H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermai...

By haydenchristsenswife

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Leah (you) was a loner until she meet Cleo Emma and Rikki they where on Zane's boat Rikki stole well kinda bu... More

Pool party
Catch of the day
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Something Fishy
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Moon Spell
The Denman Affair
Dangerous Waters
The Camera Never Lies
Sink or Swim
The Siren Effect
The Big Chill
Under the Weather
Bad Moon Rising
Hurricane Angela
Hook, Line and Sinker
Red Herring
Fish Out of Water
In Too Deep
Love Potion #9
Dr. Danger

A Twist in the Tail

545 9 3
By haydenchristsenswife

Leah's POV
"Mako Island was here long before all of us. And it'll be here long after we've all gone, and long after this full moon" I sat down besides Emma with the girls and Reed, and Lewis listening to Miss Chatham speak.

"Oh, yeah, full moon time again, tonight" Cleo turned to us then back to Miss Chatham "is it going to be as bad as it was last time?" Cleo asked a questioned.

"The full moon is a powerful force, but this time, however, it's even more so" Miss Chatham stared into deep thought looking worried "Really? How do you know?" Emma sat up straight also worried "I know" Emma looked my away, as I turned to her also.

"Not everything can be explained, some things need to be taken on faith, right, Miss C" Lewis lifted up his eyebrows smiling at miss Chatham who looked surprised but happy "right, Lewis" she chuckled, I looked over at Lewis and rolled my eyes.

I had gotten enough of sitting up straight so I laid down, and put my head on Emma's thigh chuckling at Miss Chatham, for some odd reason I felt like someone was taking photos of me and my friends but I just shook it off paying attention to Miss Chatham.

Rikki's POV
I leaned on a tree playing with my fingers, I felt someone grab my hands, I looked up to see Zane looking very happy "I've been looking for you, you are not going to believe this" I quickly took my hands away from his.

"Uh, I believe you told me to leave you alone, is this a bad start to an apology?" I looked at his face "there are mermaids, I've seen a photo" my smile dropped looking at him confused "what?" I said.

"A photo, there's more than one of them, out by Mako" he told me.

"Where did this photo come from?" I questioned.

"Dr.Denman, she's got these underwater motion activated cameras for counting fish, I was there when she downloaded the big one, look you can't tell anyone yet, but I had to tell you" he smirked at me the whole time, but I stood there looking dumb with my mouth hung open.

"Isn't it great?" He looked at me for an answer "yeah, that, that's amazing, congratulations" I told him sadly nodding my head.

Leah's POV
"There was a camera?" Reed looked at me in disbelief "we didn't see it when we were swimming in" I turned to him annoyed "it mustn't have been a very good photo, otherwise they would have recognized it was us." Cleo turned her body towards Emma.

"Are you complaining about it? Do you want to write a letter to the manufacturer and get Denman's money back?" Rikki looked at Cleo with attitude, Cleo put her head down in embarrassment.

"Look, maybe we should talk about this somewhere more private" Emma quietly told her when she saw Cleo looking upset, I slightly jumped as my brothers phone rang and he picked it up.

"Lewis McCartney" he spoke to see who it was "oh, it's you" he turned to me, I nodded knowing who it was, Denman, "why would you-" he stopped talking and squinted his eyes "can I call you back, yeah, ok" he spoke and hung up his phone putting it away.

"That was Dr.Denman, she wants to meet up with me, and Reed" he looked at me then at Reed "you're not going to go, are you?" Cleo looked at Lewis in worry "yeah, I mean Cleo's right" I agreed to Reed "Cleo, I don't see why not, I mean, what have we got to lose" he looked over at Reed.

"You guys don't have a lot to lose, we have plenty" Rikki told Lewis "maybe if I talk to her, I can find out what she does know and what she doesn't" Reed shrugged, sitting down the salt bottle he was playing with.

"And maybe she'll play you guys like a cello" I looked between my two boys, as they gave me a blank stare.

Dr.Denman's POV
"Did you get the photos I emailed? Good this presents us with a problem" I spoke to Harrison over the phone scrolling through the photos of Zane and that mermaid Rikki.

"No, I don't think he knows, either" I looked over to see Lewis and his friend Reed walking over here "I should have told Zane about her" I kept speaking to Harrison "fine, you want to handle Zane yourself, be my guest, he's your son" I rolled my eyes over the phone.

I turned my head to see Lewis and Reed getting closer so I had to end the conversation "later, Harrison" I said and hung up the phone looking at the boys coming my way.

Reeds POV
I walked besides Lewis going to Denman's boat because she wanted to see us "well, you certainly know all the tourists spots" Lewis said looking around that we where around the water closer to Mako.

