S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

37.6K 1.3K 405

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-

Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1

1.1K 50 3
By Victor_TheRiper



The next day, it was now morning, Clementine was still asleep, as she then was woken up by Troy, as he gently kicks her on her gut and Clem glaring at him..

Clementine: You know it's rude kicking.

Troy: Whatever. Now Get up, Bills got a word.

She stood up from her bed and to notices everyone else awake too, she approached with the others and to then see Carver appear with them

Carver: As you are all aware, there's been an increased Walker activity along the fence so be mindful when outside the walls. The herds moving a little closer as of this morning.

Clementine Mind: (YN)!! Luke!

Carver: But that doesn't necessarily mean shit. Knowing we're monitoring the situation. Now, they're might be some folks that are sorrow that what happen, and how things went, but that's all in the past now. Some of you are new to our community, and some of you are astray from this group. I know y'all can find redemption here, forgiveness, approving your worth.

Sarah began talking to Clem while Carver was talking still...

Sarah: How'd you sleep?

Clementine: Fine, but pay attention.

Sarah: Cool, and okay........I'm worried about (YN) though.

Clementine: He'll be fine, I hope.

Sarah: You think so? What if-

Carver: Carlos!!

Carver raised his voice, startling everyone...

Carlos: ..Yes?

Carver: Your child seems to be in need of correction.

Carlos: I-I'm sorry, Sarah, apologize to Carver.

Sarah: S-Sorry Sir.

Carver: ...No, that ain't going to cut it. I can't have this kind of behavior on day one of your reform. You discipline her now Carlos, a good smack across her face, make her think twice before opening it up again. Don't worry, we'll wait.

Carlos: ..I..I'm not sure with my hand-

Carver: That's why you have two hands. Come on now, a good hard smack will do. Otherwise Troy here will do it for you. And you don't want that, he can be a little...overzealous? Is that it?

Troy: If it means I'd slap the shit of her, then yeah.

Clementine: No please! Don't, she's already scared, you don't have to do this.

Troy: You shut your fucking mouth-

Carver stops Troy from approaching her...

Carver: Unless you want what's she's having, I'd say you lie down missy. Now, Carlos?

Carlos has no choice, he doesn't wanna hurt her daughter, but also doesn't want any one to hurt her too. So he has to do it to get it over with.

Sarah: I-I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry.

Carlos: I know honey, I know, just..close your eyes, it'll sting for a second.

Sarah closes her eyes, and is scared at the same time. Carlos felt guilty to do so, but has to get it over with....so...he strikes at Sarah with a slap as she fella to the ground and began to whimper and whine...

Carlos: Sarah I-

Carver: No! Soot it, you're not coddling that girl anymore. Let her sit and think about what she's done. Troy, get Carlos to his post, Everyone else should have their own assignments. It's time to go to work.

Troy takes Carlos and the rest as Tavia takes Clementine with her. She walks her in the building and takes her with Bonnie...

Tavia: Inside, Bonnie's waiting.

Clem goes inside the room and sees Bonnie sitting down to a table...

Bonnie: Great, I guess you're starting the day with me then, have a seat.

Clem walks up and says down with her as Bonnie shows her how to load up magazines...

Bonnie: ...I suppose I owe you an apology. I wasn't truthful when I came across with you guys back at the lodge. I was showing kindness I never would've expected from a group of strangers. But...now folks are dead...but I can't help to feel to be blamed. The plan was no one to get hurt, but I guess it didn't turn out how I I wanted to be.

Clementine: Carvers the one who pulled the trigger, he's the one to be blamed.

Bonnie: Yeah but...I surely didn't help matters. I though if I found everyone, I could've control it well, keep everyone safe, but that ain't how I went, I apologize, it don't account much, but it's all I can afford...how was your first night at the yard? I know it wasn't comfortable, but safe.

Clementine: ...I was hungry.

Bonnie: You haven't ate? But Bill said her feed y'all last night.

Clementine: I haven't eaten since yesterday.

Bonnie: I-I'm so sorry....but, I was supposed to go, with Luke and them..

Clementine: But you attacked them instead?

Bonnie; Hey I didn't attack anyone, Bill did all that,  I didn't want...I wasn't expecting all that to happen, I just wanted everyone safe.

Clementine: ..Carver is dangerous, nobody is actually safe around him.

Bonnie: You're safe if you stay on his good side.

Clementine: If only I knew where it is.

Bonnie: Look I'm not defending what he did, that was....I'm alive because of him.

Clementine: He killed Walter and Alvin!

Bonnie: Only to protect his own people, Kenny would've killed us all!

Clementine: But he didn't.

Bonnie: ...I-I know, but Bill overreacted, he was in a heat of the moment, and he reacted...anyways...you know, I expected that boy with you back at the lodge.

Clementine: (YN).

Bonnie: ...Is he okay? Where is he??

Clementine: He's with Luke, out there.

Bonnie: Oh gosh, I..I hope he and Luke are alright.

Clementine: I hope so too.

Bonnie: ...You know, if he was here too with ya, he would understand how things run here as well..right?

