Sonic's Unwanted Harem

By LeJesterVixen

29K 852 10.7K

Alt. Universe - The blue blur just does what he does best, saving lives and living free as the wind while oc... More

01. One Year Ago
02. Home
03. Letters
04 Crystal Cavern Part 1
05 Crystal Cavern Part 2
06 Crystal Cavern Part 3
07. Talk Part 1
08. Voices Part 1
09. First Part 1
10. First Part 02
11. First Part 03
12. Voices Part 02
13. Reunion
14. Talk Part 02
15. Rest Pt 01
16. Letter Pt. 02
18. Searching Pt. 02
19. Talk PT. 03
20. Deal Pt 01
21. Deal Pt 02
Sonic Train - PT 01
22. Home Pt. 02
23. Presence
24. Home Pt. 03
25. Haywire
26. Countdown Pt. 1
27. Countdown Pt. 2
28. Countdown Pt. 3
29. Troubled Pt. 01
30. Birthday Pt. 01
31. Birthday Pt. 02
32. Birthday Pt. 03
Characters ! PT 1
33. Haywire PT. 02
Characters! Pt. 2
34. Searching Pt. 03
35. Rest Pt. 02
36. Friend
37. Countdown Pt. 04
38. Showtime Pt 01.
39. Showtime - Part 02
40. Rest Pt. 03
41. Promise
42 Talk Pt 04
43. You
44. Talk Pt. 05
45. Just Another Normal Day

17. Searching Pt. 01

640 19 396
By LeJesterVixen

Warnings: This chapter contains mild language, sexual themes, ??? themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tails' Workshop: 9:30 a.m.

"I said I'm fine..." Tails irritably says, his eyes completely focused on the computer screen in front of him. He had spent the entire night trying to find a way to track his brother. Apparently the gadget in Sonic's shoe was broken some time ago because he's not getting any readings from it, so he's racking his brain on figuring out how to find his brother since he's back. It's just that his mind is all over the place: Sonic was scared, then kidnapped. Shadow is forced to keep an eye on his brother or else someone will die... Everyone's life is on the line just so this stalker can have his way with Sonic.

Sonic's safety is the main thing Tails is worried about but the second biggest question he has is why on Mobius does that lunatic look just like his brother? Sure, there's some slight differences with the shade of fur and eye color, but other than that, they're practically twins.

Tails is also frustrated with himself for not knowing more about portals and other universes. And he's trying to justify it with the fact that he's never had to leave this one before. Yes, he knows that there are other universes out there and Aurora knows how many are in a multiverse, but he's never actually thought about crossing into a different one. Their adventures never warranted them the reason to. But he's upset because his lack of knowledge about portals was the reason he couldn't help Sonic when he first was kidnapped. 'What if he's taken again and the lunatic doesn't bring him back this time?'

Tangle stifles a yawn before shaking her head, trying to wake herself up. After they had seen what was in the box last night, they had tried to comfort Amy and Tangle herself was doing everything she could to not puke her guts out. How could anyone just casually send a head through a portal like that? Better question: how could anyone do take a life like that in the first place?

The lemur shakes her head again and rubs the sleep from her eyes. They were finally able to calm Amy down but it just really hit them how dangerous that... that maniac truly is. Verbal threats are one thing, but doing something that drastic just to prove a point? And to make them feel like cattle to the slaughter? Who in their right mind does that?

'Ugh, I'm gonna have so many nightmare from this when I finally get some sleep. Whisper, I'm gonna need your help with this.'

Amy covers her dried eyes and an exasperated sigh leaves her lips. She doesn't have anymore tears to cry and it's not because of the present they were forced to look at either. That scared her, she won't deny it, but not knowing what Sonic has been going through for months and just how dire the situation is, it makes her feel helpless, useless. Sure, she couldn't do anything physical to help anyways but she would've been more than happy to be there if he needed a shoulder to cry on or someone to just talk to about this rather than find out he's been stalked by some twisted, sick creep for so long. They're supposed to be friends. Why would Sonic keep something like this to himself for so long?

Another sigh leaves Amy's mouth as she brings her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them. She knows exactly why Sonic kept this to himself, why he didn't involve anyone in this. Sonic is the type to jump to help anyone in their time of need without a second though, no matter the situation but when it comes to himself? He doesn't like involving anyone in his personal matters. It's not that he doesn't trust them. No, that's not it at all and it's not even his image that he's worried about. He told her when they were dating that he didn't care about his image, he just plays around about it because he likes seeing the different reactions he gets.

