𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 | 𝐌𝐢𝐤�...

By plutoandmoon

336K 12.1K 3.6K

━━━ 'i can't wait to spend eternity with you' ┏ ┓ �... More

ACT ONE, season two
i. asgardian vodka hits different
ii. bucknasty?
iii. kiss him again?
iv. rich people problems
vi. bombs and pop tarts
vii. general dreykov
viii. it was real to me
ix. involuntary hysterectomies and dinner parties
ACT TWO, black widow
i. car chases and phone calls
ii. just human
iii. worried soulmates and open caskets
ACT THREE, destroyed in love
i. secret kisses
ii. attempted flirting
iii. dark rooms and locked doors*
iv. bite me*
v. salted coffees and sweet kisses*
vi. meeting room*
ACT FOUR, infinity war
i. new suit
ii. second thoughts
ACT FIVE, endgame
i. inevitable
ii. time travel
iii. hot tub time machine
iv. avengers! assemble
v. always and forever
ACT SIX, at last
i. lectured by a pervert
ii. scars*
iii. painted lines*
iv. honeypot mission*
v. stained red*
vi. the end

v. sir? or daddy?

13.9K 578 282
By plutoandmoon

 "He sucks. You suck slightly less," Mia told one of the boys on her team as they ran across the field. "Besides, Salvatore already left so I need you to take his place."

"What about Lockwood?" The blonde boy asked as he glanced around the field.

"We all know the only reason he's on the team is because his mom paid off the school."

"What about Greenberg?"

Mia glared at him, "I'm going to pretend you didn't even suggest that."

"He's not that bad..." He trailed off as he watched the Greenberg boy trip over a stick and land in a pile of mud, "Fine. I'll play."

The Avenger grinned, "Thank you. I'll tell Mr. Saltzman to give you an A on your next history project."

"Not an A plus?"

"Don't test your luck. Back on the field!"

As the boy ran away from her, another man joined her. She glanced up at him, taking in his short blonde hair and bright blue eyes before looking back at the field. "Klaus, I assume?"

"Smart girl. It's lovely to meet you, Mia."

Mia rolled her eyes, ignoring the pull she felt as she looked back up at him, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to meet you... in person that is."

She slowly nodded, "Well now you've met me. You can leave."

He smirked, "We both know you don't want that."

"You don't know anything."

His pink lips twisted into a smile as his fingers trailed up her arm, "I know many things, love. Now, one thing I don't know is what an Avenger is doing in Mystic Falls?"

She chuckled, "An Avenger? Please, I can hardly run across the field without being out of breath."

"It didn't look like that when you were fighting off aliens in New York three years ago."

"Aliens? You mean the attack on New York? I was stuck under rubble for hours that day. I couldn't possibly have fought with the Avengers," Mia argued in a hushed tone. She didn't need the entire football team to know who she was.

"It's okay, love. You don't need to lie to me," He reassured, "I would never compromise your little identity."

She breathed out deeply, "What do you want?"

"I wanted to meet you, Deyja. Now, did you enjoy having your friend's tongue down your throat?"


Mia scoffed, this again? "You know, it seems both you and your brother are quite stuck on that."

"With good reason, love."

"A good reason I have still yet to be informed off."

He grinned, "Soon, love."

— — —

"You do know I'm not a 5 year old, right, Natalia?" Mia asked the red-haired woman through her cellphones speaker as she walked inside the Salvatore boarding house, sending a small smile to Elijah as she sat beside him.

"I know, detka. That doesn't mean you don't act like one though."

"Whatever do you mean by that?" Mia asked as she tossed a knife between her fingers.

Elijah momentarily wondered where the knife had come from but chose to ignore it. It was almost mesmerizing the way the blade flipped between her fingers, not once cutting her ivory skin.

"Would you like me to go over Tony's list of reasons as to why you are a child? Starting with the time you blew yourself up and ending with the time you jumped out of a plane without a parachute?"

Mia sighed, "Yeah, alright, I'm a child. What did you call me for? Or did you just want to yell at me, sestra?"

"Is it so hard to believe I miss you? You did skip seeing me the last time you were home," Natasha teased.

"Considering the last time I saw you, you knocked me on my ass and then had me go on a honeypot mission, yeah."

Honeypot mission? Elijah wondered as he stared at the woman beside him. She clearly didn't care that he was listening to every word of her conversation.

"I thought you enjoyed those missions?" Natasha asked even though she knew everyone on the team hated them. They always had obscene targets and it was always an unenjoyable experience.

"I would rather have my heart ripped out of my chest before being force fed it than go on another, Tasha."

She could hear Natasha chuckle on the other line before speaking up, "Alright, I won't send you on another one for a few weeks. Tony was asking me when you were coming back next. Something about the mass amounts of fines you have..."

Mia frowned, "There's only two..."

"Hundred, Mia. Two hundred," She corrected. 

"He has the money. Consider it as compensation for making me deal with his stupid ass for the last seven years."

Stefan and Damon had joined them now, settling across the room as they sipped on their bourbon.

