The Rogue Princess

By AHoleForAemond

172K 4.6K 233

Aerea Velaryon, eldest child of Rhaenyra Targaryen, was raised to be a dutiful princess, groomed to one day m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 17

4.2K 117 4
By AHoleForAemond

Aerea paced back and forth through her chambers, trying to process what transpired that morning with Aemond. She had tried to find him, but he wasn't in his chambers. All she could think of was his lips on hers. His warm touch against her bare skin. The way his eye softened the moment he kissed her. What she couldn't understand is why she wanted more from him.

It didn't make any sense to her. The whole point of her marrying Ser Leo was to escape from Aemond, but she wanted nothing more than to be with Aemond at that moment. She wanted answers from him and even from herself. Why did she let him kiss her? Why did it feel so natural for them? And why did she want more?

After all, it was Aemond. The same person who swore to harm her brother for his own revenge. The same person who did nothing but get under her skin whenever he had the chance. The same man that brought her flowers as an apology. The same man who encouraged her in battle just the night prior. It didn't make sense.

"Are we ready finally?" Daemon asked as he walked in and saw his daughter break away from her deep thoughts. "Having second thoughts?"

"Oh, uh no...I just...Viserys won't be in attendance." Which technically wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the cause of her scrambled state. "I guess I'd always imagined he'd be there for me when my day came."

"Ah, I see." He sighed, taking her into his arms and holding her tightly. "I'm sure he wishes he could be there, little one. You always were his favorite."

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Mother is his favorite. The whole realm knows it."

"Maybe so, but in any case, I'm afraid it's time for you to join your guests for the welcoming feast." He weakly smiled before she took his arm for him to lead her down to the great hall. As they approached the doors, he noticed her body tense up and her breathing starting to slow. He leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Show them the dragon that will one day lead them, little one."

She smiled up at him and took a deep breath.

"Prince Consort, Daemon Targaryen, and his stepdaughter, Princess Aerea Velaryon." The guard announced as the two strutted in with their heads held high. Aerea kept her eyes focused on her chair, fearing if she broke her eye contact she'd fold right in front of the entire realm. She took her place in between Daemon and Leo, who seemed like he was already drunk before the feast even began.

"Should I be concerned?" Aerea mumbled to her betrothed.

"Only if you look to your right." Leo sighed, arching his eyebrow towards the table in question. She turned and scanned the table for whoever he was talking about, but then froze at the sight of a smirking man dressed in a yellow robe with an orange tunic hidden underneath.

"What is he doing here?" She asked, clutching tightly onto the arms of her chair.

"The crown is not at war with his men. Just us and your grandfather." He forced a tight smile and held his wine cup up in a mocking cheers before downing it all in one go. "Who still seems to not be in attendance. Either one."

"Viserys is not well, I'm afraid." She said.

"And what of your precious Aemond?" He hiccuped, causing her head to snap towards him. He waved his hand at her with a grin. "I saw him go to your chambers this morning. It's no coincidence no one's seen the boy since."

"Seven fucking hells, could you keep it down?" She hissed, gripping onto his arm tightly. "Just get through tonight and you can go be with Maelon when it is over."

Alicent stood with her cup raised, causing the hall to go silent. "Be welcome as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. Tonight we celebrate the union of Princess Aerea Velaryon and Ser Leo Harrold."

Aerea grabbed Leo's arm, lifting him to follow her to the center for the traditional first dance. She worried he would just stumble all over the place, but surprisingly he led their dance quite well. Feeling more comfortable, her eyes finally scanned the room for who she really wanted to see. But he was nowhere in sight. The chair next to his sister had been empty this whole time.

"Won't we have to worry about a bedding ceremony after?" Leo whispered as his hands grabbed at her waist to lift her up.

"Oh, gods no. Once this is over with, I'm going to go check on Viserys." She answered.

"And what of Qoren? Are we supposed to just forget the man who killed my brother dines with us tonight?" His eyes shot towards the Dornish Prince.

"It is as you said. The crown is not at war with him."

"So my brother died for nothing, I see." Their dance concluded and they stood, glaring at each other as the hall erupted with cheers and clapping. Everyone rushed to the center to join in the dancing, finally separating the two from each other. Aerea stormed off to her seat while Leo made his way through the crowd, speaking to any and every lord and lady he could.

