Kcris & Jeena

By Kcristy_

668 114 39

Kcris is a businesswoman who also loves to dance and create music and so owns a studio alongside many busines... More

Jeena misunderstands Kcris.
Kcris helps Jeena.
Kcris meets Alex, the girlfriend.
Kcris has a daughter?
Jeena makes Kcris walk away for good.
Alex is in the hospital.
Jeena learns the truth.
Finally, both meet once again.
Jeena meets Mrs. Fabiola.
Jeena and Alex end up fighting.
Kcris takes Jeena to meet Casey.
Casey died 5 years ago.
Jeena learns about Kcris' past.
Kcris finally visits Casey.
Kcris saves Jeena from an accident.
Jeena is targeted in college.
Jeena finds Alex cheating on her.
Kcris can't see Jeena hurting.
Jeena learns all about Alex's lies
I'll be your cocoon.
Jeena wants to gift a bulb onion.
Kcris and Jeena, to live together.
Jeena is pissed off at Kcris.
Jeena is booked as a suspect.
Alex surrenders.
Kcris and Jeena end up fighting.
Kcris meets an old college friend.
Kcris goes missing.
Jeena tries to clear the misunderstanding.
Jeena to stay with Ayesha.
Kcris and Alaric go drinking.
Kcris learns about Jeena's smoking habit.
Alaric kisses Kcris.
Kcris and Jeena have a moment.
Kcris sees Dr. Sammy.
Will Jeena agree to Kcris' proposal?
Kcris is rushed to the hospital.
A day to date.
Is it a one-day relationship?
Kcris is back from the UK?
Jeena meets Kcris' mother.
Both start living together again.
Na Bi likes Kcris since her college days.
Kcris' arm is the new pillow.
Cat is out of the bag.
Jeena is poisoned.
Neil visits Jeena in the hospital.
Jeena goes to Angelica's office.
Jeena wants a sugar-mommy.
Arson in Kcris' office.
Jeena defends Na Bi in front of all.
Neil is Kcris' new investor.
Jeena picks up Kcris from the airport.
Name it as you like.
One fine day...

Dinner at Fabiolas' mansion.

