S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

31.2K 1.2K 329

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-

Chp.3 Sneaking

1.4K 55 24
By Victor_TheRiper


As we left off, Luke's group was being more unpleasant against Clem and (YN) the fact they don't believe Clem got hit by a dog, so in order to believe them, they lock her in the shed, and if the fever doesn't come to her in the morning, then they'll believe them, but (YN) didn't like it at all.
It was now night, inside the house, Luke, Nick, Rebecca, Alvin and Pete were in the kitchen, as (YN) was leaning against the wall arms crossed, utterly upset about how things just went...

Nick: Look we just want to to come clear with us kid.

(YN): I already told you a million times! We got attacked, got separated, found a dog, dog attacked my friend and I killed it, that's how it happen!!

Rebecca: And we still don't believe you boy.

(YN): Well no shit y'all don't! Cause you guys are nothing but asshole!!

Rebecca: Excuse me?!

Pete: Hey okay okay, calm down everyone alright. Look don't be too hard on (YN) alright? If he's telling us the truth, then I believe him, so as Luke.

Rebecca: But not all of us, so that's two against fours Pete.

Luke: Okay we get it Rebecca.

Rebecca: Hmph.

(YN): ...*grunts* I don't need this.

(YN) was about to walk out the kitchen as Nick stops him and grabs his arm...

Nick: Woah, where you think you're going?

(YN): Outside, and check on my friend, now let go.

Rebecca: Don't let him Nick, he's probably going to let her free, we ain't stupid.

Nick: That's what I'm thinking.

Alvin: Come on guys...

(YN): I said let.go!!

Nick: No way!

Nick shoves (YN), as (YN) quickly free himself, clenches his hand to a fist, and to strike a punch to Nick, hitting him towards his stomach hard, casing him to fall onto his knees...

Rebecca: Nick!

Pete: God damn it boy!

(YN) then runs away, exiting the kitchen...Pete then goes and picks Nick up..

Pete: Come on, you can handle that punch.

Nick: L-Like hell! Ima gonna get him-

Pete: No!! Enough, alright?!

Rebecca: Pete!

Luke: No! Now listen here, y'all better stop being such ass and just let it be okay?! God you're just making things worse for him!

Pete: That's right, so leave that boy alone.

Rebecca: Tch, whatever, I'm going to my room.

Alvin: Bec come on now.


Outside the house, we then see (YN) walking down to the shed, slowly approaching and calls out Clementine...

(YN): Clem? Clem, it's me.

Clementine: (YN)!

(YN): How you're feeling?

Clementine: It hurts..!! I-I can't hold it much longer, I really need it to patch it up.

(YN): I know Clem, I know.

Clementine: I only found a roll of thread for stitches, but nothing else. I just need a needle thread, alcohol and bandages.

(YN) stood quiet...as he looks over to the house, and having an idea, a risky one...

(YN): Okay, Clem.

Clementine: Yeah?

(YN): I'll be back in a bit.

Clementine: What? What are you going to do??

(YN): ...Im gonna sneak in the house without noticing and "steal" the stuff we need for your arm.

Clementine: What?! N-No, that's crazy!!

(YN): Clem, it's the only way, do you really wanna wait till tomorrow? Cause I sure don't! ...This is the only way, I can't leave you like this.

Clementine thought about it...and to reply...

Clementine: Okay, that'll work, but only if you don't get caught.

(YN): Don't worry, I know what to do.

Clementines: Just..be careful okay?

(YN): I will, I won't take long.

And with that said, (YN) plans to sneak in the house without being notice to "steal" the supplies for Clem's arm...he jogs over, and to suck down to not be seen, he walks up to a window, and to peak in the room and see Alvin and Rebecca arguing...

Rebecca: It makes me feel like a fucking idiot when we are not in the same page.

Alvin: We are in the same page Bec.

Rebecca: Not out there you weren't! Not about the girl and the boy! I saw you being soft with them.

Alvin: Oh come on, what you want me to do? Put a bullet on the girl?!

Rebecca: I want you to think about our family!

Alvin: I am! And that's all I think about...so, don't give me that shit, okay?

