One mystery left to solve | D...

By that_one_wine_aunt

39.9K 1.4K 558

[VERY CRINGE. I WROTE THE MAJORITY OF THIS WHEN I WAS 14] "𝘞đ˜Ļ'𝘭𝘭 𝘮đ˜Ļđ˜Ļđ˜ĩ đ˜ĸ𝘨đ˜ĸđ˜Ēđ˜¯... đ˜‹đ˜°đ˜¯'đ˜ĩ đ˜Ŧđ˜¯đ˜°īŋŊ... More

The hand that rocks the Mabel
The inconveniencing
Dipper vs. Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
The time traveler's pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit
The deep end
Carpet Deim
Boyz Crazy
Land before swine
Gideon Rises - Part 1
Gideon Rises - Part 2
Back at it again
Into the Bunker
The golf war
Sock Opera
Soos and the real girl
Little gift shop of horrors- Part 1
Little gift shop of horrors - Part 2
Little gift shop of horrors - Part 3
Society of the blind eye
Blendin's game
The Love God
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not what he seems
A tale of two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction - Part 2
Dipper and Mabel vs the Future
Weirdmageddon 1
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls - Part 1
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls - Part 2
What comes next

Roadside Attraction - Part 1

346 16 11
By that_one_wine_aunt

I kept thinking back to yesterday. For the first time tonight, I slept peacefully, and my mind was as clear as ever.

No bill, no mindscape, no problems.

Finally, I felt like a normal teenage girl who only had love on her mind.

I kept replying Dipper's thoughts in my head. I just wanted this to be over and confess to him. Tell him that I actually do like him back, and he shouldn't feel embarrassed by any of his feelings.

This was going to be a great day!

"Nice. And don't forget bug spray! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitchhikers." I heard Stan tell Soos as I walked outside the Schack.

"Whoa. An RV? Camping gear? Are you running from the law again?" I asked. A wide smile on my face. Dont think I could hide the grin even if I tried.

"Dude! It's the ultimate Oregon road trip adventure!" Soos replied.

"What's up with you this morning?" Stan asked me as I shrugged.

"What do you mean?"

"You are usually more... Ughh. Tired, gloomy, dead inside." He explained, trying to shield his face as if I was emitting some sort of light. "Haven't seen you smile so wide it's terrifying!" He explained as I sighed.

"I'm just happy Stan!" I replied as he grumbled back.

"Whatever it is, keep it away, I don't want to get infected."

"Grunkle Stan are we going on a trip?" Dipper asked, coming outside too, followed by his sister.

"More like revenge trip. Every year, my tourist trap competitors prank the Mystery Shack. Last year, those hooligans duct taped Soos to the ceiling." Stan drifted his attention to the twins.

"Oh yea, I remember that." I mumbled, going back on my memories. Gideon and my dad laughed about that for days.

"Well, no more! This year, we're visiting every tourist trap along the Redwood Highway, and I'm gonna prank back every single one!" Stan told us excitedly.

"Bow wow! Time to let the road dogs bark!" I heard Grenda's voice.

"That is us. We are the road dogs." Candy added.

Wait, when did they get here?!

"Thanks for letting me bring Candy and Grenda along for our road trip!" Mabel explained as I looked between her and the girls.

Candy and Grenda knew, but not me?! How much did I miss from going to bed earlier?!

"The more the merrier. Just sign these non-disclosure agreements. None of your parents are lawyers, right?" Stan explained as the girls got into the RV.

"What do ya say, dudes? You comin'?" Soos shot me and Dipper a look. Great, so I wasn't the only one.

Mabel turned to me and Dipper. "I already went to the trouble of packing all your guys' stuff. Dipper, I even packed the stuff you kept in that secret box under the bed." She joked, accidentally dropping the box out of which about a dozen photos of Wendy fell out...

"Whoa. What the...? Ugh, what's that?" I asked, rather annoyed but overall just confused. I thought he was over her... I thought he liked... Me... So why did he still keep photos of Wendy lying around.

Dipper's entire face grew red as he tried picking all the photos as quickly as possible.

"Uh, nothing! Just...Wendy stuff...from old times. Listen, Emma, it's not what you think!" He tried explaining himself.

"Mabel, you missed some of my clothes. I'm gonna go repack real quick," I explained myself.

"Emma, you didn't even check the bag!" Mabel shouted after me, but I was already in the Shack.

To be honest, I don't even know what Mabel packed. I just needed a way to leave that conversation. How could I be so stupid. Sure, he likes me because he spends more time with me, but if Wendy gave him a chance, he would take it over me.

