Dark Places (ONGOING)

By me6012

90.1K 2K 268

^Previously known as (Still Trying) or (Loving Via)^ Started- January 15th 2023 Complete- ongoing "Still try... More

It is Stupidity
Biological Family
Mama and Papa
Beat by a Girl
The Mall
Seen Something Horrifying
Beyond Pissed
Hell Hounds
What's Your Name?
21 Questions
What the Fuck Have You Done to Her?!
Torture and Chicken Alfredo
Go on a Date With Me
Meanest Child Showing Affection
I Promised We Would Do It Together
Oh Shit
I Miss You
Well here we go
I Wasn't Mad
Alexander & River
Story Time
Do You Love Her?
The date
The Date - Part 2
Gunshot wound #3
Dr.Pepper, Oreos, and Gremlins
No Way
I Love You
I Love You - Part 2
Be Quiet
Ignored Them For a Reason
High Koala
Angry Breakfast
Found Out
So Many Questions Not Enough Answers
End of It
Not a Chapter

223 None of Your Business Street

1.6K 37 3
By me6012


Papa, Mama, Evangelos, and I just arrived at the restaurant we're having lunch at. The twins, Alexander, and River need to hurry the fuck up. I don't know how much more awkwardness I can take with papa staring Evangelos down. Thanks a lot Zelda.

"So" papa said out of no where, staring now at Evangelos and me. Evangelos and I sat up front and during the entire car ride I was kind of nervous about papa talking to Evangelos, so maybe I was playing with his rings the entire time.

When we parked he has put his black snake ring on my thumb and it was still a little to big. Why does his fingers have to be so big.

I turned around to ask papa if we're having a private or public lunch, he knows I don't like being in public much.

Papa said we were having a private one which I was relieved. I hadn't noticed Evangelos had gotten out of the car until he had opened my door.
I smiled and thanked him while getting out. Evangelos held my hand and from there us, mama, and papa made our way inside to get a table while waiting for the others.

"How's the mafia?" papa asked, I was confused for a moment because he knows everything I do. I looked up and he was looking at Evangelos.

"Everything is going good besides the fucking Irish keep bombing my shipments and burned down my house not long ago, I'm at my penthouse right now, waiting for it to be rebuilt or just a new place." Evangelos spoke. I think he got aggravated talking about the Irish.

After the Irish was mentioned, papa and mama looked at me like I was supposed to break down or something. They always walked on eggshells around me when that topic was brought up.

"Don't look at me, i'm fine." I spoke with annoyance and papa was about to respond when the doors were busted open.

"Your favorite people are here!" Oliver yelled making mama yell at him about how he needs to use his inside voice. It's a little hypocritical because she was yelling at him.

Anyway, we all was sitting down, mama and papa talking to Alexander, River and the twins in hushed whispers.

I was just sitting here playing with the rings on Evangelos's fingers, taking them off, trying them on and when they didn't fit I put them back on his finger.

He laughed when I kept the one that did fit me, it was black and had three emerald green stones going around it. He didn't object to me keeping it so I kept it.

When he laughed it got the attention of everyone else, but I hadn't noticed because I was to busy trying to find a ring that fit perfectly. Obviously none of them did.

"Mini demon" papa said, making me turn my head to look at him with a smirk. I like that name. "Yes papa?" I said.
I wonder what he's going to say about me and Evangelos.

"I see you moved countries and found a man, a mafia don at that?" mama said with a smirk. This women is going to get me killed.

"Mama, we don't talk about such things at the dinner table." I raise my eyebrows and look at papa, trying to get her to take the fucking hint.
"Papa, I already know what your going to say but he isn't like Blake." I said to papa, staring him directly in the eyes.

"I was just going to tell you to make sure this is what you want because when this gets out he will know about it." Papa said seriously.

"He needs to come out of hiding anyway." I said thoughtfully.

I forgot Alexander, Elliot and River were there until Elliot spoke "who is he?"
I looked away from him and said "Fione O'Sullivan." I think I said it a little to coldly.

"Are you going to off and do it yourself again?" Elliot spoke, venom lacing his voice.
"No, i'll let you help." I said softly. Alexander and River looked confused so Zelda explained.

