Love... Not Romance [BoyxBoy]

Galing kay JSBelard

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Everything started the night before we moved out of our town. I decided to take a late night swim at the lake... Higit pa

First - You can't Escape Love
Second - Love that Only Grows Stronger
Third - Love that Gives Joy for no Reason at all
Fourth - A Love that Shines through the Darkness
Fifth - My Only Refuge is Love
Sixth - There's no use Trying to Hide your Love
Seventh - The Sweetest Trap Called Love
Eighth - The Fight for Love Begins
Ninth - Caught in Love
Tenth - A Braver Love
Eleventh - Love will help you, until it Preys on You
Twelfth - There is Love, then there is Mystery
Thirteenth - Love and Mysteries
Fourteenth - Love is Afloat
Fifteenth - Getting Lost, even with Love
Sixteenth - Those you Love, and those you once Love
Seventeenth - Discord Sometimes Strengthens Love
XVIII - Love all over again
19 - Meeting your Love for the First Time, all over again.
20 - Getting to know Love Again
21 - Love that Starts from Friendship
22 - Love and Separation
23 - Lies about Love
24 - Friends, Rivals, Love
25 - When does a Lie Turn into Love?
26 - Gatherings with Love
27 - Confusing Love
28 - Don't Ever Think of Escaping Love
29 - Unprogressive Love
30 - Getting Drunk on Love and Affection
31 - Helpless Love
32 - Recollecting Past Love
33 - The Stories of Love
34 - Love that is the Beginning of the End
35 - The Secrets of Love Revealed

36 - Love... not Romance

407 23 10
Galing kay JSBelard

 Life is...


At this point, I don't know what life really is anymore.

After regaining my consciousness for the first time, I fell asleep. I dreamt of Nico, that dream felt so real that I could feel his warmth all throughout my body.

Slowly, I opened my eyes once again as I started waking up from a slumber I didn't even know how long. The first thing I noticed was that very familiar feeling in my hands. That comforting, securing, and familiar warmth. I turned my head slowly to the left side of the bed, and surely, there was Nico, lying his head on the bed as he took a nap holding my hands.

There was a sudden wave of emotions in my heart as soon as I saw Nico. I felt really relieved that he seemed pretty well. "You're here... Thank goodness..." I muttered as I tried lifting my own weight and reached for Nico with my right hand.

Nico stirred and he moved his head. He looked up as he woke and his eyes started watering the instant he saw me reaching for him. "Drew..." Nico uttered my name tearfully. "Drew..." He repeated. "You're finally awake... Drew..." A tear fell from his eyes.

Nico leaned closer and hugged me, at that point, I was really glad to see Nico. He's alright, and that's what mattered most to me. As I hugged Nico back, I could feel the warmth of his body, and I was really thankful for that.

I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to hug Nico like that ever again.

I was afraid that I won't see him ever again.

"I miss you, Drew," Nico said. "I never stopped believing that you would wake up. I never stopped praying that you would wake up." Nico said tearfully. "I'm really thankful... you're awake..."

Tears kept on falling from both of our eyes. I, too, was very glad that Nico is fine. I don't know what the whole situation was yet, all I knew was that I was very thankful that we're both okay, and that we can be together once again.

That fact was enough for me to feel really contended.

I was really confused, disoriented even. I had no idea what the reality at that moment truly was, and so, I asked Nico, my parents, and my friends.

The reality was very surprising to me. It was identical and yet completely different from the two lives I had been. Aside from the car accident Nico and I had been through, it seems that the reality I was in was way more peaceful that the former two.

First off, the car accident did happen the night Nico and I was going home form the homecoming dance, and it did left both Nico and I in a critical condition, but what surprised me was the fact that I was in a coma for more than two months.

Nico woke after just a week, in a month, he fully recovered. Ever since he woke up, he visited me day after day. He would hold my hand and kiss it every time. He would talk to me and tell me that he's waiting for me and that he loves me.

Two months. I was in a coma for two months, and it would make someone think that I dreamt of that second life all along, but I knew differently. I know for a fact that it was real, but it's not like I can tell that to anyone, I would only sound crazy to them and they would just think that it's a complication of my condition and nothing more.

