My criminal (DreamNotFound)


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Dream is a police officer in Orlando, Florida and George aka 'Criminal 404' is the leader of the most wanted... Еще



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George's POV

I finally got changed out of my 'criminal clothes' and got into something decent, I had put on a pair of jeans and a hoodie because me and Tubbo are going to go on a walk at 3:00am.

"C'mon Tubs, let's go" I whispered and me and Tubbo climbed out of the base and started walking. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked curiously

"Umm, well I have two things to say" he said. "Okay, what are they?" I asked. "Umm.....well....I'm trusting you on this....promise not to tell anyone until I feel like telling someone" he said. "I promise"

"....George....I-....I think I'm gay..." he said nervously. I stopped in my tracks, then he stopped in his tracks. "Please tell me you're okay with i-" I cut him off and brought him into a tight hug.

He then hugged me back tightly. "I support you so unbelievably much" I said. "You're literally the best person ever, I never could ever meet someone as good as you" he said, shedding a few tears.

He then let go of the hug. "And the second thing I wanted to say is-"

"-wait Tubbo" interrupted. "What?" He asked innocently. I looked around confused, "there is something wrong, I can sense it" I said. "What do you think's wrong?"

"I'm not sure, but I can sense that there is danger...." I said. "What type of danger?" He said worried. "The bad type....the very very bad type...Tubbo, stay near me" I said, and he moved slightly closer to me.

I looked behind me then everything went in slow motion.





I swung Tubbo behind me


after bullet

after bullet

after bullet

my body jerked forward every time they hit me.

"Tubbo! Run! And don't call for help!!" I yelled. "But-" "-I said run! And don't ask for help!" I said. He then ran off, scared for not only his life but for my life as well.

I couldn't let Tubbo help because this is no ordinary shooter, I know him, and he is on another level of dangerous.

I then sat on the ground at the edge of an alleyway, holding my stomach as he towered over me. "Long time, no see" he said in a deep voice. "What do you want, Samuel" I asked.

"Revenge" he replied. "Revenge for what? What did I do to you?" I said confused. "Broke my shattered it into pieces" he said angrily.

"What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused. "I loved you, so FUCKING MUCH!!! And sometimes I feel like I still fucking do!! But then you just....just leave, you stopped talking to me, and the fact that you just walked out of my life, it broke my heart, ripped it into so many I'm going to give you the same pain. I'm going to carve out your skin until I see your heart, then I'll grab it out and slice it into pieces. You may have gotten away last time, you didn't even attempt to talk to me last time I shot you, but now it's over" he then got a massive knife out.

"If you kill me, then you'll just be even more heartbroken, never get to see me again, whether you're trying to kill me or not. Don't you want to see my beautiful face again?" I slightly joked, using my pretty privilege.

He stayed silent and took a big gulp. "Listen, I've been through a lot, I've been so fucking busy, I've recently gotten out of the hospital after saving many lives, I was on the news, which made my parents figure out that I ran away and didn't die, my friend was badly hurt not long ago, you almost killed a 16 year old, and now I'm here, on the ground, bleeding to death because you shot me 4 times. I have made 9 amazing friends, and if I die, imagine how they'll feel. Think about it as if we were still talking and we were really good friends, maybe even more than friends, but then I died, how would you feel that someone that you trust with all your heart has just died. Think about what you're doing" I stated, getting slightly emotional.

Samuel then dropped the knife. "....I-....but you betrayed left me" he said. "I never betrayed you...because I never made a promise with you, I'm sorry that we lost contact, you were such a great friend, it's just that things got in the way, I struggled to socialise"

"Fine. Call the police, call an ambulance, call whoever, get me arrested. I deserve it, sorry" he apologised.

Good, he better be

"I'll just call a friend, not an ambulance, by the way, don't know if you noticed but you are a heavily wanted criminal in Florida, there have been a lot recently" I said, getting out my phone.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded in response. "How long will I be arrested for?" He asked nervously. "That's up to the police" I said.

I then called a friend.


"Uhh, hey Dream"

"What's up? You don't sound very cheerful"

"That's because I'm not"


"Can you come to Wheaten Road? I need a bit of help....shit..." I groaned at the pain in my stomach

"What's wrong?"


"Where on Wheaten Road?"

"In an alleyway"

"George, what criminal are you with?"

I smiled at the fact he knew something bad definitely happened

"Just come, and don't bring anyone else"

"Alright, stay safe"

"Eh....I'll try- OW YOU FUCKER" I said at I had a sharper pain from my stomach.

"George, seriously, why the fuck are you saying that?"

"Just come"

"Alright, I'm on my way"

"Thanks, bye" I said then hung up.

"Well, I've got a friend on the way, he'll only be a couple of minutes, he can sense something's wrong, so he'll be quick" I said.

