Always (Afire Love #1)

By ganymeda26

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It starts with a dare and ends with a dare; after all this is a game. Chace Alexander is an attractive, charm... More

01 - Charmer - Channing Winstead
02 - Playful Dare - Chace Alexander
03- With an Open Heart - Channing Winstead
04 - Winter in Your Eyes - Chace Alexander
05 - Falling All Over Again - Channing Winstead
06 - The Foreshadowing - Chace Alexander
07 - Cool Weather Never Felt This Warm - Channing Winstead
08 - Alive - Chace Alexander
09- The Voice of Reasons - Autumn Collins
10 - Some Things are meant to Break - Chace Alexander
11- Wild Heart - Channing Winstead
12 - Written In the Stars - Chace Alexander
13 - Say No More
14 - Just A Little Closer - Chace Alexander
15 - Almost Is Never Enough - Channing Winstead
16 - The Drink
17 - The World Turns Upside Down - Channing Winstead
18 - Going Down Memory Lane - Madeline Carter
19 - The Best Friend - Autumn Collins
20 - There's No Sign Leading To Home - Juliette Payne
22- Something That We're Not - Channing Winstead
23 - Friends Don't Kiss - Chace Alexander
24 - You Tell Me - Autumn Collins
25 - Love Does That - Chace Alexander
26 - I Hate That I Love You - Chace Alexander
27 - The Talk - Channing Winstead
28 - Made In The USA - Chace Alexander
29 - Feel the Heat - Channing Winstead
30 - Coming Home - Chace Alexander
Spin-off Teaser
31 - Another Summer with You - Madeline Carter
32 - Say Anything Please
33 - Let The Touch Ignite You - Juliette Payne
34 - Sinners In Disguise
35 - Guilty Mind - Chace Alexander
36 - Clarity - Channing Winstead
37 - Elements of Truth - Juliette Payne
38 - Living In Romance Scenes
39 - The Deal Breaker - Chace Alexander
40 - Cut It Out - Autumn Collins
41 - The Tension
42 - Breaking Point - Chace Alexander
43 - Chasing Scars - Chace Alexander
44 - Let Me Go
45 - Contemplating - Chace Alexander
46 - When I'm With You - Channing Winstead
47 - Second Chances - Chace Alexander
48 - Words of Wisdom
49 - Inconsolable - Chace Alexander
51 - End to Begin
Bonus Chapter 1: Zachary and Eleanor
Bonus Chapter 2: Bradley and Lynda
Sequel Preview

21 - Road Trip - Chace Alexander

239 48 20
By ganymeda26

I go out from my last classroom today, feeling so excited for the weekend. As I pass a hallway, I'm flabbergasted by someone attacking me aggressively. By that I mean, a girl out of nowhere grabs me and kisses me. I hold her once I know who she is.

She pushes me to the wall. I can't believe she's this aggressive even more than any girl I've ever been. I think she wants to make a scene here, so why don't I make the scene more epic?

She likes it when my hand grasps her butt. She lets out a content sigh at the touch. The hallway isn't that crowded, only few people passing by.

"You're so hot." She whispers between the pauses we take. Her eyes are filled with lust.

She turns me on with the body pressing and I feel her soft fleshy chest on mine. "I know."

At the moment my hands on her waist, my sight catches the one and only girl I haven't seen for approximately a month, Channing Winstead having an argument with a guy.

It seems that they're quarrelling. Wondering who he is, I scan the guy who has dirty blond hair and a body and skin of a swimmer.

I can't concentrate on what I'm doing because of their quarrel. It turns out Channing asks him to accompany her to go home to visit her mother in hospital. She needs him to drive her home. But he rejects with some silly reasons that I think he must be lying.

Michelle suddenly stops because she must feel that my mind is somewhere else and my eyes focus on something else. "What?" Michelle looks at me while her hands are getting under on my shirt, roaming my abdomen. "Remember our date tonight. It's been ten days since the last time we had sex."

I don't pay much attention to what she says. "Uh, what did you say?" I'm still focusing at that couple. "So sorry to tell you, something came up this morning, and I don't think I can go out with you tonight." I look at her with my doe eyes.

"On one condition." She nibbles my earlobe. "I want do to it with you, soon, whenever you have time."

I sigh heavily. Seriously, Michelle Britton really likes physical interaction. I hesitate, eyes flickering from that couple and Michelle.

When I see Channing and his probably-boyfriend have ended the argument, which doesn't seem to end well, I answer in a flash with no further thinking. "Okay. Now I've got to go." I give a peck on her lips and run to where Channing goes.

"Channing." I call her as I get closer. She turns back at me. I see she has tears in her eyes which she tries to hold back.

"You need someone to go with?"

She waits until I walk beside her. "How do you know?"


She cuts me before I can finish my words. "My life has been peaceful without all your teasing, flirting, and audacity."

I laugh at that. "You mean you've missed me, my wits and charms." I wink at her. This feels like an old time. "Come on, I'll drive you." I put my arm around her shoulder.

She takes it off firmly. "Don't you know? I have a boyfriend." She makes a space between us. "I think you've seen him. That you must've seen us quarrel about my problem."

"Boyfriend? Where is he now? Look Wistead, I'm the only one beside you now." I smirk when she glimpses at me. "Or you mean me as your newest boyfriend?"

"Gosh! Get over yourself, Alexander." She snorts. "I think you do have onesss too." She said 'one' with more than one 's'.

I respond in a mocking way. "Jealous much? I have the feel you stole a glance or two at my making out session."

"Oh please, who doesn't notice that epic scene happening in the hallway? Such a refreshing sight for the eyes." Her sarcastic tone is so clear.

