Will Come Back

By Lemin_tine

119K 4.6K 1.9K

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, the sole survivor of the demonic 4th generation and the Masterpiece of the White room, ha... More

{ Changes and Clarification }
{ Prologue }
Part : 0.5 { Intergrating Into Society }
Part : 1 { Beginning Of Task : 4930 }
Part : 2 { Beneath The Surface }
Part : 2.5 { Black Sheep ]
Part : 3 { X's First Move }
Part : 4 { Why He's The Masterpiece }
Part 4.5 { Ladyluck Is On My Side }
Part : 5 { Classroom Of The Defetives }
Part : 6.5 { A Rulers Apprentice }
Part : 7 { Master Of Masks }
Part : 8 { Benefits Of Taking Risks }
Part : 9 { Holding A Grudge }
Part : 9.5 { Talking Behind Her Back }
Part : 10 { Game Of Poker }
Part : 10.5 { Misleading Ideas }
SS : Kushida Kikyo I
SS : Nagumo Miyabi I
SS : Koenji Rokusuke I
Part : 11 { Calm Before The Storm }
Part : 12 { Attaching The Strings }
Part : 13 { Moving Like A Plaque }
Part : 14 { A Horrible Human Being }
Part : 15 { Being Under Pressure }
Part : 16 { Predetermined Deal }
Part : 17 { Lie After Lie After Lie }
Part : 18 { Foreseen Victory }
Part : 19 { Indirect Challenge }
Part : 20 { Slice Of Life }
SS : Horikita Suzune I
SS : Kushida Kikyo II
SS : Karuizawa Kei I

Part : 6 { Taking Power By Taking Sides }

3.9K 175 72
By Lemin_tine

Kiyotaka's Point Of View

After our teacher revealed the entire S-system to us, I stopped Hirata from calling everyone out before we all went home because I knew what he wanted to do. Why did I stop him? Because we should give everyone time to think and recollect their thoughts before we suggest his idea. Instead, I called Kushida to help me and Hirata organize his vision Kushida who's obviously grown somewhat wary of me after Koenji's comment, now takes glances at me once in a while.

Ugh, this is kind of annoying. I'll have to deal with Kushida sooner at this point... Although I was going to reveal myself to her sooner or later when I was going to confront her about her facade. But I wanted to do it on my terms, not this early on.


After we finished organizing Hirata's idea, we went our separate ways. Kushida and I proceeded. To walk to our dorms together as Hirata had to catch up with Karuizawa, who was out with her friends currently.

Kushida: Ayanokoji-kun... What did Koenji mean back there...?

She shyly asks me while looking down

Kiyotaka: Hm? What do you mean?

I tried acting oblivious, not to seem suspicious.

Kushida: Back in class... Koenji called you 'Liar-boy'... What did he mean by that?

She fills in the details of her question before looking up at me with pleading eyes.

Kiyotaka: Oh... that... Well, I'm not really sure... Maybe it's because I acted much weaker than I am. During the entire month... Which must've hurt him.

I lied like it was second nature. Obviously, that was a stupid excuse and wasn't going to work, but if she wants to continue playing her facade, she'll back off after realizing she won't be able to pry any secrets out of me.

Kushida: Oh... Ok, he must've been hurt... He probably thought he was the strongest, and after you beat him, it must have hurt his pride! Ayanokoji-kun is so strong, after all!

She answers in her bubbly tone again while mimicking an arm-flexing pose with a challenging smile to lighten up the mood again. I proceeded to giggle to go along with her. After this, we walked home together and continued chit-chatting about the day, including the S-system.


The next day. I reached Class C and continued my routine as usual but with a more reluctant Horikita greeting me while avoiding eye contact, obviously due to Koenji's comment yesterday. This must've broken the image she had of me or made her much more suspicious of me than before, at the very least. After that, I went to Hirata and proposed we announce his idea today before lunch. He agreed with me as our lessons continued like usual until lunch came by.

Hirata: Excuse me. Everyone, before you leave, can I have your attention real quick?

Hirata and I went up to the podium as he announced his favorite catchphrase. This stopped everyone in their tracks before they turned to me, immediately realizing that. It will be better to stay for this.

Kiyotaka: You see, after yesterday's announcement of our Mid-terms Me, Kushida and Hirata decided to organize study groups for everyone, with each group having their tutors consisting of academically gifted students!