The reason Sonic didn't involve anyone in this, and will probably continue to be this way is because he doesn't want anyone to worry about him. It's not a pride thing, it's just he wants people to be happy and no one can be happy if they're busy worrying about him.

"Sonic..." Amy whispers as she hides her face against her knees, "-you idiot..."


"I can find him, Rouge!" Tails stubbornly responds, not once glancing at the worried bat next to him.

Rouge places her hand on top of the fox's, firmly gripping it to stop him. She waits for him to look at her before she starts. She can see how red his eyes are, the poor thing didn't even try to sleep at all. "You're working yourself senseless, kiddo."

Tails narrows his tired eyes at the spy. He doesn't care about the luxury of sleep right now. His brother needs help. "Rouge, I'm fi-" He feels a sharp blow to the back of his neck before his world goes black.

Rouge quickly catches the young teen, making sure that he doesn't hit the keyboard before glaring at the hedgehog. "Shadow! What is wrong with you?!"

Said hedgehog looks from Rouge to the fox. "You know he's stubborn, just like that idiot is."

"Even so," she sees Shadow pick Tails up and head towards to the couch, intending to let him sleep there. "-there was no need to do that."

"You trying to coax wasn't working, now was it?" Shadow asks as he glances to the side, seeing Rouge take a seat at the computer to give a shot at trying to find where the missing hero is.

Last night was terrible for him. He hadn't been given any more instructions of what to do after the blue rose was placed on the dresser, but he just kept replaying what happened over and over in his head. The biggest thing he's been racking his brain on is why Sonic? First Mephiles and now some insane stalker wants Sonic, but why? What did that idiot do to grab their attention? Sure, he's a showoff but that shouldn't be enough to make people to start wanting him.

The other thing bothering Shadow is the fact that the stalker even thinks Shadow wants to touch Sonic. That's ridiculous. So, he may have had a slight interest in him a few years back, but things happened. Life went on and that passed, so why the hell would he even want to touch Sonic now?

Those feelings disappeared a long time ago, he knows they did.

Angel Island: 9:42 a.m.

Near the bottom of the Master Emerald Alter does a warp ring portal open, allowing both Knuckles and Sonic to walk through before it closes. They both continue to laugh from their previous banter about who actually won their last sparring session.

Knuckles places a hand on his head and shakes it, a chuckle leaving his lips. He then looks towards the younger to see him stretch his legs, making Knuckles roll his eyes as a grin adorns his face. "So, that Zero guy. You just met him?"

Sonic shifts his weight to the right before lowering himself down to stretch his left leg. "Nah, I met him three years ago."

Knuckles crosses his right arm over his chest, stretching his triceps. "Well, yeah, that makes sense. A lot happened three years ago." He gets a chuckle from his blue friend as he switches arms, feeling the muscles being stretched. "How'd you guys meet?"

The speedster stands up and lifts a leg behind him to stretch his hamstring. "Wow, didn't take you to be the nosey type."

Red shoulders shrug before Knuckles shakes his wrist, wanting to loosen his hands up. "Just curious."

"What?" Sonic waits until the echidna looks at him before he gives the older a smug look. "Jealous that I stayed with him last night and not you?"

Knuckles blinks twice before he just stares at the hedgehog. He rolls his eyes again and just scoffs at the other. "Puh-lease. I have better things to do than to deal with you all night."

"Right," Sonic chuckles and shakes his head as he's walking up to his friend. "-you wouldn't want to spoil me more than you already do." He coos before giving his friend another wink. It's taking everything for Sonic not to break out into a laughing fit with the way Knuckles is looking at him: in absolute disgust.

"You are way too full of yourself," Knuckles mumbles as he turns his head, trying to calm his heated cheeks down. 'Why is he like this? I don't get why he does this at all.'

The echidna turns to look at his friend when he finally hears laughter coming from the younger. He's doubled over with his hands on his knees, just laughing.

Sonic wipes a tear from his eye before he straightens himself out, walking over to Knuckles. "Dude, you are so easy to tease," he wraps his arm around a red shoulder, bringing his friend in close. "-ya know that?"

Knuckles just looks to the side, refusing to meet the green gaze as he continues to struggle with pushing the sudden heat down from his face. "Shut up." This just earns him another chuckle from the younger and Knuckles can't help but take a quick glance, a small smile going on his face before he closes his eyes and shakes his head. "You really are a pain in the ass, Blue."

Sonic gently squeezes the shoulder as he leans his head on it, feeling just a bit tired. "I know, gotta keep you guys on your toes, though."

