Forbidden Fruit ♡

By KritiTaeKook

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Completed Jungkook never craved for anyone like he craved for Kim Taehyung even after knowing that he cannot... More

About story
Jungkook Jeon
Taehyung Kim
Morning in Castle
Morning in Seoul
Bumpy ride
Black Swan
Feel Secure
Angry Jeon
You filled my mind
Silver Swan Taehyung
Love story
Finish what you started!
Love Affair
Secret Chamber
My Silver Swan
Only love matters
Last Kiss
Souvenir of love
Who's fault?!
Jennie Aunty
Desperate times
Dream and Nightmare
Taehyung is mine!
Save ours
Weird Rituals
Keep me awake
Precious Jewell
Cheating the Cheater
True Queen
Secret vows
Royal Celebration!!

Devil in disguise

3.4K 188 34
By KritiTaeKook

Taehyung is now walking up the library spiral staircase, he is taking the dessert cup with Cherry cream cheese, which he made for Jungkook. He slightly knocked the door and while pushing it to know the door is already open. Jungkook heard the knock and hummed..

Taehyung entered the big olive chamber which is dark yet elegant with gold linings and paintings. He thought it should be the most artistic room amoung others. Tae saw Jungkook laying on the bed with his eyes closed by his elbow.

" Jennie... I'm little tired.. Go and sleep in your room today.... " Jungkook said

" Should I?!! " Tae asked in deep husky tone..

" Taehyung!! Ufff... Please go back to your chamber... I swear to God!! I'll do something....." Jungkook yelled all hyped up.

" I brought you this dessert!! Why are you mad at me Jeon hyungggg.. ??!!" Tae asked..

" You know why... Don't act like innocent?! "

" What did I do... I mean... Seriously what did I do other than eating my cherry?! " Tae asked

" Taehyung!!! Please... I thought we had an agreement... We can't do this... "

" Why not Jeon hyung?! "

" Stop calling me hyung... It's!!!! Why are you tempting me....??!! "

" Ok.... I can see.....You are mad and I'm here to tell you that Jennie is at her parents place... She won't come tonight" Tae said with a teasing smirk...

" Good for me... You can leave too.... I'm not feeling well... "

" Jungkook hyung?!! Can we talk.. This time little more serious...??!! Jennie and Kai are not here, Jimin already went to sleep.. I won't get a time like this... Please.."

" What do you wanna talk about...?!"

" Why are you avoiding me when you clearly know you are attracted to me?! "

" This is not right Taehyung.. You know it yourself... "

" Do you think I didn't try??! I tried hyung.. Tried a lot.. Why couldn't I avoid you... ?! "

" You can get nothing from me Taehyung... I'm just a lonely soul, I will use you and throw you like you are nothing to me... " Jungkook tried to threaten him.

" You cannot hyung!! "

" You know nothing about me Tae... I'm not what you think I am... I can't love you back....the way you lo... Like me... " Jungkook hesitantly said..

" Say it out hyung.... May be I dont know about you.... But You are right about me.... Tell me what I feel for you... "

" Tae..... I can't love you... I'm not available.. Physically or emotionally... I lost myself to someone.... Or should I say something... It's not you... Or Jennie... You can't get my love.... I'm afraid of myself... I'm not normal and not good to anyone... "

" Hyung!!! Hyung!! Look at me.. Everyone have dark secrets... Something small or big, something sensible or insane.... That doesn't make them bad.. If you think you are bad, then let's be bad together....

I don't want you to leave your wife and life...for me. But at the same time I can't hide all my feelings for you.. That makes me another Kai... An emotion less person!! I don't want to be him..."

" Our emotions drive us to sin..."

" So what?? Let me be sinners"

"what do you want from me Taehyung... ?!

" I donno hyung.... I don't know what I'm expecting Or what I'm offering... I just can't keep silent without letting you know what you are doing to me hyung..."

" You are playing with fire , Taehyung! "

" I rather be ashes under your foot than a beautiful wax statue inside a protective glass box"

" Godddd!!! Why couldn't I say no to you??!! and push you out of my room... Ask me something that I can offer... "

" Just don't avoid me.. Or Control yourself around me... I know it's too soon.. But the second I laid my eyes on you I lost myself to you.... I don't need a year to know you better... You didn't gave me a second to pull myself back from you.... I want you hyung.... If not physically atleast emotionally..."

Taehyung said while crying his heart out, Jungkook heart melted on seeing tears on Tae, he walked close to Taehyung.

" You have nothing to lose Taehyung...I will lose more than one person... Jennie is the least one I'm afraid to lose... " Jungkook took hold of Tae's hand in his hand and said.

" No one have to know hyung... I'll be here only for this month... I'll be gone before you realize..." Tae said rubbing his eyes off tears...

" Why are you so stubborn Tae baby??!! When I clearly say I won't risk anything or anyone for you???!! Why are taking risk?! "

" For you...!! The way you respect and love others.... That what make you more desirable.." Tae said

" Come here Tae...."