"Emma, are you coming! That wasn't a question!" I heard Stan shout from the outside.

Guess I don't really have a choice, do I?


I sat in the front next to Stan while the rest of the kids were in the back.

"Hey kid, when I said to tone down the smile, I didn't mean to completely make it disappear. You look like you are about to murder someone." Stan told me.

Yea, that someone is Wendy, or Dipper. I'll decide when I get to it.

"It's whatever," I told him as he sighed.

"Hey Kid, come on, you can talk to me. I may not be your Grunkle, but I might as well be. You've saved me about a dozen times now." He told me as I sunk deeper into the seat.

"It's- It's just. You think someone you like likes you back. But then you find out they are still not over their previous crush. Who they claimed were over? Yea, I'm currently like that." I explained as he stayed quiet for a moment.

"You mean Dipper right-"

"QUIET!" I shouted, trying to drown out his words so he wouldn't hear.

"Okay, okay. But it's about Dipper, right?" He asked this time quieter as I nodded.

"I was so sure he liked me. But he also still isn't over Wendy, and I don't know what to believe anymore." I told him as he thought for a bit.

"Well, let me tell you something. The boy likes you. It's probably old pictures he forgot to throw out." He explained as I eased up a little. Right, there was a completely rational explanation.

"Actually, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you, Grunk- I mean Stan. Thank you Stan"

"No worries, Kid." He mumbled back. A faint smile on his face.

After about an hour, we reached our first destination. It was a giant yarnball with a sign of a nice-looking grandma next to it.

"Don't let the face fool you. This woman lit my car on fire on two non-consecutive occasions." Stan told us all as we exited.


Are all people in this business bad?

As we reached the outside, all of us went to admire the big yarnball while Stan went to do his own thing. Probably something illegal.

"Whoa." Me and the girls said in unison, looking up at how massive the thing was.

"I'm going in, girls. Waaah." Mabel told us confidently walking inside the yarnball.

"Wait, MABEL!" I shouted, trying to stop her, but Grenda and Candy followed behind.

"Yarn!" They shouted until I couldn't even hear them anymore

"Girls!" I shouted at the yarn but to no avail. No one replied.

I let out a sigh. Great, so now I'm alone with Dipp- Where did Dipper go!?

Great! I'm alone!

I decided to just look around. If i was all alone, I could at least make the most of it.

"Hey. I'm Ethan." A man with dark hair and bright eyes walked up to me.

"Uhh, hello?" Great. Was this one of those guys who flirt with everyone they see.

"May i interest you in some yarn pins? Or stickers? Or a snow globe?!" He shoved stock in my face. Oh god, it's WORSE.

"No thanks." I shut him down sternly as he threw me an odd look.

"Can you just... buy something, at least?" He let out a defeated sigh. "So I can say to my grandma I was somewhat useful..." he mumbled. Oh, so he was the grandkid of the woman who ran this place. Great.

"You are lucky I also work for a crankly old person." I gave him a small smile, handing him a fiver. "I'll take a keychain," I asked as he handed me a keychain with a little yarn ball dangling at the end.

"I heard Stan Pines was here today. You his granddaughter or something?" He asked me, setting the stock asside, finding greater pleasure in keeping this conversation with me rather than selling all of that junk. Nit to mention this probably being the only good conversation he could have today.

"Not exactly, but yes, I do work for him." I said.

"Explains the dark circles," he smiled, pointing at my dark circles and then at his. "Twining," he joked as I returned a smile.

"They are far better today. Usually, I look more dead." I joked back as he suddenly pulled out his phone.

"Can I get your email since you won't be here long anyway?" He asked as I looked away.

I did have Dipper, but also, I didn't know what was happening right now in his mind. It's just an email... it doesn't matter, right?


And with that I gave him my mail so we could keep in touch.

"Sweet. Hey, I didn't catch your name, by the way?"

"Oh I'm-"

"Emma, quick! In the RV!" Before I could reply on my own, I was dragged away by Stan.

When he shoved me in the RV, i looked outside. I could see Ethan laughing, completely losing it by me being dragged like that.

He waved goodbye to me, and I waved back.

As the RV sped away, I could see the yarn ball unraveling. Ah, so that was his plan.

"Ethan, do something! Stop them!" I could hear Granny Sweetkin shout in the background, but Ethan was too busy laughing.

I once again went to the front to see Stan driving.

"So kid, what did ya think?"

"Genius," I smiled.

"You seem in a better mood. Did someone fall down the stairs?"

