Black Sun (MHA X AMONG US)

By Aron_Zander

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Impostors are among us. Witness the world of My Hero Academia coexist with the alien Impostor. A being who lu... More

First Contact
Killers Redemption
Class 1A Meeting
A Promise To All
Faceless Shifter
USJ Onslaught
Unsaid Preparations
Declaration Of Death
Unexpected Encounter
Lightspeed Ahead
The Abnormality
Silent Venting
Apex Predator
Information Report
True Defeat
Knowledge Seekers
United Comrades
Newfound Identity
Divergent Worlds
Astronomical Intern
Bonus: A Fools Day

Fateful Reunion

990 16 44
By Aron_Zander

The familiar darkness that Grey laid within was no stranger to him, as it was the world his mind had repeatedly wandered into on multiple occasions. Aside from the empty void there also appeared to be the Skeld's meetings room, the very place he'd lost his father to the despicable humans

How dare they call themselves the greatest beings on earth when they can't even have sympathy for the most helpless of people, it was complete and utterly infuriating

His rage inducing thought's were quickly dissipated as he gazed into the stars from the behind the reinforced window. The moment he lost his father seemed to be the end at first. Nobody to care for you, immenant danger from a murderous alien, alone among a crew of selfish people

That was until that very same murderous alien appeared beside him to give him the hand none would have given. His master gave him love, friends, purpose. Time really does fly by faster than you want it to. All of it seemed so encased in the past that once Black had vanished, his everyday had felt empty. Not even his hitman Monotone could access him

Grey continued staring endlessly into the empty void of space. Reminiscing of the times he'd spent with the Impostors. Red and Green being love birds, White being a fool, Maroon being his caretaker, Monotone being a teacher at times, even Red Mungus had a place within his heart. But none could compare to Black, his master

Whilst he was reminiscing. In the blink of an eye, Grey was suddenly transported to the scene of his Impostor graduation. The room he was sent into was the Skeld's electrical, decapitated bodies and pools of blood littered the room as what Grey witnessed was a memory of the past

His past self stood among the bloodied bodies of the crew with a knife in hand. Seeing the crime scene he'd single handedly created, he looked extremely ecstatic. Twitching at every moment at the sight of his masterpiece. Looking back it calmed present Grey as he looked at his past self before looking down to his hands. That was until from the corner of his visor came Black

Past Grey quickly turned to face his mentor as he greeted him the second he had entered

"I've finished off the remaining members of the Skeld, are you pleased with my results?" Past Grey asked. Black surveyed the deceased crewmates for an excruciatingly long time. Past Grey awaited in anticipation and anxiety of his mentors response, twitching more an more the longer it went on

"I am more than satisfied Grey. You've certainly surpassed my expectations" Black said. To which past Grey could only burst in excitement. He made all sorts of weird movements, from uncontained jumping to the flailing of his arms

Seeing the excitement of his apprentice, gave him the will to give a light smile. Although obscured by his visor, one could certainly feel it either way. And thus, Black had decided to bestow a bit of a reward

"Why don't I give you a little prize?" Black asked. Of which caused past Grey to stop in his track. A noticeable tremble could be seen in his posture, as he stared at his mentor in disbelief

"A prize? I don't think I'm deserving of such a thing yet" Past Grey said. Such a thing shouldn't been given so early on in his apprenticeship. Black however begged to differ

"No need to be humble Grey, you've already proven your worth to me" Black said as he had a slight pause

"You're invaluable" Black said. To which past Grey held back his excitement with all his might. Already doing so the first time, he'd preferred to not embarrass himself again

"Is what your saying true?" Grey carefully asked

"I have no reason to lie Grey. So tell me what do you wish to have" Black said. Despite this, Grey was hesitant in accepting a reward

"I already have everything I desire, I can't possibly have more" Past Grey said. Of which was somewhat true, he already had food, water, shelter, a mentor, what more could he ask for? Black on the other hand sighed due to the stubbornness of past Grey

"I see. Then allow me to make a suggestion. I've paid close attention to your eye movements to know that you have taken a certain liking to my hat" Black said. To which Grey flinched at the mention

"Y-Yes that is true" Past Grey admitted. Black then proceeded to create a replica of his traffic cone. This cone however bore a purple colouring with 2 white stripes surrounding it. To which Grey looked in awe at the object before him, it was as if it was made just for him

"Would you like to receive one for yourself as your prize?" Black asked. And with a beaming expression from within his helmet, Grey accepted

"I'd be more than honoured to accept it" Grey said as he took the cone from his mentors hands before carefully placing it atop his own head

"This marks the rebirth of your new life. You are no longer the child lost within the dark. Be proud of your new identity, Grey the Impostor" Black said. Grey straightened his posture before responding

"I will never disappoint you. Master"

Present Grey witnessed this scene of the past with great satisfaction. Such a moment in time was what Grey had lived for. And he wouldn't give it up for even the world

