Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Kono...


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Naruto gets dropped off into the woods by a Shinobi. Left for dead, he finds a family willing to teach archer... Еще

Lost in the Woods
Missing Child in Konoha!
Training with the New Family
Return to Konoha
New Home and Friends?
Genin Team assigned Final Test
Mitzuki's Demise
Missions and Preparation for the Wave
Land of Waves Part 1 (Nothing is as it seems)
Land of Waves Training
Land of Waves Final Confrontation
Back to the leaf!
Nominated for the Chunin Exams!
Chunin Exams Part 1
Chunin Exams: Forest of Death
Preliminaries: Sizing up the Composition
End of the Preliminaries!
Jiriaya the Toad Sage
End of Fate Beginning of War
Konoha Crush
Death of the Professor
The Sanin Has a Request!
Finding the Missing Sannin
Old Lady Tsunade!
Home at Last
War Against Sound!
Victory Against the Sound
New God of Shinobi: Return of Naruto
Surpassing the Leaf!
Bad News From the Sand 🍋
Jinchuriki's Bonds
Celebrating Victory
Battle at the Temple
Regroup! The Enemies are Moving
Threat Realized
I've Always Fought Alone
Over confident Enemies
Snake versus Toad
Dark Side of the Soul

Land of Waves Part 2 (Building Trust)

1.3K 34 9

Mito dodged the blade of a Zabuza clone. Swinging her tanto at the man's chest. Kicking her, he sent the girl flying into the air but before he could land a finishing blow an arrow struck his neck. The clone burst into water splashing onto the ground.

"Impressive, let's see about this." Three more clones appeared. Naruto moved quickly. Joining Mito, he ran jumping with an arrow already in place. Firing he hit one clone before it could react. The second and third we're about to strike him when both froze in place. Mito slashed one while Naruto stabbed the other with an arrow destroying both.

"Thanks Shika!" Naruto yelled back at his friend who just smiled. "Yeah No problem."

Another clone suddenly appeared between Mito and Naruto. Before anyone could react it slashed Naruto sending the Jinchuriki flying backwards. Seeing her friend get hit, Mito charged at the clone. Even though it was fast something happened. It seemed as if time slowed down around her.

Shikamru watched as Mito's eyes changed color for the first time. Seeing her move with the sharingan was incredible. Shaking his head from the awe he noticed that Naruto was gone. "Damn blond."

Zabuza started to re-adjust to the little Uchiha. Pushing her back, he dodged a slash going for his head leaving an opening to her chest. Using his knee he hit her. The force knocking the wind out of her. Dropping down she saw the shadow going past her and grabbing the clone.

"Mito! Naruto now!" Mito pulled out a Kunai destroying the clone. Naruto seeing the opening fired from the tree he was hidden in. As the arrow flew he pulled a hand sign, "Multi-Shadow Arrow Jutsu!"

As the arrow passed Mito it turned into six arrows. Shocked Zabuza barely managed to dodge the attack. What he hadn't seen however was a seventh arrow that had been fired right after.

The explosive tags on the arrow went off. Using his sword to block a majority of the blast, Zabuza was thrown back skipping across the surface of the water. Burns covered his hands and shoulders above his arm warmers.

"Good job everyone." Kakashi stood facing the enemy Nin. Zabuza glared at the copy cat with rage. "Damn, I lost concentration."

Kakashi laughed, "Please. You didn't lose concentration. They forced you to let go."

Zabuza started running through hand seals. Firing off water bullets only for Kakashi to do the same. 'How is he doing this?!'

Taking advantage of the slight delay Zabuza attacked the Shinobi. Team 7 Formed back up and watched in amazement as the two assassins attempted to destroy each other. Up until Kakashi created a water vortex and smashed Zabuza into a tree.

Before the man could recover he was hits by nearly a dozen arrows. Two to each shoulder, two to each leg and one in each arm. Looking at the blond Bowman, he noticed he only had three arrows left. "Sorry had to make sure you couldn't get up."

Shikamru shook his head and Mito just laughed. Zabuza looked at the blond and sighed, "How the hell did this happen, a fucking bow and arrow."

Kakashi walked up, "Well time to die Zabuza." As he was about to strike at the man's, blood exploded from the back of Zabuza's neck.