" Did you scare Jennie out of the castle?!

" Yes!!! Because I don't want you to.... "

" Do you know why Jennie ran away from me??!! I can't handle things delicately when I'm mad... " Jungkook tried to pull Tae instead of going to him...

" I won't come... " Tae shook his head with teary puppy eyes and pouty lips..

" Now..?! are you afraid of me... ?! "

" No... You are not mad now... and I don't want you to handle me delicate... " Tae said and walked back to door...

" Taehyung come here... " Jungkook sternly called..

" What do you want?! "

" You!!! "

" Come and get me.. " Taehyung ran away from Kookie's room, just to bump with Jimin in the library...

" Tae??!! Is Jungkook hyung that mad?!! Why are you running away from his room... I told you not to scare away Jennie... Now we have to deal with that angry monster.. "

I have to deal with him!!

" No need Jimin... Give him some time, he will be ok by tomorrow morning.. "

It's been two days since their conversation...

Jungkook is so busy with his work in the morning and so engaged even at the night in his own carpentry work shop in a seperate tower. He is working on something secretly on his own workshop.

In the mean time Jungkook and Taehyung will steal secret glances at the dinner table and Tae display his addictive boxy smile at Jungkook, which gets unnoticed by others in the castle. They were floating like a bubble on fire.

Jungkook is oddly happy and anxious at the same time. He wants to share his dark secrets with Tae and want to know Taehyung's dark secret.

They normally avoided sharing words in front of others and it's difficult for them to get lone time because of Jimin shifting to castle. Jimin will always circle around Tae

" Tae Tae?! Did you notice??! Jungkook hyung is so happy nowadays.... He is mostly out with work, but comes home with happy face... Something fishy!! "

" Jiminahh!!! Let him be happy.. Is the reason really important..??!! See Jennie is also happy with his friend Kai... You are happy with me... I'm happy because I got all of you around me... Happiness matters not the reason.. "

" Yeah!! I can see changes in Jennie too.. She is less wicked nowadays... I'm feeling so happy for her.. "

" Do you think... Jennie and Kai have something?! "

" What??! No Tae... Kai is not Jennie's type... She like him as friend....They are just friends... I know Jennie.."

" No one is Kai's type, it seems...!! "

" Are you happy with him Tae?! I know it's your personal, still I feel like something off between you both... I mean... You are sweet and all... If anything is bad then it definitely should be Kai... "

" I don't blame him Jimin... I can't even play victim here... He never ever abused me, he never scolded me, never once forced me, no fights, no arguments, no late night talks, hell we don't even have useless conversation like how we are having now..

It's only work, important talk, duties, responsibility. I'm just a responsibility to him, he is just a security to me. I donno whether he can blame me Or anything. I won't blame him. and I can't even justify my actions in this loveless marriage.. I'm just trying to live my life... "

" Omo!! It didn't sound only sad but terrible... Why do you have to live such life anyway?! " Jimin asked brushing Tae's hair..

" I had no one to care about me... He was protecting me that time after my father's demise... I'm really grateful for that. But nowadays... I feel like I don't want such protection. I need my freedom to make my own mistake and I want to live not preserved like some precious thing... "

" You gonna divorce him then?! "

" At what basis?! It should be mutual.... But that man won't accept it and claim himself as a perfect husband, which I can't deny... Either he should cheat or.... "

" Just tell him you don't want him... "

" It's simple to say... If I break my marriage or cheat on him, I know what will be his next demand... He will ask for half of my money which my dad left for me... Recently after seeing you Jennie Jeon hyung... I fell like I have my own people to protect me.. I feel like giving him my half money.. "

" Then what's stopping you...?! "

" What if you, Jennie Jeon hyung started to hate me later... That will make me an orphan again....Jimin... ?! I have no one to go... I'm only worthy until I have my money.. That's sad but true..."

" I donno about Jungkook hyung and Jennie... I will never hate you for anything Taehyung.... I promi... " Jimin said and Tae stoped him..

" Jimin!!! Don't promises without knowing the real me... I have the capability to make you hate me.. There are many things you still don't know about me... "

" I don't care even if you are a devil in disguise.. I choose you as my lifetime friend, my soul mate.. Either good or bad.. I'll stand by your side... And when I promise I will keep..."

" Really?! "

" Can't you see...?! I'm still tolerating this mess of a girl Jennie... Because.. What I had for her is true love... and still I stand by her as a true friend. I may support Jungkook hyung... But never once hurt Jennie... Now you are going to be my best friend... I promise... I will never hate you... Forever!! "

" I have no words to say how grateful I feel now to have you as my friend... "

" You don't need words Taehyung... Your happiness is enough for me... And you dont know your worth... Your money is nothing compared to you... Ok... Now tell me your dark secret..."

" I'll better show you tomorrow... By the way.. It's technically a light secret!! "

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