Milo x Oz One-shots (Request'...

By Backwards-Fangirl

11.2K 431 402

You call it a hyper fixation, I call it love. Anyway, welcome to the one-shot book that will probably kill my... More

Drop your requests here!
- A Warm Welcome -
- A Night to Remember -
- Schools for nerds and crushes -
- Mortals and otherwise -
- Cinema In The Making -
- What Makes an Immortal -
- Not So Lonely Rehearsals -
- Breaking literal and hypothetical legs -
- Double Feature-
♡ Fluffuary Bookmark ♡
♡ I Don't Have The Energy For This ♡
♡ The Little Things ♡
♡ A Natural Beauty ♡
♡ Ripped Pages and Floral Arrangements ♡
♡ Written in the Stars ♡
♡ Chilling at 5 AM ♡
♡ A Typical Love Story ♡
♡ Loner V.S. Influencer ♡
♡ Golden Opportunities ♡
♡ Flying Sparks ♡
♡ Early Mornings ♡
♡ Behind the Camera ♡
♡ Reaping Concern ♡
♡ Clutter Clumps ♡
♡ Fame and Fear ♡
♡ Rain Rain Go Away ♡
♡ Young and Unafraid ♡
♡ The Day After ♡
♡ Picture That Moment ♡
♡ Sick Day ♡
♡ Right Next Door ♡
♡ Glad Grads ♡
♡ Brewing Feelings ♡
♡ Barrels of Laughter ♡
♡ A Picture For Each Hand ♡
♡ We Got Time To Kill ♡
♡ One Last Dance ♡
♡ Thank Fuck It's Over ♡

♡ End of the Begining ♡

197 8 3
By Backwards-Fangirl

Summary: Despite the rocky introduction at camp, Oz and Milo grew close over the five weeks; maybe Oz would have someone to go to the meteor shower with after all.

A/N: Yes, this is a continuation of Loner V.S. Influencer because I have no originality...

Day #10: Star Gazing

Oz had probably made the worst judgment of his life. Milo, the most famous grim reaper (also known as Oz's tentmate), was the most obnoxious monster he has ever met... at least that's how it felt at first. However, Oz's opinion of Milo started changing ever since that midnight talk.

The fearling started to understand Milo as more than just the chronic online influencer that they presented themselves as. Despite having the whole influencer persona, Milo was actually very intelligent in the things they cared about such as expanding businesses, photography, and even social issues.

One night, Oz was sitting with Milo and Damien at a campfire and the two were having a flat-out debate over gender roles and public perceptions. Looking past Damien's nonsensical points, Milo genuinely knew a lot about the topic and tried to express their point in a convincing manner.

Debates like that happened a few other times after that instance and Oz couldn't understand how he didn't see this side of MIlo earlier, however, it was probably because he was hanging out with the reaper a lot more now.

Since the color crew was busy pursuing other monsters in camp, Oz decided to cling onto Milo after they called him out for avoiding the other campers. To the reaper's credit, Oz genuinely was having more fun tagging along with Milo's crazy adventures; whether that was getting their phone back from the camp counselor or competing in a cooking contest with other campers.

The more they hung out though, Oz was starting to see even more things about Milo. Such as how the reapers' eyes look beautiful in the sun, or how they always tilted their head slightly up while walking. Oz is yet to realize his crush on the reaper despite the entire camp knowing before him, even Milo themself.

By the fourth week of camp, Milo caught on to Oz being slightly more nervous around them and noticed Oz was spacing out more often. The reaper thought it was funny, considering that Oz hated their guts when they first showed up at camp. With that, they brushed off Oz's crush, completely forgetting about it.

Before the campers could blink, it was the last day of camp and the meteor shower was tonight, and you could feel the tension in the air. Everyone was hyper-aware of who they wanted to ask to watch the night with them... everyone besides Oz and Milo.

They both went camping to have fun with friends and be around nature, not really for a summer romance. So that led them to be completely alone in their tent, nothing really happening because everyone was so on edge.

"Hey, Oz?" Milo asks while digging through one of their many bags of clothes. Oz looked up from his bed, where he was reading this cheesy love story Vicky recommended.

"Yeah, what's up?" The fearling asks while Milo pulls out a couple of shirts from the bag.

"I'm trying to find the perfect outfit for the meteor shower tonight and I'm going to need your help darling." They say simply while holding a shirt over their torso while looking into their phone's camera.

