The CEO's Wife

By Saaraaaxy

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CEO's wife? Check. Up on the carrier ladder? Check. Married to a hunk? Check. Is he a hopeless romantic? ... More

Prologue - Before the storm
Chapter 1 - Honeymoon
Chapter 2 - Durban
Chapter 3 - Whitsundays
Chapter 4 - We are what?
Chapter 5 - Well aren't you happy?
Chapter 6 - Painful memories
Chapter 7 - Deep rooted hatred
Chapter 8 - Finishing touches
Chapter 9 - I worry, mon amour
Chapter 10 - Protector
Chapter 11 - The next big step
Chapter 12 - Communication
Chapter 13 - The three of us
Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!
Chapter 15- New territory
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Magoa
Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Brothers
Chapter 21 - I know it's hard ...
Chapter 22 - Taking one for the team
Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise
Chapter 24 - Last night together
Chapter 25 - The other woman
Chapter 26 - Butterflies

Chapter 27 - Gender reveal

681 8 5
By Saaraaaxy

Michael's POV

My alarm sounded and I shut off my computers.

It was now or never.
Sara was distracted, she wouldn't notice.

Setting my phone on not disturb, I got out of my office to gather all the things needed for tonight's date night. While I went around her office, going to the other end of the house to avoid my wife at any cost, I mentally prepared a list of things I would need.

My mother-in-law spotted me as I picked up the picnic basket from the back of my dresser and followed me around, skipping in happiness as she asked me what I was doing.

„Preparing a date night", I answered her while putting the food containers in. Lejla opens the door to the garden for me and together we walk to the middle of it. „I wanted to have a romantic picnic with her."

„That's a great idea!", Lejla chirps as she helps me set up the blanket. I took her and Amar to Target and Walmart for a little bonding time and to pick up everything for the date tonight, wanting to give Sara and Emma some sibling time. Sara was truly the carbon copy of her mother. Lejla had had the same exact reaction to the stores (way too damn big!) but had left them with shining eyes. Amar had nodded his head impressed, yet cringed at the food aisles and plastic packaging (which was fair).

The blanket was laid out, the basket placed and the food was arranged neatly. Lejla took the other end of the fairy light string I handed her. Together we strung them up on the wooden pillars I had installed in our little garden isle. „The fairy lights only need to be turned on later, but I will do that when I send the dogs for her", I told her and checked the time. „Are you sure I shouldn't get her some flowers?"

„You already made good food and set this all up, it's more than enough!", my mother-in-law assures me, patting my back lovingly. Her eyes bulge. „God Michael have you gotten more muscular?!"

„I need to protect my family."

„You are sure you aren't in that water army?"

I laugh. „You mean marines? I'm fairly sure, I was only a quarterback and I only go once a week to training."

Lejla raises a brow. „But privately how often do you work out?"

I ponder about it as I finally decide where to place the basket. „3 times minimum. I go running daily except for the weekends."

As I want to add that I do in fact do rest days, Lejla adds with a nod „You exercise with my daughter". I throw her a look, wanting to tell her Sara is pregnant and should not be weightlifting that strongly anymore and see she's grinning. „Oh, I know a couple with a healthy sex life when I see one."

„Sex? What is that?", I cough, trying not to choke on my spit. Lejla always keeps on surprising me.

Lejla lowers her eyes at me. „Michael I see the red and too light patches in your beard."

Fuck. It's one thing when your parents know you are sexually active but that your parents-in-law can see you eat their daughter out? Please somebody shoot me. If I ever mentioned this to Sara she would flee the country and change her identity. I cough again and avert my head and she starts laughing. „The babies prove it, Michael!"

„Only once!"

„Once a day!"

„MUM!", Em cringes as she heard that, pulling the same face as Sara. She is carrying the tray of drinks I wanted to fetch next. I take it off her hands as she shoots her mother an expression that makes it look like she is sick. „That's really NONE of our business ew!"

