
By Artemisia738

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She got alerted hearing the same footsteps approaching her. Crawling backwards she shook her head vigorously... More

Chapter 1- Abducted
Chapter 2-Ruined
Chapter 3- Why?
Chapter 4- Handwriting
Chapter 5- Escape
Chapter- 8


3.4K 215 61
By Artemisia738

Rubab never considered herself a very intellectual person but she did not consider herself dumb either. But, today she agreed that she was dumb. In this world, nothing comes for free. Everything has a price then how could she expect that a stranger will give her whatever she wants? That too without a price!

" What do you want?" Rubab repeated licking her dry lips.

" Your brother stole ** million from me," Darwish reminded. Rubab was stunned to hear such a huge amount.

He continued," I want you to return the double amount of it." " If you return the amount by the next 3/4 days then I will withdraw my complaint."

Rubab did a quick calculation in her mind. Even if her family sells every single property of theirs then it won't be half of the amount he demanded.

" That's unfair," Rubab responded shaking her head.

Darwish chuckled at her response. He knew that her family could never afford such a massive amount. And, he wasn't after money. He was just enjoying her helpless situation. Those helpless eyes, tremulous voice and pleadings were giving him immense satisfaction. It would be great if she held his legs! He would have enjoyed it better.

" I knew it, Ms Mirza. You have nothing to offer," Darwish squinted.

He took a step at her. Rubab quailed by his approach.

" Except......." He eyed her from head to toe.

Rubab was creeped out by the way he looked at her from head to toe. She was wearing an abaya and hijab. Her whole body was folded with clothes but still, she felt like she was bare in front of him. His eyes were weird.

" Your body," he murmured smiling like a jerk.

Rubab felt her palms turning into tight fists. Her nostrils flared like a raging bull. How dare he talk to her like that! What did he think that she is from the streets? What kind of disgusting demand was that?

Rubab raised her hand in the air to strike right across his face but she halted hearing his next words. She put down her hand reluctantly.

" But, I am not interested in your body," he smiled.

Because I already know the taste of it

His evil mind proclaimed. Rubab did not understand why he was looking so pleased suddenly. She continued observing him with wary eyes.

" My standard isn't that low that I will negotiate with someone like you," He hooted. He sounded like she was some kind of dart.

Rubab swallowed his insults silently. The way he talked to her she was confirmed that he was a mannerless, arrogant and creepy brat. She shouldn't lower her level by arguing with such a person.

" Get out," he scowled.

Rubab did not wait for a single second. Turning on her heels she forwarded her legs to the door. Mentally, she cursed him for his behaviour. If he didn't want to help her then he should have just stated it with a straightforward answer. There was no need to insult her.

" But, I am amazed about one thing," his voice boomed in the whole place. Rubab halted. She turned her head behind.

" At least you love your brother. I thought except for yourself you don't even bother to think about others' feelings," he jested.

Rubab did not understand his words. How did he know if she thinks about other people's feelings or not? Does he know her personally or was he just making assumptions?

" You are sick," Rubab gave him a disgusting glare before storming outside his office.

When she left Darwish walked near the window. It was made of glass and his reflection stared right at him.

He caressed his beard," What did you do, Darwish?"

" You have the chance to make her your whore or whatever you wanted. Why did you ignore this chance? What's wrong with you?" Darwish questioned staring at his reflection.

He grinned," Yes, I could have made her whatever I wanted." He clicked his tongue.

" But, it isn't that late yet," he murmured at his reflection.

A week later

It's been a week since Zulfikar's arrest. Since then there was no sleep in Rubab's family members' eyes. Rubab's father failed to get bail for Zulfikar.

The whole week went for Rubab either crying or trying to figure out what she should do to save her brother. Her abduction wasn't enough that Zulfikar's arrest had to add on!

" Mamma, you forgot to take your medicines," Rubab took a sit beside her mother holding a glass of water and a packet of medicines.

The poor woman had been on the bed since Zulfikar's arrest. Every day Rubab had to force her mother to eat and take medicine. Zulfikar's arrest left a massive impact on her.

" I want my son, Rubi," Rubab's mother voice out sniffling.

Their conversation was interrupted by Rubab's father. Rubab looked at the corridor getting surprised. She didn't know when her father returned. He went to meet the lawyer.

" Rubab..... Rubab......." he called loudly.

Placing the glass on a table Rubab forwarded her legs to the living room where her father was waiting for her.

" What happened, Baba?" she asked sounding concerned.

She had a quick observation of her father. She got alerted noticing his tense eyes. His demeanour was indicating that something was wrong.

" Did you go to meet Mr Yazdani and requested him to withdraw his complaint?" he questioned.

Rubab froze for a few seconds. She wondered how did he know that she went to meet Yazdani. Was he disappointed that she went to meet the person who was the sole reason behind her family's misery?

" I asked you something," Selim put pressure on his words.

Rubab nodded her head. "Yes." She gave almost an inaudible response. Automatically, her eyes went downwards.

" He asked for your hand in marriage," Selim voiced out.

Rubab raised her eyes at him in disbelief. She thought she heard wrong or it was just a bad joke. But, looking at her father's expression she realized that he wasn't jesting at all.

" What? He asked what?" Rubab asked for confirmation.

Selim replied," He asked for your hand in marriage. In return, he will withdraw his complaint and let Zulfikar continue working in his company. That's what he promised me."

Rubab recalled how Darwish insulted her that day. He seemed uninterested in her then why would he demand such a thing? Rubab felt nuisance by the thought of marrying someone like Darwish. He was such an asshole.

" He told you this?" Rubab asked.

Selim answered rubbing his forehead," I met him at the police station."

" He told me that he was searching for a nice girl to marry. He was impressed by you when you went to meet him. Now, he wants to marry you," Selim explained where and when he met Darwish.

Rubab refused going backwards," That's ridiculous. I am not going to marry that person."

" Baba, I won't. He isn't a good man," Rubab shook her head in denial.

Selim approached her having affectionate eyes. He could read his daughter's frightened and disturbed eyes.

" Sweetie, it's ok. If you do not want to marry then I will never force you. Moreover, I won't hand you over to a person whom I don't know personally," Selim tried to calm her down.

Rubab hugged her father. He stroked her silky wavy hair slowly. She clutched her father's shirt like a child.

" You will marry him," A voice interrupted their father-daughter moment.

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