That was until he was suddenly forcibly awoken from his unconsciousness. Grey slowly opened his eyes to see the bright light of the sun above. There laid both Maroon and White standing over him. The both of them showing visibly concerned expressions for the boy. Grey gradually risen from his slumber, he surveyed his surroundings to notice that they were located in a rather urban alleyway

"Thank god your alive Grey! Didn't think you'd make it bud" White exclaimed joyfully. To which Maroon proceeded to scoff

"Don't underestimate him White. He's gone through Black's rigorous training, of course he'd make it through" Maroon pridefully said. Being fully aware of the limitations of humans had never clouded his judgement of Grey ever since the day of his introduction

"I thank you for not giving up on me. Now what information have you two obtained during my slumber?" Grey asked. White could only shy away at the question as he hadn't even done that to begin with. Leaving Maroon to handle the explanation

"Straight to the point huh. This place sure ain't the earth of those humans. While it certainly does have bits of old technology, I don't sense as much pollution as when I arrived there last time" Maroon said. To which White shot a surprised look at him, as he was just finding out about his comrades hidden ability

"You can sense pollution? How the hell does that work?!" White asked as curiosity plagued his mind. To which Maroon chuckled in memory of his youthful time

"My brother and I used to set fire to forests just to piss the humans off. And thus my obsession with global warming grew" Maroon said. A blob of lava was created in the palm of his hand. A devilish smile was formed in the Impostors chest, showcasing the evil he'd done that day

Maroon Quirk: Magmatic
Grants the ability to telekinetically control and create lava. Constant use damages the user's skin from the heat emitted. Once a specific temperature has been surpassed, the user will gain strength in all abilities the greater temperature the user is subjected to. In other words, a Boiling Point

"Wasn't being an engineering lava ninja good enough for you?" White complained. After diminishing the lava, Maroon could only give a smug look as he proceeded to spit some heat

"Then what have you achieved? The only achievement you've done is gaining enough pity from Black for him to bring you to the airship. Even then you still screwed up your mission" Maroon said as he maniacally laughed, fully aware of how enraged White had become. White being the insecure person that he is, rebelled against the claim

"Hey! I have plenty of uses!" White retaliated. To which he made a sound of skepticism. If Maroon had eyebrows they would be risen

"Your a literal walking backpack. That's the only reason why Black even considers keeping you around" Maroon coldly said. Those words seemed to have struck a chord within White as he then collapsed to the ground into a fetal position. Silent whimpers could be heard as he made erratic movements

"You're right" White plainly said. The two of them could only look at him with pity. Being the clown of the group had certainly taken a toll on the lovable halo wearing Impostor

Whilst seeing the despair of his rival was entertaining at first, the once devilish grin turned into a frown. Embarrassed by the state he had put his friend into, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. To which Grey merely shook his head over the two's antics

"Even in the most desperate of times the two of you won't stop your bickering" Grey said as he continued to stare down onto White's pitiful state. Prompting Maroon to continue his report in the hopes that the awkwardness would eventually dissipate

"After a few minutes of small recon work I've come to discover that there are indeed humans within the vicinity. Further recon work is required in our current predicament. So remember to stick together, bumping into trouble with the natives is the last thing we want to do" Maroon said. To which earned a satisfied nod from Grey

"Very well, we will do as Maroon says and venture through the area. Let us hope that the humans here are not too aggressive" Grey said. That was until White had finally decided to rise from his momentary depression

"So no killing?" White asked. With an expression of seriousness, Maroon stared directly into his eyes before responding

"Yes White, no killing" Maroon answered before walking away from the two, with Grey quickly following behind. To which White could only groan in frustration

Upon exiting the alleyway the three found themselves in an urban environment buildings littering the surroundings

And thus, the three wandered down the streets of the human populated city. Cars drove down the streets whilst humans alike enjoyed the services provided. It was certainly a sight seeing the past being played out before they're eyes, however there was one thing that bothered the three of them. Whilst enjoying the scenery, they'd come across to find several advertisings of a certain blonde muscular hero, All Might

"What the hell is this place. I don't remember celebrities wearing cringey costumes was a trend" White said. Maroon sighed at his comrades confusion and began to explain their situation with more depth

"That's because this is a different universe, why did you think I didn't tell you to shapeshift into your human form?" Maroon asked. It took a moment for the dunce to come up with a plausible arguement

"That's a stupid reason, just because we're in another universe doesn't mean these people don't know about us" White retaliated. Of which honestly surprised Maroon to see White of all people raising an actual argument

"While you do raise a good point. We can make an accurate assumption that this world's technology hasn't progressed like the humans of our world. Meaning that they wouldn't have discovered us yet, I hope so atleast" Maroon said. Of which made White think of all the times Maroon had scolded him for his lack of professionalism and caution