As I announced the study groups, everyone started agreeing with my choices for tutors and members of each group. Except for some girls. Who grumbled something under their breaths with a disgruntled face for some reason. I also have a study group consisting of Sudo, Yamauchi, Ike, and Miyamoto while having Kushida as support. Why did I put lots of idiots that hated me in my group? Because I trust no one else to make sure they pass other than me. Of course, I can have Kushida tutor them alone, but that won't do. They will get distracted by her assets instead of their assignments. That will make them fail for sure. Besides, I need extra friends in the group for Sudo so he can feel more comfortable, so I put Kushida in as eye candy for the idiots who won't listen to me.

Horikita: Wait! I'll teach some people myself.

Horikita stops us, surprisingly not.

Kiyotaka: Sure, You can have Sakura, Inogashira and Hondo.

I responded quickly with a friendly smile which surprised Horikita because she didn't expect me to have already prepared for this scenario.

Of course, bro-con-chan wants to be helpful. How else would she make her deer brother proud of her?

Horikita: Alright, good. It seems like my input won't be needed anymore. You 3 show up on time at exactly. 4:15 PM at the library because I won't be waiting.

She pointed at her three students and called out to them with a stern voice. They then flinched and nodded vigorously at her commands. After the Study session assignment event. The second half of school went by until, my name, including Ichinose Honami from Class B and Katsuragi Kohei from Class A, was announced among the speakers to be summoned to the Student Council Office.


Katsuragi, I, and Ichinose all met up on our way to the Student Council Office. Ichinose and I proceeded to greet each other with a friendly wave and a loud gasp. During our way before we discussed multiple topics including the S-system and my class rising in ranks. She proceeded to congratulate me after this because it was apparently the first time in ANHS history that a Class D has ever risen the ranks nevertheless on the first month. Of course, my teacher didn't mention that because she wanted to make us feel as miserable as possible. While Katsuragi just answered with a serious tone or nod whenever we proceeded to ask him about anything.

My god. I'm so happy that I didn't put on a gloomy plain guy facade. Or I would've been just like baldy over there, answering every one of our questions like a fucking robot.

This continued until we reached the massive door leading into the Student Council Office. And as we opened it, we saw the Student Council President Horikita Manabu himself sitting on the giant seat that reflects something akin to a throne as he analyses every inch of our movements with an intimidating expression, Nagumo Miyabi, the Vice President who was sitting on one of the couches with his legs crossed side to side with a huge smirk plastered across his face clearly doing the same as the president but with mild interest when his eyes met mine. And a petite purple-haired senpai with cute bun-buns standing next to the president with a welcoming smile.

Like brother like sister, huh ever so serious... And Nagumo is exactly like the rumors said. A laid-back but calculating man who sees everyone as mere entertainment...

Nagumo: Welcome, newbies. What do you think of your future workplace? Of course, only one of you has been accepted.

He says with an even wider smirk trying to get a reaction out of us after his comment as the president sits there silently, continuing to analyze us with his hands clasped together. While this was happening, Ichinose loudly gulped while sweating, and Katsurgi's seriousness reached new peaks. Of course, I stood there like before as I widen my friendly smile even more.

Nagumo: Pff, haha ease up. We're not going to eat you or anything, right Horikita-senpai?

Nagumo breaks the silence by looking in the president's direction to confirm it with him as the president nods with a slight smile to ease the tension. This worked as Ichinose and Katsuragi breathed a sigh of relief while I stayed the same.

Manabu: Now that you have all arrived. Let's start the interviews. Tachibana, if you may, can you lead Ichinose-san and Ayanokoji-kun to the waiting room? As I wish to interview Katsuragi-kun first.

Pff, poor baldy will get rejected first.

After this, bun-bun senpai leads us to the waiting room as we wait for the president and vice president to interview Katsuragi. During their interview, I continued to chit-chat with Ichinose and tried to calm her down after the tension that she had to endure.

Tachibana: It's Ichinose-sans turn now. Please enter.

Tachibana comes into the waiting room and calls Ichinose to the interview room.

Hmm, saving the best for last, huh? Or the accepted for last...

After her interview, I was called in as I saw Ichinose leaving the SC Office in a somber mood, probably due to her rejection. As I saw this, Nagumo glanced at her with interest before she left but immediately lost all interest in her. As his eyes met mine. The president noticed this as I felt his mood sour.

Nagumo: Finally, the interesting one ugh that first guy was so boring. At least Ichinose-chan was somewhat interesting, hehe.

He commented with a tired expression as he comments on Katsuragi and a smirk while commenting about Ichinose.