"Everything alright, sister?" Luke asked as he stole the seat next to her, but she just crossed her arms and scoffed. "I take it you know about Prince Qoren."

"Yes, I am well aware the murderer of my betrothed's brother is in attendance. Ser Leo made sure to remind me." She mumbled. Luke noticed how defeated she looked and took her hand into his. She turned to face him, showing the tears that threatened to escape her eyes.

"It won't bring him back if you kill him, sister." She knew he was right, but how was she supposed to sit there like Qoren had done nothing wrong to her. "Ser Henry didn't die for you to seek justice. He died to give you a future."

She weakly smiled, knowing he was right. "I just hope his brother could see that. Instead he turns into our uncle Aegon for the evening."

"Better Aegon than his brother." Luke nudged at her with a laugh, but she just shook her head with a scorching blush.

"Where is his brother anyways? Leo was looking for him earlier." She lied.

"No one's seen him all day. Probably for the best. We wouldn't want him or his family to try and ruin this wedding, would we?" Luke stood with his arm extended out for her to take. "Come, sister. Let us dance."

She smiled sweetly up at her brother and gladly took his arm as he led her to the floor. They laughed as they danced through the crowd. Luke stumbled a couple times in the steps, but Aerea always helped him to the next step. He lifted her up by her waist just before she was spun into her next partner. Prince Qoren Martell.

"Ah, Princess Aerea. What a pleasure it is to finally make your acquaintance." He smiled. Her face fell, but into a stern face as she didn't want to show any weakness.

"Prince Qoren, what a pleasure it is to see you made it out alive." She taunted with her head held high. Though to her surprise, he just laughed.

"Oh, I had abandoned the Stepstones long ago, princess." He said.

"You abandoned your men?" She arched her brow.

"It did not feel right for me to lead when I had nearly killed a princess." His face softened as he looked down at her. The two circled each other like a hunter and it's prey.

"So you take her beloved's life instead?" Her jaw clenched tightly.

"As I said. Nearly killed a princess." The smirk returned to his face. "He was just simply a casualty of war. Apologies if he meant anything to your or your...friend." His laugh almost sung above the music when her head snapped over to him. "You need not worry, princess. Why should I tell anyone when it's right in front of their faces?"

A small laugh escaped her and she felt her body finally start to relax as they danced. Qoren couldn't help but smile as her eyes nearly disappeared as she laughed. Her cheeks turned deeply scarlet. It was enough for him to steal her back from being taken away by the next partner.

"I do sincerely apologize though, princess. For you and for your beloved. I know even an army isn't enough to ever settle that debt of loss." He said sincerely. She smiled and nodded her head slightly.

"Perhaps one day the debt could be repaid when called upon." She bit the inside of her cheek, feeling them go warm.

"The princess need only say the word." Just before she was to switch partners, he took her hand to his lips and kissed them gently with playful eyes. A small gasp escaped her lips at the feel of his touch. She didn't even have time to process what had happened as she spun into an even more shocking person. Aemond.

"Are you done hiding from me?" She asked breathlessly as they began their dance. He kept a straight face the entire time.

"I wasn't hiding. I was...thinking." He answered.

"Were you thinking of how to explain why you kissed me?" She side eyed him, hoping to see any twitch in his face but his face remained stoic.

"It was a moment of weakness. Nothing more." He said calmly. Her face dropped for a second before she collected herself.

"Perhaps you're right, uncle. That was awfully weak indeed." Her brow arched with a taunting smirk before she was swapped to the next partner. He kept his eye on her as she was twirled around by another lord. She pretended not to notice his burning gaze, but she could feel his eye on her with every twirl and turn. The random lord spun her out of his grasp and she surprisingly landed back into Aemond's arms.

"And just what exactly is that supposed to mean, princess?" He growled into her ear as he circled around her before taking her hand.

"Oh, fret not, uncle. It is nothing you should be concerned about once I marry Ser Leo." Now it was her turn to keep a stoic face while his eye narrowed in doubt.

"Ah, yes. Your beloved Ser Leo. Quite the pillow biter from what I can tell."

"I don't know what it is you speak of, uncle."