Upon realising the hypocrisy Maroon spoke out White was about to make his comrade face his wrath until he was unfortunately interrupted by Maroon continuing his point

"And besides, we both know that you highly dislike being a human" Maroon said. To which White held a finger of denial before slowly putting it down. Realising that Maroon had a point, he surrendered

"Won't complain" White said. And just like that, all that loaded ammo he had prepared to say just now vanished into the wind

That was until suddenly, a commotion was heard ahead of the group. They stopped walking to observe the scene, only to see a man with animal like legs running at high speeds whilst holding a purse. Of which the man was heading towards their exact direction. The group assumed that the thief had stolen the item and was on the run. White and Maroon didn't think much of it, except from Grey

As the thief was about to run pass the group, Grey suddenly grabbed the individual by the arm before skillfully twisting it. The sound of bones cracking were heard throughout the area as the individual attempted to squirm his way out of Grey's grasp. The thief retaliates by pulling out a knife with his unrestrained arm in an attempt to stab the astronaut

However, this attack was quickly apprehended by Maroon kicking the mans chest to the floor. The man coughed out blood, his chest began to deform as Maroon pressed his foot down harder. Now with the man properly kept down, Grey continued on with the twisting of the thief's arm as even more audible bones crackings were emitted by this action

The mans screams of agony ranged throughout the area, many glanced in shock, others simply watched from afar. However, the witnesses could only cheer on for the apprehension of the thief

This scene for some reason made the boy give a light smile. At the same time, Grey's chest to swell with a certain joyful feeling. Upon noticing this abnormality, he pressed his chest with his empty arm in an attempt to quell the unnecessary feeling

'That was strange, these lowly humans cheers made me react. But not the way I'd preferred it to. Why...' Grey thought, visible frustration arose within the boys mind as he twisted harder and harder on the mans arm. A symphony of screams of agony played in street, the cheers ended once the dreadful symphony began. That was until a certain rabbit themed heroine arrived to the scene

"Wait!" The voice of a woman was heard from where the thief came from. The trio turned their heads to see a dark skinned woman with an impressive physique. The individual wore a rather revealing costume accompanied by what seemed to be white bunny ears

The trio looked in awe at the muscular cosplayer. Although, they couldn't help but feel rather weirded out by the sight. That was extremely apparent with the lone White standing behind the group

"Nice one! Been chasing this purse snatcher for a while now, I would've lost him if not for you. Gotta thank you for stepping-" The woman was then interrupted by a certain clown

"AHH FURRY! Stay away from us you foul beast! You shall not taint our pure innocent souls with your lustful degeneracy! NOW BEGONE!" White said. Everybody present could only gawk at what he'd said. The crowds whispers intensified as Maroon's disappointment became immeasurable

"What?" The woman said. White kept his overreacted guard up, prompting to form a Kung Fu battle stance. That was until Maroon had suddenly hit the back of White's head with extreme force. Of which comedically knocked White down to the floor

"OI DUMBASS! Don't insult the natives like that you twat!" Maroon yelled. The woman could only stand there baffled as Maroon repeatedly sent his foot down onto his friend. The only individual who kept a calm mind of the situation being non other than Grey

"May I ask who you are?" Grey asked the human in question. This turn of events for some reason shocked the woman

"Are you guys heroes from America? I don't think I recognise you guys from the database" The woman asked. Of which could only earn a blank look from the three astronauts. All whilst Maroon was repeatingly slamming White's face into the stony pavement. Of which surprisingly didn't cause him any injuries due to the natural super regeneration Impostor's have

"Heroes?" Grey asked. Upon hearing this, the woman's expression grew into one of suspicion of the trio as she began to question them

"Wait you guys are not heroes?" The woman asked. Maroon had finally decided to let his comrade off for the time being to address the situation at hand. He dropped White onto the concrete floor, leaving him with a cracked visor that restored itself after it was left undisturbed for a few seconds

"I'm sorry ma'am but we are not the heroes you speak of. Is something troubling you perhaps?" Maroon asked. Of which seemed to cause great confusion towards her, until something suddenly appeared to click in her mind that made her shift in demeanour

"Then I'll need you three to come with me for further questioning" The woman said as she grabbed the animal legged purse thief with her well built arm. To her dismay the Impostor's were bound to be a bit rebellious

"What in the world did we do? Didn't we help you in apprehending the purse thief? Why are we being brought in?" White asked. To which the woman let out a heavy sigh whilst scratching the back of her head

"Considering that you had the choice to intervene, your actions have been judged to be vigilantism" The woman said. Of which merely further enraged White, the one time they did a good deed was something that punished them for intervening. White then began to speak his mind until


"I do not believe we will be doing so" Grey said as he interrupted White's words with his much more suited rejection. Of which greatly bothered the woman as she proceeded to become aggressive

"I'm sorry but you don't have a choice in this, follow me and we'll sort this out in a civilized manner" The woman said. The crowd began to talk amongst themselves about the ongoing conflict happening, all whilst the Impostor's stood their ground against the bunny eared woman

