Dark Places (ONGOING)

By me6012

90.1K 2K 268

^Previously known as (Still Trying) or (Loving Via)^ Started- January 15th 2023 Complete- ongoing "Still try... More

It is Stupidity
Biological Family
Mama and Papa
Beat by a Girl
The Mall
Seen Something Horrifying
Beyond Pissed
Hell Hounds
What's Your Name?
21 Questions
What the Fuck Have You Done to Her?!
Torture and Chicken Alfredo
Go on a Date With Me
Meanest Child Showing Affection
I Promised We Would Do It Together
Oh Shit
I Miss You
Well here we go
I Wasn't Mad
223 None of Your Business Street
Story Time
Do You Love Her?
The date
The Date - Part 2
Gunshot wound #3
Dr.Pepper, Oreos, and Gremlins
No Way
I Love You
I Love You - Part 2
Be Quiet
Ignored Them For a Reason
High Koala
Angry Breakfast
Found Out
So Many Questions Not Enough Answers
End of It
Not a Chapter

Alexander & River

1.6K 40 10
By me6012

*Evangelos pov*

Killian, Octavia, and I just finished eating. I don't really watch movies much and when I do, I definitely do not watch Disney movies.

I can pull through it, I hope. We all sat down in the living room, Killian on the smaller couch, Octavia and I on the bigger couch together.

Octavia and Killian spent like 20 minutes arguing over which Disney movie and to watch and finally they came to the decision of watching Frozen.

They said and I quote "Only bitches don't like Frozen"
How was I gonna tell them I haven't even seen the movie? Yeah right, i'm not telling them.

Through out the entire movie, Octavia and Killian sang every song that came on, Octavia looked careless and happy.

Killian hasn't really been in a happy mood in the last few day with the whole promise thing. I'm happy he's feeling better.

When the movie was done I notice that both Octavia and Killian have fallen asleep.

I carefully get up so I can take Killian to his room, I laid him down and covered him up and went back in the living room to get Octavia.

I turned off the tv and picked up Octavia, bringing her into our room. I have to wake her up so she can get out of her dress I didn't even realize earlier I should've gotten her some clothes.

I wake her up and help her change into one of my hoodies, it was black with my football number on the back, and a pair of clean boxers. I have a lot of hoodies with my football number, don't ask why because I don't know.

After she was ready for bed, I laid her down and took off my sweatpants and t-shirt, laying down beside her she laid her head down on my chest and we both fell asleep.

I woke up around 5:30am. I knew she had school in a few hours and believe it or not I do have to go to work, I just have a lot of workers or men who can do most things for me.

I realize we have at least an hour more we can sleep until we need to get up, I laid back down on her chest, I don't know how we got into this position but I don't care.

I laid on her chest, wrapping my arms around her waist, making sure i'm not crushing her from my weight.

My alarm went off at 7:00am. I don't want to get up but it did wake Octavia up. We laid here for a few minutes until we decided we should probably eat breakfast, I smell bacon but Killian can not cook for the life of him.

We make it down stairs and I see my brothers, Alexander and River.
"I knew it" River yells in surprise? I guess that's a way to put it.

I look at Octavia and see she looks completely confused, I guess she really didn't know they were my younger brothers.

She grabbed my arm and dragged us back to my room. "What are they doing here?" she asks in a panic and I don't know why she's panicking.

"Their my younger brothers, why are you panicking?" I ask her and she tells me something that is kind of problematic, "They are my biological brothers friends and Alexander hates me for taking his seat." I laughed at her last statement and realized that we should probably talk to them.

Im sure they won't tell the Romanos, they wouldn't do that, they know i'll hurt them. Not kill, they are my brothers but you know just a few punches.

Octavia and I make our way back down to the kitchen and see Alexander, River, and Killian talking to one another. We sit down and I make her plate like usual, then mine.

She thanks me and I guess it was maybe getting a little awkward as she is still wearing my clothes and Killian could have told them anything.