„Oh come oooon, I wish for my daughters to have a good, healthy sex life!"

Em is close to puking at that, mimicking so with her finger and an extended tongue and I throw my head back in laughter. „Fine. It's nice, I'll give you that. Now let's switch topics, please!"

„Who was that yesterday? The red-haired girl I mean", Lejla pulls Em into her arms and showers her cringing daughter with kisses of apologies.

„Nina", I laugh as Em just pushes her head away and hugs her mother instead. Lejla nuzzles her daughter closer and they both smile. „Sara's work friend and she was one of her bridesmaids."

„Oh, now I recall! She was so overexcited!"

„She came back from a really good first date and had to tell Sara immediately", I elaborated and turned to my sister-in-law. „Em, you think Sara will love this?"

Emma rolls her eyes. „You could just smile at her and she would gush and fangirl and squeal."

„Eeeeemma", I chidingly draw out.

„She'll love it. Really!" my sister-in-law is distracted from saying more as Ella runs to her and whines for Em to play with her. She had even brought her favourite ball, something she only did when she really loved that person.

„Where's mummy Ellie?", I ask her with a baby voice and Ella is so excited she starts tip-tapping her paws up and down, dropping the ball and whining at mummy's name. „Is mummy working? Is mummy in her office?"

She barks in answer. „Good girl!" I pat her everywhere resulting in some heavy happy tail wags.

„Is MuMmy WoRkIng", Em mocks my baby voice and I shoot her a glare.

„You'll be talking the exact same to your baby nieces. Or nephews. Or niece and nephew."

„I can't wait for Friday!! I'll know what my grandchildren are!", Lejla squeals „then my baby and I can go shopping properly!"

I melt as I think back to the baby's room. Sara and I had shown them the room for our twins and what we had done with it so far, which both grandparents had teared up at. Amar had run his hand down the baby's clothes, switching his gaze between the clothing and his daughter's stomach, for the first time truly realizing what this all meant. He had picked up bows, socks, and plushies, all while he silently cried stronger with a smile on his face. Lejla had sobbed at the imagination of two babies, our carbon copies, lying on the changing table while one of us changed the nappies and the other picked the outfits.

„What do you think we are having?"

„Girls", Lejla immediately says. „The belly shape points to it."

„I think it's too early to tell", Em tells her mother. „I'm thinking boy and girl."

„I can't make up my mind", I tell them honestly. „But I can see her with any gender."

„But you would want a girl."

„No", I shake my head. „It's nothing I want. I want healthy children. If I only have sons I'll be blessed. If I have only girls, I will be blessed. No matter what, I just want to have cute babies with my wife."

Em makes another gagging noise.

„It's seven", Lejla tells me, softly shoving Em with an amused smile. „I wished for the same Emma."

„Then it's time for the date", I bend down, hands on my knees and immediately get Ella's attention „Go get mummy Ellie! Go get mummy!"

Ella is gone so fast that she's a golden bolt racing across the garden.

I raise my eyes up to the Basic women „and I kindly ask you, ladies, to retreat for the night as well."

A minute passes until I finally see movement at the glass double doors that lead to the garden. My heart pitter-patters as I spot my wife.

Sara's confused expression as she is being pushed and pulled by Ella into the garden changes into laughter as she sees the set-up.
„You really meant it?"

„When did I ever go back on my word?"

Sara chuckles and follows Elli who is running to me, giving me a peck on my lips as our hands find each other. „Are we spinning the bottle too?"

„I think I don't need an object's approval to kiss my wife."

Sara giggles at this and kisses me again. She cups my chin and looks at me lovingly. „Best date clearly goes to you."

„I damn sure hope it does", I shoot her a grin. „Sit down baby, I cooked us dinner." I turn to flip my laptop open and pull up American horror story season 3. „Get ready for the perfect date."

Sara beams at that.

A few episodes later, belly full, Sara and I are lying on the blanket and watching the stars. They were never visible in New York, but here they are. Here, they remind me of France. Here, I am home with my wife and our children.