"Hm, I like it here, there's no one for miles" she leaned on a rail staring at us, I looked besides me and saw a big man sit something down "thanks, Greg" she told him as she continued speaking "so, Lewis, you don't have that little cell sample anymore? The one that mutates on contact with water?" She looked back at Lewis.

"No,actually, he lost it" I crossed my arms speaking for my friend "really?" She didn't even look at me but stared at Lewis "you wouldn't be holding out on me, would you Lewis?" She asked him.

"Of course not" he smiled.

"You know, sometimes I think you actually know a little more than you're letting on, even you Reed, like your friends, for example, Emma, Cleo, Leah, and Rikki" she named the girls as I hide my anger but careful not to say anything suspicious "what about them?" I played it off leaning back in my chair.

"They're interesting girls" she told me.

"Yeah, we'll, you could say they're good company" Lewis joined in also playing it off "not what I meant" she handed us a folder Lewis sighed and took it seeing that I wasn't grabbing it, I leaned over to look at the picture and I almost panicked.

"What, this?" I pointed at the photo "oh, it's a fake" Lewis reference "it's nothing personal, guys, this is business, and those girls could be worth a fortune" dr.Denman smirked at us, I tried to not say anything that will get her caught on but I really couldn't, I bite my tongue so I couldn't say anything.

"Well, you know, it's been very nice chatting to you, but we should be getting home" I jerked the folder away from Lewis giving it back to her and started to get up, one guy grabbed Lewis shoulder and shook his head, when I got up one guy also grabbed my shoulder.

"Get your hands off of me" I whispered to him, but he shook his head, I tightly grabbed his wrist, and twisted it back he screamed in pain as another man grabbed me "Reed, let it go" Lewis told me, I pushed away the man's hand and sat back down glaring at Denman.

"She's mine, you stay away from her" my voice grew deep looking at Denman with a glare.

"Like I said Reed business" she walked away with her stuff.

Leah's POV
"And Lewis can be really gullible sometimes" Cleo looked at Rikki worried "I don't know, I have a feeling that my brother is in trouble" I bit my fingernails "Lewis will be fine, Cleo, but I'm also having a feeling that Reed is in trouble" Rikki looked over at me.

I heard two phones ringing one was Cleo's and one was mine, I picked it up and saw a text message from Reed, and Cleo saw one from Lewis "Lewis just texted me" Cleo opened up her phone "same here but Reed?" I looked at my phone confused.

Rikki scooted over by my side looking at my phone "mine says meet me at Mako" I looked over at Rikki in worry "same" Cleo whispered "what are they doing there?" Rikki questioned us which we didn't know the answer to, my stomach dropped knowing what it was.

"They're in trouble, I knew it" I quickly shut my phone and got up from Cleo's bed rushing out the door to the water.

Reed's POV
"Hm, nice phones" I glared at Greg who was holding both of our phones "I swear to-" I was about to get up put Lewis put an arm in front of my chest.

"Leave him, once the girls know we are here maybe you can punch him" Lewis shrugged his shoulders, as I leaned back in my chair.

Leah's POV
The girls and I swam as fast as we could to go help Lewis and Reed at Mako Island, I squinted my eyes as the bubbles formed around my eyes.

Reed's POV
Lewis pushed open the window which wouldn't budge, I tried to help him out, but no use so I gave up, and just sat down on the bed.

"Can you try to help" Lewis leaned on the door "it's no use, Lewis" i through up my hands, throwing myself back on the bed with a deep sigh, till I heard the guard speak "Dr.Denman" Lewis stopped struggling and listened, I also got up and heard for myself.

"What is it?" She spoke.

"We got four shapes on radar moving fast towards Mako" Lewis and I gave each other an stern look and tried to really get out this time.

Leah's POV
I swam inside the cave as fast as I could with the girls Rikki was right behind me as I was swimming behind Emma.

We came up to the surface looking for the boys "Lewis? You here?" Cleo yelled for him but no answer "Reed?" I also tried to call out for him but got no luck for an answer, they weren't here.

"Glad you could come girls" Denman come out of the shadow with her arms crossed, I looked over at Rikki in panic then back at Denman with madness.

We didn't know what to do, but I swam back down to get out, and the girls followed me, but when I came up closer to the gate it was locked, I but my hands on the bar and tried to open it.

When I saw it was no use I just swam back up to the surface with no way out, when I came up I tilted my head at Denman with a glare.

"I think it's time we talked, don't you?" Denman was still standing there with her arms crossed, Cleo glanced at us, and used her powers to make a bubbled form, Emma held up her hand and made the bubble into ice, once that was done Cleo grunted and threw it at the man who quickly dodged it "whoa!" He yelled and fell to the floor.