12 2 0
By Kcristy_

After the microseconds-hug, this boy removes his headphones and hangs them around his neck, saying, " Hey sis. You look ok... more like perfect."
It seems that Kcris is getting agitated just by the mere presence of this boy. Kcris while suppressing her anger asks the boy, "Then, what were you expecting me to look like?"
"Well, pretty much half-dead or in a relatively vegetative more like a comatose state."
Sky immediately slaps him on the back of his head saying, "Your age and your intelligence are having an inversely proportional growth, Neil. It’s your sister, you are talking about."
"I won't hit you back because I know that if we fight, I won't be able to beat you."
Sky to jeer Neil goes like, "Good for you, dumbo."
"Enough. Both of you, behave yourself. And Neil, why are you here? Don't you need to practice for your hangul?"
Jeena, who has been a silent spectator till now, speaks impromptu, "Hangul, as in the Korean writing system."
Neil turns towards Jeena and answers, "Yes, my lady. By the way, my name is Neil. What's your name? You look really beautiful... unlike these two."
"My name is Jeena."
Kcris has already been upset because of Sky and Jeena and the presence of Neil is acting like fuel to the fire. At that moment, Kcris realizes that she can't take it anymore. So, she shouts and asks all three of them to line up in front of her, starting with Neil. It looks like Kcris is the teacher and these three are the most notorious kids in her classroom who must be punished. Though it is a serious situation for Sky, Jeena, and Neil, anybody who watches this from afar would think of it as a nice charade and laugh their lungs out. Kcris looks at Neil with sharp eyes and goes like, "You didn't answer me, Neil."
"Oh ho... I am religiously practicing it daily. You, don't worry about it. It's just a matter of days before I will be better at hangul than you could ever be... And as for me being here, I have a 3-day holiday. (In a sarcastic tone, he further says) My dear big sister, is my answer good enough for you?"
Kcris clenches her teeth before saying, "Oh Neil, you and your ferociously stupid claims. You should have stayed there and studied your other subjects. (After turning to Jeena, Kcris further adds up) Jeena, this idiotic punk is my younger brother, Neil and you are completely free to ignore him.)
Jeena finds the way Kcris introduces her brother, completely amusing and ends up asking, "This much I can understand but, what I can't understand is how do you have a brother who's so carefree and fun-loving unlike you."
Kcris laughs before answering, "Well, you don't have options when it comes to having an exchange offer for annoying siblings, else, I would have already done it."
Now all three, except Neil start to laugh. And this is when Mrs. Fabiola enters the room. Sky greets Mrs. Fabiola, "Hello, aunt Jennifer. How are you?"
"I am good, Sky. How about you, my child?"
"I am doing well, aunt Jennifer."
Seeing Mrs. Fabiola, Neil immediately jumps upon her, hugging her tightly while greeting her, "Hello, aunt Jenny. I missed you so much."
"I also missed you my little one, Neil."
"Aunt Jenny...See, (pointing fingers toward Kcris) sister is making fun of me in front of others."
When Jeena's eyes meet Mrs. Fabiola's, she right away greets her, "Hello, Mrs. Fabiola."
Mrs. Fabiola's entire attention is directed to Jeena. "Hello, child. How are you? I heard that the light stand was about to fall on you."
"I am okay. But it's Kcris who got hurt instead of me."
"Don't worry she is a tough one. And Jeena, I am upset with you."
"Why? What did I do wrong, Mrs. Fabiola?"
"This... This is wrong... You, calling me Mrs. Fabiola. You should call me aunt Jenny. For me, you are just like my other kids."
Jeena smiles and says, " Okay, aunt Jenny."
Neil stomps his feet hard on the ground, diverting everyone's attention towards him, and starts to whine like a child, "Nobody cares about me."
Mrs. Fabiola orders Neil, "Take these two sisters with you and let them have some lunch. They stayed up the entire night here, in the hospital, so they must be hungry. (After looking at the coffee cups Mrs. Fabiola adds,) And don't forget to throw away the coffee cups on your way out as the coffee must be cold by now."
Neil goes to Kcris and puts his palm out, in front of Kcris.
"What, Neil?"
"These two are your friends so... your people and, I am also... your people. So you should pay for... your people."
Kcris puts her Centurion card on Neil's palm and immediately takes it away. It is more like a warning to Neil which says, "Don't go on a shopping spree. It's only for lunch, nothing else."
Neil snatches the card from Kcris’ hand. And then Neil, Sky, and Jeena go out, leaving Kcris and Mrs. Fabiola alone, to talk.
Kcris, from behind shouts, "Sky, if you see Sean anywhere in the hospital, you will send him to me, right away."
"Okay, Kcris. I'll." After saying this, Sky smirks, and seeing this Jeena asks her. In answer, Sky tells Jeena, "Brother Sean is going to have a tough day for not allowing you to visit Kcris last night. Well, he is the head of the company that is responsible for Kcris' security detail."
"Kcris has a security detail?"
"But Sky, I have never seen it except for this time."
"Because you have seen Kcris in places which are either workplaces or private ones. Both are highly secured."
"Sky, now when you tell me I can recall that almost every place she has been with me has armed guards and not just the regular security guards. And as for Casey's house, it's in a highly secured society."
While walking out of the hospital Sky points to a few people who are dressed casually, saying, "They aren't patients' family but the security detail. (After a pause). Even Kcris' driver, Paraam is ex-army personnel."
Neil from the side speaks up, "Even this Sky is dangerous. Until she is a friend, she is okay. But the moment she isn't, she can beat the shit out of you. You better be careful, Jeena."
Jeena smiles and says, "Okay, I'll keep that in mind, Neil. Come on, let's eat something. I am starving."