"O-oh, are you going to the meteor shower with someone?" Oz asks, already accepting the fact that Milo was way out of his league.

"Yeah, I'm going with you," Milo states simply and Oz nearly chokes on his own breath. "I thought that was obvious, we've been doing everything together for the past couple of weeks."

"Yeah, I just assumed we weren't going to the meteor shower..." Oz says from his bed, recovering from the whiplash he just got.

"Why? You and I both have an interest in astrology, don't we?" Milo asks, holding up a new shirt to their torso and almost immediately throwing it on their bed.

"Yeah, I guess we do, it's just," Oz pauses, and for the first time in the interaction, Milo looks over to the boy. "I thought it was a couples-only thing..."

The words lingered in the air and Oz was using everything in his power to not kick himself over the comment. After a minute of silence, Milo just shrugs before pulling at another shirt.

"I don't think everyone else would banish us from watching the shower because we aren't dating darling," Milo says absentmindedly, which causes Oz to let out a laugh.

Milo smiled at that. Oz was miserable when he first got to camp partially because of them and partially because he couldn't enjoy himself. Ever since Oz started opening up, Milo was able to count the number of times he's laughed around them on one hand. His laugh was honestly cute and Milo was almost frustrated Oz didn't laugh more.

"Anyway," Milo says, snapping themself out of their own thoughts. "Do you think I should go for a more ethereal vibe or extraterrestrial?"

  This led to the two planning out their outfits for the night, which ended in Milo wearing a flowy, long-sleeved shirt with black dress pants. The pants had white consolations embroidered onto them and the reaper wore jewelry accordingly.

Oz ended up borrowing one of Milo's dress shirts which was a faded yellow and wore his regular pants with it, including some stolen gold jewelry from Milo as well. Oz caught a look at himself on Milo's camera and he would be lying if he said he didn't look cute.

Milo ends up forcing Oz into having a photo shoot of the outfits inside their tent, which the two decorated together. After the pictures were taken, Milo posted them onto their Instagram and the two monsters laughed at the comments people were leaving until sundown.

Then before they knew it, it was time for the meteor shower. The Monsters were all lying in the center of camp on picnic blankets waiting for the stars to start moving, and Oz was about to join them with Milo. However, he suddenly got reminded of the very romantic atmosphere of the event and got a bit shy.

Milo noticed this and stopped dead in their tracks, turning around and walking over to one of the camp buildings. Oz was confused at first, following the reaper aimlessly before they grabbed a ladder (which didn't help Oz's confusion at all). They ended up putting the ladder against one of the councilors' cabins and climbed on top of the roof.

Once Oz eventually built up the courage to climb the ladder, he was met with Milo sitting on top of the roof waiting expectantly.

"So, I see there was a change of plans?" Oz says while finally throwing himself on top of the roof and Milo couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Yeah, this is a better view, plus I saw you got a little weird being down there with all the other monsters," Milo says casually, and Oz curls in on himself. He didn't want to ruin this night for Milo because he was a bit shy around them in a romantic environment, but luckily, it seemed like Milo was being honest with the first reason for being on this roof.

The view truly was breathtaking, you had a full view of the camp, being able to see everything around you. The lake looked especially beautiful, with the moon reflecting off into the ripples of the water.

Oz spaced out on the lake, studying the beautiful view, and suddenly he saw a flashing light in the reflection. Then another... and another. When he looked up he was met with a meteor shower in the sky. He attempted to count the number of shooting stars, but he quickly gave up on that fruitless effort.

Despite the beauty of the sky around them, Milo couldn't help but have their gaze drift over to Oz. He was now sitting crisscrossed while staring up at the sky with a child-like wonder in his eyes, despite being an immortal being. That's when it all clicked for Milo. They liked Oz, more than a friend could ever be liked.

With the realization, a blush spread across Milo's face and they quickly turned away from Oz, only to turn back a second later. Oz was able to peel his eyes away from the sky to look over at Milo, who seemed to be struggling to focus on the meteor shower.

As if on cue, the two make eye contact, and that's when it clicked for Oz as well. The two just stared at each other, as if they were seeing one another for the first time in years, despite seeing each other seconds ago. Both of them were scared to make the first move, but Oz was the first one to crack under pressure.

"Milo?" He asks, trying to understand the situation a bit more.

That's when the reaper leaned over a kissed Oz, which the fearling took a minute to process. As the meteor shower was happening above them, the couple was having their first kiss, and Oz slowly returned it.

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