Rebecca: ....I need some air.

Rebecca then leaves the room, and (YN) to see Alvin being tired the fact it may look like he and Rebecca always fight a lot, and he takes the blame for...

(YN): Poor guy.

He knocks on the window, alerting Alvin as he quickly rushes and open it...

Alvin: What-Boy, the hell you think you're doing?!

(YN): I need your help.

Alvin: Me? Nah, sorry but no, I can't do nothing. Look even your friend is bitten, by some lurker-which probably was-you can't be here! Look you need to get out of here okay? Get back in the house or Carlos will find out!

(YN): Listen, for all I can know about you, you're a nice guy.

Alvin: I ain't nice.

(YN): Heh, yes you are, I can tell.

Alvin: Oh no, don't give me that, I know what you're doing, look again, you need to get out of here before-

(YN): Look earlier I saw everyone were arguing, and you were the only one trying to help.

Alvin: ...You didn't see anything, but look you need to get out of here, my wife will be here any second. I already have enough problems, got a baby on the way, Rebecca's emotional, got a mess of hormones causing all this.

(YN): Please, I need your help...!

Alvin: ....So, you're not working for Carver?

(YN): No.

Alvin: And your friend didn't get hit by a-

(YN): No okay?! ...I'll do anything to help your situation, and if you do, I'll leave you alone, okay?

Alvin: ....You owe me this, okay?

(YN): Yes!

Alvin: So what you need?

(YN): I need something to clean Clem's arm and a needle thread to stitch the wound.

Alvin: Hmm, I don't know what to find, but I have some bandages, I don't know about the rest.

(YN): Just give me what you can, and the rest I'll find it my own.

Alvin: Fine, wait here.

Alvin quickly leaves the room...a minute later, he comes back...

Alvin: Here, got you some bandages.

(YN): Cool.

Alvin: And Uh...got you juice boxes as well, you know?

(YN): Thank you, heh see? You're a nice guy after all.

Alvin: Oh shut up you-

Carlos: Alvin, house meeting in five minutes.

Alvin: Oh! Okay thanks. Now go, okay?

(YN): Yeah.

(YN) quickly jogs away...and then to think about the name "Carver" Alvin mentioned...

(YN): *Carver...that name is suddenly into my head recently.* No, I have to focus. Now I just need a needle and peroxide, just gotta sneak in quietly.

(YN) ducks down and to jog his way at the back door he exit...he quietly open it, and arriving in the living room and to hear chatting in the kitchen, which means everyone are in there, which gives (YN) the benefit to walk upstairs quietly and search for the supplies he needs. As he quietly walks upstairs, he then goes to a door, opens it slowly, and then to see Sarah, Carlos daughter startled...

(YN): Don't.Scream, okay? Didn't mean to scare you, and won't hurt you.

Sarah: ..You're not suppose to be in here.

(YN): I know, but can you help me?

Sarah: ..I'm not suppose to talk to you as well. My dad can't know.

(YN): I'm not gonna get you in trouble, I just need your help, okay? Please?

Sarah: ..What happen?

(YN): ...My friend is hurt, she got bit by a dog.

Sarah: Woah, sounds scary.

(YN): Yeah, look, she can die if I don't take care of it, I just need something to clean the blood off and a needle to sew the wound up. Do you know where I can find those stuffs?

Sarah: ...I don't know, my dad moved the supplies and restocking them since we moved here, but I'll help you.

(YN): Thank you.

Sarah: I'm Sarah.

(YN): ...(YN), and my friends Clementine.

Sarah: ...So we're friends!

(YN): Say Wha???

Sarah: Yeah? We can be best friends! I haven't met a boy and another girl since way before. It can be hard to find a friend, I mean Rebecca is okay, but she's old.

(YN): ...*Oh boy* Okay yeah, sure, we're friends.

Sarah: Pinky promise?

Sarah shows her pinky to (YN), as (YN) then gives Sarah a pinky promise...

(YN): The other pinky is for Clem as well.

Sarah: Pinky swears forever! Okay, I'll look around and see what I can find.

Sarah then looks around the room, apprehend to a drawer, and to then find a peroxide inside and handing it over to (YN)...