A few days have passed since Kcris was discharged and everyone's life has gone back to normal. Today is a fine weekend with the sun shining in a clear blue sky. And there is a gentle soothing breeze, making it perfect. It's around 10 in the morning when Jeena gets a call from Kcris.
"Hey, Kcris."
"Hello, Jeena. I'll pick you up by 7 in the evening. So, you better be ready by then."
"Pick me up? For what, Kcris?"
"Farewell dinner at the company? But isn't it on Wednesday?"
"No. Not that one, silly."
"Then which one, Kcris?"
"The one which you promised Mrs. Fabiola, a few months back in my office"
"Oh! Okay. (and there is silence for a few seconds before Jeena asks) Do I need to put on something specific for the dinner?"
"No. Nothing specific. Wear whatever you want."
"Okay, see you at 7. Bye."
Kcris reaches Jeena's house sharp at 7. Jeena is dressed beautifully in a turquoise blue gown and the moment when Kcris' eyes fall on her, Kcris is totally mesmerized and starts to grin like a Cheshire cat. Jeena waves her hand in front of Kcris' face and Kcris is like, "Huh... What happened?"
"You froze. Come on, let's get moving."
Kcris gets the door for Jeena, gets inside the car, puts the seat belt on, and drives off.
"Jeena, you should tell Alex that maybe you won't be returning home tonight. I don't think that Mrs. Fabiola will let you leave. She has this thing of spending the night in. You can go wherever you want but, only in the morning."
Jeena calls Alex and the moment she says 'hello', the call is disconnected.
"What happened, Jeena?"
"It's weird. Some male voice said 'hello' and disconnected the call."
"Nothing to worry about. It must be some friend of Alex who answered the phone."
"No, Kcris. Alex never gives her phone to anyone."
"No need to be skeptical, Jeena. Just call her again."
Before Jeena can call Alex, she is already calling her. Jeena picks up and from the other side, "Hey, Jeena. What's up?"
"Where are you, Alex? Some guy picked up the call."
"I am in the office. While picking up your call my phone slipped out of my hand. So, maybe because of that my voice would have sounded like it. Anyway, why did you call? Do you need something?"
"Alex, I needed to tell you that I won't be home tonight."
"It's okay, Jeena. No problem. Actually, I am in a rush so I'll talk to you later." And Alex disconnects the call.
"Can I share something personal with you?"
"Yes, Jeena. Of course. Without any doubt."
"Alex has been behaving weirdly for the past couple of months."
"Weird... Like how?"
"Like right now. Usually, Alex would create a ruckus over me not coming home. But today, she didn't even bother to ask where I was going let alone the reason for it."
"Okay. So, Jeena, what's on your mind?"
"Kcris... I think she is having an affair."
"Did you talk to her about this? Maybe she is having some troubles at work or maybe some family issues."
"Yeah right, Kcris. Maybe I am thinking too much."
Kcris, on one side, is asking Jeena not to doubt Alex whereas on the other side, surreptitiously texts Tessa, her secretary to ask someone to look into Alex. One hour later, they reach their destination. After parking the car in the garage, both go to the main house which is more like a mansion. When they get in, the first thing they see is Amy and Neil fighting over some cookies. Mrs. Fabiola comes down from the first floor to welcome Jeena.
"Hello, Jeena. I hope it wasn't exhausting to travel with Kcristina."
"No ma'am. Not at all. Rather it was fun."
"What did you call me, Jeena?"
"Oh! sorry, aunt Jenny."
"Come on, Jeena. I'll show you around the house. And Kcristina, you go and do whatever you want. Let the two ladies talk alone."
"Sure ladies." And Kcris goes to Peter's room.
After an hour or so, everybody gathers around for dinner. Amy, Peter, Neil, and Kcris are seated at the dining table. Jeena and Mrs. Fabiola are the last to come. Mrs. Fabiola sits on the host seat and Jeena goes to sit next to Kcris. The moment Jeena sits on the chair, Amy points a finger toward Jeena saying, "You can't sit on that chair."(As it used to be Casey’s place.)
Jeena in panic immediately gets up and goes like, "I am sorry. I didn't know."
Mrs. Fabiola right away asks Amy to shut up and not to be rude to the guest. Mrs. Fabiola further politely asks Jeena to sit on the same chair. Amy straight away apologizes to Jeena and then all start to eat. Unlike any other typical business family, Fabiolas' has a habit of chit-chatting at the dining table. Peter introduces himself to Jeena as he is the only person sitting at the table whom Jeena hasn't met yet.
"Hi, Jeena. My name is Peter. I heard from Kcris that you're interested in fashion design. I happen to own a fashion brand. Would you like to intern with us?"
Jeena immediately swallows her bite to answer Peter, "Hello, sir. I know who you are. In fact, who doesn't know who you are? I am highly grateful for a chance to learn from you."
"You don't need to be so formal, either way, we are at a family dinner. I couldn't have dared to deny Kcris' request as she hardly asks for any favors. Last, I remember, it was a favor for Casey. Jeena, you must have something special else, Kcris never takes interest in anyone's life let alone make requests for them. You know what, to make Kcris train Amy, my mother has to arm-twist her in the name of company employees."
Mrs. Fabiola asks Kcris about the farewell party for interns and temporary employees and in response to which Kcris tells her that it is happening this coming Wednesday. Then Mrs. Fabiola turns to Jeena asking if she is going to the party.
"Yes. Aunt Jenny. I'll attend the party."
Hearing this, Amy offers Jeena that she can go with her if she likes so, that both won't get bored at the party. Once the dinner is done, Mrs. Fabiola tells everyone, "You all are staying here tonight. Your rooms are ready. And Kcris, since, you don't like using the guest room, I have asked the house-maid to open Casey's room. I am off to sleep and you kids, do whatever you want. But, remember that nobody is driving tonight."
Around 3 in the night, Kcris gets out of Casey's room to get some fresh air.

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