"What are those three doing standing up to the number 5 hero?" A man in a business suit asked, before being rudely pushed aside as a young teen made way to see

"Aren't those guys heroes? Why is Miruko doing this?" The young teen asked the bystanders beside him, of which he received his answer from behind

"Didn't you hear them? They just admitted to committing vigilantism" A young blonde girl said. Seeing the commotion from the crowd of humans put the Impostor's on edge, but despite that they continued with their defiance

"I must apologise for our defiance but our situation is a very unusual one. It would be best if you were to let us off this once" Grey said as he gave her an intimidating stare. As she endlessly stared into what should have been a visible human face was instead just an emptiness obscured by the visor

Despite the individual obviously being a teenager the woman couldn't help but feel awfully frightened by him. Something about this person just didn't sit well with her, she knew there was a fearsome being behind the visor. Causing her to sweat bullets

"I don't want any trouble, it'll just be a slap on the wrist at worst. But what you just did was unacceptable, even if you did help me out in the end" The woman said. Of which prompted disappointment from the Impostor's as Maroon prepared himself for opposition

That was cut short by Grey lifting his hand to stop the action. To which Maroon reluctantly obeyed as he forcefully eased himself, essentially putting all faith into Grey

"I assume that you are a hero correct?" Grey asked. Whilst rather confused at first, she quickly responded with a nod

"Of course I am" The woman said. The two Impostor's observed the situation with anticipation, wishfully hoping that Grey would be their key out of this happy little accident

"Then I present to you the arguement that we merely did what any good hearted human would do, to stop crime even at the expense of themselves" Grey said. Of which appeared to have struck a chord within the woman as she stood rather shocked by his reasoning

"Despite assisting you however, you still wish to punish us for our heroic deed?" Grey asked. Silence plagued the area before, with a sigh, the woman backed off. Signalling her surrender

"I'll let you guys off this time" The woman said. Although rather surprised by the positive result, they remained skeptical of reasoning behind the woman's change of decision

"But I'll be notifying the public safety commission of this. So if the others catch you doing vigilante work, you'll be getting yourselves in big trouble" The woman said. Whilst the Maroon and Grey seemed satisfied with the turn of events, White appeared to remain skeptical either way

"We thank you for your understanding of the situation, it appears that we've misjudged you Ms?" Grey asked. To which she directed her thumb to her face before responding

"Miruko, it's my hero name" The woman now identified as Miruko cheerfully said

"May I ask, why you have spared us?" Grey asked. Of which caused Miruko to enter a momentary pause before brightening her expression with a kind smile

"Can't say much other than that I've been in your situation before. So I know the feeling of wanting to save others despite not being allowed to. But did you guys have to mess this guy up this badly?" Miruko asked. To which Maroon shied away from the conversation as he had to admit that he'd been unnecessarily rough with the purse snatcher

"I apologize for the inconvenience. We come from a land belonging to the survival of the fittest, as you would say" Grey said. Of which the heroine widened her eyes in surprise over their choice of words. Although skeptical, it wasn't her job to pry into private things

"I see, then I'll be on my way then. Just stay out of trouble next time" Miruko said. With the thief in hand she traversed through the cityscape with impressive mobility. As the crowd watched in awe at the heroine's exit, the three Impostor's were merely glad they managed to miraculously get out of the situation

"Alright, that was a close call" Maroon said as he wiped a single sweat drop trickling down his helmet. White on the other yand continued to look towards the direction the heroine left, with only a single thought in mind

"I didn't think that furries would exist in other universes. I'm already starting to hate it here" White said with a level of seriousness many would have been baffled by. Maroon could only exasperatedly sigh at the clowns opinion

As the two were conversing it appeared that Grey had already started to continue their journey as they realized that they were several steps away. Prompting them to hastily catch up to him

"You're awfully impatient, what's the big deal huh?" White asked as they continued with their walk

"I would prefer if we were to increase the speed of our search, the sooner we find master the better" Grey said. Whilst an understandable concern, it was unreasonable to expect to find their comrade so soon. It would be a more suitable move if they were to have a base of operations and a good understanding of the area. This was what Maroon had thought as he grew in concern over Grey's actions

"And who knows what unknown powers lay within this world"


The bunny eared woman continued with her traversal of the cityscape as she jumped from building to building, of which was allegedly the fastest way to the police station when it really was nothing but a joy ride. As she did so the animal legged villain laid dormant as it's limbs flailed due to the heroine's constant movement, of which she constantly took small glances to inspect the damage

"They really did mess you up huh?" Miruko said. Her inspection lead to her finding about the numerous bone fractures the villain had sustained. Vigilantism of this degree would land anybody into big trouble but she had instead decided to keep quiet of it for the sake of some rainbow coloured astronaut's. Of which was when she finally realized something

