last. "Sorry."

My shoulders slumped and all the strength left me. I swayed back and forth on my knees, head hanging low.

"Go," I said in a hoarse voice. "Go, now. Don't come back."

"Pepper-" Salt pleaded.

"Go. Now."


"GO!" I roared, standing up and swinging my fist at the angel-demon's face. He vanished in an explosion of light and I fell down onto the road, a silent, unmovable heap. Whenever anyone came near Tom or me I hissed at them and they retreated. Within time I was asleep, keeping one ear open for any attackers.

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