"Don't play the fool with me. We both know the truth of your betrothed. When his eyes aren't on Prince Qoren, they're with his...choice of companion in the crowd."

"Then what stops you from telling your mother?" The two finally made eye contact, neither backing down from their glares. "You tell her, Ser Leo dies, I am forced to marry you, and your family has me as its prisoner. You'd win."

"I would never force you to marry me." His voice was soft, though his face still was stern. At this point, the two were just circling each other, completely ignoring the steps and the dancing around them.

"Why did you kiss me?" She asked just barely above a whisper, eyes softened and lips slightly parted as she looked up at him. He hesitated, eventually turning from her but she grabbed his arm to pull him back to her. Now they stood before each other, their chests crushing the other's. "Aemond."

He lost all control when he heard his name on her lips and he very quickly kissed her. He pulled away when he realized what he had done then stormed off into the crowd. Thankfully almost no one had really seen the interaction. Almost.

Aegon stood off to the side chugging his wine when he saw his brother walk away from Aerea. He saw the breath vanish from her just as fast as his lips did. The way her lips curled into a small smile as her fingers traced over her lips. She shook her head and stormed through the crowd and into the hall.

Aerea felt like the wind was knocked from her the moment his lips left hers. She couldn't handle being shuffled around from person to person anymore. She needed to clear her head.

She found herself in the king's chambers after sneaking past a few lords and ladies that wished to congratulate her. He was sleeping peacefully in his bed. She sat down beside him, taking his hand and stroking her thumb lightly over his.

"Wh...who goes there?" Viserys mumbled out as he slightly shifted.

"It's me, grandfather. Aerea." She leaned towards him with a small smile.

"Ahhhh, my sweet granddaughter...why aren't your wedding?" He asked, slowly opening his remaining eye. A weak smile grew on his face when he took in the sight of his granddaughter. " a lucky man to have your hand."

"What do you mean, grandsire? I'm to marry Ser Leo tonight...not Aemond." She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"That's impossible...I could've sworn it was wasn't a was...ahh, Aemond." Viserys smiled up towards his door where Aemond stood with his hands behind his back. Aerea rose and walked over to him, glancing back at Viserys slowly drifting back off into sleep.

"He's not well today, you should go." She whispered, but he didn't move.

"I know. I was with him all day." He sighed. She cocked her head but before she could say anything he cut her off. "Would you still marry Ser Leo even after what happened between us?"

"I won't give your mother or your grandfather the satisfaction." She answered, trying to turn away from him to leave but he grabbed her arm to pull her back.

"I don't give a shit what either of them want. What do you want, Aerea?" He looked like he was sitting on lingering question. His eye full of hope for her answer.

"Ahh, Aerea! Aemond!" Viserys croaked out as he woke once more, seeing the two of them opposite of his bed. The two approached the foot of his bed, seeing Viserys try to wiggle himself to sit up enough to face them. "Did I miss it?"

"Miss what, father?" Aemond asked.

"Your wedding. You a...and Aerea. I've dreamt of this day f...for...for years." He found himself in a coughing fit and Aerea instantly was at his side with his medicine to his lips. "Please, Arry...don't let me die without...seeing you married."

Aerea took a harsh, deep breath trying to fight off the tears she felt forming at the mention of his death. She looked up at Aemond and just shrugged her shoulders. She walked right in front of him, placing her hand over his and staring up into his eyes as she whispered. "Just go along with it."

He nodded, knowing exactly what was going through her mind.

"Father, smith, warrior, mother, crone, stranger." The two said together.

"I am hers, and she is mine. From this day until the end of my days." He whispered, slowly leaning towards her.

"I am his, and he is mine. From this day until the end of my days." She felt her body gravitating towards him with each word.

"With this kiss, I pledge my love." His other hand lightly caressed her cheek as his lips closed in on her. This kiss was different from their first. There was a gentleness about it Aerea felt she might fall against. The two pulled apart and noticed Viserys had drifted back off to sleep, before they returned their eyes to each other. Before she could get a word in, he cut her off. "I wish to see you tonight. After the feast."

"What about Ser Leo? He and I will be expected to share my chambers." She said, but he just shook his head.

"Leave that part for me to worry about, princess." He grinned.

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