Naruto drew an arrow and both Mito and Shika jumped up ready for a fight. "Thank you. I've been hunting him for some time. Finding an opportunity has been quite troublesome."

Looking over the boy in front of them, Naruto felt off by him. "Why didn't you go for him sooner then?" Shikamaru didn't relax either. Mito did but she wanted to see how this played out. She knew Naruto had a great intuition and Shikamaru was a genius.

"You're a hunter Nin from Kiri are you not?" Kakashi covered his eye again. "Yes I've been tracking him for a few weeks now. I will take his body thank you."

In an instant they were gone. Naruto put his arrow away, "Sensei, he was no older then us?" Kakashi looked down at his student, "Yes, you must remember. Our world is cruel. Something your no stranger of Naruto."

Both Mito and Shikamaru looked at their friend curiously, "There are people in this world younger then you but stronger than me." Looking over at Tazuna Kakashi nodded, "Come on. We better get going."

Before they all could leave Kakashi calapsed unconscious. "How troublesome. Naruto can you create some clones to carry him?" Smiling Naruto created three clones. Two carried their sensei and one gathered any arrows that could be recovered.

Arriving at Tazuna's home they were met by his daughter Tsunami. "Please follow me, we have a spare room." The clones followed suit.

"Naruto." Looking at Shikamaru, he noticed the boys serious face, giving him a warm feeling in his chest that he shook off. "Your our best scout. Create as many clones as you need and make sure everything around the house is secure."

Nodding Naruto headed back out the front door. Creating thirty more clones, "Scout the area."

"Yes Boss!" In about all the clones disappeared. Looking at Mito, Naruto smiled, "I'll be back!" With that he was gone to.

Walking into the house, Mito made her way to their sensei's bed side. Shikamaru was already there. Looking down at Kakashi she couldn't look away from his eye.

"You are wondering about his sharingan aren't you?" Mito looked at her friend and nodded. "It is our clans doujutsu. I heard stories about him. Many in the clan dispise him because he stole a sharingan. But he is allowed to keep it because he is a friend and mentor to our clan Head Itachi."

"When he wakes you can ask him. I'd like to know as well. Not to mention Naruto." Mito looked at Shikamaru again, "What do think it is with him?"

Letting out a sigh, Shikamaru leaned back in his chair, "Think about it. He leaves the village when we are all little. Gets insane training and then comes back. Plus you see how the villagers look at him."

"Yeah, I know. I have a feeling I know what you're thinking. The Fourth killed it." Mito crossed her arms and scowled. "Besides it's not the only reason is it?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Shikamaru looked up at his friend as she made her way to the door, "You should just own up to your feelings already. I know your lazy but he is to dense to figure it out."

With that Mito left Shikamaru with his thoughts, 'Do I have a crush on him? Damn this is a drag. I am going to be a clan head, I have to marry a girl.'

Naruto made sure to set small barrier seals around the property. They could easily be tripped but it would give him a heads up to any threats that may come their way.

Heading back to the house he thought about what they had discussed the previous day. He really wants to tell them but what if they hate him to. Fighting Zabuza was tough though. He knew that one wrong move would have ended any of their lives. 'I can tell them maybe why I left.'

When he arrived back everyone had already eaten and headed to bed. He sent clones to patrol and went to Shikamaru's room. Laying on the floor next to his friend. Exhaustion hit him like a wave. Darkness enveloped him quickly.

Opening his eyes the world came back into view. Shikamaru was already gone out of the room. Standing up he was dreading the conversation he was going to have with his team. Searching the house he found both Mito and Shika with Kakashi in his room.

"You all did good while I was out thank you. Oh Naruto! Bout time you joined us." The man gave him a one eyed smile.

Looking down at Mito Kakashi noticed she seemed hesitant, "Mito, what's wrong?" Looking at her sensei she clenched her fists before asking, "How do you have a Sharingan?"

Sighing the man pulled up his hiate for his team to see, "This was a gift from a friend." Pushing it back down he continued, "Long ago we were in a mission. One of our teammates got captured by enemy ninja. We decided to follow them and rescue her. Except there was a cave in. I lost my eye and he was crushed. He wanted me to have it, so he could see my future with his eye."

Sitting down behind his friends Naruto thought about what was just said. They were a team just like Mito, Shika and himself. Grabbing his pants legs he pushed through his fear, " Um while we are telling each other things. I have something to tell you guys."