"Now that I think about it, didn't those three look like that Black student in the sports festival?" Miruko said. Said student had made for quite the show for the pro heroes as the amount of villainous aspects the student had shown was disgustingly large

Of which lead to the question as to why there had been citizens dressing up as him

"Maybe just a bunch of edgy teens, but still" Miruko said before taking another long look at the unconscious villain

Although doubtful whether or not she did the right choice in letting them scott free, she couldn't fault others for their desire to save others. After all, she was once a vigilante before converting to heroism

"Was it right for me to let them off like that? I know that I'm a hero now but, they just reminded me so much of my past" Miruko said. Her thoughts however we're out to a halt once the police station had come into view

"Oh well, I guess that's just something to think about some other time. It's not like that single action would lead to anything big"


And so the trio continued on with their search to find their lost comrade. As they did so they had begin to notice the numerous amounts of glances they were receiving from the natives, they even managed to hear some speak of how they wondered whether they were heroes. Of which profusely annoyed White for some inexplicable reason

Whilst wandering throughout the city, the three of them had certainly seen a number of abnormal individuals. Many had what seemed to have full out super powers, and some bizarre mutations. This became all too apparent as they witnessed a nearby hero who had just captured a villain

"You're villainous days have come to a stop you fiend!" The hero said as the crowd made congratulatory cheers for the hero. Of which greatly bothered the Impostor's as they all knew that that very villain could be them

"Hey Maroon I've been thinking. With all these so called heroes running around how are we going to survive here?" White asked. Of which was a question that Maroon had already been pondering for the entire walk

"We need shelter, food and information. Two of them being obtainable whilst the third is a tricky one to do. I'm quite certain that the internet exists here so we can probably find all of our answers" Maroon said. Of which was a great relief for the halo wearing Impostor as he had a looming concern that video games didn't exist despite the signs saying otherwise

"Good to know. But how are we going to kill humans here? We're not just gonna give up on it are we? Right?..." White asked as nervousness riddled his question. To which Maroon stared into his eyes with dead silence before bursting with his response

"Yeah no shit Sherlock, that's exactly what we're going to do" Maroon said. To which greatly saddened White as his posture slumped

"Because of the superpowers?" White asked. To which Maroon nodded in confirmation

"Yes... superpowers" Maroon said before White let out an overextended groan. Of which slightly irritated Maroon

"This place really is no fun. The whole point in killing humans is because of how weak they are, how are we going to kill humans who have superpowers?" White said as he intently observed a mother and her daughter peacefully walking along the side walk. Having to suppress their natural instincts for murder was going to be harder than he'd thought

But once his thoughts converted to those of Black he had instantly made a revelation concerning their lack of power. Of which had already been long thought of by Maroon

"But you know, atleast Black's going to enjoy this universe. If we find him then we'll totally become overpowered enough to go on killing sprees again" White said. Of which Maroon greatly agreed with the remark

"If his ability is capable of replicating these humans superpowers then this might be the dawn of Black's ascension to greater power" Maroon said. But there appeared to be a lingering question behind their minds, of which was surprisingly brought up by White of all people

"But how would we return to our original universe if we're stuck here?" White asked. To which Maroon stopped in his tracks to really think of their situation

While it was true that their universe still had held the rest of the Impostor's. The potential power obtainable by Black here was undeniable as it would be a foolish move to only focus on returning to their universe

By Maroon's estimations the rewards far outweighed the risks as Impostor's are natural-born killers that would surpass the combat experience of any human, even super powered humans. And so a decision was made

"Do not allow your concern to consume you with fear, we will find a way to empower ourselves and find a way out in the process. Isn't that right Grey?" Maroon said as he turned to his back to address the boy, only to discover Grey's absence

Upon the two realising this, worry grew within the two as they looked around their surroundings for any sign of Grey

"Hey wasn't Grey right behind just a minute ago?" Maroon asked as the anxiety within the two exponentially grew

"Yeah, we've been walking for god knows how long. Where the hell is the kid?" White said as the two began to backtrack to whence they came. That was until Maroon had found Grey standing in front of an electronics store. And so Maroon grabbed White's arm before running towards their friend

"H-Hey!" White said as he was forcefully dragged as they bumped into unsuspecting citizens. Upon arriving to their destination the two found Grey motionlessly watching a stores TV displays

"Hey Grey! We thought we lost you for a sec" White said. To which Grey turned his head to see his comrades standing before him with visible relief

"I apologize for the inconvenience, but it appears that I've confirmed masters presence in this world" Grey said. To which caused Maroon to become skeptical of the claim

"How did you do that exactly?" Maroon curiously asked. To which Grey blankly answered

"News channels" Grey said. Causing Maroon to face palm due to his ignorance

"Why didn't I think of that. Of course there would be news channels here!" Maroon exclaimed as he continued to continuously hit himself. To which greatly bothered the passing humans who'd witnessed the scene