"Ha! You want that. With me for sure." I point a finger in front of her.

She slaps my hand and grunts feeling defeated. "Let's just go if you intend to drive me. I really need to see my mom soon."

"I'll be ready in front of your dorm building in less than an hour."


I'm more excited in this road trip for my Friday night than doing what I usually do, going out with the boys, making out with random girls who throw themselves at me, getting drunk if I want, and some more wasting time stuffs.

Channing is already there standing on the sidewalk, looks a bit worrier than before.

"Thanks God! You are on time." She opens the door before I even let her in. She makes herself comfortable on the passenger seat beside me. "Nice car. I don't know you have one. You barely drive it."

"Sometimes I drive it when I'm going home or going somewhere so far." This car is my 18 years old birthday gift, a brand new of Aston Martin Rapide S with dark brown coffee paint which my mother chose for me.

"You know where to go, right?"

Seeing that worry written in her face, I don't think she is in the mood for joking. "Cleveland, Ohio. You told me once of your hometown."

"Have you ever been there?" she asks. This is nice that we still can have interesting conversation after a month losing interaction.

"Some other places in Ohio, yes. Cleveland? Will be the first time."

I smirk when she quotes me. "There's always be the first time for everything."

"I remember a girl saying, and I quote 'doesn't need to be everything'." I see her smiling at that quoting.

We're silent for some moments, busy with our own minds. I'm remembering that party, our time together and that first kiss we had. What a kiss! That honestly felt different than the millions kisses I've had so far. It was just, somehow, moving, makes me wonder how she felt about that.

I refuse to believe that she didn't feel anything. It is not that I always make girls fall for me; just that she reacted like one but hid whatever she had felt for me.

She holds her pride high. I happen to feel that we're kind of similar, prideful. Maybe that's why it's hard for me to get to her.

After that party, I thought I'd let her go because I knew she was just a challenge for me and I did the challenge well. Days by days, I don't think I should've let her go.

I once promised I'd make her beg for me. I erased that thought, for the sake of Autumn and giving her peaceful life without the drama she'd get if I was around.

Seeing her again makes me change my mind. I'm willing go down the hell to get her chase after me. She has got me from the moment I kissed her.

I can't avoid something I feel inside. I'm not quite sure what feels those are, so I think I should find out. I look at her again while she looks outside the window. She looks even more beautiful.

"Channing." I whisper. "Do you mind if we stop by for dinner?"

Her head jerks and a small smile tugged on her lips. "I need that too." I drive aside when I see a diner. "Though I think we should eat them on the road." She looks at the sky which is getting dark.

"Okay then, however you want it, dear." I miss using endearment to her.

She hits my arm as we walk side by side. "Save that flirts for your girlfriends." She uses plural words again to mention about girlfriend.

"Just enjoy them in case your boyfriend isn't as sweet as I am." I wink at her and wrap my arm around her back.

She snaps at me. "Shut. Up!"

"Let's order pizza then. It's easy to eat while driving." I suggest.

"And coffees." She adds.

I tease her. "Bourbons too."

"No!" she refuses in less than a second and pushes me enough to make my arm hold off from her back.

"Easy, love." I whisper. "I promise to be sober during the road trip."

She shakes her head. "You had better extend that promise."

I raise my right eyebrow. "Meaning?"

"Don't ever drink again when you're with me." She says firmly, pointing a finger and giving me sharp look. I just laugh at her reaction.

After we have our orders; a box of pizza, three bottles of mineral water and four cups of coffees, we get in the car. I let her eat first while I drive. I like to see her enjoying the pizza. She doesn't fake manner, she just has that.

"Oh, I almost forget." She takes one for me. "Here, eat it."

I don't know why I always want to tease her. Mostly because that's just my distinction, besides I like her reaction. "I don't think it's safe to eat while driving. So help me?" I plead.

She sighs. "You're such a pain in the ass. It must be a pleasure for you getting under my skin."

"Let me get that right, it will be a pleasure for us to get under each other." I wiggle my eyebrows.

She groans. "Ugh! You're a pervert too!" she looks away. "Well, I don't really care whether you eat or not." She eats the pizza which she was going to give me.

"You don't honestly mean that." When she just has one bite, I snatch her hand which is holding the pizza and pull it close to my mouth. I take a huge bit of the pizza.

"Chace!" she grunts. I hold her wrist and make her feed me the pizza.

"That's easy right." I say after I finish eating it. "To be nice."

She drinks a mineral water. "Except to you, because you make it hard to be."

"Feisty, as always." I take another pizza from the box on her lap. We finish the pizza together.

"Don't you want me to help you with the mineral water?" she offers though I know she just wants to tease me. "I'd love to pour the water down on your hair."

I ruffle my hair make it messy in a sexy way. "Like I don't know you'd say that." I take the bottle from her grip.

Two hours later. We only have two cups of coffee left. She reads something in her phone.

"Read it to me."

She sighs, adjusting herself on the seat. "Not in the mood to read out loud." I see that she's weary.

I take her phone away. "Just take a rest. You can sleep. I' m fine."

"Okay. Just wake me up when we arrive at Cleveland." Then she closes her eyes.

I'm back to focus on my wheel. I take a glance at her a few times. She looks really sweet when she's sleeping. That face still has the serenity.

Suddenly, I have the urge to touch her face. I thought I hold the urge but I find my thumb caressing her cheek and down near her lips. I withdraw my hand from her when she makes a little move.

I turn on the music player due to this boring silence. I play whatever music is in the playlist. I make sure the volume doesn't wake her up. The song played is one of my favorites. And somehow it speaks volume for me.

(Give Me Love – Ed Sheeran)


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