I broke the silence asking "What brings you two here, I thought you were happy when I moved out for the second time?" I tried to act normal but from the look on their faces I don't know what to do. And of course this had to be the time Octavia's phone rang, like always it breaks up the tension.

Octavia smirks looking up at Alexander as she lets it ring and he looks pissed while River is laughing his ass off. "Your never gonna live this down are you O?" River couldn't stop laughing through his sentence but we all understood him, why does he have a nickname for her?

"No, I probably won't maybe if he didn't get noticeably annoyed when it rings I wouldn't have known it annoyed him and I wouldn't be doing it all the time" Octavia says like it's the most obvious thing ever.

On the last ring she answer while Alexander is grumbling "finally" under his breath.

It was the twins wondering where she went last night and if she was okay because of the dinner.

"I'm fine" she says with a fake smile but you can tell it was fake and the twins knew it to.
"You know tavi, he would already be dead if it wouldn't start a war." Oliver said jokingly but Zelda was serious "Wait until your 18 and finished with school, you have many mafias behind you tavi even your own mafia, which you brought to first place in the underworld, if you can do that you can kill Fione." Zelda is good with words.

"I'm at Evangelos" Octavia told them, I know she's trying advert the topic.

"Okay we're on our way, with clothes to. You can't wear your dress to school and your brothers will ask questions if you wear his clothes." Oliver said. He had a point. I looked over at my brothers who were already looking at me, fiddling with Octavia's hands.

I hear Killian mumble "bitch is whipped" so of course I threw a pancake at him. It hit him straight in the forehead.

Everyone laughed while he just pouted. After about 45 minutes of talking and laughing the twins busted through the front door with bags and food from McDonald's.

The twins stopped talking and laughing when they entered the kitchen and saw Alexander and River. They stopped looking around and started glaring at Alexander.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Oliver asked in a protective type of way. Why is he being like this, it's just my brother.

"What are you doing here?" Alexander spoke, he had a smile on his face but you could tell it wasn't genuine.

"Oliver, how about we calm down and take a seat, yea?" Octavia said softly, River and Alexander looked at her funny while the twins sat on the other side of her. Octavia being in the middle of me and Oliver with Zelda beside him. She's just glaring at Alexander and he's just looking at her annoyedly. Zelda's phone rings this time and she just lets the phone rings to while smirking at Alexander, who looks like he's about to lose his shit. "Enough Zelda, answer the phone before papa beats all of our asses." My brothers didn't look confused, I guess they got to listen to one of their amusing phone calls.

"Yes papa" Zelda said exasperated. "Don't use that tone with me young lady. Now where in the hell is Octavia she hasn't answered my calls since before that dinner y'all went to, she only does that when something from the past is brought up or something bad happens." he finishes his sentence in a soft voice.

Zelda and Oliver look at Octavia and slide her the phone she gives them a "what the fuck" face but picks the phone up. "Octavia Faye Antonov why in the hell did you not answer my phone calls? I was worried. Fione O'Sullivan is making his way to Italy." he said seriously.

The twins and Octavia's faces paled, like they had seen a ghost. Octavia gulped and replied "The British were at the dinner, they never even told Stephen what he did to me. Stephen just thought he cheated." Octavia told him coldly.

The twins started to quietly bicker with Killian and my brothers sat there listening to Maxim, Octavia and the twins conversation.

"I'm already in Italy, the twins said your at Evangelos's. I'll be there soon." Maxim finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"I completely forgot about the lunch things we had set up." Octavia said rubbing her hand down her face, looking at me.

"Is nobody going to acknowledge that currently our school friend/enemy is sitting in front of us, wearing my brothers clothes and has shown emotion now, more than I have ever seen her show, even around her biological brothers? And Evangelos has been smiling almost the entire time. Killian I think this time they both must be possessed" River said calmly. He's always been the calm one.

"I think it's kinda Obvious what going on here, River." Alexander spoke with confusion, I think.