"Then what did you find" White asked. Prompting Grey to relay his findings to his comrades

"Master is currently studying to be a hero in training at a school named UA. News is spreading like wildfire of an event where Black swept the floor of a tournament of combat" Grey said. Of which confused White to no end as to the reasoning behind Black's actions

"A hero? Like that furry we met earlier? Why would he wish to be a human saving hero?" White asked. His concerns however were glossed over as he was interrupted by Maroon's words

"So it really does work... Excellent, two of our major concerns have been answered by you Grey. I really can't think anything less of the two of you" Maroon said. Of which caused further confusion for White as to the meaning of his words

"What are you talking about...?" White asked as he received the blank looks of both of his comrades

"From what we've seen, these heroes are law enforcers with powerful abilities. And may I remind you what Black's ability is?" Maroon asked. Of which was the trigger that made it all come together for White

"Oh... I get it now" White said as Maroon let out an exasperated sigh

"What other place would house the best abilities than the school that raises ability users?" Maroon said before generalizing his attention to the two. Now that everyone was on the same page they could finally begin operations

"Alrighty then, all we need to do is locate this UA and meet up with Black. Before that however" Maroon said as he paused to stare at Grey

"You should have a meal" Maroon said. To which Grey shook his head in disagreement

"Do not let my hungered state concern you. Let us continue our search" Grey said before turning to continue their walk. Only to be held back by Maroon's extended arm holding onto his shoulder

"Not a chance, as your caretaker I'm the one responsible for your health. Let's find somewhere nice to settle down" Maroon said before turning his attention to White

"How is our ration situation White?" Maroon asked. To which White broke a sweat at the question due to him having a rather unfavourable answer

"Oh well... We've got a bit of a problem here" White said. Maroon knowing White like the back of his hand, already knew what the reaction meant

"We're low on supplies, right?" Maroon asked. To which reluctant nodded in confirmation

"Precisely" White answered, causing Maroon to sigh in irritation

"Looks like someone's gonna be mugged tonight" Maroon commented. He didn't like the risks this world had for crime, but if they were going to survive in this world of heroes they were forced to do so either way

That was until a remedy was given to them by an unusual source

"No need to worry you two. I've already secured us some of the local currency" Grey said before pulling out a wallet from his suits compartment. To which the two Impostor's devilishly smiled

"Well aren't you a sly one. You commited a crime whilst stopping one. Your the absolute best kid" Maroon said. His pride for Grey only grew in size as he inspected their budget

"Indeed, now let us purchase our necessities" Grey said. And thus the trio continued on with their walk throughout the city

That was until they had found themselves at the front of a humble retail store. Upon entering the establishment they began to view the selection of items on sale, of which they inspected the Japanese food products on sale

They took great note of the nutritional values and prices of said items. Considering they had a limited budget, Maroon would've liked to keep the robberies to a minimum

Upon paying for their groceries, they exited the building with their necessities on hand. Of which they handed them over to White, they're infinite storage device

They accommodated themselves to an alleyway, a rather clean one this time. Where White created a white portal of which he'd stored the groceries into before vanishing in plain sight

White Quirk: Catalogue
The user is able to store items on par with the users size into a pocket dimension. Items stored in the Catalogue are frozen in the time of their deposit

After doing so, Maroon pulled out a packet of food out from his bag. Despite technically being apart of his body, it was still functional as any ol' compartment would be

After gifting it to Grey, he'd proceed to remove his helmet. Air pressurised out from it as Grey's face began to become visible to the two. Showing a youthful teen with dark grey hair was revealed. The boy bore a blank expression during the entire ordeal, staring silently at his meal before digging in

"Eat up kid, we have a long journey ahead of us" Maroon said. Of which slightly comforted the teen as the MRE's alluring smell attracted the young boy

"I thank you for this meal Maroon. I had the impression that we've exhausted our MRE's" Grey asked. To which Maroon fondly chuckled at the question

"I always keep some on myself in case a certain someone is too hungry to do so. I'm looking at you White" Maroon said as he shot a passive aggressive stare towards the perpetrator. To which began to White sweat profusely before retaliating

"I saved some for Grey didn't I? Even though it was only one crate I held back ok!" White said. However, it appeared that had yet to fulfil his daily bullying of White today and thus continued the arguement by bringing up even more embarrassing times

And so the alleyway became home to the duo's ridiculousness. To which Grey ate his food in nostalgia at the scene before him. He sat there in silence, reminiscing of a much simpler time


The scene took place somewhere within the outskirts of Polus, alone inside an isolated cabin. There laid a group including Black, Grey, Maroon and White seated on a table

"Allow me to introduce our newest member, Grey" Black said as the two carefully eyed the individual, only to notice that it was a child

"What are you doing bringing a kid to a club of murderers?" Maroon curiously asked. Of which was quickly followed by White