I stroke our intertwined hands with my thumb, turning to look at her. I'm struck by her beauty, any time really I look at her, a little gasp leaves my lips.

My wife turns to me with a soft questioning hum and I turn to hover above her. I bury my hand in her hair, scanning her face and am ultimately sucked into her dark brown eyes. Hopefully our babies will have her eyes.

„I love you", I whisper.

„I love you too", she whispers back, brushing my arms and chest.

I lean down and kiss her once. Twice.

Then I get lost in the softness of her lips and her intoxicating taste and scent.

Sara and I are softly making out, our hands intertwined when the garden light is switched on. We pull apart, my wife softly breathing faster, eyes shining.

I turn to see who it is and see my father-in-law in his pyjama. „It's ten, go to bed!"

„It's the weekend!", Sara and I shout back.

Amar takes in the scene. „God a date? Michael, how much more do you have to charm her? She's pregnant with two of your children!"

„And I want 3 more!", I shout back which makes Sara laugh and my father-in-law shakes his head as he goes back inside.

„Are you cold baby?", I put my jumper over her shoulders and nudge us down again, kissing a trail down her throat once the light is turned off.

Sara cuddles into me and waits patiently for our lips to meet. „I'm all warm, papa."

Several minutes pass of soft-tongued kisses, of passionate kisses, of heated kisses, when I tell her „I looked into Evan's background."

Sara laughs into my kiss. Softly kisses me, resulting in a satisfying noise. „Is that the time to talk about this?"

I shrug. Kiss her with my tongue slightly out, softly licking her before it turns into a lips-only kiss. „Thought I ought to tell you."

We kiss five more times and she pulls back. I stroke her hair and watch how she scans me with shining eyes. „And?"

„All solid." I softly nip at her lips. This was definitely no place for another man for my Sara. „Like I am right now."

My wife's fingers brush over my hard bulge to check the truth in my statement. „I've never been loved under a starry night..."

„I can arrange that", I whisper against her ear, gripping her waist. Her hand is unbuttoning my pants already while I push her dress up enough to grant me access. „I'm starving for some dessert right about now."

„You don't like anything sweet", Sara whispers hotly, biting her lips.

I kiss the skin under her breast. Bite her inner thighs softly. Look up. „Oh, there is one dessert I love." I push her panties aside and lazily, daftly brush my tongue against her clit. „And I'm thoroughly going to enjoy it."

Sara grabs my arms as I push my tongue into her opening. I groan in bliss once I taste her properly.

Sara's POV

„You've slept in!", mum exclaims once we come downstairs. „I never knew you could sleep until 10 am!"

„Pregnancy toilet breaks, you know how it is - and Michael always woke up with me", I laugh, all while my legs are jelly from our date night shenanigans. Michael had loved me until three in the morning and had to carry me to bed as my legs wouldn't stop shaking.

Michael shoots me a look that only I understand- and one that promises he will gladly repeat eating me out five times.

"You are too good for this world", mum says to Michael, stroking his arm affectionately. "But you two should catch up on sleep for as long as you can. The babies will have you up a lot."

Michael shoots me another look as mum retreats to the kitchen. 'Not only the babies will keep you up.'

Em goes past us, shooting us a look that makes me redden. I shove him. "Do you think she heard us?", I whisper frantically to him.

Michael lazily scans me, mentally undressing me. "What?", his eyes snap up.

This man. Flattered as I am I'm this attractive to him, I can't even be mad. "Do you think I was loud last night?"

"I made sure to kiss your moans away", Michael mumbles. "Wait, who?"

"Horny ass. My sister."

"You are hot", he shrugs. "Em? Nah. I think I saw her though when we were kissing in the bathroom."

I arch a brow and cross my arms. "Oh? Making out with me is so boring you'd rather look around-"

"Oh my fucking god - can you stop making out everywhere? You are grown adults!", Em shouts as she comes out of the kitchen with grilled cheese.