The younger of the Salvatores smiled, "Is that Tasha?" He mouthed to the Avenger who nodded.

"Stefan wants to say hi," She told the redhead before handing him the phone.

Elijah sent her a small smile, "Two hundred fines?"

Mia grinned, "237 if you're counting."

The Original smirked at her. She was so full of life.

Her accent was one of the many things that intrigued him. It had a hint of what appeared to be Russian yet he knew she was born in New York. Perhaps she had travelled to Russia as a child?

He still didn't fully understand her life, still piecing together the small pieces he knew of. He knew she was clearly not a normal human, the plane that looked as though it was from outer space was a dead giveaway.

However, whoever or whatever she was, he didn't care. All he cared about was that she was with him and safe.

A few seconds later Stefan handed her the phone back after he told her that Steve wanted to speak with her.

Mia sighed as she grabbed the phone and immediately heard Steve begin to yell, "You skipped the last debriefing!"

She glanced at Stefan as she held the phone away from her ear, "Why'd you call me here?" She asked after she muted her mic, still listening to Steve as he yelled through the small speaker.

"The sacrifice happens tonight," Elijah answered for them.

Mia nodded, "Super. Why am I here though?"

Stefan sighed as he stared at his best friend, "Does your friend know anything about reincarnation?"

She had to hold in a laugh at his question. Loki had faked his death more times than she could count. 

"Of course he does, Stefan. But you can't reincarnate humans without consequences. My advice would be to let Klaus kill her and then get a new girlfriend, maybe Caroline."

The Salvatore rolled his eyes at her suggestion, "No. Would he be willing to do it?"

"Loki? Willing to help a mortal? Did you take some of my vodka? You know you can't drink that stuff unless it's diluted."

His green eyes cast towards her, "You don't think he'd do it?"

"Stefan, the only thing Loki cares about are himself and Doritos. He will not reincarnate Elena even if you made a deal with him."

Elijah looked at her with a confused gaze, "Loki? As in the Norse god?"

Mia nodded casually, "Family friend... Sort of. But even he doesn't delve into that type of magic. When he dies it's all an illusion, he's never actually dead."

"Mia is right, reincarnation is dangerous. Most witches or... gods don't like to delve into such spells," Elijah further explained, earning nods from the two other vampires.

"Are you even listening, Mia?" She heard Steve ask through the phone.

"Sure," She answered as she moved to lay her head down in Elijah's lap, smiling at him as she did so. Butterflies erupted in his stomach at the action. He needed to control himself better, the Salvatores were beginning to notice his odd behaviour.

"Have you been keeping up with your training, doll?" Steve asked after he finished his lecture.

"Yes..." Mia trailed off. She had been doing some training, mostly with knives.



"Sleeping with Wanda is not cardio, Mia."

The Avenger smirked when she noticed the three vampires whip their heads toward her. "I know. That was just for fun, Stevie. Besides, I've been... jogging."

"You? Jogging? Mia the last time I took you for a run you ran to the churro place across the street and left me for three hours."

"At least I got you a churro. I thought you fossils were supposed to be nice."

"If I'm a fossil, Mia, what the hell are Stefan and Damon?"

"Easy. Dirt."

The two vampires sent glares to the Avenger. She had always teased them for their age, calling them elderly and helping them across the street.

One time, she caught Stefan going grocery shopping and took his bags from his arms, insisting that someone so old shouldn't carry such heavy bags. She didn't want him to put his back out.

She could practically see Steve roll his eyes at her words, "Alright, doll. Remember we have a meeting tomorrow at 2. Do not be late and please, for the love of god, show up."

"I'll think about it," Mia told him before hanging up, "Fucking old people," She muttered as she leaned into Elijah's thigh which was surprisingly comfortable.

Stefan rolled his eyes at her, "You do realize we are all older than Steve, right?"

"By the wrinkles on your face, it's not hard to tell, Stef," She told him, her eyes moving up to meet Elijah's amused ones. "What are you looking at, Grandma?"

He chuckled, "Grandma?"

She smirked, "Would you rather I call you daddy? Or are you a sir kinda guy?"

"Jesus Christ, Mia," Damon muttered as he leaned against the couch.

Mia shrugged, still staring at Elijah as she awaited his answer. "It's sir, isn't it, Lijah?"

His blush was enough to tell her she was right. She smirked as she sat up, sitting a little closer to his side as she did so.

"Did you only need me here to ask about Loki or did you want something else?" She asked after tearing her eyes away from the blushing Original.

"That's all. The sacrifice is tonight so you should stay home and keep your doors locked," Stefan told her as his eyes moved between her and the Original. He never thought he'd see the man blush yet here he was, his face practically red from Mia's teasing.

He didn't blame him. When Mia first met him, she had flirted quite a lot. She didn't even mean to, she just flirted on accident. 

It's one of the reasons why so many people had crushes on her. She had a way with words that made you fall instantly.

Mia nodded as she stood up, dusting herself off, "Alright then..." As she walked away she sent one last look at Elijah, smiling slightly at his flustered state, "See you around, Elijah."