Also, in the reality I woke up in, everything was almost the same as my first life, except for the fact that my family never crossed paths with the Robinson's and my parents never even thought of a divorce. I guess that was the gift that Fate was talking about.

My parents actually got worried when I asked them about it, they were confused so I told them that maybe it was just a dream, after that they really got worried. They even asked the doctor if my brain was affected by the accident, thankfully the doctor said that it was a normal thing to happen to patients in the same condition as I am.

The only difference is, it wasn't a dream at all.

Brent and Perry visited me frequently as well. Like in the second life, they seem to be getting along real well. "That's right, everyone in school is worried about you, so you have to get better soon," Perry said.

"Do everything that the doctors tell you, alright? After you get better, Aunt Fiona said that you can visit our hometown and we can swim at your lake, just like the old times," Brent said with a huge smile.

The lake huh... That lake... it's where everything started. Now that I can remember everything, something started bugging my mind. If I remember correctly, I disappeared on the lake during a full moon four years ago. I was gone for two weeks and returned without remembering anything, as if I didn't disappeared at all. Those three also said that it's how everything started, so I kept on thinking about what really happened back then.

Just where did I disappear to?

"Don't even think of bringing Drew anywhere without me," Nico said. I see... even in this reality Nico and Brent don't get along really well. "There's no chance I would leave him alone with you," he added.

"Do what you want," Brent replied. "Just don't get in our way."

"Here we go again..." Perry sighed. "Can the two of you take it outside, you're going to stress Kyle up."

Any other day, I would find it very tiring, but at that moment, it was actually kind of refreshing. To have my closest friends and the man I love by my side at my weakest moment, I find that really uplifting.

There was a surprising visitor that came into my hospital room, one day. It was my biological father, Joseph Ashworth. He was with Mom and Dad, and they all looked very serious. I almost forgot about the fact that, at that age, they still haven't told me the truth about my birth.

Mom brought the wooden box that Joseph gave to me. Joseph sat down beside my bed as Mom handed me the box. He took out a necklace with a small key as a pendant. It was the key to the lock of that box.

They talked to me carefully, slowly. It was hard for me, because I had to act oblivious and surprised at that time. I couldn't act like I already knew what they were about to tell me.

Joseph handed the key and told me to open the box. I did. And as I opened it, he told me that he is my real father, and that everything I had to know was inside the box.

Even before I opened it I knew what exactly was inside. It were countless letters that he wrote for me, a letter for each birthday he missed. A letter explaining everything to me. A letter containing his regrets of never being with me, his apologies, and his love for me.

There was one thing that wasn't supposed to be there, though. Something that I couldn't remember being in the box in that other life. It was a necklace. The pendant was a small spherical orb and inside it was a small hourglass. The necklace was white gold and the spherical pendant was lined with gold. The orb itself was a clear white crystal and the hourglass was diamond lined with gold.

As I touched the pendant, I suddenly heard what those three told me. A gift. "And as an apology for causing you all this trouble, I have a little gift for you once you return." It was what the young female told me. There was something else about that necklace, something that I couldn't quite put my fingers on. I could feel that the necklace was something very special.

My parents still being together, the Robinsons being out of our lives, and the pendant. Three gifts. I guess it's just fitting, since there are three of them. I told myself.

It took about a week before the doctors finally allowed me to go outside of my room. My body was still very weak and I still needed rehabilitation before I could walk again, so I sat on a wheelchair as my parents and friends took turns pushing the wheelchair around the park outside the hospital.

That particular day, Nico was the one behind me. "Nothing beats the outdoors... I wish I can walk soon..." I sighed. I wanted to get better because I was getting tired of being pushed around in a wheelchair. I wanted to actually walk around with Nico with our fingers intertwined.

"Don't worry. The doctors said that if your body becomes strong enough, then you can start rehabilitation. That's why; take your medications, follow everything that the doctors say, and eat a lot," Nico said with care.

"Yes... I think I would get a lot better if there's an incentive," I said meaningfully.

Nico chuckled. "What kind of incentive do you want then?" He asked as he stopped pushing. He leaned closer to the side of my head. He was smiling at me when I turned my head around.

"Mmm... let's see... A date by the beach would do," I said.

"It's a deal, then. Once you get better, I'll bring you to the ocean," Nico said.

"In Fiji. Just the two of us," I added with a smile.