Nagumo: So, Mister Ayanokoji. What's your favorite color? What are your favorite foods? Do you like long walks on the beach? Or are you perhaps more of an indoor person?

Nagumo instantly barrages me with nonsensical questions while smirking, which I proceeded to slightly laugh, At clearly going along with it.

Kiyotaka: Well... for colors, I like the color yellow... and for foods I like ice-

Manabu: Ok, enough. We don't have all day for this. Nagumo can you please keep it to yourself during the interview?

Horikita interrupts my answers as he scolds a currently laughing Nagumo. Who Tachibana is currently glaring at.

Manabu: Alright, let's get down to business now. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. You scored 100% on both the entrance written exam and interview while also getting a 100 points score on your recent written test. Rumors also say that you scored a 22.01 seconds score during your 50 meters swimming competition you even possess a positive moral compass, social skills, leadership, and cooperation. Your deduction and perception are also incredible after being able to almost fully deduce the entire S-system and its secret during the first day. In my eyes, you have zero flaws... So tell me... Why were you allocated to Class D?

He finishes his presentation concerning all my achievements and abilities while questioning me about my placement in Class D. After that, Nagumo and Tachibana widen their eyes and perk up while the former seemingly becoming much more interested in me not just due to my incredible achievements but also my placement in Class D.

I see, so he has access to the entrance exams... that's good news to me... if I join the student council, do I gain access to such information as well?...

Kiyotaka: Sorry, Horikita-senpai but... I wish to keep my flaws to myself... They're very personal, and I'm not comfortable sharing them with people I just met... I'm sorry If I'm sounding harsh... Please respect my privac-

Manabu: Drop the act.

The president instantly cuts me off as I try to look as vulnerable as possible. But he saw through my lies which makes Nagumo burst into a fit of laughter.

Kiyotaka: W-what do you mean Horikita-senpai...?

I try to fake stutter and look at him with a pleading face.

Manabu: You know what I mean. A seemingly perfect student placed among Class D is clearly suspicious.

Kiyotaka: Sorry, senpai. But it's something very personal... I-i'm not ready to share it yet, please forgive my rudeness... I'm sorry for wasting your time, senpais... I-I'll leave if you want...

I say, trying to act even more gloomy than before, like a puppy who lost its owner recently. This worked perfectly on Tachibana as she is whispering to the president about something, who is refusing to have any of it.

Nagumo: Oh, please. Horikita-senpai he's just a kid trying to do his best. Give him a chance. Who knows, it might not be his personality that is his defect but his past. After all, there were many cases like that in the past.

Horikita listening to Nagumo's proposal. Which makes him narrow his eyes while looking at me even more before-

Manabu: Very well. You will be assigned as-

Nagumo: My secretary. I like this kid. Can I please keep him? Oh please, senpai. I'll bath him, ill feed him, I'll even take him on walks!

Nagumo cuts off Manabu with a joke, who widens his eyes in horror as he seems to realize something. After this, he stands up to make his way to me before holding his hand out for a handshake. Which I wholeheartedly accept with a relieved smile. During the handshake, he tries to increase his grip pressure which I respond with my own until he gives up and lets go.

Manabu: Welcome to the Advance Nurturing High School's own Student Council. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka of Class C. We're glad to have you here. Your admittance will be announced at 8:00 AM tomorrow.

He announces to everyone in the room with a slight smile.

Manabu: Be careful of Nagumo.

Manabu whispers to me before he goes.

You should be telling him that, mister serious.

After our exchange, I was let go to continue my day, which led me to meet up with Ichinose again, who is still near the SC Office due to her sulking her way back.

Kiyotaka: Yoohoo!! Ichinose you could've waited for me, you know?? Hehe, so where are you going? Want to meet up with our friends and go to the mall? We haven't done that in a while!!

I run up to her with a cheerful smile and an excited tone to bring up her mood, which surprises her.

Ichinose: O-oh Ayanokoji-kun.. Yeah, sorry, I forgot... Sure, I don't mind, Anyways. How did it go for you?

She answers me with a forced smile.

Kiyotaka: I got accepted!!! I never thought that in a million years I would get accepted!! My position is that of Nagumo's secretary too. Which is so cool!! I mean, you have to have heard of him, right?? The awesome Vice President who clawed his way from Class B to Class A, I can't believe that. I will be working with him after today!!

I respond, trying to rub salt in the wound while trying to sound. As innocent and excited as possible to not make it seem intentional. This brings down Ichinose's mood even more at the mention of me working with Nagumo her idol.