"We'll no duh Alexander but I just want someone to explain it." River said like its not even surprising to him anymore.

I look at Octavia asking her what she wants me to say and she just shrugs her shoulders. I think Zelda was getting bored with the silence so she spoke for us. "Well River, Alexander. My cold, heartless sister and your cold heartless brother met each other and you can put together what happened next obviously. Killian and Octavia have known each other since they were... younger and we're having lunch with our papa, Killian and Evangelos, would you like to join?"

My brothers look at me and her like they heard the most craziest thing.

"Gabriel is gonna be mad ya know." Alexander said with a smirk. Now i'm confused the Spanish Don, Gabriel?

"That little pervert can fuck off, the Romanos almost killed him last time and that's just because of a comment he made" Octavia said laughing.

"Wait. Spanish Don Gabriel? What did he do?" I said seriously. She looked at me and smiled, "He just said a rude, perverted comment to me and got beat up." She said this like it was a normal occurrence for her.

Oliver looked at my expression and it was like he knew what I was thinking "This is normal, Usually i'm doing the beating up and being angrily protective but the Romanos did this time."

"Is that why you grabbed the girls every time we're all at the table? Because Octavia and I's misunderstanding and because of Gabriel's comment?" Alexander said blankly.
Oliver started glaring at Alexander again "You call that a misunderstanding?" Oliver said angrily.

What did my brother do now?
"You said and I quote that fucking bitch" Zelda said in a accusing tone. I don't know how to react, i'm kind of mad he disrespected her but he's still my brother.

"Your little group stole our seats and didn't even acknowledge us when we were speaking to you" Alexander said angrily.

"I wonder why" Octavia finally spoke up, of course she had to say something sarcastic.
River trying to calm Alexander down, it's amusing to watch him get so worked because of a sarcastic girl.

"You need to stop showing her what makes you made and annoyed you are literally setting your self up" River whisper shouted.

After River said that someone just walked through the front door, no knocking or announcing themselves. Octavia and the twins grin and jump out of their seats. I don't know who it could be so I run after her not wanting her to get hurt.

When I get to the living room I see Octavia has wrapped herself around Maxim, like a little kid. I laughed quietly but they all four heard me. They looked my way, my brothers and Killian behind me.

"Long time" Maxim says in acknowledgment.
"What the fuck is the Ex Russian Don doing in your living room with a bunch of teenagers hanging on him?" River says in an unbelievable tone.

"Do you see how you guys make me look? I'm supposed to be mean." Maxim says jokingly to his three kids.

"Everyone in the underworld knows i'm more ruthless than you and i'm the one who literally ran to you and jumped on you." Octavia said with an unbelievable look.

"Do they know?" Maxim asked looking at his kids.

"Yes papa, I told you. Octavia is becoming a softy because of Evang-" Zelda was saying but got cut off by Octavia smacking the back of her head. At that moment someone else walked in. "Octavia, what have I told you about scaring your siblings?" Anastasia said sternly.

Octavia jumped off Maxim and ran to Anastasia.

"Why the fuck is the Russian mafia and why is your girlfriend and her friends being all emotional and shit?" Alexander said very loudly.

Anastasia took off her shoe and threw it at his head "Stop being disrespectful and cursing you need to go wash that mouth out with soap." she said sternly and Alexander just looked at her like she was crazy. She was already turning around to love on the twins.

Octavia came back over to me and we went into the kitchen to get drinks. We sat down at the counter, her laying her head on my shoulder playing subway surfers and i'm just watching her play, laughing as she starts pouting when she dies.

Her phone rings and it's her Biological father I can only hear what she's saying as the call isn't on face time or speaker.

"No we didn't go"

"You can't dictate everything we do, maybe if you hadn't of brought me to that dinner, I wouldn't have left."

"I'm not coming back to that house right now, I'll be back late tonight."

With that she hung up, rubbing her face.

"Let's go to lunch" she says while looking up.

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