Nico sighed. "Fine... I'll ask our parents as soon as possible. I will make the preparations, so just focus on getting better, alright," Nico said as he walked around and then kneeled in front of me. Nico smiled and then took my hands. "I'll be with you the whole time, so don't worry. We can get through this together," He said as he squeezed my hands. "Drew..." Nico said.

I smiled back at Nico. "What is it?" I asked.

"Mom had a general cleaning of our whole house last week, and she found a box of souvenirs I got from my trip to Japan four years ago." Why is telling me that? How strange...

"Ohh..." I replied confusedly.

Nico chuckled at my reaction. "Maybe I should tell you about this some other time, when you're a lot better," Nico said as he smiled at me.

Having Nico look up at me was a new kind of feeling. He was a lot taller than me, so it was normal for him to look down to my level every time we would talk eye to eye. Having him look up to me was a bit fun, but I miss the old times. I miss the feeling of Nico's intent gaze as he looks down at me. I miss tiptoeing to kiss him, I miss him leaning down to kiss me.

"Drew," Nico said in a much more serious tone. "I know that you're still recovering, and I know the doctor said not to stress you, both physically and mentally. That's why I'm going to wait until you get better before I tell you everything, but just to give you a heads-up; there's something in the souvenir box that Mom found that I think you should see ," Nico said.

His words made me even more confused and curious. I thought that the talk about that souvenir box was merely small talk. I thought that Nico was simply trying to entertain me with his fun stories. I genuinely thought that he would tell a funny story about it, but I guess all my predictions was way far off.

"I understand. I'll get better then and hear your story," I replied with a small smile.

"That's my boy." Nico said and then leaned forward and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"How stingy..." I complained as he moved back away. "You know, I won't be satisfied with that," I said with a meaningful smile.

"Are you sure? We're in public," Nico said, teasingly.

"Then let them watch and get jealous of my sweet boyfriend," I said and then giggled a bit.

"Ok then, you asked for it," Nico said and then leaned closer to me once again and gave me a sweet and passionate kiss on the lips for everyone to see. I might be missing a lot of things because of my condition, but Nico made a point that I never will never lack any affection from him.

Days passed and I started getting used to the new life, new reality that I had. I started physical therapy to walk again as well. And every session, Nico was there with me. His love for me was the power behind my swift recovery, I would always believe that.

I was finally discharged from the hospital after a few more days which seemed a century to me. I was still in a wheelchair when I went back home, and I was surprised to see all my friends and classmates in my house.

They all congratulated me and greeted me with smiles, and I found out that it was Nico who planned that surprise. We escaped the commotion at one point and he pushed my wheelchair to the front yard.

"Hey, aren't we going too far?" I asked as Nico continued pushing the wheelchair out the street.

"I want to tell you something, but I want it to be somewhere where no one could hear," Nico said. "Remember, I told you about finding a souvenir box form my trip to Japan?" He asked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"Have you ever wondered why I was on the lake the night you saved me from drowning?" He asked again.

Those two seemingly unrelated questions confused me greatly. "Nico, I don't understand, what do those two have to do with each other?" I asked.

"Well, I found a picture inside that souvenir box, and then I suddenly remembered everything," Nico said. "You see, I was thirteen then, and I've met my first love during a trip to the country side."

Hearing him say first love made me somehow jealous and irritated. I sighed, in very annoyed manner.

"Don't get mad. Don't be jealous, just hear me out first," Nico pleaded.

"Fine, go on..." I said sulkily.

"So, I met my first love there, but after about two weeks we had to part ways. We promised, though to meet again. I asked where we would meet again, and in the end we agreed to meet at your lake after I go back home," Nico said.

Hearing that they planned a tryst at my lake, no less, really heightened my anger. "What? At my lake? Hey, isn't that too much? Forget it," I said as I started taking the wheels of my wheelchair. "I don't want to hear about it anymore," I said.

Nico ran after me and then stopped my wheelchair. "I said don't be jealous, let me finish my story first," Nico said. "When I went back home, though. I forgot that promise," Nico said. "Until four years later, something brought me to that lake. I don't know what came to me, I just saw it on the web, and I felt like I had to go there. Then I met you."

