S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

31.7K 1.2K 329

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-

Chp.1 On Our Own

1.6K 57 13
By Victor_TheRiper



A year and 5 months have pass now...things have now changed ever since Omid died. And now, it was Christa, Clementine and (YN) only...during those past times, we don't know what happen to Christa's unborn child, neither do we even want to know what happen or what she did to it...nobody knows. She was never same the day she lost Omid...as for Clementine and (YN), they've grown a bit more, as Clementine is Now 12 years old, and (YN) 13 years old, and matured a bit as well.
One night in the woods, it started sprinkling, Clementine and Christa were at their camp spot, sitting on a log, cooking a small weasel, only then Clementine notices Christa is still isn't herself, not after when she lost Omid...

Clementine: *sighs* Christa, talk to me.

Christa: ...

She didn't wanted to talk about it, nor even wanna speak about it...all she can do is sigh and to check up on their dinner...

Christa: This will never work. Look at this, it's pathetic, the wood is already wet to burn. There's just smoke than flames.

Clementine: Don't worry, (YN) went to grab more wood for the flames.

Christa: Even if he does come back with more, it'll began to rain more and turn off the flames....besides, you two should be doing this, not me. Tending a Fire so you can cook and stay warm, something you two need to start doing. Otherwise....

Clementine: ....I know. Look, I was thinking about looking for a group. People we can trust, we've been on our own too long, you know?

Christa: Trust? Clem, you think you can trust someone out here? Not now, not anymore.

Clementine: ...

The wind started to breeze...

Clementine: Jeez, I'm freezing.

Christa: You think this is bad? Wait till we get to Wellington, then talk to me about cold, if we make it. We still have a couple hard months ahead to get there. This rain will turn to sleet, then ice, then snow. It won't be easy.

Clementine: Is it safe there?

Christa: Safer than here cause of the cold. Or so they say. We just need to keep moving North.

Wellington is the place they're trying to get, rumors were heard that Wellington is somewhere in North, a place where is a huge shelter, almost like a building, with rooms, beds, and plenty of foods...
Clementine then couldn't stop thinking about Lee very much, she still remembers him, and misses him a lot...

Clementine: ...I miss Lee.

Christa: ...I'm sure you do sweetie.

Clementine: ...Wonder what's taking-

(YN): I'm back.

Clem and Christa notice (YN) arriving, and to carry a bunch of heavy sticks, carrying them onto his shoulder and drops them. Clementine was relief as she rushes and hugs him...

(YN): Heh, Woah Clem.

Clementine: You took long.

(YN): Uh, I was just gone for like 5 minutes...right?

Clementine: Think again genius, more like 10 minutes.

(YN): Really? Damn, gotta keep up with the time then, heh.

(YN) then sees Christa...

(YN): So Uh...how are you, Christa?

Christa: I'm fine (YN), don't worry about me. Anyways, carrying those heavy sticks on your shoulder could've injured your shoulder you know?

(YN): Oh, it's nothing, I mean I have to keep myself strong somehow, you know?

Christa: Yeah...*sighs* Look, why don't you two keep the flame on, I need some space.

(YN): But-

Clementine: (YN).

Clementine stops (YN) to talk to Christa as she then walks away...

(YN): ...I take it you tried talking with her too?

Clementine: It was no use, I'm worried for her (YN).

(YN): So do I.

(YN) notices Clementine looking a bit down lately...

(YN): Still thinking about Lee?

She nods...

(YN): ...I do too, miss him still.

Clementine: ...He wouldn't got bit if it weren't for me.

(YN): Wha-*sighs* Clem, we talked about this a lot of times, it wasn't your fault-

Clementine: Yes! ..Yes, it was...I ran off, and I got him bit cause of me for being so stupid for running away, and...and...

(YN) quickly grabs her hands and to comfort her to not think about the fact she blames for Lee's death...

(YN): Clem, look at me, it wasn't your fault, and never will be. That damn stranger was the one that drag you and mess with your head, he's to be blame for Lee being bit, not you. So please don't blame yourself about it anymore, okay?

Clementine: ...Okay.

(YN) hugs her, as Clem then to feel a bit better being hug by (YN), and gently smiles...

(YN): Better?

Clementine: Much better, thanks.

(YN): Hm, okay, while we wait for Christa, help me set up the fire yeah?

Clementine: Okay.