Denman turned to us with a mean sight, and grabbed her tablet "before you do something you'll regret, you should see this" she held up her tablet close to us, and we saw Lewis and Reed struggling to get out, and pacing back and forth.

"Needless to say, if anything was to happen to me-" I cut her off "what do you want from us?" I yelled at her but she didn't answer me before someone yelled out her name "Dr.Denman!" I looked over to see Harrison walk in, oh no.

"Over here" she answer him "you're just in time, and so are you, girls, you can meet the man who's been funding this" we all looked over at Harrison in shock but also with a not so friendly look.

"Extraordinary" he smiled down at us creepily, we saw another person walk in to not my surprise it was Zane, when he saw us his smile dropped.

"What is this? Rikki?" Rikki furrowed her eyebrows in betrayal by her own boyfriend.

Reed's POV
Lewis tried to use something to pick the lock but that quickly broke and boy was he mad "agh!" He yelled, I squeezed my eyes shut trying to open the window but still nothing.

The girls are probably still in trouble.

Leah's POV
"I—this—it's not my fault" Zane came over to us as I leaned besides Emma who looked furious, Rikki swam up behind me swimming by me.

"I wish I could believe that, Zane" emma licked her lips "but she doesn't, and neither do I" Rikki agreed with emma looking up at zane.

"Can I please just talk to you, Rikki?" I looked over at Rikki knowing they wanna talk in private
Emma swam to the side while I swam backwards towards Cleo.

I didn't listen because I didn't wanna eavesdrop on them.

Rikki came back to us looking upset, I looked over at Zane who was leaving, they probably got into an argument.

Reed's POV
I saw someone open to the door, Lewis and I looked over to see Zane walking in shutting the door behind him.

"I should have known you'd be involved" I scoffed getting up knowing it was him "give us a minute" he turned to the guy, and he left us alone.

"Lewis, Reed, you have absolutely no reason in the world to trust me right now, but-" Zane locked the door behind him, and stared at us "if it was a stating the obvious olympics, Zane, you'd win a gold medal, you're a dirtbag, and you always were." Lewis finished keeping his head down.

"Look, I've done a really, really dumb thing, ok? But the girls are in a lot of danger right now, and I need you're guys help" it took me by surprise that Zane wanted to help the girls, Lewis and I looked at each other and I slightly nodded at him.

Harrison's POV
"We'll start with the basic physical for all three" Denman looked up at me, but my eyes where focused on the girls in the water "what if they won't come out of the water?" Greg whispered to her.

"We'll make them" she shrugged her shoulders, when she said that I quickly grabbed her forearm leading her away a little bit.

"I don't want any harm to come to these girls" I stated to her "of course, but we'll do what it takes to get what we need, Harrison" I didn't say anything back, so she just walked away leaving me speechless.

Reed's POV
Zane's plan was not that bad but let's hope it works.

Lewis and I stood by the door but behind the wall so he wouldn't see us, and he didn't when he saw Zane I told Lewis to hit him with the door, but he shook his head.

We argued back and forth, till I rolled my eyes and stood in front of the door as I kicked it, I heard the man fall down the stairs and Zane undoing the ropes on his hands.

"Whoops" I sarcastically told the guy and took off upstairs to go save the girls with Zane and Lewis.

Leah's POV
"We've known each other since we were three years old, Zane, how could you do this." Emma said besides me, as we all four rested on a rock with our arms.

"Get ready to leave" he looked at his watch and smirked, I looked at the girls confused on what he was talking about, they where also confused.

"If this is some trick" Rikki shook her head up at zane "no trick" he told us, and backed away when he heard voices "get ready" he said again looking at his wrist.

"Ok, who's going to be first?" Denman came in with her arms crossed, but we didn't answer, we heard a big boom, I smiled in excitement.

"What was that?" Denman quickly answered looking around "that was the sound of goodbye" Rikki told her, but before I left I stopped and glared at Denman.

She really thought she was gonna get away with threaten me and my friends no way "and if I ever hear you threaten us again it won't go good for you" she looked at me with wide eyes.

I lifted up my hand and used some wind to push her back, she screamed in pain, I smiled and tilted my head at her "bye" I told her, and dove into the water flicking my tail up at the surface, and following the girls.

Zane's POV
"You did this" Denman said in pain holding her arm, I'm glad Leah did that to her, my dad walked over to me angry.

"What you've done here is unforgivable, you're a fool, Zane" he told me harshly "you spend half your life criticizing me, have you looked at yourself lately? When did you become a liar and a thief?" I saw his face rest, I was about to walk off but he grabbed my arm.