Both Shikamaru and Mito turned around and looked at the blond. Though he wouldn't look up at them, "I um, I didn't leave the village. I was left outside the village to die."

That had gotten both Shikamaru and Mito's eyes opened in shock, "I was being hunted by villagers and they almost had me. Except two Anbu saved me. I ran away when they were forcing the villagers away before another Anbu grabbed me."

Finally looking up they saw tears filling his blue eyes, "I woke up and he left me in a forest with no food or water hoping I would die. Eventually Kenshi found me and took me in. Even risking his family."

"Why were the villagers hunting you Naruto?" Looking into Mito's eyes he suddenly had cotton mouth. He wanted to tell them but he couldn't.

"Is it because the Kyuubi was sealed into you?" Making eye contact with Shikamaru, he suddenly felt light headed. He just nodded in response as tears flowed from his eyes. Mito wrapped her arms around him, "I'm sorry Naruto."

Shikamru followed suit and hugged his two friends, "You don't need to worry about us Naruto." For the first time since he was a little kid he cried. But now instead of fear or sadness it was of joy. The same joy he had when Kenshi and Sara adopted him.

After a few minutes of crying Naruto looked up at his friends and smiled, "Thanks guys. Your amazing."

Mito punched his shoulder, "We're a team loser. Of course we are." Chuckling Naruto nodded while Shikamaru furrowed his brows, "Do the villagers still hunt you?"

Shaking his head, "No they don't. That was the last fox hunt. Beside now I can scare them away myself." Looking into Naruto's eyes Shikamaru looked for any hint of a lie and saw none from his friend.

"Well now that confessing is over, we don't have a lot of time. We will start training before Zabuza returns." All three Genin froze. Kakashi chuckled when looking at his team, "I have a strong feeling that was his accomplise. We will find out I'm sure. For now let's get started."

Team 7 followed Kakashi to a small wooded area behind the house. "Naruto would you please come here." Curiously Naruto walked over to his sensei.

"Now we will be working on chakra control for the two of you. So you will be climbing trees." Mito and Shikamaru looked at Kakashi like he was crazy and Naruto couldn't help but smile. " Without your hands."

"What no way not possible." Mito crossed her arms defiantly. Shikamaru just started mumbling. "Naruto."

"Hai!" Proceeding to walk straight up the tree. Naruto chuckled at his friends expressions while he hung up side down. "You need to mold charka in the he balls of your feet. If you put to much in you'll break the bark and if you don't put enough you'll fall off."

Shikamaru sighed but submitted to the training. Mito was excited to get started. After those two started Kakashi pulled Naruto aside, "So, Naruto. I know you know water walking as well. After talking to your father I want to start with elemental jutsu. Something that will help you long and short ranged."

Kakashi brought out a peice of paper and handed it to the blond, "Push you chakra into this." Complying, Naruto pushed his chakra into it. The paper ripped in half, confused Naruto looked at his sensei. "You have the wind element. Extremely rare, especially in Konoha. The only true Wind user being Asuma Sarutobi."

"So I'll have to wait?" Disappointment showed through on the jinchuriki's face. Giving him an eye smile and ruffling his hair Kakashi chuckled, "No but we will start the process. Make a clone please."

Handing the clone another piece of paper. The clone looked down and was immediately destroyed by Kakashi, "What did the clone read?"

Naruto looked at him in astonishment as the memory hit him, "Four. How is that, what?!"

"Shadow clones can transfer memories to the original. This can speed training immensely. Unfortunately I believe only an Uzumaki can truly use it." Naruto tilted his head at his sensei, "What do you mean?"

"Well you need huge chakra reserves. Even though you didn't fully inherit your mother's reserves your are still higher then anyone in the village. Minato had strong reserves as well. What's the most clones you can make?"

Thinking for a moment he assumed he could make close to a thousand if he really wanted to, "I think just shy of a thousand but they are pretty weak." Kakashi tried to hide his shock but calmed himself, "Think Naruto that is without the Kyuubi amp. We are going to use three hundred clones to master the element. By my calculations you should be able to use it and maybe a couple jutsu before they return."

Smiling Naruto punched his fist to his hand, "Hell yea! Let's get started!"

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