The secret life of the Americ...

By kkendallz

86.1K 1.5K 438

As Amy goes off to New York she still can't make her own decisions. As life throws bumps and happiness at her... More

Chapter 1 {maybe a mistake}
Chapter 2 {new york new york}
Chapter 3 {one last chance}
Chapter 4{suprise!}
Chapter 5{one date}
Not an update
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
*important* a/n
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Amy POV
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Sorry :/
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (date night continued)
Details (about story)
Chapter 21 (again)
Chapter 22
About me (and update info)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Please read :)
Authors Note

Chapter 32

902 13 7
By kkendallz

Recap: "game time!!" I yell running into the room.


Amy?" Grace asks looking up at me tears are falling down her face.
"Why would you even think about playing games and having fun when someone important to me could die any second?!"
For some reason tears are starting to form up in my eyes. "I'm sorry I was just trying to cheer you up."
Grace looks down at Jack "well you didn't do a very good job at it."

I let the tears come rolling down and I run out of the hospital. The car is still parked where it was, but I don't have keys so I just keep running.


I don't even know where I end up going but it stars getting dark so I walk over to where pizza ranch is, I still have a couple blocks left to go.
I think Ben still works here but I don't care right now. I start to feel rain coming at first it's sprinkles but then it turns into it pouring.
Great. I put up my hood and start to run. This day is turning out horrible.

I get Grace is going through things right now but I am too. I just wanted to help cheer her up but then she freaks out at me.

The rain stars falling down hard and I start getting really wet.
After about a minute of getting socked I finally get to frying pan.


I was right before, Ben is still working there. Why didn't he just stay in New York? He was at a really good college.

"Hi Amy, just you?" He asks grabbing a menu. "Yea it's just me" I tell him.
He leads me over to a table with two chairs. I have always wondered why they never just make some tables for only one. For people alone.

"Would you like a drink?" He asks as I page though the menu trying to find the drinks. "I will just have a vanilla malt." He walks back over to make it.

I look up at the sky and the sky is now dark and stars are shining down. Why is life so complicated now? Everything started getting better but now it seems worse. Maybe moving was a mistake.

Ben comes back out with my shake but there is another one with him.
He looks over where I was looking at the stars and I join in with him.
"Soo" he finally says setting down my shake. "I am off of work now and I was wondering if I could join you."

I nod my head and he quickly sits down. "So why are you here alone?" He asks. "It's a long story."


We talk for awhile and I tell him everything that happened. I even told him about my new house.

I get up and he does also. When we get up I go to grab my purse and are hands touch. He leans in closer and kisses me. I don't hesitate to kiss back. Soon he lifts me up and carries me outside not breaking the kiss.

I feel so many emotions right now, there is so much regret right now but I can't control myself.

We get to a car and he opens the door to the back. He sets me down and lays over me. We continue to kiss until he pulls up my shirt. I let him take it off and then my bra.

He looks down at me and I suddenly feel uncomfortable so I put my arms across my chest. Ben removes them and kisses me.

The rest of the night goes by fast.

---------- A/N------------

Oops I feel bad for doing that. Sorry I haven't updated I forgot my phone at school and I have been sick. I promise I will start updating daily.

Also if you like divergent could you read my new fanfic "divergent high" thanks :)

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