Mum laughs and I'm glad dad was out on his morning walk at that moment.

I kiss my man back one more time and retreat with a smile, stroking his face.

"Never", he whispers, leaning his forehead onto mine, "say that you are boring. You are fascinating. Kissing you is never enough."

"Silly", I whisper back.



"Where to baby?", Michael asks as he spots me packing my bag. He was out of his office, by his own will even! Maybe he wondered why I hadn't bothered him yet like I usually do. Or he needed a short break.

"Target, Barnes and Noble, the mall", I lie, glancing over my shoulder. Mum is ready for me as is Sullivan. I wanted to buy him a present or look for something that fit my main present for father's day. Dad and Em are exploring New York today and mum wanted to stay to read in the garden.

"I'll come along."

"No no, it's fine!"

He halts on his way to get changed, pulling his head back confused. At his frown and furrowed brows, I rise on my toes and softly press a kiss on his lips. "Really."

"You practically beg me to go with you. Now I for once have free time and you are skipping me?"

"I'm not-", my heart drops at his sad expression. "Bebo! Don't do that to me!"

"I thought going to the mall was our thing. Browsing bookstores until we hit our limit of books. Getting drinks and eating food in the car, the two of us just chilling. Or going to the cinema. Now I finally have as much time as I want..."

My lips wobble. "It's... I ..." tears rise to my eyes. "These damn hormones!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean for you to cry ...", Michael wipes them away. Stays silent.

"I wanted to prepare a surprise for you", I whisper.

His ears perk up. "Why?"

I take his hand and put them on my stomach. "Since you are leaving soon... and June 20 is father's day..."

"Oh", Michael draws me into a hug. "I'm sorry I-".

"No it's fine. Let's go."

"But you wanted to go with your mother-"

"They are here two more weeks, I can find another day."

"If you want alone time-"

"I have enough from the way you work. Come on. The garden date was the only time you had the whole evening for me since May. I'll send you away when I find something for you."

"You sure?"

"Michael Philippe de Beaumont-"

"I'm getting dressed, I'm getting dressed!", he sprints to the bedroom and then jogs back to kiss the babies. "You hear that?", he says against my stomach "Mummy can be strict! She uses full names!"

I laugh as he jogs back to change into proper pants.

Michael opens the door for me to the bookstore, takes two baskets and we set off. Once they are full, only then are we leaving.

It has its perks being married to a Billionaire, I must say.

"I can carry my own ...", my sentence trails into a laugh at his expression. "Mummy is not allowed to carry anything heavy!"

"Damn right", my husband mumbles. "Leave the carrying to me, honey. Romance and fantasy are that way, come on."

It takes two hours, only because I still do feel bad getting special editions and try to take the cheaper ones (which my husband thoroughly hates) and it takes a while for him to talk me into indulging. While we are checking out, I'm checking out my handsome mean and squeal that we are doing a buddy read soon. We had both reached for the same fantasy book and decided that our next date night would be a reading evening. Michael took the bags and nudged me back to the car, ignoring my question if I should carry something.

In the car we played rock paper scissors to choose our next spot - I won, so we left to get drinks.

Michael pulls up to the speaker and orders us two iced coffees without asking me (he always knows my order, my little hero), and turns to me to see if I want anything else. I shake my head, a bit unsure. He looks at me long, turns back and says "two slices of lemon cake", squeezing my knee lovingly.

I give him my credit card. Michael stares at it as if it's a foreign object. I nudge it again. "Take it."

"The fuck am I supposed to do with that?"

"Pay for our order?"

"Put the card away honey."


"Honey, don't insult me."

This guy. "Let me pay just this once!", I whine.





"No", he pulls up to the window and lifts himself up slightly to get his wallet from his back pocket. I use the chance, lean over him, and extend my card to the girl. Michael's hand, out of instinct, protects my chest and stomach from hitting anything. I successfully paid for everything - a first this year.