"Yeah I agree, but something feels off with the little guy" White said. Something within him tingled at the sight of the child

"I see that you've taken notice his distinctiveness. You may remove your helmet off now" Black ordered. To which Grey nodded and proceeded to do as ordered

"Yes master" Grey responded. He did as he was commanded and removed his helmet, revealing a young boy with messy gray hair. The Impostor's eyed what they presumed to be an Impostor disguised as a human child

"What's so special about him? That the kid has the form of a human child?" White asked. To which Black shook his head and began to explain

"Grey here is no Impostor, he's a human" Black said. The two were in utter shock of the news. After all this was Black, the absolute epitome of the Impostor race saying that he's bringing a human child to their hideout

"Woah, what're you trying to do here? Last time I checked we kill humans, not raise them" Maroon said as he closely observed the human, only to notice the lack of responsiveness he had. Whilst White on the other hand remained in complete shock as he questioningly stared at Black

"This young boy is one that I see great potential within. And so I wish for us all to cooperate flawlessly in our future endeavours" Black stated. Despite having his worth questioned by the two, Grey sat in silence awaiting his master's next order

"A human on the side of the Impostors? I don't know about this Black, I don't think it's worth doing this" White said. Maroon on their other hand had a differing opinion

"I don't see a problem with this honestly. But can the kid fight is the real question" Maroon said. To which Black chuckled whilst White turned his around and shot a look of confusion over his comrades opinions

"Grey is more than capable in doing so. Trust me, I'm willing to bet that you'll grow quite fond of him" Black said. To which Maroon's chest formed a sharp toothed smile, surprisingly enough gray haired human remained unfazed by the grotesque sight

Upon seeing the boy's blank reaction Maroon inwardly smiled as his opinion in the matter had now been confirmed, he approved of the human

"I don't doubt that Black" Maroon said in a tone of approval. Of which left White, the one with a differing opinion cornered

"It's 2 against 1 so I've got not choice in the matter huh. Oh well, this kid better not be dead weight" White said as he reluctantly accepted the human into their ranks, much to the open pleasure of Black

"That is one promise that I am bound to keep White" Black said before turning his head to face the blank expression of Grey

"Welcome to the world of Impostors Grey. I hope you find your time here to be a splendid one" Black said. To which Grey profusely nodded before blankly answering

"I will master"


After a few minutes Grey had long since finished his enjoyable meal whilst Maroon and White had just settled their disagreement in a rather peculiar manner, rock paper scissors

"Now that your obedient as you should be, you now owe me a snickers later" Maroon said with his signature devilish smile. White could only accept put up with this treatment and continued to be the pushover that he is

"I'll get you back some day Maroon" White grumbled under his breath. Of which didn't go unnoticed to Maroon as he gave a devilish grin

"Then I look forward to seeing you actually try. Alrighty, now what's next on the agenda-" Maroon was then suddenly interrupted by a yell from the very store they'd just entered

"Put your hands up!" A voice was heard from the store. Of which gained the attention of the trio as the three looked towards it's origin

"Jesus Christ, this is the fourth time today. How crime infested is this city even?" Maroon said. With the amount of crime that they had encountered within the timespan of several hours, the Impostor had honestly started to become fed up with it

"Should we help em? That furry told us to not interfere with stuff like this" White asked. Maroon seemed to be inclined in leaving the matter to the human law enforcement but Grey on the other hand had other plans

"I beg to differ. It wouldn't fit with our ideals to leave such things unchecked" Grey said. Of which received looks of shock and confusion from the two

"Actually, it is in our best interest to ignore this. Unless you wish to continue robbing criminals" Maroon said. To which Grey gave a light smile, signalling his confirmation in his educated guess

"You are indeed correct" Grey said. To which Maroon devilishly grinned as pride swelled within his heart

"Have I ever told you how proud I am of you?" Maroon said. And thus the three traversed around the building to obtain the most optimal of vantage points

Whilst both Maroon and White took their spots in the front door, Grey had managed to find a backdoor suitable for an ambush

Once the two entered the store they were greeted with three unidentifiable men wearing baclava's threatening an old man of which they presumed to be the store owner. One of them frantically aimed a gun at him whist the others were stuffing cash into their duffel bags

The old man cowardly did as ordered by the villains as he watched his store being ransacked

"There you go, stay still like the good puppy you are. You don't want to hurt anybody do you?" The villain holding the gun said. That was until the three had heard several footsteps coming from behind, to which they turned to see what they presumed to be heroes

Confusion and panic arose within the three as they halted their ransacking to deal with the two heroes

"Heroes this early!? Damn it!" One of the villains said before pulling out a gun of their own

Upon seeing the oncoming danger, White morphed his arm into a large durable arm shield of which the villains fired upon. To which White groaned as the bullets continued to stick themselves atop his skin

Despite his bullet resistance, it was still only a resistance, not immunity. Meaning that White still felt the pain

