The Ultimate Eternal (MCU X H...

By Monster-Zer0

61K 1.6K 516

Hyperion is one of the 11 Eternals who came to Earth to protect the inhabitants from the predators made oppos... More

Avengers (1)
Avengers (2)
Avengers (3) (Finale)
New Arrival (1)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (1)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (3)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (4)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (5) (Finale)
Hyperion and the Sentry (1)
Hyperion and the Sentry (2)
Hyperion and the Sentry (3)
Hyperion and the Sentry (4) (Finale)
MARVELous Adventure (1)
MARVELous Adventure (2)
MARVELous Adventure (3)
MARVELous Adventure (4) (Finale)
- Squadron Supreme Members -
Captain America: Civil War (1)
Captain America: Civil War (2)
Captain America: Civil War (3)
Captain America: Civil War (Finale)

New Arrival (2) (Finale)

2.7K 90 14
By Monster-Zer0

It's been a few months since Amelia and Konrad arrived on Earth for their mission to look after the Eternal Hyperion. Hyperion wasn't a fan of it since he view this as Arishem not wanting him to meddle with the humans. Hyperion got along with Amelia little by little as Amelia would tell him stories of what her life was on Olympia not knowing that Olympia isn't real. Konrad is another story. He would visit once a month and then leave immediately. He just wanted to know what his sister is doing then fly away. The two male Eternals doesn't like each other.

We now see Hyperion on his apartment's rooftop in Queens as he enjoyed the view from above. Not the best view as flying higher but it will do. The view then started to darken as black clouds appeared from the sky. He can only sigh as he knew who's behind all this.

Hyperion: "Amelia, I was enjoying the view."

Amelia appeared around the corner as she skipped her way towards Hyperion after making the dark clouds disappear.

Amelia: "I was just having a little fun. You can watch the view up there you know. Since you can fly."

Hyperion: "It's nice to not use your powers for once."

Amelia: "You always keep saying that and starts to get annoying. I wish there is something fun to do here rather than sit around all day."

Y/n then heard his phone as he picked it up and saw that it was Tony.

Hyperion: "Tony.."

Tony: "Hey old man, I was wondering how are you doing?"

Hyperion: "Been doing well, thanks for asking."

Tony: "Great. You have time? I want you to come to New York. To catch up."

Hyperion then turned to Amelia who was playing with lightning and fire on her hand.

Hyperion: "Is it okay to bring one more person? I have a guest that has been staying with me for a few months now."

Tony: "Whatever just get over here already. Meet me at Stark Tower."

He then hung up as Hyperion just stared at the phone with a blank face.

Hyperion: "He just hung up on me. That's rude but it's Tony so yeah."

Amelia: "Who called?"

Hyperion: "A friend of mine. Says he wants to catch up. So go get ready. We are going to New York."

Amelia beamed up and immediately went back to their apartment and got changed. Hyperion just grabbed his coat that was on the ledge of the roof and put it back in before going back downstairs. Once he entered he saw Amelia already dressed.

Amelia: "I'm ready to go. Aren't you going to change?"

Hyperion then gestured to himself making Amelia deadpan.

Amelia: "Seriously? You are going to wear that?"

Hyperion: "It's more comfortable. Now come on. We are not flying there."

Amelia: "Awe, but it's more fun."

Hyperion: "And could get many people's attention. I don't want that."

Amelia: "Fine. So how can we get there? Taxi?"

Hyperion: "My car."

Amelia: "You have a car"

They are now right in front of Y/n's car. A Dodge Challenger making Amelia wide eyes.

Amelia: "How come I never noticed this? And can you even afford this?"

Y/n: "I don't always use it and a friend gave it to me."

They got inside the car and drive towards New York to meet up with Tony Stark himself. Amelia is seen enjoying the ride as she watched the tall buildings of New York City.

Amelia: "This place is pretty busy."

Hyperion: "They are still repairing the city after the invasion. I love how the people of this city helped each other to stand back up."

Amelia: "That's good to hear. So where is this friend of yours."

Y/n turned towards a corner and saw the Stark Tower but different. Instead of the large Stark that is seen outside the building. It was only an A.

Hyperion: "I didn't know he redecorated the building."

Amelia: "Looks cool to me."

They parked outside and walked towards the building. One of the guards recognized him as he opened the door and greeted the Eternal.