As (YN) goes for the woods he brought to set up the fire, Clementine walks over to her backpack and looks for a lighter. While looking for it, she finds a picture of Lee, and a drawing of Kenny with Katjaa and Duck...she and (YN) also miss Kenny and them as well...afterwards, she found the light, and a piece of scrap paper too. She then goes approaching to (YN) as he set up the wood, Clementine lights up the lighter, lighting the paper on fire and to light up the wood and to make fire.

(YN): Ah, much better, warmer too.

Clementine: You said it, now we-

Suddenly, they heard a noise from a far distance, like if somebody was yelling, and the fact Christa hasn't came yet, which means she's in trouble. There was more yelling, as if someone was arguing...

Clementine: What was that?!

(YN): I don't know, but Christa might be in trouble!

(YN) then pulls his nail bat out from his scabbard...

(YN): Come on, let's go find her.

Clem and (YN) started following the distant yelling, it got louder and louder once they spot four campers, or to say some bandits, who surrounded Christa, and one of them aiming a gun at her...

Bandit #1: Don't fucking lie to us, give us the truth and you don't get hurt! Where is the rest of your group?!

Christa: Like I said, I-I'm by myself...!

Bandit #3: Bullshit! You're lying! Just cut the shit lady, you really expected us to believe you!?

Clem and (YN) need to help Christa...(YN) puts his nail bat away into his scabbard as he picks up a rock on the floor, and to pitch it, hitting one of the bandits straight to the face...

(YN): Christa run!!

Clementine: Hurry!!

Bandit #2: Get them!!

Christa made a run for as (YN) and Clementine made a run for as well, two of the bandits go after the kids and the other two went after Christa, and heading a gunshot...
Clem and (YN) started running away as the bandits kept chasing after them, Clem jumps over a log and (YN) sliding under neath it and to keep running away and still being chased, Clem and (YN) stop running as they were about to fall off a cliff, towards a running lake...the two bandits caught them...

Bandit #2: Gotcha little shits!!

Clementine: Get off of me!!

(YN): Leave her alone!!

Bandit #1: Or what?! You ain't gonna do shit punk!

One of the bandits was holding (YN) by the neck and the other pinning Clementine down on the ground...then suddenly, walkers started appearing and to approach over to the bandit pinning Clementine and not noticing...(YN) grunts as he then strikes an elbow to the bandit's stomach, grabbing his head and to then give him a stunner, freeing him as he pulls his nail bat out and swings it, hitting the bandit straight to his face and knocking him down. Afterwards, he quickly rushes to the other bandit as he tackles him away from Clem, and the walkers to grab him and eat him up, (YN) picks up Clem...

(YN): You okay?!

Clementine: Y-Yeah..!

They notices more walkers appearing...

(YN): We have run now!

(YN) grabs and holds Clementine's hand and to make a run for...as they did, they again run up towards a dead end, an edge of the cliff, nowhere to run and walkers to approach closer to them...

(YN): We're...Were gonna have to jump!

Clementine: What?! But-

(YN): Just hold onto me and don't let go, okay?!

Clementine: O-Okay!

(YN): Jump!

And so, the two jumped at the same time off the cliff, and to fall towards the lake as the water started taking them away wherever it leads them too...


The next day, it was afternoon...somewhere in the woods, we then see Clementine and (YN) both landed on the floor afterwards....the two slowly woke up..

Clementine: (Y-YN)..

(YN): Clem, you okay??

Clementine: I-I'm fine, just a bit chilly.

(YN): Okay, good.

The roe got up and were soaking wet, they notice they were somewhere in the woods still, but not the woods they were before...

Clementine: So, what now?

(YN): ..Guess we're on our own from now on, we have to move and go find Christa.

Clementine: Yea, okay.

They began to lose their way over to go looking for Christa after the incident, they started walking through the woods, and for the wind to breeze more and having them feeling more cold due of the soaking clothes...
Then suddenly, they heard a noise, coming from a bush behind...the two slowly approach to the bush, and as they did, they then spot a dog...

The dog growls at them...

(YN): Woah there, easy boy, easy.

Clementine: Look, he has a collar.

(YN) slowly approaches to the dog and looks at his collar...

(YN): "Sam". Heh, nice to meet you Sam.

The dog then began to be friendly with them as it started licking (YN)'s face...

(YN): Haha! Good boy!

Clementine: Heh, guess it's friendly after all.

The dog, Sam, then walks away, and then to bark at them...

Clementine: Hey Sam! Where are you going??

(YN): I think he's trying to take us somewhere, come on.