"Do you understand what we've lost here? What we've both lost!?" He started to raise his voice but this was gonna stop "do you?! I'll tell you exactly what you've lost...me" I smiled at him and walked away leaving him angry.

Leah's POV
We all rushed inside Emma's house quickly "oh, Emma, you're home, come and see who's here" Ems mom sat down on the couch and was looking at Miss Chatham, boy was I glad to see her.

"Miss Chatham" Emma called out to her, she looked at us like we knew what was going on, she probably does to.

"And if we'd stayed, we would have-" Cleo got cut off "we would have been in s circus by now" Rikki stared down at Cleo sitting down besides her, as I sat down besides Rikki "what can we do?" I asked Miss Chatham.

"Do we have to leave town?" Rikki spoke up.

"You really gotta help them, Miss C" Lewis shut the door looking worried "yes, and you're right" she sat down gracefully with her coffee in her hands "those people are never going to leave you alone" she told us, as we listened to her.

"So it's hopeless" Emma asked.

"I don't believe that, if we can fight, we should fight" Rikki shook her head, seeing if anyone would agree with her "or maybe you should just give up" she put her head down then back up at us "you're powers, that is, and being mermaids" my stomach flipped when she said that.

"They can do that?" Reed crossed his arms looking at Miss Chatham "only at special times, very special moments, like tonight" I sat there on Ems bed looking at her like she was crazy, I mean she is, but no I'm not giving up this power

"As I said, it's not just any full moon" she put her head down again "tonight's a lunar eclipse" Lewis said catching on to what she was saying "exactly, the full moon is one thing, but the lunar eclipse makes it very special" she leaned forward to us.

I shook my head not listening, till she kinda talked a little louder which made me jump back into mind.

"If you were in the moon pool during the eclipse, it would draw away your powers" she told us.

"No way, that's not an option, we haven't gone through everything we have just to throw it all away" Rikki shook her head, I nodded my head also agreeing with her "I understand, but without your powers, you're of no use to those people, are you?" I looked over at Reed as he nodded at me knowing she was right.

"She's right, you don't have a choice" Reed spoke softly, as we all looked at him, Emma looked over at me as I put my head down in sadness.

We decided to head back to Mako and give away our powers Denman probably has our tracker but we don't care we need her to see this.

Emma walked in first I was in front of her, and Rikki was behind Cleo, we looked around and saw Denman's stuff all around "I much prefer swimming in" Cleo told us.

"and if Denman had set more traps underwater?" Rikki gestured at the moon pool "looks like she's given up" I said looking around seeing all her stuff unplugged "she's not the type, come on" Emma said to me, as we walked over standing in front of the pool.

We looked up to see the moon revealing itself "the moons fully overhead" we looked down at the water to see it sparkling "funny, I thought this would last forever" Emma shook her head in disbelief on what we where about to do.

I smiled at her and took her hand in mine, and Cleo's hand also, "what will you miss most?" Rikki asked us as we gathered hands "I'll miss surfing without a board" Emma smiled, I squeezed her hand, giving her a smile.

"I'll miss pushing people over with my powers" I heard the girl's chuckle at my saying "I'll miss how I could make water do anything I wanted, that was great" Cleo said looking forward.

"I'll miss how cool it all was" I nodded at Rikki, as we stood there for a moment looking at the water, but something happened the water started to bubble "is that supposed to happen?" Cleo leaned forward towards me, I shook my head and focused on the pool.

The girls and I let go of our hands and stepped back when we saw Denman and her crew, "stay right where you are" she ordered us I rolled my eyes "excuse you?" I stepped forward with my head titled at the woman.

"We don't want to have to hurt you" she held up her hands in reassurance, "I wish we could say the same" Rikki told her, "ha, please" I scoffed and held out my hand taking one of her crew members and lifting him up in the air mid way, he yelled flapping his arms, I threw my hand back and pushed him towards a rock making him pass out.

He yelped and landed in the sand, passed out, I looked over at Cleo who used water from the moon pool, and made a piece of big water, she grunted and blasted the man in the chest with the hard water.

He flew back into the sand also passed out, I heard someone get out the water and saw Greg, the girls and I turned our heads at the same time looking at him, he was about to run towards us but Emma quickly used her powers to freeze his swimming suit.

He grunted in pain and tried to take off his suit by tugging on the neck line, as ice started to form on him, once he was down we looked over at Denman and held out our hands at her.

"Enough" she stepped in front of us with her hands out "ok? I want you girls to consider an offer" she had her hands still out in front of her "it's too late" I rested my hand and looked up at the moon.

It was time.

