Battle at the Temple

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Naruto sat in bed with Shikamaru sleeping beside him. Grabbing his clothes he got himself dressed smiling to himself as he looked over Shikamaru's body again before walking out of the room.

Standing on the roof of the Kazekage building he looked out to the Sand village were going to be leaving in the morning. He was excited and annoyed going back. Naruto loves the Leaf village. Though being in a place that didn't look at him on suspicion was soothing.

"You're thinking to hard Naruto." Turning around he saw Gaara walking out with a small smile. Chuckling Naruto looked back to the village, "I'm just thinking about home. How different your village treats me compared to the Leaf citizens."

"Give them time Naruto. You have done more for them then they know. Making allies and slowing the possiblity of war." Naruto grinned, "Yeah I guess so."

"First time I've seen you and Shikamaru truly together." Naruto felt his cheeks warm, "You guys are cute enough to send Shukaku into a rage."

Naruto couldn't hold back his laugh, "Thanks Gaara. He is amazing." Shikamaru's face pooped into his head, "He is amazing you know. Stronger then he knows. Smarter then anyone I've ever met. A long with being the most handsome guy I've ever seen."

"You make being so smitten sound amazing." Gaara crossed his arms and looked to the sky fondly, "Yeah to bad you ace huh?"

Gaara's laughed, "I can still fall in love you know." Naruto smiled, "Yeah I know."

"NARUTO!" Pukkon appeared seemingly out of knowhere, "Kakashi and Asuma are in danger. They are engaging Danzo and the Akatsuki. They are after a monk boy with Nine Tails chakra."

"Where at?!" Naruto turned to go, "At the Temple of Fire." Running down stairs he kicked his temporary room door open. Shikamaru shot up, Naruto what are yo-"

"No time. Kakashi and Asuma are up against the Akatsuki. We need to go now." Shikamaru jumped out of bed before remembering he was still naked, "Shut the door and get Mito you damn blond."

After getting Mito they all met at the roof. Grabbing onto Naruto's shoulder's he felt out. Finally pinging Kakashi's mark they disappeared from Sand. Arriving in the middle of a battlefield. Three ROOT members were on top of them only to be stopped by Shikamaru's shadows. Before they could react Mito cut them all down her sharingan blazing.

"Naruto! A powerful ninja went to the temple. The only person standing in his way is a ninja monk named Chiriku. Go we will hold them off."

"Right! Mito cover Kakashi! Shikamaru get to Asuma and help him!" Shikamaru's and Naruto both moved in opposite directions while Mito twirled her blade, "Time to avenge the clan."

Kakashi activated his Raikiri. In a flash both ninja were on top of the enemy ninja. Barely dodging the attack from Kakashi he managed to block Mito, "I'm impressed."

Unwrapping his own eye and evil grin grew on his face, "This will be fun." In a flash he re-engaged. Kakashi spun a Kunai in his hand as Danzo's tanto clashed between them. In his time with the Akatsuki he had become much more powerful.

Lightning formed around Mito's katana as she engaged. He was skilled but she was better. Slashing his chest gave Kakashi and opening sending a Raikiri into his chest. Only as his body hit the ground two massive air bullets hit where she stood making her fly back.

Kakashi though was already on to of the traitor. Several more enemy Anbu landed. Mito jumped up throwing shiruken and kunai at them several hit their mark killing two of the ninja. Appearing behind another she stabbed him in the back.

Rolling Mito fired a fire ball insinuating another. Grinning she jumped back dropping into a fighting stance. The three remaining ninja stood across from her as she chuckled to herself, 'What weaklings.'

Naruto Uzumaki:Archer of Konoha حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن