My Emir ✅

By bookcounter

31.2K 2.7K 324

Arewa Emirates, Glitz and glamour, Culture, Family, Tradition, Principles, and lying beneath, lurking in the... More

Author's note.
Chapter one- Case
Chapter 2- Stranger
Chapter 3- Run
Chapter 4- Pure Malice
Chapter 5- Safe.
Chapter 6- It's on
Chapter 7- Double Trouble
Chapter 8- The attack
Chapter 9- Just a pawn
Chapter 10-Third wheel
Chapter 11- Dejá vù?
Chapter 13- How far?
Chapter 14- Wedding night flop.
Chapter 15- Royal Wahala
Chapter 16- Those eyes
Chapter 17- Yearning hearts
Chapter 18- Arcane
Chapter 19- Boundaries
Chapter 20- Checkmate
Chapter 21- Surprises
Author's note
Chapter 22- Past like the sword
Chapter 23 - Selfish
Chapter 24- Anonymous
Chapter 25 - Colours of love
Chapter 26- Calm before the storm
Chapter 27- The fall
Chapter 28- Man down
Chapter 29- Sunshine
Chapter 30- Glad tidings
Chapter 31- Halal delivery
Chapter 32- Our angel
Chapter 33- Crossroads
Chapter 34- Days
Chapter 35- Mess
Chapter 36- Void
Chapter 37- Veils off.
Chapter 38- Mistakes
Chapter 39-Broken bonds
Chapter 40- Home sweet home.
Chapter 41- Bliss
Chapter 42- Couture
Chapter 43- Smiles and Tears
Chapter 44- The inevitable
Chapter 45- Preparations
Chapter 46- Brighter side.
Chapter 47- Forever his.
Chapter 48- Eyes don't lie.
Chapter 49- Khalifa
Chapter 50- Finale
Bonus Chapter.

Chapter 12- Wedding party

560 51 4
By bookcounter

    "Zayn?" He heard his sister call out to him as she entered the walk-in closet. He then turned to look at her.
She might have heard him clatter about in distress.

   " What's wrong,Zainny?" She asked,a frown marring her forehead, which mirrored his expressions.

" Nothing much. I'm just looking for something." He lied, fixing his expressions in the process. She might have been drawn into the walk-in closet when she heard him groan and probably,the sound of his phone crashing against the wall.

    Yasmeen didn't believe the answer her brother had given her so she stood still in the door frame of the closet, eyes narrowed at him, starring the hell out of him to see if for once,if his resolve will someway, somehow waver. She only wanted him to admit that what he just told her was a lie.

   She sighed after giving up trying to pursue him.
" You can't keep pretending you are fine when we know you are not." She said, closing up to him after taking a few steps.
She then brought up a hand to cup his cheeks, leaving him with no other option but to fully direct his gaze towards her.
She knew very well,what he had gone through after Khayra's death and that,he feared the same thing might happen to Mariya.
" It's okay not to be okay sometimes. If this has got to do with Mariya encountering the same thing that had happened to Khayra,then you have got nothing to worry about. Just trust Allah. He's not cruel to let the same thing happen to Mariya. Besides, worrying won't help."

      Zayn nodded, confirming the validity of his sister's words. It's been long since he heard his sister make such impactful speeches. The university she attended seemingly fits her very well.

    The moment was interrupted by the ringing of Zayn's phone that was lying somewhere in the huge closet. He had even forgotten about it for the time being.
  He made his way to pick up his phone and was relieved to see Mariya's name as the caller ID that glared from his phone's screen. The screen was shattered in a few areas due to the harsh impact that was created earlier.

   " I'm sorry. I missed your calls. My phone was in my room while I was downstairs", Came Mariya's apologetic voice,as soon as the call got connected.

   " C'mon. There's no need for an apology. I only called to check up on you. How are you doing,by the way?"

"Alhamdulillah." She remarked." I was quite engrossed, preparing myself for the big event. How are the preparations going on your end?"

  "It's all good. Then I'll leave you to continue whatever you were doing,since I only called to check on you. See you tomorrow, In Shaa Allah." Zayn stated and then ended the call after exchanging a few pleasantries with her.

    That 'In Shaa Allah' was must.

  He brought up a hand to his temple to massage away the slight headache that was building up in his head, releasing a small sigh in the process.
He got worked out for nothing.

    Yasmeen snapped her fingers at him, making him swivel his head towards her.
" I told you she's doing just fine." She stated the obvious.

  " I know but I wanted to be sure." Zayn explained, trying to justify his actions. He really can't afford to loose someone like Mariya.

   " You and your trust issues..." Yasmeen rolled her eyes at her brother." __ match made in hell." She added,and then quickly but steady,she made her way out of the walk-in closet. The aim was to annoy him and now the goal has been achieved, she's got to sign out before he pounces on her because he clearly looked pissed by her statement.

   Mission accomplished.

    Eyes narrowed into tiny slits at his sister's retreating figure, Zayn shook his head in disappointment. When will this girl change? Annoying him must be etched down somewhere as part of her daily routine. Next time, he'll sell her away if possible.


   Mariya covered herself with her comfy duvet, preparing herself for a good night's sleep. She brought up a hand to the lamp that sat on the bedside table and dimmed the lights in a way that her room wasn't too dark or too bright.
Just the perfect amount of light to match the rainy weather outside her room. Right now, she's only enjoying the comfort she deserves.

   In less than twenty-four hours, she's going to be married to Zayn. Not just any Zayn but the Ashraf-Malik one. Come to think of it, it's all so overwhelming. She'll have to fully prepare for what's ahead of her, not only physically but mentally too because first of all,after becoming Mr.s Ashraf- Malik, she's automatically going to be dragged into the limelights of the Emirates since she's the wife of the crown prince of the Emirates.

So of course,the people would want to know about her,not to talk about the fact that Zayn Ashraf-Malik holds an influential position in the business world of Nigeria and far beyond its territory.
The man, though still in his youth,has managed to find himself an influential spot in the international business world __ something the previous Malik predecessors couldn't achieve so definitely,eyes are bound to be on him. Albeit, he's already used to that attention.

    The Emirates of Kano is currently living its predecessor's dreams. The dream of making Kano a safe and peaceful place to live in. A dream of improved technology and advanced amenities.
Along with perfect coordination with the civil service,the Emirates,through the hard work and dedication of the royal family and it's people, thrives with little trouble.

    Now the problem is,she doubts she will be able to handle perfectly, the responsibility of the people as the wife of their future Emir.

No worries,though. She'll make sure to prepare herself before she reached there. For now, she'll just leave everything in the hands of God.


    Glamour, wealth and fame,all being  showcased at the grand walima of the century.
  The nikkah had already taken place a few hours ago in a mosque near the palace,and it's time to set the walima rolling__ in other words,the wedding reception.
The venue was set at a grand hall in one of the hotels own by Eskander. Taking a good look at the hall,one could only imagine the amount of money that was invested in the place to make it that beautiful. The traditional Hausa essence only added to the beauty of the place.

    The hall was filled with Emirs from other sultanates who are allies to Kano, family and friends if the bride and groom, invited guests and a handful of children who were running about in the hall.
Though the reason for the event was to celebrate the marriage of the newly wedded couple, a few invited business tycoons have deemed it a perfect opportunity to try to strike business deals with the Malik Industries, considering the company's recent achievements in the business world. It's quite a normal thing to see business men and women expand their companies by trying make allies anywhere they find themselves.

They like to strike while the iron is hot__ a worthy example.

   The hall that was once filled with chatter and laughter if people, went silent when Mariya made her entrance, making way for the nasheed that was faded by the chatter of the people, softly engulf the hall once again.
   Zayn who was speaking to the Emir of Katsina and his father also turned in the direction of the entrance to see the long awaited star of the night.
She's always been beautiful but she looked more breathtaking at the moment.

     Forgetting the caliber of people surrounding him,he found himself ogling at his wife who was scanning through the hall for the sight of him amidst the blinding flashes of cameras that were being directed to her.

  " Stop ogling and go get her." His father whispered to him, promoting him to do what needs to be done.

    Excusing himself from the company of his father and the other Emir,he went ahead to meet Mariya who was being escorted by Fareeda and Nazeera, Emraan's wife.

    After making his way halfway through the hall where Mariya was,he extended a hand for her to hold onto, which she did. Taking calculated steps,he guided her to a seat that was assigned to the both of them.

    Truth be told,the walima only got better after Mariya had arrived. This event is surely going to be the talk of the town for months to come,not to talk about the bride price that was given to Mariya __ it's a whole fortune.

    For both families,it was a sight to behold, seeing Mariya engulfed in Zayn's arms, moving their bodies slowly to the traditional song playing on the background. Though they were forced by their mothers to dance,they admittedly,are enjoying the moment while it still lasts.
The two have made it their aim in life  to make the couple bond up as a single entity.

  " Shall I speak the truth." Zayn questioned Mariya,while the moment lasted. " Something I've been meaning to say for a quite a long time."

" Yes. Go ahead " Mariya answered,unsure of what he was going to say.

" You are breathtakingly beautiful,you are."
Yes. He truly meant that. By the way, what's wrong in praising his wife?

   Thank Allah for melanin, otherwise, someone would have been flushed red, blushing.

   " Well... I'd be lying if I say that you look any less handsome." Mariya complicated him without meeting his gaze, making Zayn chuckle at her blushing self.

  The reception had wound down a few hours into the event, leaving the hall less occupied, unlike before.

   Mariya was seated at a table, chatting and taking memorable pictures with Nazeera,Saratu, Yasmeen,her sister and a few other women. She was aware of the occasional glances that were being sent her way,by people who don't agree on her getting married into the royal family. Guess what? She's already Mr.s Ashraf-Malik.

Zayn had told her to simply ignore them and that's exactly what she's doing at the moment but where is Zayn?

   She scanned the hall once again but Zayn was nowhere to be found. She needed to see him as soon as possible.
Emraan,Eskander and Fareed weren't around too so she concluded that she might be together somewhere.

    As if on cue,a woman approached them and introduced herself as an escort,sent by Zayn to escort Mariya to the VIP lounge of the hotel, saying he wants to meet her there, urgently.
  Mariya excused herself from the group and headed towards the VIP lounge with the woman. Already, she's got a lot to tell him.


    Unlike  the other wings if the hotel,this  particular hallway she found herself walking through, with the escort in front of her,seemed completely deserted.
No sign of any soul apart from the two of them.
This made her wonder why Zayn had chosen to meet her at such a place. 

For all she knows,the reception has almost come to an end and in her view,it is time to get going. For once,
she doubted the fact that Zayn is actually waiting somewhere in the VIP lounge.
  Why would he call her to such a place at all?

   "Are you sure the crown prince is in the VIP lounge?" Mariya asked the escort,who seemed to do nothing else but her job which was to get Mariya to the lounge.

   " Yes, we are almost there." She answered with a polite smile.

      A few steps ahead,they bumped into a man,clad in a white three-piece hausa traditional clothing and he looked oddly familiar.

    Who is this so familiar stranger?

"I'm sorry." He apologized immediately, crouching low to pick up Mariya's purse which had dropped,as a result of the coalition. He also seemed to have recognized her when their eyes met, during the very moment he was handing her purse over to her.

" I suppose you are Zayn's wife, right?" The stranger asked,in an attempt to confirm his instinctive thoughts.

"Yes..." Mariya dragged the the last letter in confusion, trying to figure out where she had seen this man before and the way he casually mentioned Zayn's name only proved that he was quite an acquaintance to Zayn.

   " Congratulations,then. I'm Sa'eed. Glad to finally make your acquaintance." He beamed ." I must say, I'm at ease knowing that you are the one Zayn got married to."

  His final words confused her more. He knows her enough to conclude that she's a good match for Zayn, which only confirms the fact that she's seen him somewhere before. But where?

She's probably going through those mind teasing moments where you try fruitlessly to remember something,
only for it to pop up in your thoughts at an irrelevant moment.

   "... Uhhh, thank you." She managed to say, amidst the many thoughts running through her head.

  " I'll see you in a while." He flashed her a smile before leaving.

Wait... this guy is messing with her head. See her in a while,for what? Kind of creepy

She's supposed to be in Zayn's house in a while.

   And also,she didn't fail to notice the brief glances her escort and Sa'eed shared before they went their ways.

Something about it didn't seem right _at all.

Sa'eed seemed oddly familiar yet she couldn't figure out where or when  she even saw him in the first place. And there's something about that look he shared with her assigned escort before he left.

It carried a message __ one that she should have heeded to. Heck,she didn't even get the chance to crack the message.

   Her train of thought were cut short when someone grabbed her by the neck and pressed a plain handkerchief,which was slightly soaked with chloroform to her nose.

She tried to fight her way out of the person's tight grip but she only strangled herself in the process,due to the person's tight grip on her neck.

She couldn't see the person,as he had attacked from behind, however, judging from the size of his arm and that of the body pressed behind her,she could conclude that the man is the bouncer type__ bulky.
Could be Goliath's descendant.

There was no space to fight her way out. The handkerchief was pressed  to her nose and mouth so tightly that she couldn't even scream for help. Her screams came out as suppressed muffles.
   There was no hope that someone would hear her. Not Zayn? Or even the Sa'eed guy who just passed by? What about the escort? No one?


She could only feel her senses grow numb with every passing minute. From her blurred vision,she could see her supposed escort,scurrilously fish for something from her bag. She seemed anxious.

   What is this?!

   Her weakening senses only made it hard for her to fight her way out. She knows very well that she won't be able to get out of the bulky man's grip but she'll do her possible best to give him a hard time.

   Is this the end of her? Any help?!

     With the last bit of her senses,she knew it was over for her, when she saw that fraud of an escort fish out a pair of hand cuffs and handed it to the bulky man.

    After a few more minutes of struggling,Mariya unwillingly gave in to the numbing chemical.
Slowly, all her senses numbed away, leaving her in the mercy of the people who meant no good towards her,with no form of defense. Infact she was as limp as a rag.

       As good as dead.

Them never see me coming 😂
It's about to go down.

Hello,readers 😁

Another exciting update, though late.
I bet you didn't expect that.

Who's this Sa'eed guy and what does he want???

Okay,now I feel pity for Zayn .

Guysss,stick to the thrill to find out what comes next.

   Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHAREEE!!

See ya.


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