Ichinose: Congratulations!.. I mean. You deserve it, after all, you lead your class up to Class C from Class D in a single month... That's incredible... hehe...

Ichinose tries to fake a cheerful act while congratulating me.

Kiyotaka: Don't beat yourself up about it. Ichinose, you will get your chance again... And then we'll be like co-workers once you get accepted!

I try to cheer her mood up with childish but encouraging words. This proceeds to make her giggle and a bit happier than she was before.

Kiyotaka: Anyways, Let'-

As I was about to invite her to hang out with our friend groups, my alarm rang. This meant that my study group will be in 10 minutes.

Kiyotaka: Oh, Awww... Sorry, I have to go. I need to attend my study group now. See you tomorrow, Ichinose. Bye!!

I say this while waving to her as I sprint to the library where mine and Horikita's study group are held so I can keep an eye on her if she ever goes too far with her bullying.


As I arrive 1 minute too late. I see Horikita standing there with a smirk, clearly about to make fun of my tardiness.

Little did you know, miss ice queen, that I have the ultimate excuse.

Horikita: You're late. I expected you to do better, but I guess I overestimated you.

She scolds me with a barely hidden smirk.

Kiyotaka: Sorry!! I was called to the Student Council Office and was interviewed by President Horikita Manabu... He even accepted me into the council itself. And guess what... That isn't even the best part... You see I got to shake hands with the president himself!! It's like I just got acknowledged by my idol!!

I say this with as much excitement in my voice as possible. Which immediately widens Horikita's eyes in surprise while she frowns at me being acknowledged by her deer ol' brother. Kushida, who was already teaching my group, was in the background at the time and heard this as she tried to stifle a laugh, clearly understanding what I just did.

Kushida: Wow!! Really?? That's amazing, Ayanokoji-kun... Wait, did you say, Horikita Manabu? Does that mean he's Horikita-sans older brother?? Wow, I never knew that before!! No wonder they look so alike why didn't you say so earlier, Horikita-san?

Kushida now turns to us as she congratulates me and drops a bucket of salt onto Horikita's wound.

Pff, HAHAHA. What a sadistic bitch, Eh, it's not like I'm one to judge tho

I nod at her vigorously as we continue our tag team. After we ruined Horikita's day, We all continued our study groups as I tried to make the idiots pay attention to their material instead of Kushidas tits.

Finally, I have real power... Nagumo gracefully gave me the position close to him so I can stab him in the back once he loses his purpose... Now then, how should I use the younger Horikita to manipulate the older one... Although, I'm not entirely sure of their relationship... Seeing how the younger Horikita acted when she saw her older brother on stage gives me an indicator... She has an inferiority complex when it comes to our president... And they don't talk anymore... She probably, came to this school to catch up to her 'Nii'... And she'll stop at nothing to do that... Anyways I'll probably try to trap kushida into dropping her mask in my presence soon...

A showdown between liars... What a fascinating idea.

3371 Words

Manabu accepted kiyo due him seeing through his facade thus saw him capable enough to stand his ground against nagumo if ur asking why. How did he see through kiyo? Instincts and the inconsistencies that he pointed out.

SC Kiyo has finally joined as he'll wholeheartedly abuse his powers constantly I mean Nagumo did it in the main story so having kiyo do the same won't be that far fetched

so what do u think about nagumo? I'm not sure if he's OCC due to the LN not showing us enough of his actual personality and character but I imagine he's somewhat similar to what I portrayed him as in this chapter oh and Nagumo will directly take kiyo under his wing instead of ichinose due to him thinking that kiyo will be easy to break and control just like he though with ichinose in canon but obviously tho kiyo is way more useful and valuable than her so he decided to aim for kiyo instead of ichinose

In Nagumos eyes Kiyo is a smarter, stronger and someone with waaay more-untapped potential than ichinose that he wishes to take for himself before Kiyo outgrows him her only saving grace is her higher popularity and social skills which kiyo has but in a lesser amount I feel like people misunderstand Nagumos character he doesn't think with his dick all the time he's clearly a very calculating person the reason why he tried forcing ichinose into dating him in canon was due to him wanting to stretch his influence out into her grade which he has 0 control over so obviously after seeing the opportunity to take control of such an influential person in her grade he took it which was if he dated the most popular girl in that grade he'd instantly get a ton of influence over her grade plus he also thought at first that it would affect kiyo if he dated her which it didn't this is also why he started losing interest in her in later volumes due to him graduating soon

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