Explaining to them what happened also means telling them that I wasn't only kidnapped but was abused physically and mentally and was tortured by both of our mafias enemy.

The boys looked down sympathetically but I didn't want sympathy, I wanted revenge.

"I think we've all had enough to eat and should get ready to leave." I said. Everyone agreed and started to get up. I turned to mama and papa "Are you coming back to Evangelos's?" I asked.

"No, were just going to use one of our mansions we have here." papa said.
"Okay well i'll see you tonight at the dinner" I didn't want to leave them but I wanted to spend a little more time with Evangelos before I go to school, It's already 11:25am.

Lunch ends at 12:00pm so I should have enough time to go to Evangelos's and get ready, then Alexander, River, the twins, and myself can go to school before lunch ends.

We get to Evangelos's penthouse at 11:36am and I don't want to get ready but we have to.
"Do you guys wanna go with us to school or go by your selves?" I asked Alex and River.
"We'll go with you" River said after looking at Alexander for a minute.
"Okay be ready by 11:50am, the school isn't that far from here." I told them and walked away to Evangelos's room with him following behind me like a lost puppy. He helps me get ready. Just some jeans Zelda had and one of Evangelos's one of many, black t-shirts.

I still had a few minutes so I layed down on the bed with Evangelos's arms wrapped around me, laying on my stomach.

I pull my fingers through his hair and I laugh a little when I notice him falling asleep. I know I need to get up but I don't wanna wake him.

I slowly and carefully get up, kissing his forehead and leaving. I make my way down stairs, Alexander and River ask where Evangelos is.

"He's asleep" I tell them because I don't know why it matters. "He never sleeps" Alexander grumbled confused. River was smiling and the twins were getting annoyed so I told everyone to get in the car and i'm driving, no one protested.

We made it to the school and parked, River was in the passenger seat and Alexander was behind me, they were about to get out but I locked all of the doors before saying "You can't tell my brothers" I said seriously.

"About what part?" Alexander said with a smirk.
"You can't tell them about me and your brother, about the abuse, or about me being held by the Irish. They don't even know, that I know about the mafia." I said almost coldly this time.

I think they got the point because River said "We won't, it's not any business to tell, just don't hurt him, it's obvious he cares for you. We noticed the hoodie, you were wearing that day. I don't think he's ever given his clothes to anyone, especially his hoodies. Evangelos has always had trouble sleeping as well and you got him to sleep in 10 minutes." River sounded so serious.

"I won't. Now let's go before my brothers see you in my car." I said.

We all go to lunch and sit down with 5 minutes of lunch to spare. Everyone looked at us with "what the fuck" faces.

Is it because we just got here now or that we were all together?

"Hello people" Zelda waved her hand around to get their attention.

"Where we're you? Do you know how worried we were." Marco yelled, Angrily. Oliver put his arms around us and I notice Alexander look at us, like he understands now.

"First of all, do not ever yell at me. Second of all, I was at 223 none of your business street. That sounds familiar right?" I said calmly. Zelda knew I was about to lose my shit.

I did what I was good at, I left.
I told the twins to stay or leave it doesn't matter. They wanted to stay and hang out with the brothers. I don't blame them, they've gotten close to them.

I needed to kill, fight or race, anything so I called papa.
"Are there any assassination jobs?" That's the first thing I said. I'm surprised he didn't question me.

"Yes, i'll send you all the details. You know I love you and i'm here." he said seriously. "Yeah I know, I love you, see you tonight." I said back.


I forgot how tiring it is to chase down my victims sometimes. My job was to kill every person in this lowlife gang they call a mafia. It's barely even a gang.

I'm running through the woods, that's where they put their main house. I have a gun shot in the back of my shoulder and in the back of my leg. Like who shoots someone from behind? Bitches.

I grabbed the last guy, pushing him to the leaf covered ground and stabbed him in the knees so he couldn't run so easily again.
I sliced his throat and cut a smile on his lips. We love the clown smile. That's my signature, how people know who made the kill.

I'm starting to get light head and I know if I don't stop the bleeding soon, i'll pass out. I get in my car and drive to the closest place I know of, sadly it's the Romano mansion. I pulled in the drive way, parking crookedly, I limp to the front door. I ring the door bell over and over until someone answers it.

Someone I don't recognize and after that I black out.

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