I slowly pull back. Michael takes our stuff with an expressionless face.

Only once we are parked does he speak again. "Honey..."

"Just this once", I whine. "18 dollars won't hurt me!"

"You shouldn't have to pay around me at all."

"You spoil me constantly!", I protest.

"Didn't you deserve it?"

"I want to spoil you too!"

"You do! With your bomb-ass food. With your hugs and kisses. With your jokes and laughter. With the babies!"

"Excuse me but unprotected sex resulting in a pregnancy is not spoiling you!"

"It is - you are giving me cute babies! And you are accommodating them constantly! I only sit back and watch your stomach grow, twiddling my thumbs until they are born!"

My phone pings as I raise my finger.

"Maybe it's important", Michael says.

"Doubt it - look I just wanted to be nice."

"You are always nice."


"Giving my girl little things like this isn't spoiling - it's decency. It's a way to show you gratitude. It's the least I can do baby."

I sigh. "You are impossible!" I draw my phone out and see his name on Cash App. 20 dollars from Michael P. d. Beaumont. I shoot him a dead-panned look.

Michael quietly slurps on his coffee. "...Cake?"

"When did you even manage to - you know what? You really are impossible!", I repeat again. Michael extends the lemon cake to me and I take a bite.

A week later

15th week of pregnancy

Friday was finally here - in two hours we would find out the gender of our babies!

I woke up nervous - I mean it was a big step into parenthood! Now it felt even more real! Whenever I think it finally hit me what this pregnancy means, I get to another point that makes me shake my head in disbelief.

If I thought I was truly visibly pregnant, then I was wrong. And boy am I in for a surprise once I'm even further along!

I won't attend Fête de la Musique in Normandie tomorrow, as Anne-Marie advised me. My pregnancy should stay a secret for as long as possible, and since this is the birthday of Michael Senior, Michael should have the honour of being there on his own (poor people who will get glared at by him).

But I'm trying my best to sweeten up his mood. Today is Father's day after all! I give him fact after fact about the babies, and he always visibly melts with love. One fact though had him deciding to change his breakfast after I told him the twins were the size of an avocado each. Which he had almost cut open to make himself an avocado toast.

The first thing I did this morning was stroke his face and chin until he woke up, which he loves, and then kissed him until he was properly awake. "Good morning papa."

Michael kisses my nose. "Morning mon amour."

I roll over to my bedtable, while Michael darts his arm around me. "Come back baby", he begs.

"I will one second!"

I roll back towards him. He pulls me closer into a cuddle. Such a big cuddler he is! I extend the card to him. "Happy father's day."

My husband quiets for a moment and closes his eyes. "Say that again."

"Happy father's day."

A big smile breaks out on his face.

"First ever father's day. Next year we will be lying in bed with two babies cuddling along with us", I whisper, stroking his cheeks. "Papa. My loving papa."

His hands stroke the twins. We share a kiss, afterwards, he stares long into my eyes.

I look down surprised. He does too. "Did you feel that too?"

"Did the babies kick?"

"No, it's too early for kicking, or so the books so, - the babies just moved!"

"They did?", Michael asks, half getting up in excitement.

We wait, stunned.

The babies move again.

We squeal: "They did!"

We look up again in awe - and start laughing. Michael presses another kiss onto my lips. "Your body is full of wonders, my love."

He rolls me onto my back, kissing my chin. „First father's day. Then the babies moved. I'm truly the luckiest", he says against my skin, kisses trailing down.

„I can one up that."

Michael's hand stroked my hips sensually „Oh I'm sure you can mon amour".

I stop him, lifting up the card again. "You have to read the card."

„Now?", he places a kiss on my inner left thigh.

„Now now."

Michael lifts his head up and squints his eyes to read. In the morning his eyesight takes a bit to adjust. Ultimately he fishes for his reading glasses and reads the card quietly.

His head snaps up. "No."

I can't hide my grin anymore, nuzzling more into my arms.