"Oh no, just met someone." I told him. "Apparently, your enemies have interesting grandkids."

"What was her name?" He asked out of interest.

"His name was Ethan." I told Stan who's eyes shifted from the road to me. His eyebrows furrowed.

He didn't say anything. Odd. Stan always had something to say. The man was mister punchline himself. Yet now he was quiet.

"So where we going next?" I asked, trying to cut the tension since it was almost suffocating me.


"Ah, Upside-Down Town. The nausea capital of the state. Whatever you do, don't use the bathrooms." Stan walked out of the RV, showing us a town that was quite litterally upside down.

"So, how are you planning on ruining this one?" I asked, staring at the house that was with its roof at the bottom.

"Let's just say when we're done, things will be more so rightside up," Stan joked as I rolled my eyes at the bad attempt of a pun by him.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go catch up with the othe- And they're gone..." I mumbled, noticing i was left behind. Again.


"Well, I have nothing to lose either way..." I mumbled, putting on the velcro shoes and walking inside the upsidedown house.

"Mabel?! Dipper!? Candy? Grenda?" I called out all of them, but I was met with an unfamiliar voice.

"You lost?" A male voice rang behind me. It was a guy checking himself out in the mirror. His eyes stared at me through the reflection.

"Not exactly. More so, I lost them, not the other way around." I said as he turned around now facing me.

His hair was rather light, and the freckles on his face were pretty visible since the hair was out of his face. As we were upside down, his hair was going up, or well - down.

"Guess that makes the both of us," He joked as I tilted my head in confusion. "I'm currently looking for my sister."

"Doubt, you'll find her in the mirror," I joked as instead of a sigh or groan, he let out a loud laugh.

"Didn't take you for the sarcastic type with those heavy eyebags." He stated. I simply rolled my eyes in response.

"Why does everyone today keep mentioning them? They are better than usual." I stated as he walked up a little to me.

"Hey, you mind helping me look for my sister?" He asked as I looked around. "Maybe we'll bump into the people you lost too?" He stated as ai caved in.

"Sure yea. What's her name?" I asked

"Emma." That took me off guard, and he seemed to notice. "Something wrong?"

"Nothin' just- Whatever," I stated as he called out her name.

"Emma! Emma, where are you?" The two of us walked around the house in search of his sister.

"How big even is this house?" I mumbled. It felt like we had already looked through every room.

"I'm starting to wonder if we have been going in circles or not." He sighed as I patted his back.

"Worst comes to worst. We are stuck here." I smiled at him as he looked away.

"Right..." His voice had suddenly dropped. "Let's just resume looking for her," He mumbled and walked in front of me.

Almost as if he was hiding his face.

"Maybe we should wait outside. She'll come out eventually?" I suggested as he shook his head.

"No can do, I need to find her now. Dad told me our mum's contractions have started and we need to rush to the hospital." He explained as I nodded a bit confused.

Who the fuck brings a 9 month pregnant woman to a place where you are upside down?!

I was about to comment on that but he stopped dead in his tracks. "Oh Emma there you are! I've been looking all over for you!" When he walked in the room I finally caught a glimpse of his sister and surprisingly of Dipper.

"Mum's contractions have started we need to leave."

The girl pouted.

"Here." She pulled out a marker and wrote her email on Dipper's hand. "That's my email address. Write me and I'll tell you all about it." She smiled as I felt my eye twitch.

"Hey" the guy I met today turned towards me which snapped me out of my thoughts. "Here"

It was a paper cloth with little hearts, prior to this i had noticed they give those out with the icecream outside. On it with bold letters was an email adress. "Text me I might convince to name the baby after you." He winked as I chuckled.

"You already have one Emma in the family doubt it's happening." I joked as his eyes widened.

"Take care, Emma." He waved as I glanced at the email.

"You too Liam!"

When the siblings left silence consumed the room. But not the normal comfortable silence no.

This time a sort of energy was radiating from both me and Dipper.

He was looking at the napkin jn my hands and I was staring at his forearm.

"So are you-" We both spoke up at the same time.

"Sorry you first" We were in sync again.

"No, you!" And again.


"So are you gonna keep that?" He asked as I stared at the napkin.

"Depends. Are you gonna wash that off your hand?"

He stayed quiet.

"Right." And with that I turned around. But before I could leave, the house started to shake. It was too late when I noticed that it was turning to the rightside up.

Was this Stan's plan?!

Before I could process anything I was dragged by Stan once again. And so we left that ruined attraction behind.