Clementine: ...Trust me, he won't be that easy to understand.

Bonnie: ...Is that so??

Clementine: Yea.

Bonnie: So, is he your brother?

Clementine: ..My best friend, he's stood by my side, protecting me, and keeping me safe since all of this started.

Bonnie: ..Sounds like you got yourself a great friend then.

Clementine: Yeah, I'm glad.

Suddenly, Bonnie gets a call from Tavia on the radio...

Tavia: Hey Bonnie, is the girl there? I need to get her.

Bonnie: Yea, she's here.

Tavia: I'll be right over.

Bonnie: Okay.

Clementine: ??

Bonnie: I'm sure it's fine. But hey, before you go, I have something for you to wear.

Bonnie walks over to the counter and to grab a sweater that has a rainbow on it and handing it over to Clem, Clementine puts it on...

Bonnie: So? I found it at the lodge.

Clementine: Heh, it's cool, I like it.

Bonnie: Well I'm glad to hear.

Tavia then appears...

Tavia: There you are, and what's with the ugly jacket?

Bonnie: Tavia.

Tavia: What? Come on.

Bonnie: See you later Clementine.

Clementine: See ya.

Tavia takes Clem with her, as she then brings her on top of the building roof, and to see a small building, see through windows, Tavia brings her in as she tells her to wait to bring Reggie along as well...
As Clementine waits, she observes the room and to surprisingly spot Sarah, sitting the floor, knees crossed and trembling, Clem approaches to her..

Clementine: Hey...you wanna hug?

Sarah: ....

Clementine: Okay...well, I owe you one for later then. You might not know it's coming through, but...I could just sneak up on you and not expecting it.

Sarah: ...My dad...he's never hit me before. Even when I behave bad...

Clementine: He didn't wanted to Sarah, Carver made him, he's the bad guy, not your dad. So, in a weird way, Carver hit you.

Sarah: I guess so...well then, he did hit me super hard, it stings like crazy.

Clementine: ..I bet.

Sarah: But, thank you, for helping....I just, don't get why people are so mean. Even if I get mad, I don't wanna hurt anybody...

Clem feels bad for Sarah, knowing she has to go through this for the first time...
Suddenly, she notices the door open and to see Reggie appearing...

Reggie: Okay girls, we gotta a good job. The camp is counting on us. Come, I'll show you what to do.

Clem and Sarah follow Reggie over to the table...

Reggie: Now, it's simple, pick up those pairs of shears, and pick the berries, and put them in the basket, simple. While you're at it too, if you see dead branches, cut them and stack them up neatly for composting. Got it?

Clem and Sarah nod...

Reggie: Good, okay I'll be back, get work done.

Reggie leaves as Clem Started picking her berries off the plant....she then notices Sarah still shaking and scared about what happen...she couldn't leave her like that...so she walks over to her and helps her pick the berries with her. Then, Sarah felt a bit comfortable working with Clementine...
Some minutes later, Reggie came back as Clem finished helping Sarah picking berries as she as done with her task...then, they heard Carver coming in...

Reggie: O-Oh, hey Carver.

Carver: Just checking in, see how the girls are doing.

Carver looks around, and notice Sarah had her basket filled with berries, but as for Clementines, hers was empty, knowing she was busy helping Sarah, he doesn't blame her, he blames Reggie somehow.

Carver: Reggie

Reggie: Y-Yes Bill?

Carver: What the fuck happen here?

Reggie: Look Bill, they're new, and me with my arm? Is just-I..Well you see, I have-you know-

Carver: Shut up, Shut up, Shut the fuck up. I wanted you to give me a better explanation for this, and I meant it now, BUT sounds like you were giving me nothing by excuses.

Reggie: W-We will get it done! I promise I-

Carver: Times up Reggie, you had a task, and didn't get it done.

Clementine: No, it's my fault, I didn't show Sarah very well.

Carver: ..Nah, this ain't your fault missy.

Reggie: ...

Carver: Come on, we talked about this Reggie. But you don't get it do you?

Reggie: G-Get what?? I-I-

Carver: Girls, why don't you wait outside for a bit? Reggie and I have a few "things" to talk about.

Clem tried her best, but nothing, she knew Reggie was in trouble, so she walks out and Sarah following her and to hear Reggie...

Reggie: ...Thanks for the help girls.

As they walked out and shut the door, Clementine notices Sarah trembling still as she walks up to her behind and to try comfort her....but then, they heard a loud thud, and to see Reggie trip on the floor, backing away as Carver

Reggie: B-Bill no!! Please no no no no!!

Carver: I've gave you many chances, you're done for!

Carver drags Reggie to the eve of the building, pushes him over as Reggie falls to the ground and dies...

Clementine: No..!! Why?!

Carver: Weakness, Incompetence, it puts us all in risk, and it won't stand. So you think about that, or next time you're asked to do something. Now, go downstairs, Bonnie's got stuff for you, go.

Clementine does what Carver told him and to walk away, and to turn a bit and see Carver comforting Sarah..
Clementine wasn't like this at all, and was hoping (YN) and Luke shows up and helot them.


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