"I don't know what to feel about this Nico. Should I be happy that I'm the one who find you there, or should I be angry that the reason you went there was to find someone else?" I asked jealously. "You know, you should be making me feel better now, considering my condition, not making me feel bad by telling me about your failed first love," I told him.

Nico chuckled and then kneeled in front of me. "Have I told you how cute you are when you're jealous?" He asked with a bright smile as he took out his wallet. He handed me a picture.

"What's this?" I asked and saw the words 'My first love' at the back of the picture. "Seriously? You know, I'm getting pretty..."

"Just look at it..." Nico said with a reassuring smile.

I turned the picture around and my heart almost stopped. My eyes widened in surprised and my head was swirling with confusion. In the picture, Nico was standing in front of a Japanese shrine with his arm around the shoulders of his first love. Both of them were smiling so happily.

"This is... Your first love is..." I said nervously as my voice trembled. I slowly looked at Nico. "'s me..."

It was me. I can't be mistaken, that's exactly how I looked like when I was about thirteen. "How can this be...? I've never been to Japan, I don't remember..."

"Calm down, Drew." Nico said and then held my hand. "You told me that four years ago, on a full moon, while you were swimming at your lake, you suddenly disappeared, you were spirited away. I don't know exactly how, but you ended up in Japan, with me," Nico said.

"Two weeks..." I muttered.

"Right... you disappeared for two weeks. In that two weeks, you were with me. If you want, I can tell everything that happened in those two weeks. Everything that you have forgotten," Nico said.

If Nico revealed that to me before the accident happened, I would probably have a hard time believing it, but after living another life, another reality, everything in the world, in the universe seemed very possible to me.

I smiled at Nico. He was a bit surprised. "It seems that Fate really wants us to be together," I said. "I see, so I was your first love. I'm very happy," I said proudly.

"You believe me...?" Nico was surprised.

"I do. I'll always believe you, Nico," I leaned closer. "Actually, I also have something to tell you, but it's quite a long story, will you listen to it?" I asked him.

"We have all the time in the world, Drew," Nico said.

"It's quite an exciting story, maybe I should make a book out of it? If I do, will you turn it into a movie?" I asked him.

"Me? Make a movie? What made you think that I'm good at something like that?" Nico asked confusedly.

"A gut feeling. Somehow, I'm pretty sure that you'll be an amazing film director in the future," I said with a smile.

Nico laughed. "Is that so? Maybe I should try a career in filmmaking..." He chuckled as he stood up and went behind my wheelchair once again.

"Thank you," I told Nico as he pushed me along the street.

"What for?" He asked.

"For this welcome party. For staying with me the whole time. For supporting me, and for not leaving me. Thank you, for loving me and letting me love you," I said with a smile on my face.

Suddenly, Nico stopped pushing the wheelchair and I felt him embraced me from the back. "I'm so proud of you, Drew," he said. "And it's only a given that I would stay with you, because I love you. That's not even enough to show you how much I do love you. You know, I should also thank you, for getting better, for returning to me, because I don't know what I would do, I don't know what would happen to me if I lose you."

"Nico..." I said as I held his hand.

"You keep me sane, Drew. You keep me alive. To me, you are everything," Nico said.

"I do... I feel exactly the same," I said. "A life without you is no life at all. Even if I reset everything and live a new life, I know for sure that we would still find each other, and that I would fall deeply and madly in love with you. Even if we are reincarnated, I'm sure we would still find ourselves in each other's arms," I said.

"Then let's make a promise." Nico said as he walked in front of me. He smiled brightly. "In our next life, we would find each other and fall in love all over again," Nico said and then extended his pinky.

We linked our pinkies and then smiled. "We should seal this promise then... with a kiss perhaps?" I asked with a meaningful smile. Nico smiled at me and then leaned closer.

We kissed.

Our lips touched gently.

Nico held my chin and then parted my lips, and then he kissed me more passionately.

His lips tasted so sweet, sweeter than any honey I've ever tasted.

It was exactly like the first time I kissed him. That time when I stole a kiss from him.

My heart was beating faster, and my mind was going wild. All I could think about was Nico and how happy I am to be with him.

That night we made a promise for eternity. A promise to be together, to find each other, and to love over and over again. We promised that no matter what life we have, our story would be the same.

A story where we end up together happily.

A story of romance.


A story of love... not romance.

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