Guard: "Mr. Y/n. Boss is waiting for you on the top floor."

Hyperion: "Thank you Stan."

Stan then noticed the woman who was looking at the tall building in amazement.

Stan: "Found yourself a keeper huh? I wish you good luck."

Hyperion: "We're not together Stan. See you around."

Amelia waved at Stan and followed Y/n towards the elevator. Stan just chuckled and got back to his work.

Stan: "Ha~ Young love."

The elevator ride was quite but Amelia decided to break the ice in the room.

Amelia: "So who is this friend you are going to meet?"

Hyperion: "I'm good friends with his father back in World War 2. He's smart and pretty witty sometimes but he is a good man."

The elevator opened and they were greeted by Tony tapping his foot on the ground.

Tony: "Finally. I've been waiting here for half an hour and ten seconds. What took you so long old man?"

Hyperion: "Sorry about that Tony, we got held up by traffic."

Tony then noticed Amelia as the Eternal gave him a small wave.

Tony: "You didn't tell me you brought a date over our bonding time."

Hyperion shrugged and introduced Amelia to Tony.

Tony: "So she's like you with different powers?"

Hyperion: "Correct."

Tony: "How many are you guys in total?"

The three then started to talk in the living room with Tony serving them some luxurious food and drinks.

Hyperion: "Didn't know you changed the place. It also has a hangar."

Tony: "Well I'm officially making this our base of operations for the meantime. I'm still planning on the things for our real base up south. The land is wide and it's the best fit."

Hyperion: "Just tell us if you need any help."

Tony: "Well I do need some little helpers. You can be in charge of the heavy equipment and Amelia is in charge of gardening."

Amelia: "Okay?"

Tony: "But for now, I just want to relax."

Hyperion: "Ever planning on going back to your house?"

Tony: "Just waiting for Pepper to come home and then we go back."

After catching up with Tony, Hyperion and Amelia went back to their place to just do what they want and relax.

Time Skip

It's been two years now and a lot has happened. SHIELD was brought down by Hydra spies and an old friend of Steve came back. Tony got attacked by the so called "Mandarin" but stopped the villain once and for all. Now we see Hyperion flying around a forest beating down a bunch of Hydra soldiers with Amelia using her Elemental abilities to blow them away.

Amelia: "What are we looking for again?"

Hyperion: "We are looking for Loki's scepter. Apparently HYDRA got a hold of it when they took SHIELD down."

Amelia: "And you think it's here?"

Hyperion: "I hope so. I mean there are a lot of Hydra bases around the world and it's just the two of us."

Hyperion then lifted a fallen tree and hurled it like a javelin towards one of the tanks as Amelia blew it away using her wind powers.

Amelia: "Why didn't you call for the others then? The Avenger's."

Hyperion blasted a group of soldiers with his Atomic Vision as they all fall down like flies.

Hyperion: "I did."

Amelia just sighed and electrocuted one of the soldiers who tried to sneak up on her. Hyperion then used his speed to take care of the rest that are left. They then entered the base only to see it was empty with people and a few computers.

Amelia: "Hey, come check this out?"

They saw coordinates of the different bases around the world as they put it inside a hard drive. They walked back out and stared at the empty base.

Amelia: "So what are we gonna do now?"

Hyperion: "Destroy it."

Hyperion flew at fast speed as he flew around the base destroying it. With a last Atomic Vision, he and Amelia flew back to Queens from Australia. Once they arrived, they changed into their clothes and checked the hard drive they stole.

Hyperion: "We just took the first out of 8 bases. This will take quite a while to finish."

Amelia then wrapped her arms around Hyperion's neck as she stared at the screen.

Amelia: "We can't do this on our own."

Hyperion: "Yes and what are you doing?"

Amelia: "What? Do you not want some skin to skin contact?~"

Hyperion: "To be honest, I don't mind. It's just you've been doing it recently like sneaking into my room every night."

Amelia: "It's not my fault your so cute and handsome."

She walked away and laid on the couch as Y/n just looked at her confused.

Hyperion: "That's not a valid reason."

Amelia: "Well to me, it is."

Hyperion: "Whatever makes you sleep at night."

