Bad News From the Sand 🍋

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Smut warning ahead of time! I have it marked so you can skip if needed!

Waking up the next morning Naruto was greeted by Shikamaru in the kitchen. Seeing his boyfriend made him feel beyond happy, "Shika! He pulled him into a hug. Separating he kissed him, "What are you doing here so early?"

"I thought we could go on a date. Seeing how we don't have any plans." Naruto chuckled, "Sounds great!"

Sara walked in and looked between the boys, "You two heading out?" Naruto gave his mom a massive grin, "Yup! We are going on a date."

"Okay have fun! Don't make me have the safe sex talk with you." Naruto felt himself turn beat red, "MOM!" he could hear his dad laughing from the living room.

Pulling the blushing Shikamaru out of the house and into the village he made sure not to make eye contact. Getting outside and down the road he let out a sigh, "Sorry Shika. That was so embarrassing."

"It's okay." He said trying to keep the image of a naked Naruto out of his mind. "So what do you want to do?"

"Figured we could go eat and then see where the day takes us." Naruto grinned, "that sounds great."

Heading to a little curry shop they sat down to eat. The young woman running the counter saw them and waved, "Oh my god you're the demon boy!"

Naruto prepared to leave but she stepped out from the counter, "You saved my husband's life during the Chunin exams. We were only dating than but I never thought I'd be able to thank you."

With a soft smile Naruto bowed back, "I'm just glad I could help." She hugged him before going back, "So what can I do for you boys?"

"Well we are on a date so we were just going to eat some lunch together." Looking at the Nara and then back at him she grinned, "You and the Nara heir! Oh my god so cute!"

Picking what they wanted both boys found a table and waited. Shikamaru filled him in on some of the missions heissed and Naruto told him about his insane training.

"So tell me about your sage mode?" He asked between bites. Naruto smiled, "Safe mode isy strongest technique so far. It drastically increases my speed, strength,cand durability. I've practiced enough I can gather the nature chakra quickly. My sensory abilities and Ninjutsu increase even further. I also can sense attacks and the kind of attack. I also don't have to actually hit you to do damage. If I don't hold back I can kill a person with a punch."

"So you were already overpowered and now you're damn near unstoppable. Troublesome blond." Shikamaru shook his head but had a fond smile.

"Not like you and Mito have been slacking. I heard you guys took down a squad missing Nin." Shikamaru looked at his boyfriend, "You heard about that?"

"Of course I've kept tabs on you " Naruto said with a devilish grin, "I believe they described their saviors as a beautiful young Uchiha and a quietly sexy shadow user."

Shikamaru wasn't able to hide his blush,"Well now that we are done eating what do you want to do now?"

"Cloud watch on the Hokage Monument?" Shikamaru grinned, "Sounds great."

Making their way up to the Hokage monument they got closer and closer as they got to the top. Laying on their back their bodies touched while they relaxed and watched the clouds.

🍋 ⚠️ Smut ⚠️🍋
Naruto was very aware of his boyfriends body. Looking over he saw his beautiful face. The prominent jaw line and his hair tied back. Looking down his body his vest and combat pants left much to the imagination.

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