A certain tension the group hadn't felt before loomed over the area.

Me and Dipper were throwing each other glances.

The email on his hand was srill present and the napmik still remained in my pocket.

Neither was making the first step.

I was sitting in my usual spot, at the front next to Stan.

"Kid with every attraction you look worse." He noted as I shot him an angry look.

Even he shivered.

"Yeesh kid, pump the hate breaks. What's turned your mood so drastically?"

"Dipper." I answered coldly. "That bastard was flirting with this other girl. Not only that she had the same name!" I complained as Stan's eyes widened.

"I don't even know what came over him suddenly. He usually doesn't even talk to girls!" I continued ranting as Stan seemed awfully quiet.

"Well whoever gave him that advice sure is an idiot haha!" He forced a laugh.

"Yea probably."

Silence again.

"How do I make him jelous?" I shot out of the blue as Stan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why not be honest?" He asked me as I groaned.

"Because he started it. And I'm not losing to Dipper." Stan gave me an odd look before sighing.

"Listen kid, I get your pride is hurt but you gotta let it go." He tried to reason sith me but I refused to listen.

"As if you're gonna tell me what to do. You arent my grunkle. I don't have to lusten to you."

Those words seemed to pierce Stan right in the chest. Earlier today I had noticed the faint smile he had when I accidentally called him grunkle. These harsh words slipped out of my mouth in a fit of rage.

"I didnt-" I tried to quickly explain myself realising my mistake but Stan cut me off.

"You're right kid. We aren't family. I don't know why I keep acting like we are." He mumbled with a hint of sadness and anger in his words.

I wanted to speak and to convince him otherwise but I couldn't find the words. And the silnce only made the atmosphere ever so unbearable.

Maybe it was better I kept quiet...


We had stopped to rest for the night as Stan also needed his break from driving.

I was a little hesitant to resting as we were outside the Shack and Bill had no restrictions to entering my dreams. Good thing that the rest of the gang didnt find sleeping all that fun either.

And so I was dragged to a game of-

"Truth or Dare or Don't!" Mabel and Grenda shouted out at all of us as we were sat around the fire, roasting marshmallows.

I wanted to avoid sitting next to Dipper but it seemed like the group had a diffrent idea, so the only free place was next to him. Just great.

Seemed as though the first one would be Candy.

"I choose... don't!" She stated as the other girls groaned.

"Ugh! You always choose don't." Mabel complained. "Fine then. Truth ordare or don't Emma!" Mabel pointed to me as I laughed.

"I chose truth." I stated calmly. To be honest that was better than the two other options. I didnt feel like doing a dare and I also didn't want to feel like a loser for picking don't.

"Do someone?" Mabel asked me looking between me and Dipper.

"Maybe I do." I mumbled. Truth be told I did in fact like someone very much. But i wasnt gonna outright say it.

I spared a glance at Dipper. He was looking at his marshmallow in deep thought.

"Dipper" I called out gaining his attention. "Truth or dare or don't?"

He mumbled. "Truth..."

"Did you like that girl you met, Emma." I asked him, glancing at the now faded black marker on his hand.

His brows furrowed. "Are you still on about this?"

The girls were looking back and forth between us.

"You haven't washed that off." I stated the obvious as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I'm not having this conversation until you throw that napkin out." He told me as I rolled my eyes.

"And I'm not having this conversation until you wipe away that email."

"Then we aren't talking!" Dipper shouted.



"Not fine!" Mabel shouted, interrupting us. "Don't you realise we'll have more fun if you just let go of these email adresses?" Mabel asked us, trying to hug us both but both me and Dipper pushed away.

"Good night!" Both of us said going back to the RV to sleep.


Mabel POV:

"Good night!" Both Emma and Dipper shoited, going back to the RV.

"Aw man, my marshmallows!" Grenda said, noticing her marshmallows were now completely burnt.

"Guys. I think we need a plan" I spoke up gaining both Candy and Grenda's attention. "A plan to finally make these dumbbos confess their feelings because I can't handle this jelousy between them anymore!"

"How are we gonna do that though. They said they won't speak to each other" Grenda asked me as I smiled.

"Oh I have a plan. Girls, we'll need a lot of glitter."

"I brought my glitter stash specifically for this!" Candy spoke up

Either I manage to make them confess their feelings, or everyone goes home super super angry.

But when have I failed!



I'm back! And thats right, it's a cliffhanger! And without much spoilers I can confirm something big is happening in the second part ;)

Thank you for reading if you are all still here and I'll see you in the next chapter hehe

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