Hyperion continued to look into the file ever more not knowing what time it is. He didn't have a problem with staying up late since Eternals don't get tired but Amelia was a special case. She's more human than synthetic like the other Eternals. She gets sleepy and hungry. He turned around only to see her already asleep so he got up and covered her with a blanket. He then kissed her on the forehead making her move and smile in her sleep.

Hyperion: "Heh, goodnight goofball."

Morning came and Hyperion decided he would visit Steve who is living in the Avenger's tower since after the whole SHIELD fiasco. He arrived and parked his car up front and used the elevator to get to the top floor. When he arrived, he already saw Tony and Bruce there discussing something with Steve.

Hyperion: "Did I arrive at the wrong time?"

Tony: "You just came on the right time old man. Come on join us."

Hyperion: "So what's the big fuzz before I even interrupted?"

Bruce: "It's about the location of the HYDRA bases you gave to Tony."

Steve: "We're planning on raiding them one by one to find for the scepter and to finally bring down this organization."

Tony: "Cap is already in and Bruce here still needs a little more push."

Bruce: "I don't think I would be coming with you guys. It's been two years since I let the big guy out."

Tony: "He could need the exercise Banner. If the big guys needs a punching, Y/n is here to put him to sleep."

Hyperion: "You'll be fine Bruce. I'll take care of him if he ever loses control again."

Bruce: "I don't know about this guys."

Steve: "It's okay Bruce, we'll need him when we need him. Just be ready for code green."

Bruce: "Code green?"

Tony: "That will be our signal if you need to turn over the controls. Okay now let's get to work."

Hyperion: "How about Nat and Clint?"

Steve: "They are on there way. I heard you have someone with you that could help us stop HYDRA once and for all."

Hyperion: "Yeah. She's back at my place just doing her thing."

Bruce: "Her?"

Hyperion turned towards Steve who had a smirk on his face as the Eternal pointed at the super soldier.

Hyperion: "I know what you are thinking about so don't."

Steve: "Come on. I think you should bring her here so that we can meet her."

Tony: "I already met her. She is terrific."

Hyperion: "When we go raiding then I'll bring her."

Natasha: "Bring who?"

Natasha and Barton walked in as they were looking around seeing the place for the first time.

Bruce: "Glad you guys could make it."

Steve: "Now all we need is Thor."

Thunder struck as the the God landed on the landing pad with Mjolnir in hand as he walked in.

Thor: "Am I late?"

Tony: "Just in time goldilocks. Now we can start the meeting. Cap, your call."

They then heard glass breaking as Konrad came in skidding on the floor as he looked up at everyone with a smirk.

Konrad: "Not inviting me in your little club activities Hyperion? I'm quite sad that-"

He was then hit by a hammer as he was sent flying out and into the park right next to the park. Thor then jumped down and chased after the falling Konrad. Everyone can only stare at what happened until all their eyes went towards Hyperion.

Hyperion: *sigh* "You guys suit up. I'll go get them."

Hyperion flew out the broken window and went towards the park where he saw a crater and Thor and Konrad fighting.

Thor: "I don't know who you are but you just trespassed a private property."

Konrad: "Who cares Blondie!"

Konrad blasted Thor with a blast as the God of Thunder blocked it with his hammer. He then swing Mjolnir swatting Konrad towards a few trees.

Konrad: "Oh that's it!"

He created his own hammer and went to fight Thor on equal footing. But the Eternal has less fighting experience than those who are much older than them and Konrad tends to fight brawler style. Thor landed a few hits but Konrad surprised him when the Eternal created a firetruck construct and slammed it towards the God of Thunder who just skid back a little.

Konrad: "You're a tough one."

Thor: "I have fought greater being than you."

Konrad was about to create a large steel beam construct to be slammed at Thor but a beam hit the construct shattering it as Hyperion landed to try and stop the fight.

Hyperion: "That's enough for the both of you. Konrad please refrain from entering private property without notice."

Konrad: "Come on! I saw you guys gathering together and it might be fun to join."

Hyperion: "You could just go in. At the front door."

Konrad: "Where's the fun in that!?"

Thor: "Uncle is he-"

Hyperion: "An Eternal? Yes he is. A headache if you ask me."

After solving the problem, Hyperion contacted Amelia saying that they are going raiding and not a moment later, she flew towards the tower and met everyone. Now the hunt for Loki's scepter is starting and a new enemy will appear.

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