"It's time" I told the girls taking their hands "we're giving our powers up" Emma glared at Denman "when we enter the water, we're giving up everything" Rikki joined in.

"But why would you give up being mermaids" her voice shook looking at us "because of people like you" Cleo shot back at her "there will always be people like you trying to exploit us" Emma told her.

"The only thing left to do is to give this all up" I said starting to walk towards the pool bringing the girls with me "no, you can't" she ordered but we weren't going to listen to her.

"Yes, we can" Cleo told her, also walking with me "please, if we work together—" she tried to reason with us "not interested" we stopped and Rikki shook her head, I looked at all the girls, as we nodded and walked closer to the edge of the pool.

We kept walking and jumped in holding hands, our tails came out, as we saw orbs start to fly up, I swam behind Emma looking up at the moon as it took our powers, I felt my tail feeling weird as it started to form back to my legs.

It was over, our tails are gone our legs are back we all got out one by one, Emma stood in front of Denman with a glare "it's over, why don't you just go home?" She spat at her, getting closer towards her with every word.

Rikki's POV
"I wanted to thank you for helping us" I told Zane walking besides him on the beach "it's the least I could do under the circumstances" he put down his head staring at me "it's over, isn't it? He sighed, looking at me for an answer.

"Well, this doesn't really feel like a relationship that's going anywhere, does it?" I admitted to Zane "no, and that's another thing I'm sorry about" he agreed with me.

"It's not really your fault, I think we're just too different" he got quiet for a moment "maybe" he chuckled, till I heard a car pull up I looked over to see his dad.

I saw him smile and wave back, his dad smiled back and greeted him back "so your speaking to your dad again, I see" I noticed the two in front of me "yeah, he's making an effort, and so am I." He  glanced at him then back at me.

"New beginnings all around" I quoted to him "looks like it" he agreed with me "friends?" He held out his hand for me to shake, and I took it with a smile "friends" it kinda hurt me, but I knew this was for the best, but he looks so happy with his dad now.

I decided to get my mind off of Zane and walked over to the beach, aka Lewis's fishing spot, I stopped on a rock and took a deep breath.

I jumped down from the rock and walked over to the water, I was enjoying it until I felt this weird tingling in my legs, that's when my smile dropped and my tail appeared "whoa!" I yelled and fell into the water.

My mouth hung open as my tail was in front of me not my legs my tail.

Leah's POV
Well I had decided to go for a swim in the ocean but I swam in the middle of the ocean with my tail out I looked down and looked at my scales confused.

I quickly got out and dried off to find the girls.

Cleo's POV
I sat in the bathtub looking at my tail with wide eyes, my tail is back I thought.

I shook my head at my tail and sat there in the tub looking confused.

Leah's POV
I meet up with the girls to go see Emma, and when we saw her she was in the pool with her tail out, she swam towards us as we bent down eye to eye level.

"The same thing happened to us" I pointed at me and the girls, "we came to warn you" Cleo cringed seeing as it was too late "but Miss Chatham was really clear we gave away our powers" Ems said.

"Only for 12 hours" Reed and Lewis came up the stairs looking at us "what do you mean?" Rikki asked them "I-it's temporary" Reed walked closer to us "during a lunar eclipse, the moon pool draws away your powers for 12 hours" Lewis explained.

"She didn't say that" I got up and shook my head at them crossing my arm "she did to us" Reed looked at Lewis "she said that if you guys believed that your powers were gone forever, so too would Dr.Denman" Lewis scoffed chuckling at us.

"It's funny because she told me not to tell you" Lewis laughed, I put a hand on my hip at the two boys with an disappointing look, when they saw our faces their smiles dropped "what's up?" Reeds voice squeaked nervously looking at us.

"Come on, you can't do this! Where's your sense of humor? Whoa!" Lewis pointed at us as Cleo and I held both the boys up, Cleo held water under Lewis, as I held Reed up in the air spinning him around, they where both  floating in the air "hey, put us down!" Reed looked at me for help.

"Next time they'd better remember who his friends are" Emma put her hands on her hips "leave them like that for a couple of hours" Rikki scrunched up her nose looking at Cleo and I.

"No, no, no, don't listen to her, Cleo, whoa!" Lewis pointed at Cleo "Leah, please, I'll buy you food" Reed said, putting his hands together, I shook my head almost about to stop "no, you can make up for it" I smirked at Reed who was yelling .

"Yeah, no one messes with mermaids" I saw Cleo smile, we all looked at each other in excitement, but I lost focus, and accidentally dropped Reed into the pool "Leah!" He said wiping his face off "whoops" I put my palm up to my mouth with a smirk.


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