"Right~" Another chuckle leaves the echidna before he looks at Sonic once more; his eyes are closed but there's a small smile on his face as he's taking slow breaths. "What? Didn't sleep much?"

A deep inhale is made before Sonic finally decides to get off his friend, stretching his arms overhead. "Yeah, something like that." He meets the purple gaze as he continues. "I've been really... busy lately so haven't had time to sleep."

Knuckles opens his mouth to say something but is cut off when a bright pink orb of light drags a puddle of water through the air and back into the Master Emerald.

Sonic blinks twice, staring at the sight before he rubs his eyes. He continues to stare at the giant gem before finally turning his attention to the guardian. "Did... What did I just see?"

A sigh leaves the echidna's lips before he walks up the stairs to the alter, signaling Sonic to follow. "This has been going on for a while now."

"What's up?" Sonic follows Knuckles, not knowing what to expect if Tikal is dragging Chaos around. Or at least that's what it looked like.

Knuckles lets out another sigh as he finally reaches the top of the alter. "Chaos, he's... he's been really restless lately." He walks up to the Master Emerald but stops himself from touching it.

Sonic makes it up the stairs and decides to stand there. He respects Knuckles' duty to guard the Master Emerald and doesn't want to seem like he's overstepping any boundaries, even though they both know he would never bring any kind of harm to it. "Any reason why?"

The red head just shakes as purple eyes watch the bright glow of the gem finally dim down, letting him know that Tikal was able to calm Chaos some. "No idea. I just know he's been leaving the Master Emerald to check the perimeter of Angel Island at least once a day for almost six months now."

"Huh," Sonic brings a hand to rest against his chin. "-that is weird." He sees purple eyes turn to meet his green ones for a moment before going back to the gem. Sonic takes a small step forward before something dawns on him. "S-six months?"

"Almost six months," Knuckles glances over his shoulder to find out why Sonic's voice changed slightly. Nothing too drastic, it just got a little higher than what he's used to. Sonic sounded a little surprised.

'I've been getting stalked for almost six months. Is that why-' He quickly shakes the absurd idea out of his head. There's no way that could be the case. Multiple things can happen at once. It happens all the time. 'Yeah right. It's just a really, really stupid coincidence. It has to be.'

Knuckles saw how Sonic had a look of nervousness about him before it just disappeared. 'That's not like him at all.' "You okay, Blue?"

Green eyes blink, before a small smile reaches peach lips. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good." Sonic turns on his heels and starts walking down the stairs. "Don't wanna get in your way with your thing. Le'me know when they're all settled down."

"They should be fine in a bit-" Knuckles sees something shine before it leaves his sight. He quickly follows the younger down the stairs and grabs a hold of the shoulder, stopping him in place so he can take a closer look at it.

"What's up-" Sonic turns his head only to see purple eyes are looking down. Following their gaze, he can see that Knuckles is looking at his tail. 'Shoot! I gotta distract him before he touches it!' A grin goes on his face and he can probably kick himself later for doing this but playfully pokes the red chest, making the echidna look up at him. "Why Knuckles, you can at least take me out to dinner first."

A very visible blush reaches the echidna's face as he takes a step back, clearly embarrassed. "I wasn't looking at your butt, Sonic!"

"Oh, but I gotta nice one, don't I?" he ends with a wink. It's taking Sonic everything for him to not laugh at his friend from seeing how red Knuckles is turning. He knows he can't play with everyone like this but Knuckles' reaction when he does this is way too hilarious.

"Shut up!" Knuckles pushes his way pass the now laughing hedgehog, his face is as red as his fur. 'This damn idiot!' But just as he passes the younger does he stop and kneels down, wanting to inspect the jewels on the item. He's never seen any like these before. Maybe Rouge would know where they came from since she's more knowledgeable about gems?

Sonic wipes a tear from his eye before turning to join his friend down the stairs but stops when he sees Knuckles intently staring at the cursed ring. He knows it's the ring that Knuckles is looking at but for some reason he can feel himself get a bit warm from how close the echidna is to it. He really does not want to let out that stupid sound in front of the knucklehead. He knows nothing would happen, but it would still be an awkward and embarrassing conversation that he'd just rather not have all together.

"What's this all about?" Knuckles reaches out a hand to touch it only for his hand to get smacked away. He purses his lips to the side as he looks up at the blue hedgehog.

"First, no touching. You can look, but you can't touch."