His small smile blossoms into a toothy one. "No! No! Really? Babe? Are we? Really?!"

"Yup!", I laugh as he grabs my shoulders and shakes me softly.

Michael jumps out of bed, howling in joy. "Amar! Lejla! Emma! We are going to find out the gender of the babies today!!" Then he runs towards them, and they all scream happily.

I guess the new nightdress slipped his mind completely after reading the short little letter:

'Good morning papa,

Happy father's day, my love.

I bet you can't wait to know what our little peas are - well you are lucky! I got a gift for you, one that you will love so much, I'm sure.

For this week's trip to the doctor's, I wanted it to be special for you; upon request, we are finding out the genders today! At 4 pm!'

I wanted to tell him how much I loved him since I can't really articulate my thoughts well, but I think that's clear by the way he ran back into the bedroom, pressed me into a strong hug and started sobbing about how happy he was.

Later that same day

I swirled around and placed the pot of chilli in the middle of the table, glancing up at Michael who stared at me all lovingly. This love-struck expression had been on his face ever since he woke up this morning and heard the joyous news.

He had taken today off - he had taken the day off!! - for the gender reveal. Had put in our vacation day after his little present, saying the babies deserved this day. We would find out the gender of our firstborns - of course, we owed this day to them!

„You made the tortillas yourself?", Em asked as she stuffed her mouth with it. Mum slapped her wrist softly and told her to slow down. „You are not at the brink of starvation Emma Basic!"

„Of course she did", Michael answered for me as he scooped a hearty portion into everybody's bowl, always taking over the serving part for me. „when did Sara ever buy something that she could make herself?"

„To be quite honest the food is trash here", dad added in his direction. „I mean the food laws ..."

„No need to tell me - my wife already gave me a three-hour lecture", Michael laughed. He shot me a worried look „You didn't make this spicy right? Because of the babies."

Dad and Em groaned. I laughed at their reaction. „Now you understand what I meant with overprotective." I shot my husband a smile „No spicy food for me, don't worry."

Em stood up and went to get herself chilli flakes, rolling her eyes. „Mama is not allowed to eat spicy food", she mocked.

„Why wouldn't I be?", mum asked confused.

„I meant Sara, mum", Em snorted.

„Oh stop!", Amar whined with tears in his eyes. „My baby is pregnant herself!"

I stroke my father's arm lovingly.

The table quiets once we start eating - and I have to smile hard when I see Michael lean back after he took his first bite, closing his eyes in bliss.

„This is heavenly!", he groans.

Em jokingly wants to swipe something off his plate and he pulls it away, slapping her hand softly. We erupt in laughter.

It's finally time to get dressed, I had picked out my outfit yesterday already because I would not be late for the gender reveal appointment, no ma'am!

I decided on my fave pair of jeans and a cute top, along with some heeled boots. Flattering, dressed up enough and I felt confident in it. My stomach looked great in this outfit and I would enjoy this period until I was too big to wear anything!

I put in my earrings, put the ring on Michael had gifted me and reached for a necklace he had gotten me on our honeymoon. As I reach for my bag to pack my lipstick and lipliner, Michael steps out of the bathroom with his brows raising high at the sight of me.

„Well I'll be damned", he drawls and rests his hand above me, leaning down. „Hey pretty mama, you new around here? Got a boyfriend?"

I can't stop the smile that spreads on my lips. I love when he plays this game. „How would you know?"

„I know damn well I wouldn't walk by such a pretty woman twice and forget this sight."

„Oh?", I purr, flashing him a hooded-eye look.

„Oh and what a lovely sight you are", he pans his eyes over my body and face. „What are we doing tonight?"

The dogs run into the room, chasing each other for their favourite toy. I laugh as Hunter tries his hardest to hide the squeaky toy from Ella.

„Those yours?", Michael continues the spiel. „My home is big enough for your dogs too. Hell, my home is big enough for plenty of us too."