(YN) and Clementine go following Sam, and to then find him and arrive to this camp spot that happen to be raided...

(YN): Aw man, looks pretty run over.

Clementine: I guess this is Sam's spot...and his owners...

(YN): Poor boy.

Sam approaches to (YN) as he pats him..

(YN): I'm sorry about you're owners Sam, but don't you worry, we'll keep you and take care of you.

Sam: *barks*

Clementine: Wait really?

(YN): Yea we are, we can't just leave him out here alone, besides, I love dogs, and I luckily get to keep one. Ain't that right Sam?

Sam barks and to again lick him...

(YN): Haha! That's a good boy!

Then, Clementine's stomach began to growl in hunger...

Clementine: As much as I like having him with us, I think we should look for some food around here.

(YN): Yeah, maybe there might be some left over, let's search around, come on Sam, you can help.

Sam: *Bark*

With Sam's help, (Yn) and Clementine walk around the camp spot to look for any food they can find...(YN) finds a frisbee for Sam and a pocket knife too, and Clementine to search the van, and find nothing but empty cans, she then walks over to the trash there there to be empty cans too, but might be for there too, she digs through it, and to then grab and find a can, that happen to be full...

Clementine: Yes! Thank you!

(YN): Find anything?

Clementine: Yup!

(YN): Awesome! Here, found this pocket knife as well, you can use it to open it.

Clementine: Cool, thanks.

(YN): You do that and I'll play frisbee with Sam.

Clementine: Heh, Okay.

As Clementine goes to sit down on a chair and (YN) play frisbee catch with Sam, Clementine smiles to see (YN) having some fun for once...

Clementine Mind: It's good to see him smile again, it's been a while. Glad we found a dog like Sam to keep him happy.

As Clementine manage to open the can off food, and is still edible...(YN) tosses the frisbee to Sam, but again to toss it a bit too far and over the bushes through the woods...

(YN): Whoops, sorry Sam. I'll go get it.

Clementine: It's edible still (YN), want some?

(YN): Just a little, the rest you can get, and also give some to Sam as well, bet he's really hungry.

Clementine: Okay, be careful.

(YN): I will.

(YN) then runs over through the woods to go get the frisbee...he finds it on the floor...

(YN): Found ya.

...and suddenly to hear....

Clementine: AAHH!!!

(YN): Clem!!? Clementine!!!

He makes rung off back to Clem, only then a Walker appear out of nowhere, drops (YN) down and tries eating him, (YN) uses his thumbs to squeeze the walker's eyes, popping them and to push him away as he gets up, leaps and to stomp his head, and to then make a run for over to Clementine...
As he arrived, he finds Clementine on the floor and to rush over to her...

(YN): Clem!! What happen?!! Are-

He then spots her whole left arm bleeding, and looks like a bite mark...

(YN): Wh-What the hell!? What happen-

Clementine: S-Sam..! H-He bit me..!!

(YN): Sam?! N-No..! No wait, b-but why-

Clementine: I-I was giving him some food I found, and...he got aggressive and greedy with it...a-and attacked me...and I kicked him away...

(YN): ...Where is he-

They heard him whimpering on something, (YN) picks Clementine up as they approach to where Sam was whimpering....the two gasp to see Sam stabbed through some pointy sticks, and trying to free himself out there in pain...(YN) slowly approaches to Sam, and to get done onto his knees...and to feel horribly bad for Sam...Clem walks up behind him and sits down next to him...

Clementine: I-I didn't mean to, but he attacked first (YN), and-

(YN): I-It's alright Clem, it wasn't your fault...it's just...*sighs* I just can't...see a dog like Sam like this, suffering and being tortured...dogs don't deserve to suffer with the world like this...they have hearts too, they're like people too as well...

Clementine: ...I know...what now?

(YN): ...Give me the pocket knife...

Clementine already knew what (YN) was gonna do with it...she didn't bother asking, and gave it to him...(YN) looks at Sam again, as he started tearing up...

(YN): I-I'm sorry Sam...it'll be quick...

(YN) approaches to Sam, covers his eyes...and to gently stab Sam through his chest, and can hear him whining and whimper...and to slowly move a bit...and then dies after. (YN) closes his eyes. He gets up and to wipe the tears off his face and Clementine leaning her against him...

Clementine: ...I'm sorry (YN).

(YN): ...That bite mark looks bad, come on.

(YN) grabs Clem's hand, as he and Clem continue to move on...alone.


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