(YN): Okay, this will work, thank you again Sarah.

Sarah: Your welcome, bye!

(YN): See ya.

(YN) leaves the room...

(YN): That...was Something. Anyways, I need now is a needle...probably might find one in the bathroom.

(YN) roams down the hallway, and to appear to another door, opens it and to arrive in the bathroom, he slowly shuts it and to look around, he opens the cabinet and to find a needle luckily...

(YN): Nice! That's everything, now I gotta get out of here-

Suddenly, he heard footsteps, coming closer and closer, and hearing a voice...

Rebecca: That man sometimes, I swear.

(YN): Oh shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!

He quietly panics to hear Rebecca approach to the bathroom...he quickly runs towards the closet and hides in there, and to see Rebecca coming inside...
He notices seeing her stressing a bit through the little gaps of the closet, and emotionally whimpering as she washes her face on the sink...

Rebecca: I just...need this baby. It'll be okay and...and..let it be his.

Rebecca leaves the bathroom and (YN) to get out...and to hear what she said about the baby she's having soon...

(YN): Well now...guess she's got ALOT of explanation to do if Alvin finds out...anyways, I gotta get back to Clem.

Back with Clem, she was waiting for (YN) to come back, and to see the wall on the right corner to be loose, she walks up to it, and to give it some kicks, and for the wall to break down and leave a hole on it...suddenly, she heard footsteps...

(YN): Clem, I'm back!

Clementine: Good! Look, theres a little hole here, crawl into it.

(YN) ducks down and to crawl to the hole and enter in the shed with Clem...

Clementine: You got everything?

(YN): Yup, let's patch you up.

The two walk towards a counter table as Clem places her arm on the table and (YN) setting up the supplies on them too...so to get started, he firsts grabs the peroxide, and Clem giving a worried face...

Clementine: ..Please tell me it's not what I think it is.

(YN): Yeah, and...just a heads up...it's gonna suck.

Clementine: I bet..just make it quick.

(YN): Okay..

(YN) opens the cap, and to then slowly tilt the bottle, and for the peroxide to spill some onto Clementine's bite, and to sizzle and causing the wound to burn a lot...

Clementine: N-NNNNNNRRR!!!

(YN): O-Okay Okay! It's done, it's done..!

Clementine: O-Okay, I'm fine, I'm fine...shit.

(YN): Okay, Now...the fun part..

(YN) grabs the needle and a thread, and to gently put the thread through the tiny hole of the needle...

(YN): Okay, Okay, be strong on this Clem.

Clementine: Just...be gentle with it.

(YN): Okay, Okay...here goes.

(YN) slowly aims the needle to Clementine's wound, and stabbing it through as Clem began to grunt in pain, (YN) holding her and calming her down, he manage to stitch one, and do it again, the more he stitch her wound, the more Clem grunting in pain and holding back tears...
A minute after, (YN) finished stitching up the bite, and then to clean it up with bandages as giving her a juice box to drink...

(YN): How do you feel?

Clementine: Better, it doesn't hurt as much, but the the stitching part was.

(YN): Yeah, sorry if I wasn't good enough.

Clementine: No it's fine, you did good-

Suddenly, something grabs (YN)'s leg behind as it was a Walker that appear from the hole he came from, and to cause (YN) to trip and fall to the floor and for the Walker to crawl up to him and try eating him...

(YN): Shit!!

Clementine: (YN)!!

Clementine grabs (YN)'s mail bat that drop on the floor too, (YN) kicks the Walker out of him, and Clem to swing the bat, hitting the walkers face, and (YN) to grab the wrench that was on the counter, and to swing and strike the Walker, and to hit his head several times and for his head to bust open and drop on the floor and dies...

Clementine: You alright?!

(YN): I'm fine...damn, that was close..

Clementine: Too close.

Suddenly, the shed doors open as Luke and the rest check to see what was the noise and to find the two kids killed a Walker...

Luke: Holy shit...!

Alvin: What the..?! How it get in there?

Nick: And how did the boy get in there as well?!

Alvin: Are you two alright?!

Pete: Kids are tough as nails.