„Already asking for babies when you don't even have my number?"

„Shit girl I was just about to."

„Even though I'm pregnant?"

„I can step up as a good father."

„And this is attractive to you?"

„I'll prove it right here and now- ouch! Hunter!"

I snort how hard I laugh. Michael cups my chin and kisses me with a loud smooch before he lets go to get dressed.

We are all chatting so much on the way to the doctor's I doubt anybody listens to what the other said. We are giddy with excitement, and nervousness, and are counting the minutes until we see my favourite doctor.

This time I'm not nervous when I fill out the form. How could I be? My husband's hand is on my knee as he chats with my parents. My mother is stroking my back. Dad is holding my arm. Em keeps on glancing at every nurse as if they are the ones to call us in.

And once it was time, we all shot up, causing the nurse to laugh.

The room was usually big but with six people it was cramped.

Michael is nervously moving our intertwined hand around while mum is massaging my other. Dad can't decide between the screen and my stomach, tears already building up in his proud eyes. Em is biting her lip, smiling.

„Good they are awake!", Dr Sylvya chirps as she points to our babies.

„Does that matter?", Em whispers to us.

„If the baby is sleeping it might block its genitals", mum whispers back. "Hers? His?"

Dad shushes them. I have to laugh. "Sorry for this chaos."

"Why? This is an important milestone! I'm happy your parents could join!"

"What about-?", Em starts but I softly quiet her with a look. No mention of Hector and Christine today. Today was a day when Michael didn't want to think of them. It was a day he declined their calls, the past leaving a heavy knot in his stomach and throat. Today, he was angry at them - and I would respect that. I would give him the distance from his past he needed and give him all the cuddles to make him feel better.

It was a day when our heavy past caught up with us.

"Ready?", our doctor asks us, putting a stop to our rambling.

"Ready!", we all cry.

„Baby A", Dr started and we all leaned forward „... is .... You see this here?" her finger circled around our first baby.

„Yes!", Michael and I answer in synch.

„This clearly shows baby A is a girl!"

Michael's grip loosens on my hand. I swirl my head around to face him - and I'm met with his biggest smile and tears rising in his eyes. He looks down at me and they spill down his cheek.

„Baby B ... is also a girl! Congratulations"

„Two girls", I breathe.

„Two daughters", Michael adds, his lips shaking.

„Two nieces", En continues.

„Two granddaughters", mum and dad conclude.

Michael jumps and fist bumps the air, then presses me into a tight hug, crying. I can't help it - when he cries I have to too!

„Two baby girls", Michael sobs, kissing my forehead, nose and cheeks. „You are giving me two daughters!!"

Michael hugs my father and they both jump joyfully. He fist bumps the air, kissing my stomach so many times I laugh and Dr Sylvya reminds him of the gel on my belly. He wipes his mouth clean and presses me close to him. "Now tell me this - how am I supposed to fly out to France tomorrow when my wife and daughters are left behind in America? Do you hear that my love? Daughters!! How am I supposed to leave now, knowing you are carrying two baby girls!"

I can only laugh and cry at that. "At least you are back the day after."

"Oh, and I will use that whole day to think of baby names. Do you hear that girls? Papa will give his best to find names that are perfect for you two!"

"Girls!", dad finally says and cries, hugging my mother strongly. "Can you believe it, zlato?"

Mum is only sobbing. Emma now kisses my stomach, eyes glued to the babies.

Once we settle down, all tears shed, we get the ultrasound printed out and drive back in silence this time.

Michael and I cuddle in the garden, me in between his legs leaning against his chest with his arms wrapped around me. We let it sink in what this all truly means. Names and clothes are much easier to think of now, for one.

His hands are stroking our daughters the whole time we cuddle quietly. The silence is only broken once he starts singing to them, and I can tell we both just fell more in love with each other and parenthood, especially by his eyes as he softly strokes my belly.

My little girls. My little peas. Mummy and daddy love you so much.

December can't come sooner!

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