As the girl left, Elijah's eyes never left the place she once stood. Stefan sighed as he stared at the Original, "Please don't tell me you have a thing for my best friend."

He didn't answer. His mind was so jumbled just by her scent, his thoughts full of her. Her voice practically rang through his ears like songbirds.

"For fucks sake," Stefan muttered under his breath as he stared at the slightly dazed Original.

— — —

"Mia! You actually showed up," Steve said in a surprised voice as she entered the call.

The blonde girl rolled her eyes as she stared at the man through the screen, "You had Tony threaten to turn off my power, Steven. Of course I showed up."

The star-spangled man grinned as the rest of the team filled the room, "Guess I'll have to do that more often."

"Alright, team!" He clapped his hands together as he spoke in a voice that was far too enthusiastic.

Mia had to hold in a groan. She was so tired and her bed was right beside her.

"Mia! I see you looking at your bed. Don't you dare go back in it!"

The blonde rolled her eyes, "I wasn't gonna do it... I was just thinking about it."

"Well stop thinking," Steve told her with a slightly amused look as the rest of the team tried their best not to laugh.

They really did miss having her around. From her jokes to just her presence, it felt like something was missing.

To be fair, they had been around her for many years. This was the first time they were away from her for longer than a couple of days.

They all knew that she liked it in Mystic Falls though.

Sure, they were surprised when she became a coach for the local football team, but they understood it when she told them it was entirely to make fun of teenage boys without getting arrested.

"Alright. Mia, Buck, what did you find on your last mission?"

"Found out Bucky's a terrible kisser," Mia muttered under her breath. Bucky smirked, "You loved it, dollface."

She rolled her eyes, "We didn't find out anything. Nothing suspicious was going on. It was just a regular art gala."

"So why'd you spend a million dollars on a painting?" Asked Tony with a small smile as he stared at the young blonde through the monitor.

"It was a really pretty painting. You should see it. Maybe you could commission the artist to make some for the tower, get rid of Peter's finger paintings."

Peter's head whipped towards her, "I thought you liked my finger paintings?"

She smiled, "I love them, Pete."

Steve glanced through his papers before he spoke up once again, "Well since that mission was a bust, Nat and I will be flying out to Amsterdam to check out another gala. Is that alright, Tasha?"

The redhead nodded, not looking up from the table as she filed her nails.

"Dismissed. Mia, you're free to go back to bed."

The blonde grinned widely as she left the call before diving straight into her bed.

— — —

She had been asleep for over twenty four hours when a knock sounded on her front door.

She yawned as she sat up, trying to remember whether she ordered pizza in her sleep filled haze.

Another knock came from the door not even a moment later, this one a little louder. "I know you're in there, love!" She heard a British voice yell.

Mia groaned as she laid back down, "Fuck off, Klaus," She whispered knowing he would hear her.

"Not happening, love," He shouted back as he patiently waited at her door.

She breathed out deeply, he wasn't going to leave. She slowly moved out of her bed before walking towards the door and opening it, "What do you want?"

He smiled when she came into view. Her hair was a mess, and she was wearing Spiderman pyjamas. He assumed the hero himself gifted them to her.

"Well, aren't you a sight?" He teased, not taking his eyes off her.

Mia rolled her eyes. She didn't overly care that she looked like a mess, if anything she had hoped it would deter him.

That obviously didn't work when he continued to stand in her doorframe with a fond smile on his face.

"How was your little ritual? Are you a dog now?" She asked as she walked back into her home and turned on her kettle.

Luckily for him, she had an open kitchen which meant he could watch her every move from her doorway and he couldn't help but notice the painting hanging on her wall along with multiple finger paintings on her fridge. 

"Lovely piece of art you got there," He commented with a small smirk on his face.

She turned her head slightly, "Yeah. Why do you sound so proud?"

"Because I was the one who painted it."

She rolled her eyes, "Of course you did. No wonder it was so expensive."

He smiled as he watched her make a cup of coffee before walking back to the doorway, "I could pay you back if you'd like."

"What are you? My sugar daddy?" She teased as she sipped on her coffee.

Klaus smiled widely, "No, but I can be."

"What a tempting offer," Mia told him in a sarcastic tone. "Why are you here? Or was it just to boast about your art?"

He adjusted himself against the wall, "I heard you and the younger Salvatore are friends..."

She nodded silently.

"He and I are going on a trip of sorts. Would you like to come?"

"What's in it for me?"

"I won't kill your best friend?"

She stared at him.

"I won't kill your best friend and I'll let you have my credit card?"

She smiled, "Okay. How long is this trip?" She asked as she walked further inside her apartment and disappeared into her bedroom.

"You can stay as long as you like. The deal with Stefan is a decade. But you are free to come and go."

Ten minutes later, the blonde walked out of her bedroom with a black bag and a silver case. "If you hurt, Stefan, I'll break off an extra large branch of white oak, wrap it in vervain, roll it in wolfsbane and shove it up your freakin-"

"I get it, love. Thank you for the lovely visual."

Mia smiled as she walked out of her apartment, locking the door behind her before they walked outside. "You're welcome, doggy." 

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