Knuckles just rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah whatever." He turns his gaze back to the ring, seeing how the onyx gleams in the sunlight but the weird thing are the purplish-blue gems. They have a really dim glow that almost looks eerie. "How'd this come about? 'Cause I know you don't care for jewelry."

"I lost a bet to a," Sonic looks to the side and almost has to hold back a groan. "-friend."

"I see," Knuckles finally stands up and continues to walk down the stairs. "Was it that Zero guy?"

'Nope, wrong boyfriend. Try again.' Fleetway jokingly says as a big smile goes on his face.

'Shut. Up. They're NOT my boyfriend.'

'Well, duh, if you have more than one then it'll be boyfriendS. Emphasize on the "s" by the way.'

'I'm ignoring you.' Sonic continues his way down the stairs as he sees Knuckles waiting for him. "Nah, it wasn't him. Another friend had me make a bet with 'em and I lost."

A smug look goes on Knuckles face as he sees the hedgehog finally reach the bottom step. "Ha, looks like Lady Luck finally decided to leave ya."

"Please," Sonic cracks his knuckles and sees the guardian do the same before they go into a fighting position. "-Lady Luck loves me too much to leave."

"Uh-huh," Knuckles takes a slow step to the side, crossing his right foot over his left as he sees Sonic do the same, all the while they both have a smirk on their face. "-whatever you say."

White Acropolis: 12:06 p.m.

The wind howls as heavy snowfall continues to cover the entrance of an abandoned base. There is hardly any visibility due from blizzard but if you look close enough, then you'd be able to see a spec of red and yellow rapidly grow. The snow in front of the entrance ceases as the flames dance about for a moment before shooting towards the metal door, melting a hole in it instantly.

The dancing fire makes its way down the corridor, blasting a door it passes on the left to go inside. When the flame notices that it can't find the wanted item it just sets the room ablaze before going back in the hallway, repeating the actions for each room.

Minutes pass before the flame reaches the last door, melting the heavy metal as it makes its way into the lab, ignoring the thick smoke in the air from the now flaming base.

An arm reaches out from the flame, flexing its clawed fingers before the other arm does the same. The flame implodes, revealing a body. Ash colored legs then walk towards the back table as red and green eyes look around, the owner completely ignoring the sounds of multiple explosions behind them.

The eyes continue to scan around the lab before they finally settle on a pedestal specifically made for what it's looking for but the object is broken in half.

A sigh leaves the pale lips before they form a smile. The red and green eyes close and the creature takes a moment, trying to hear anything from the other.


Obedient Training



Red and green eyes fly open and a fanged smile goes on the lips. "I'll see you soon, brother, and I'll have this Sonic show me the way."

Albion Ruins: 2:41 p.m.

A soft groan leaves the echidna's lips as he feels the back of his head throbbing. He takes a deep breath against his will, feeling a headache coming on.

Purple eyes barely crack open before they immediately shut. It just feels like something keeps slamming against his head and it's getting worse by the second.

Another groan leaves Knuckles lips as he turns his head, trying to find a more comfortable position. He goes to bring a hand up to rub his aching head but for some reason, it's not moving. He tries to move both arms but again, they don't respond. If anything, he can feel a sharp pain in his shoulder from the movement, making him give out a low hiss.

Knuckles tries to open an eye once more, and this time he's able to, only to find himself lying on a cold, stone floor. His vision is blurry and there's a pain behind his eye, forcing him to close it.

'What happened...?' Knuckles questions, trying to recall the memory.

Angel Island – 2 hours ago

A fist connects to the ground, just missing the blue blur by a second. Blue legs wrap around the red arm, using the echidna's weight against him to bring him to the ground. Once Knuckles is on his back does Sonic tighten his grip on the arm, successfully putting his friend in an arm-grapple.

A smirk goes on the hedgehog's dirtied face as he's lightly panting. "Had enough yet, Knux?"

Heavy breaths leave Knuckles' mouth as he places his free hand on a blue calf, trying to pull the leg from his trapped arm. He feels the legs tighten their grip. "Ha, in your dreams. We're-" He flexes his trapped arm and starts pulling it up, forcing the blue body to lift from the ground.

Sonic quickly turns his body to the side some and repositions his leg to have a better hold on the arm, but that does nothing to stop him from leaving the dirt floor.

"-just getting started," Knuckles taunts as he finally has his hedgehog-clad-arm off the ground before he turns his body to the left and slams the hero on the spot right next to him. He feels his arm finally being released as the legs lightly go around his torso, surprising him. He quickly looks back at the hedgehog only to see Sonic with his eyes closed and he's laughing.