Samuel nodded "sorry again, I just love you so much" he said, looking guilty. I took a deep breath in. "Come here" I said he then crouched down to my level and came a bit closer.

"Closer" I said again. He then came closer, I then leant forward and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "Better?" I said with a bit of a smile. "Definitely" he said then backed away.

Then Dream's car pulled up and he got out and ran to me. "George!! What happened!!! SAMUEL!! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!!!" Dream said then yelled at Samuel, angrily.

"I-....shot him four times. I tried to kill him, but George talked me out of it" Samuel said honestly.

"Oh George! You're bleeding so much! Shit-"

"-don't call an ambulance! Please don't" I said. "Why! You're bleeding to death! I can't let you die!" He said worried, putting his hands over where the bullet holes are to try and hold back the bleeding.

"It's fine...all I need is a little bandage, no worries" I said, clenching my fist in pain. "George you're clearly not fine, I need to get you to a hospital" he said, getting his hands all bloody

"Are you gonna call the police or what?" Samuel interrupted. "No need to" Dream said then pulled a set of handcuffs then tightened them around Samuels wrists.

"Your friend is a police officer?" Samuel said confused. "Well, a little bit more than just a police officer. But yes, that's why I called him, he is my good friend and an officer" I smiled while in pain.

"Just a good friend, am I?" Dream chuckled. "Now's not the time for flirting, Dream" I smiled. "....I think I have an aid kit in the back of my car" he said. Then he ran to the car and came back with a small aid kit.

"Okay....I think have a few small bandages to wrap around you....not a lot though.............................shit! shit! shit! Please tell me I have some" he said, shuffling though the aid kit, slightly panicking.

I put my hand on top of his hands that were shuffling through the aid kit. He then stopped moving "Dream" I said. He looked up. "Calm down, I've been through worse" I reassured, putting my hand up to cup his cheek.

He crave me a little smile "I'll try my best" he smiled. "I still may be in love with George but seriously, stop flirting, im third wheeling and George, are you seriously just friends with him? Because you guys are flirting with each other hardcore" Samul interrupted

I just rolled my eyes. " love with George?" Dream said confused. "Yes, why? Are you jealous" Samuel smirked. "No, just confused as to why you shot him if you're in love with him" Dream spoke back, then started wrapping the bandages around my stomach since he finally found some.

"It's George's fault" Samuel said, blaming it all on me. "What? I have a valid reason as to why I didn't mean to do it" I sighed.

"Wait....did you know Samuel....before he was a wanted criminal?" Dream furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes, and George is the reason as to why I'm a criminal" Samuel said, once again, putting the blame on me.

"No! Stop blaming me! You chose to kill people, I didn't purposely decided to lose contact, and I didn't purposely make you a criminal, so stop blaming me" I said with a slight bit of anger.

"Alright, I'm done with wrapping you up since I've run out of's not much....but it's something" he smiled.

"Don't worry Dream, it's perfect, thanks for coming to help me though" I gratefully spoke. "What were you even doing, walking around at 3:00am in the dark, alone" Dream asked.

"Well, I couldn't get to sleep and I felt like I needed some fresh air, so I went on a walk, but Toby came with me since he couldn't sleep, but when I was shot, I told him to run so he didn't get into any danger" I said, making an excuse.

"What was Toby doing with you?" "He was staying at William's place with me" I lied. "Wait what! You're still in contact with Wil but you lost contact with me? What the fuck is wrong with you? You couldn't even attempt to talk to me again?" Samuel said angrily.

"Calm down! It was because me and Wil were busy at the same time, with the same thing, so we were in contact since we talked about what we were struggling with, and then we moved into the same place"

Samuel huffed in response "how do I still love you" he whispered under his breath. I then started getting a call from Tubbo, so I answered it.

"Hello? Are you safe? I'm here with Dream, please tell me you're safe" I said quickly.

"Don't worry, I'm safe and I haven't called for help, but thank god you're with Dream. Has that guy been caught yet?"

"Yes, Dream arrested him, and I have been bandaged up so I'm not bleeding as much"

"Good, I've just arrived at the base, should I tell the others about what happened?"

"No, I don't want them to worry, and plus, they know I've always got things under control, and it's only a few bullet holes, it's nothing much"

"Oh okay....well I'll go now"

"Okay, sleep well"

"Thank you, love you, platonically"

"Love you too" I smiled.

Then the call ended. "Sorry about the phone call" I apologised. "One, did you say that it was ONLY a few bullet holes, and two, who do you love? I'm slightly getting jealous"

"Well one, yes it is only a few bullet holes and a little bit of blood, and two, it was Toby on the phone and he is a minor, so it's platonic you dimwit, so you don't have to get jealous" I sighed.

"Oh..." he said awkwardly. "...but...uh...Dream...can I stay at your place tonight...I don't want William getting too worried" I nervously asked.