Luke: The shed should have hold much longer-

(YN): Oh, think again. And also, we aren't bitten if y'all are wondering.

Clementine: I was never bitten by a Walker, and didn't believe us! And you all left me here to die!

Luke and them felt a bit bad about it...until they realize her arm being patched up...

Luke: You fixed your arm up?

Nick: Where you get the stuff?!

Rebecca: Did you steal from us?!

(YN): Hey, I'm sorry, but not sorry! you left me no choice!

Rebecca: Then y'all should have left-

Pete: Enough Rebecca okay?

Carlos: ...Bring them in, and I'll check on that arm.

And so, they all finally decide to let Clementine in the house with (YN) and Carlos to check her arm...

Luke: ...You two hungry??

(YN) ignores Luke and looks away for not being helpful at all...but as Clem then looks at him, and nods...and to walk with him into the house...
In the house, Carlos checked Clem's arm and putting more bandages on it too...

Luke: So?

Carlos: The <nino's> suturing skills need some work, but otherwise, I say she will be fine.

Luke: So, it wasn't...a lurker bite?

Carlos: If it was, the fever would have set in already and her temperature would rise to the roof.

Nick then looks down...and then to walk out of the kitchen as Luke goes after him...afterwards, Carlos washes his hands as (YN) approaches to Clem as she then smiles at him and holds his hand...

Clementine: Thank you for fixing it.

(YN): Anytime Clem.

Then, Carlos says...

Carlos: You know, I wish you wouldn't have done what you did.

(YN): Look again, I'm sorry, I do feel for stealing your supplies, but I-

Carlos: No, it's not that...for manipulating my daughter.

(YN): ..What?? But I didn't do nothing bad to her, I just asked her help.

Carlos: She's not someone you can ask for help. I'll give you the benefit of doubt, but there are few things you need to know about her.

(YN): ..Ookay..

Carlos: ...She isn't like you two, you may not get that initially but once you're around her more, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is here, she would...cease to function. She's my little girl, she's all I have left...and I would ask nicely, to stay away from her.

(YN): B-

Clem quickly covers (YN) mouth and for her to respond...

Clementine: We're sorry, we didn't knew, neither does he, so, we get it.

Carlos: It's okay, you're forgiven...Anyways, Rebecca still wonders if the two of you are working with someone, but I don't believe that, so just...keep an eye out for her, she can be...moody sometime.

Clementine: Okay, we will...and, thank you again.

Carlos: You're welcome.

Carlos then walks out of the kitchen, and Clem taking her hand off from (YN)'s mouth and starring at him...

(YN): What??

Clementine: Did you really manipulate his daughter?

(YN): Wha-No! Clem, why would I do that? I just asked her help only, that's all. And why shutting me up, again?

Clementine: Cause you're gonna say something that'll upset him.

(YN): Wha?? Clem, his daughter is literally what, at least two years older than me and three years older than you, look I get it, he cares for his daughter and loves her, but sooner or later, he has to teach her to survive on her own...just Like How Lee did to us.

(YN) looks down and to feel a bit upset about mentions Lee, who he misses. And so does Clem...she grabs his arm...

Clementine: I miss him too, but hey...you have me.

(YN): *smiles* Yeah, I do.

Then, Luke walks in with two bowls in his hands...

Luke: Hey, brought y'all some food to eat.

The two were relief to hear that they get to eat at last, they rush to the table, sat down together as Luke sat and gave their bowls to them and to enjoy their meals...

Luke: That's gonna leave one hell of a scar.

Clementine: Better than loosing it.

Luke: You could say that again, scars are way cooler.

(YN): ..Definitely.

Luke: ...Hey Uh, (YN), I know you're mad at me, so, I wanna say I'm sorry-

(YN): No, it's okay Luke. You wanted to help as well, but didn't know what to do knowing...well, your group, but I understand.

Luke: Heh, thanks.

Then, Nick appears...and to slowly approach to Clem and (YN), scratching his head behind...

Nick: Hey...I Uh, wanted to say Im sorry, the both of y'all, for being a total dick out there, and didn't mean to go that far...