Sonic releases the torso and just lies back on the ground. He's winded, and tired, and hungry, and he lost but he won't let his friend know that. "Ha ha ha ha... ah, that...was fun..."

A smile goes on Knuckles' face as he leans over the still panting hedgehog, he, himself, taking in more breaths. "Looks like... I came out on top..."

Sonic just chuckles and shakes his head before looking up at the dirty echidna who has grass blades all over his head. "Okay, yeah, fine, you came on top... today..."

Purple eyes blink twice before Knuckles leans in closer to his cocky friend. "What do you mean today...? I always come on top..."

Another chuckle leaves Sonic's lips as he just tilts his head to the side. "Yeah, on top of losing..." He ends with letting out another chuckle and tilts his head backwards.

Even if he is tired and dirty and in a bit of pain, he really needed this. Sonic was able to let out his frustration on his friend, within reason, and now he feels de-stressed. They had both agreed that Knuckles couldn't use his half his strength and Sonic wasn't able to use half his speed. It made sense. They didn't want to pummel each other into oblivion, especially when there wasn't anyone else on the entire island that could help them afterwards.

Knuckles purses his lips to the side, about to say something in return but stops as he continues to look at Sonic. He has dirt smudged across his face, 'It suits him...' The thought makes him chuckle again before he keeps his gaze on the hedgehog, on that smile. Knuckles opens his mouth again, needing to say something but opts to just look to the side instead. Even after all this time, he can't bring himself to-

"Gonna get off me any time soon or should I just get comfortable?" Sonic uses both his hands as pillows as he gives the echidna a smirk.

"Ha," Knuckles pulls himself back and starts to pull himself up from the younger, "-as if I'd let you stay under me." Once he's fully off his friend does he reach a hand out to help him up.

Sonic takes the hand and feels himself getting pulled to his feet. He then starts to dust himself off. He knows that he looks like a mess what with all the action he just had. They had been sparring for at least an hour and even though they pulled their punches, their attacks were at least gonna leave some bruises here and there.

"So," Sonic turns his attention to the echidna, seeing him dust his arms off, "-what now? Is there anything in particular you want me to do to help with Chaos or are we just gonna wing it? Like always."

A smirk goes on Knuckles face. "Well you are the master of winging it."

"Yeah, I'm surprised I wasn't born a bird." He ends by laughing only to be joined in by Knuckles.

Once the laughter dies down Knuckles turns his head towards the alter, only to see blue fall in his peripheral. He turns his head to see that Sonic is indeed unconscious on the ground but before he can even open his mouth to call out his name does he feel a sharp blow to the back of his head.

~ ~ ~ Present ~ ~ ~

Chains rattle as Knuckles pulls at his hands, only to feel them pulled behind his back. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes, finally able to see the bars in front of him as he ignores the sharp pain behind his eyes. He shifts his legs, trying to at least sit on his knees but the moment he pulls himself up does his body instantly fall back down in the cell and he smacks his head against the hard floor. "Damn it..."

"Ah, Guardian. You're finally awake. I was beginning to worry I hit you too hard."

Knuckles groans again from hearing the condescending voice despite it being low. Forcing his eyes open, he lets them adjust to see what creep had signed his own death wish. Once his vision is clear he can finally see the bar to this cell, something that he can easily break through once he gets his hands free. And on the other side of the bars is an old chair with red shoes in front of it- okay, Sonic's si-

He winces when he feels one of his redlocks being harshly pulled up, yanking his head off the ground. A low growl leaves his lips as he cracks an eye open, finally able to see who dares.

"Y-you...!" Knuckles spits out with distaste, wanting to see anyone else but this man. He's really hoping this is just a bad dream he's having from when Sonic kicked him on the side of the head but another harsh pull brings him out of wishful thinking.

"Now, now. Is that anyway to talk to the only other echidna alive?" The elder says feigning being hurt by the growl he's receiving. He lets out a sigh and shakes his head disappointingly. "Must we banter every time we meet?"

Knuckles is pulled up to his knees and his head is forced to look up into the yellow eyes surrounded in black, only giving the elder a glare. "You turned me into a demon...!"

*"I turned you into a god. You had all power. You were going to do this planet a favor by ridding it of all these fools that do nothing but destroy out of their own greed."

Knuckles tries to yank his head out of the other's grip but hand only tightens its hold and it still doesn't help that his head is throbbing. "How many lives did you take to make me a monster...?"