"Of course, you are welcome into my house whenever you want" he softly smiled. "Thanks, but first I think you should get Samuel into the police station" I recommended.

"Good idea, c'mon, let's go" Dream said. He then gently helped me up, trying to make sure I'm not in pain. "You alright?" He asked. "Perfectly fine"

He put his arm round my back, giving me some support, then carelessly dragged Samuel by the handcuffs, towards his car.


Me, Dream and Samuel finally arrived at the police station. "Stay here George, I'll bring Samuel into the station, Nick is working late so he is in the station" Dream said, getting out the car then dragging Samuel out with him.

"Ok, say I said hi to Nick" I spoke, Dream didn't answer and just walked into the station.


Five minutes had past and I was getting bored. "Ugh" I sighed. Then I thought of a stupid idea but I did it anyway.

I opened the car door and stood up, completely ignoring the fact that I have 4 bullet holes in my stomach.

I then casually walked towards the station as if nothing happened. When I walked in, Dream was talking to Nick and holding the cuffs that were connected to Samuel's hand.

"Hey Dream" I greeted. Dream whipped his head around in shock. "George! What are you doing here!" He spoke in shock

"I got bored" I said nonchalantly. "Uh...why is George here and why is his hoodie all bloody?" Nick said confused.

"Dream? Have you been lying to Nick?" I giggled. He looked at me then looked at Nick"..........Ugh....yes" he said, rolling his eyes.

"What? What are you lying to me about?" Nick said, looking a bit angry. Nick then flicked his eyes back and forth between me, Dream and Samuel.

"Oh shit....Samuel was caught because he hurt George.....then George called you....and now you're here, wait, then how the fuck is George walking?"

"Trust me when I say that I don't fucking know" Dream sighed. "What even happened to him?" Nick questioned.

I then lifted up my hoodie half way so he could see a bit of my stomach "I was shot four times in the stomach, and I'm still walking because I'm George" i smirked.

Nick just stared at me in shock. "How-" "-bare in mind that Samuel has attacked George before, but George somehow got away"

"....George....can I have a private talk with you?" Nick asked, looking at me suspiciously. Dream looked confused by I agreed.

Nick then took me a little bit further away from Dream.

"Listen here George....I'm getting very suspicious of you..." Nick spoke strictly. "What do you mean?" I replied, hoping that it's not what I think it is.

"Ever since you met Dream....some suspicious criminal stuff has been and Dream both know that you know how to fight very well and you never feel pain when you get hurt, you are literally walking perfectly fine after being shot in the stomach four times. but you are also related to criminal investigations, you slightly remind me of the leader...of the NotFounders. I mean, you're British, about the same height as him, you can fight just as well as him. Also, don't forget that ever since you met Dream, bodies of one of the most wanted criminals have been found outside of the station, with NOTES to Dream. And I need an explanation. And I genuinely don't believe that your friend, who is on the other side of Florida, is a police officer"

I was genuinely surprised at the things he said. "Well....I've already explained that I know how to fight since my dad told me that I should grow up to be a proper man, and protect the family. And I don't feel pain because when I was training, I was told not to feel pain, so when I was taught by my teacher, he would hurt me and told me to force the pain away, as well as being in contact with many dangerous people, I've been hurt PLENTY of times. I also honestly I don't know how I've been in contact with many criminals, but I know a lot of them were from men harassing me. It's also probably just a coincidence that I am somewhat similar to the leader and that bodies have been dumped in front of the station with notes to Dream. So don't blame me as if I did all of this." I stated.

".......I'm still onto me....I know your little secret" Nick said evilly then walked away. I was in shock as to how Nick can figure things out. I have to be more careful.

After Nick walked away, Dream then approached me. "You alright? Don't tell me Nick did something stupid" Dream asked. "I...uh- yeah...don't worry, I'm fine" I smiled nervously.

"You sure?" Dream asked, making sure that I'm okay. "Uh...yeah, Nicks just...never mind, let's just go" I smiled. "Okay.." he replied.


I'm now at Dream's house and it's currently 4:30am. "I think I have more bandages somewhere in the house" he said quietly, walking around the kitchen, looking for some bandages.

"Aha! I found some, we need to change it so you don't get any infection" he whispered, trying not to be too loud. "Thanks" I smiled, i then slightly lifted up my hoodie so he could undo the old bandages

"But...we are going to have to somehow take those bullets out of your stomach" Dream recommended, while unwrapping the bandages.

"Don't worry, it'll be easy" I said. As soon as Dream took all the old bandages off, I stuck my thumb and index finger into the bullet holes.

"George! What the fuck are you doing!" Dream yelled. "Getting the bullets out" I answered, then I pulled out one bullet and stuck my fingers into the next bullet hole.