Luke: Nicks been known to go off every once in a while, don't hold it against him

Clementine: ....You we're just protecting your friends, I get it.

Nick: I didn't mean to be harsh...

(YN): ...It's okay, I get it too...and...sorry for punching you.

Nick: Nah, it's cool, I deserve it anyways, for laying my hands on you...and also, that's one hell of a punch though, I give you that..

(YN): Heh, thanks.

Nick: ....It's just...We had a bad experience once.

Clementine: ..What happen??

Nick sits down for a moment and stood quiet and to look down...

Luke: ...Nick lost his mom, we took cared of someone who got bit.

Nick: It was my fault, I...

Luke: It was no one's fault....we though..we could have control it, but...we couldn't...and then she turned, and his momma was standing there...and got attacked...and there was nothing we can do about it.

Nick: ..Hope you two understand.

Clementine: Yeah, we do.

(YN): Totally, sorry for your mom.

Nick smiles as he felt relief the two of them understood his actions...so he gets up and to leave to get some rest...

Luke: So, since you two are pretty on you're own, what's your guys plan?

(YN): ...As much we wanna go looking for Christa...but, I was thinking about staying here for a bit, Clem?

Clementine: Yeah, I like that...Luke?

Luke: You two are welcome to stay as long as you want to.

Clementine: ..Do you think everybody else here is okay with us staying?

Luke: Well they'll have to just deal with it. I mean besides me and Pete of course, we don't mind. But it will take time to sort things out, for a little while.

(YN): Hmm, tell me about it.

The two went back eating their meals...

Luke: So...what happen..to your parents? If you don't mind...asking? You know, you two young still, with no parents, didn't think you two made it so far on your own...

Clementine: ..They died..

Luke: That's tough, I Uh..lost my folks too...

Clementine: Our parents went to vacation at Savannah, and left us with a baby sitter, and never came back...we both went to look for them...and were already dead...

Luke: Damn, I'm sorry...but wait, y'all went to look for them alone??

(YN): ...No, not really...this man found us, and took cared of us. We met up with other survivors too and to try making it out together, but didn't work.....His name was Lee. He taught us how to survive too...he's the reason why we both survive longer...

Clementine: ...And he's the reason why I cut my hair short.

Luke: What...happen to him..??

(YN) then gave this utter upset look, as he looked away...and Clem to respond...

Clementine: ...We killed him.

Luke: ...

(YN): ....He got bit...protecting us, and we had to...end him before he turned...

Luke: ..Wow..

Luke then felt bad for the two of them, not only did they lost their parents...but lost to a friend, a father figure, who took care of them when he found them...

Luke: I'm sorry to hear that...really...

Clementine: It's okay..

(YN): No worries...

Luke: ....Hey, this might be a bad to say this, but I'm gonna call it a night...

(YN): Yea, sure, don't worry, we'll get some rest in a bit.

Luke smiles gently as he gets up and to then go to his room and get some sleep...
Clem and (YN) went back eating their meals alone...
As trouble comes, Rebecca appears and notice them...

Rebecca: Oh, you two are still here.

She walks up to the sink and washes her hands and says...

Rebecca: I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were y'all, maybe y'all fool everybody, but not me.

Clementine: What? Who-

Rebecca: Don't give me that bullshit. I'm not my husband.

Clementine: I just needed help-

Rebecca: Well you got it, now go.

(YN) stood up...

(YN): You know lady, you're really getting in my nerves with that attitude, why can't you just leave us alone??

Rebecca: Or what? What you're gonna do boy? I ain't scared of you or your little friend here.

(YN): ...I know you're not...but, if I were you, I would be more worried about who's baby you got is it.

Rebecca: E-Excuse me?!

(YN): ..If it isn't Alvin's, whose is it?

Rebecca: Y-You..You shut your fucking mouth!

(YN): ...You should start being nicer to us.

Rebecca: You...Y-You-

Clementine: ...We won't tell anyone, nor will he, right?

(YN): ...Right.

Rebecca: ...I knew the two of you would be a fucking problem.

Rebecca slowly backs and to walk out of the kitchen, and leaving Clem and (YN) alone...


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