"Man, I really am getting rusty" White said. To which concerned his comrade in arms

"Don't you die on those pathetic bullets you clown" Maroon said as he materialised several lava streams around them

Seeing that their bullets were less effective on the arm shield, the men stopped to conserve their ammo

"What kinda quirk is this?! I don't remember there being a hero like this in these parts" A villain said. However, from behind the shield laid several telekinetically controlled streams of lava being sent towards them

Upon seeing this a robber stepped forward to use his own brand of telekinesis to hover the surrounding items and objects to block the incoming attack. Only for it to fail miserably as the lava effortlessly pierced through with scorching heat, of which it hit it's target by burning the villains limbs

Cries of pain shot out from the store as the mans skin began to burn before dropping down onto the floor. The victims skin became increasingly crispy and charred as his partners in crime witnessed the terrifying scene

"Aren't you guys supposed to be heroes!? Why the hell are you burning him!" A villain asked. Until suddenly a voice came from behind the groups back's

"We are no heroes" The voice said. Suddenly came Grey as he savagely stabbed the villain's back. Blood splattered the floor as the store manager cowardly hid behind the store counter, his fear of the newcomers surpassed the fear of the villain's

The third villains hair began to sharpen as it was then directed towards Grey. Of which he was restrained in a white tendril wrapping his chest, the captured villain gasped for air as the tendril squeezed harder and harder

"No where to run, no where to hide" White said as his prey struggled to no end. Desperate breaths for air became less and less, of which drew even more pleasure for White

Now with the villain pinned onto the floor, Grey held a knife over the human neck. The villains expression made for an exciting sight for Grey, it had been quite a long time since his last kill. It wouldn't hurt to kill a human this one time, would it?

"Please don't kill me! I don't want to die yet. I still have to apologize to my daughter!" The villain begged. The cries for mercy went ignored to Grey as the knife drew ever so closer to his neck. Grey reveled in the utter dread his prey shown, an ecstatic feeling arose the longer it went on

The villain took one last look into his killer's eyes to see insanity. Pure delusional insanity. And so he whimpered with the acceptance that his daughter would forever hate him

That was until suddenly, the door opened to reveal two individuals prepared for battle. One was a woman in casual clothing and the other...

"Hands up and surrender villains!" The woman yelled. From behind out came a pure black astronaut wearing an orange traffic cone as a hat. With a knife in his hand, he looked more like a villain than a hero. However, this hero was no ordinary as it was someone that the Impostor's held dearly in themselves

From both sides of the store laid Maroon holding a villain by the neck and White restraining another with his increasingly tightening grip. And thus in the middle of the store shown Grey on the verge of committing murder

Both Maroon and White turned their heads to stare in shock towards the two's direction, the comrade they'd been searching for so long stood there in all his former glory

"Black!?" The both of them exclaimed. Of which profusely shocked Black as he frantically looked at the three in question

"You're here...?" Black said before staring at the one he'd missed the most. And so Grey released the villain from his hands before bolting towards Black with great speed

To which the woman worriedly responded as she held her fingers towards the oncoming individual before being halted by Black. He held a hand over her shoulder, indicating that there was no need for aggression

Upon stopping in his tracks. Grey looked up to see his lost master right infront of him, tears began to emerge from him as he uttered the words

"I've finally found you. Master" Grey said. Black on the other hand felt the same joy as his apprentice. After so long the two had finally reunited

"You indeed have Grey" Black said as he ruffled his messy gray hair, much to the pleasure of Grey. He relished every second of their reunion as the others looked at the heartwarming scene

The woman could nothing but give a heart warming smile at the sight. Despite knowing the fact that the boy had just attempted to kill a villain a moment ago, Anan put that aside to feel happy for Black. Many would have mistaken the moment as a family reunion

However there was one individual who begged to differ. The villain Grey had earlier released pulled his hand gun out before directly aiming at the two. Intending to kill two birds with one stone, he took the shot

Unfortunately for him, Black swiftly directed a tendril to block said bullet. A hardened steel coating overlayed the surface of the tendril, assisting it in Black's endeavour

After doing so, Black's tendril were directly sent forth towards the villain, piercing the villain's stomach as it caused him to cough out a copious amount of blood. Much to the disapproval of the woman

"Black! I thought I told you not to kill anyone!" The woman said. Despite her words Black continued to hold Grey closely to him, undeterred by the woman's comment

"None will ever dare to bring harm towards my student" Black said. He wrapped the villain within his tendril before applying pressure onto the man. The sound of broken bones were heard within the store as the villain cried in excruciating pain. After doing so, he dropped the now paralyzed man onto the ground

After doing so, Black proceeded to place his hand onto Grey's shoulders before staring deeply into the boy's black pupils. And in doing so his visors lit up in a much calmer shade of red, before suddenly letting out a small sigh

"We have much to talk about Grey. But for now, let us return to UA"

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