Forbidden Fruit ♡

By KritiTaeKook

132K 7.1K 1.5K

Completed Jungkook never craved for anyone like he craved for Kim Taehyung even after knowing that he cannot... More

About story
Jungkook Jeon
Morning in Castle
Morning in Seoul
Bumpy ride
Black Swan
Feel Secure
Angry Jeon
Devil in disguise
You filled my mind
Silver Swan Taehyung
Love story
Finish what you started!
Love Affair
Secret Chamber
My Silver Swan
Only love matters
Last Kiss
Souvenir of love
Who's fault?!
Jennie Aunty
Desperate times
Dream and Nightmare
Taehyung is mine!
Save ours
Weird Rituals
Keep me awake
Precious Jewell
Cheating the Cheater
True Queen
Secret vows
Royal Celebration!!

Taehyung Kim

4.3K 230 40
By KritiTaeKook

In the city outskirts of Seoul there was a famous restaurant called Kims which was successfully administrated by a married couple . The happy couples were blessed with a beautiful baby, who they called Kim Taehyung .

Because of some deficiency Kim Taehyung born with dull grayish blond hair. Though he look undeniably beautiful even at the time of his birth, everyone thought that it's a misfortune. Afraid of her son getting bullied by others, his mother used to always cover his hair with hats.

Later she learned the natural way to dye Tae's hair with silver, she used a specific black hair dye made from oxidized silver which doesn't affect health of Tae's hair but Fortunately the silver in his dye nourished his hair.

Taehyung's mother dyed his hair with that powder once in two weeks to make it look black and normal like other people. After her untimely demise at a very young age, Tae did everything on his own as his mother taught him.

Kim's family and business were prosperous and steady until one day when his father suddenly got affected by a deadly diseases. Tae was just a teenager who was taking his culinary arts course that time.He had to drop his studies to take care of his sick father even though they had many helpers.

Without proper management their hotel started to lose its fame, so Tae's father sold it and he deposited all the money on Taehyung name as per Tae boyfriend's advice because he believed Kai will take care of Tae after his demise. Though he sold everything, Taehyung is still rich with all the money.

Tae and Kim Jongin aka Kai are neighbor and were in relationship for months. Though they are in serious relationship, Tae had no intentions on marrying him or anyone at that time. Tae wanted to learn culinary skills from experts and he wanted to travel. But Kai insisted on marriage.

Kai convinced both of them and made them accept the proposal. Shortly after his marriage Tae's father died. Since he knew this for so long, his father's death didn't affect him. But a peculiar loneliness enclosed him. Deep down he knew Kai married him for money but he will supress the feel to live peaceful life.

Later Tae continues his training and learned many cuisines. He found his happiness when he saw a person enjoys the food he cooked. He even tried to cook for his husband many times. But Kai is a boring eater and on strict diet , who doesn'tn't like to eat anything other than vegan protein shakes and some raw salads which he prepares himself.

Kai is a well built muscular man while Tae is so soft and tender person who craves for strong muscular arms. Though Kai is a strong person, he never once use his strength against Tae even at the times of disagreement, his calm words are his sharpest weapon .

Kai always a soft and cunning person who will make things happen just with his sugar  coated words. Though Tae is a soft person, he like men who handle things rough and stubborn without hiding their emotions rather than hiding their emotions to attain greater something..

When they were dating they hooked up several times, but Tae never once gets satisfied with their vanilla sex. After their forced marriage Tae avoided sex saying various excuses. Since Kai's whole attention is on Tae's money, he don't wanna force Tae and ruin his chances of looting his money.

It's been six months after their marriage, Tae is a unhappy 20 years old married boy living with his manipulative husband, who is looking for a chance to steal half of Tae's money . From the very beginning Kai's moves are towards his money. They share no emotions.

Taehyung clearly know Kai's intention, but amoung every other vultures who is circling his sky waiting for his vulnerable time to attack him and eat him alive, Kai is the only one who is waiting patiently just to take half of his hunt. Tae thought something is better than nothing. So he decided to share with Kai as long as he is safe with him.

Without any business or work, Kai work is just to take  care of Tae and his studies. They don't fight, they don't argue because they are not normal couples in love, as Kai will adjust to every situation Tae puts him in to make sure everything is in place.

Kai will do anything and everything to keep Tae calm, because according to him Tae is just a goose who lays golden egg everyday. He don't wanna cut open the goose like some imbecile because he don't wanna disrupt the harmony .

One day after Tae's graduation, Kai slowly opened his desire to open a hotel in Kims name together with his friend. Tae was genuinely surprised to know that Kai is at least putting some effort in making a business, though he knows Kai's hidden agenda. Tae is intrigued by the idea but hesitated a little.

Kai somehow convinced Tae saying, he don't have to invest unless he likes the idea. Kai also said his college friend Jennie is a princess of village Sangria, who invited him to spend a month with them in castle to analyse the business opportunities in that place.

Taehyung decided to give it a try as his dream is to open a restaurant and successfully manage it like his parents.

Tae and Kai scheduled their month long trip to Sangaria for their new beginning.

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