Yellow orbs just stare into purple ones, seeing all the hate in them. If Knuckles was at full strength then he would try to rip him apart, nevertheless, he's not and that's what matters, well, the second thing that matters. "You'd be surprised to know I didn't have to take any, Guardian," Yellow eyes slightly narrow when he sees the younger about to speak. "-and before you ask about it further, know we are finished with this discussion." He releases his hold on Knuckles and the latter just hits the hard ground once more, biting back a cry of pain.

The white echidna steps over the red body as he makes his way out of the cell and closes the door before turning to the small table next to the chair, eyeing the two syringes and many vials of different liquids. He turns back to the younger, watching purple pained eyes glare at him once more before he places a hand on top of the blue head, lightly moving it side to side.

Knuckles follows the hand as his eyes finally widen from seeing who's sitting in the chair. Sonic's head is slumped forward and it looks like his arms are tied behind it. His legs are also tied, no, chained to the furniture.

Knuckles completely ignores all of his pain as he calls out to his friend. "Sonic!" He waits a moment for a response, any type of response but unfortunately, the younger doesn't do anything. The restrained echidna pulls himself up to his knees and crawls closer to the bars. He lets out a relieved sigh from seeing the peach chest moving.

"No, my person of interest at the moment is the Hero of Mobius," the white echidna starts as he pulls his hand away from the top of the head only to place it under the peach chin, raising the hero's head for both to look at.

"Let him go, Finetivus! He has nothing to do with this!" Knuckles shouts at the deranged scientist.

"Oh, my dear boy," Finetivus turns his head towards the scowling youth, which only make a grin reach his face. "-he has everything to do with this." The doctor releases his hold on the chin, letting the head fall as he turns his attention back to the small table.

"When you were made perfect as *Enerjak," Finetivus ignores the growl coming from Knuckles. Apparently, this is a very sore subject for the guardian. "-I was able to further study the tainted Master Emerald." He reaches for the vial with pink liquid, inspecting it, before placing it back on the tray. "To my surprise, Chaos, the god of destruction, hadn't done anything to stop me. I wonder," he glances back at the snarling echidna, "-why that is."

"How should I know?" Knuckles spits out, seeing the creep pick up a red vial this time. Even though Knuckles isn't showing it, that was one of the few questions he had after he was saved from becoming that demon. He and Chaos are both guardians of the Master Emerald yet Chaos had done nothing to stop it from being hexed- Purple eyes widen from seeing a needle being filled with the red liquid. He doesn't know anything about science like Tails does but seeing this is making his skin crawl. He has a feeling something really bad is about to happen if it's not stopped. "W-what are you doing?"

"I was completely intrigued," Finetivus ignores the younger's question as he puts the half empty vial back on the tray and lightly taps the syringe, making sure there's no air pockets in the liquid. "-that the hero was able to touch the tainted Master Emerald, yet he was not tainted like you were," He takes a hold of a blue quill to yank the head back before he eyes the throat, trying to find the perfect spot. "No, instead he was still capable of transforming into his super state despite the hex I put on the Master Emerald."

Knuckles can feel his heart slow down as he watches the needle go along the front of his friend's throat. "Don't you dare!"

The threat hangs in the air as the syringe is dragged to the right side of the neck. "So I would like to see if he's still capable of transforming," he turns to the guardian once more only to give Knuckles a sinister grin, "-once he becomes tainted himself." As soon as he finishes speaking does he turn back to the hero and stabs him on the side of his neck, injecting the red liquid inside.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Kind of a short chapter compared to the last few, but yay, story progression.

So Finetivus is an echidna scientist from the Sonic Archie Comics that has always wanted to study the Master Emerald. He was originally red but ended up turning white with black markings after touching the M.E. and his mind turned evil. I don't question it, it did happen though. XD Also in chapter 184 of the Archie Comic is when Sonic transformed via the tainted M.E. and fought Enerjak (Knuckles) which made Finetivus intrigued with Sonic but that's as far as that went. Last thing, Finetivus is the reason Knuckles' dad in the comics is dead.

Wow, I feel like that was a lot to take in but I do like the evil scientist type of characters, IF they know what they're doing and actually have a motive behind their work. I also feel like Finetivus is move sinister than Dr. Starline from the IDW comics but I can't say too much since I still need to catch up on the latter comics.

Okay, I think I made my point. That was actually a lot, sorry ^v^"

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this and yes, we went a completely different direction with it.

Until next time, take great care of yourselves, Luvs~

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