"George! Stop!" Dream panicked. "Dream it's fine" I said, pulling out the second bullet. "That's hurting you!" He yelled, not knowing what to do. I then pulled out the third bullet.

"Clay, why are you yelling-" Bailey asked but then froze when she saw me sticking my fingers into bullet holes, with blood on my hands. "Oh shit" she smirked.

I then finally pulled out the fourth bullet. "There you go, all four bullets out" I said causally, while bleeding. "Holy fuck, that's a lot of blood" Bailey then laughed a bit.

"See, Bailey is calm about it, why aren't you" I smiled. "Because you just stuck your fucking fingers into bullet holes!! FOUR FUCKING TIMES!!" He yelled

"Sorry Bailey for waking you up" I apologised. "Don't worry, I'm happy to see this, this is sick as fuck, but doesn't it hurt?"

"Meh, I don't really feel a thing, because I'm a bad bitch" i sassily said. "SLAAAAYYYY" Bailey laughed.


He then rushed to get the bandages and started wrapping them around my stomach quickly, "I mean, I'm not ignoring it, I'm just fascinated by it" Bailey smiled.

"Bailey, go get a hoodie from my wardrobe so George doesn't have to sleep in this bloody shit" Dream sighed. Bailey then went upstairs to get a hoodie.

"Dream, are you mad? You sound mad at me" I said concerned. "George...I could never be mad at you, I'm just making sure your okay, because you are hurt really badly, and I care for you so goddamn much, I just want to make sure you're safe" he said sweetly.

I blushed a lot at that sentence. Dream then looked at me. "Are you blushing" he teased. "" I responded. "You're adorable" he smiled. "....shut up...." I blushed even harder.

"IM BACK!! I HAVE A HOODIE!" Bailey yelled, running down the stairs. "Was it really necessary to shout?" Dream said calmly. "Yes, shouting is amazing-....Clay, what did you do? Why is George blushing immensely" Bailey said, concerned.

"A little bit of flirting usually does the trick, but, I'm finally done with bandaging, now change into my hoodie so you can look adorable" Dream flirted.

"Alright then cLaY" I said rolling my eyes. I then took of my hoodie in front of Dream as if it was nothing. Dream went red.

"That's so hot" he blurted out. I just did a breathy laugh. "You're quite muscular for someone who is 5'8, like, you have a small waist but strong abs, and surprisingly small, but muscular arms, and quite muscular shoulders, where'd you get that body from" Dream spoke, impressed.

"Dream, stop examining my body" I blushed. "I'm assuming the bruises are from the fire, as well as Samuel"

Shit...I forgot about the bruises. "Probably" I said nonchalantly, then I slid the hoodie on, carefully. "Dream, you're really creepy, you just stared at George" Bailey laughed.

"Oi! You were looking as well" Dream said as an excuse. "Well, he did just strip off his hoodie in front of us, so I basically had to look" Bailey spoke back.

"Ugh, but I don't even know where George suddenly got the confidence to do that, last time he was getting changed, he forced me to look away, as if it would kill him if I didn't"

"Yeah, but back then, we barely knew each other then fast forward to the present, I just called you after getting shot four times, and I let you bandage up half my body, I even told you that I ran away from home, and your a flipping police officer, so that means I've actually got trust in you, so be grateful" I reminded him.

"Good point, but we should probably stop talking about George's hot body and actually go to sleep" Dream recommended. "Good idea" I smiled.

"Alright, well, goodnight lovebirds" Bailey groggily said, walking up the stairs, to go to sleep.

I then looked over at Dream while we were still in the kitchen. "Thanks a lot Dream, for helping me" i gratefully spoke. "You're welcome Georgie"

God....I hate to confess this....but I can't lie to myself....I am genuinely in love with this man.....problem is, he is a officer, I'm the most wanted criminal....let's just hope that opposites attract....

"Do you believe that opposites attract?" I asked Dream. Dream raised his eyebrow. "Why you asking?" Dream smirked. "Because a while back, my ex boyfriend said that he didn't believe that they do since when I was dating him and he believed that I was the love of his life, because we were so similar....which clearly isn't true, but what if someone fell in love with another person which is the complete opposite to them. Do you believe that could happen?" I asked, lying about the story.

"Yeah...I do....I definitely doesn't happen to everyone, but I know that it does happen" he spoke softly.

"What if the person that they fell in love with was the complete opposite to them but they didn't know it" honestly, I'm just trying to think about the situation that could possibly happen since I'm attracted to Dream, who is an officer, but I'm a criminal

"well, I think that the person will eventually find out that they are the opposite, but I think that it wont stop them from loving each other" he smiled.

I wonder how Dream would react if he found out who I really was...what if Nick tells him...he basically already knows.

"Let's go to bed gorgeous" Dream spoke. "You're so cringey" I giggled. "But you love it because you love me" he said as we walked up the stairs, towards Dream's bedroom.

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