Chapter 19

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"So do I not get the gory details of last night, my wife?" Leo smirked as Aerea rolled her eyes, tightening his armor onto his shoulders. "Only so I know what marks I must own up to."

Her cheeks were a deep shade of crimson as she swatted at him. He laughed, noticing the teeth marks on her neck just barely poking out from the collar of the silver chain holding her dress up. "That is none of your business, husband. As what you do in my chambers are none of mine as well."

"And what exactly is your plan for when we are to return to Dragonstone? Hmm? Will Prince Aemond be joining us as well?" He asked, strapping his sword to his belt.

"And Ser Maelon? What of him?" She crossed her arms and arched her brow at him. "We had an agreement. As long as we keep our private affairs private, we shall be fine. Now get out there and bring honor to your new house."

He rolled his eyes and marched out of the tent to take his place on his horse. She found her seat next to her in between her brothers as the knights lined up on their horses with their lances at the side, completely ignoring Aemond who had his eye on her the moment she walked in. She smiled to herself, leaning back in her chair with her hands folded in her lap.

"I still think it is ridiculous we are not allowed to join the tourney." Jace grumbled.

"Do you really think our mother would let you risk your lives for a bloody tourney?" Aerea laughed as she looked between her brothers. One looking hungry for battle, the other sickly at the thought.

"She let you go fight in the Stepstones for most of the year." Jace argued. She hung her head with a smirk.

"I wouldn't call me fleeing in the middle of the night from Dragonstone on a boat should be considered as mother allowing me." She said.

"Will you return there, sister? Once the celebrations end?" Luke asked.

"I think it's time I return home, brother." She smiled down at him before they returned their attention to the field where a Baratheon knight and Prince Qoren went. She leaned forward in her chair just as the two collided, Qoren swiftly knocking the man from his horse. The crowd cheered at the swift win while Qoren removed his helmet to smile amongst the people. His trotted over right in front of Aerea, whom he gave a sparkling grin.

"Princess Aerea, it would be an honor to have your favour to give me good fortune in the tourney to follow." He declared. Aemond was gripping tightly onto the arms of his chair as he watched the Dornish prince extend his lance out to her. She stood, holding a bundle of hydrangeas and baby's breath.

"And why should I gift you my favour over my husband's, Prince Qoren?" She tilted her head while twirling the favour in her fingers.

"So the princess may know who fights for her." He winked. Her cheeks went scorching hot as she shook her head, tossing her favour onto his lance.

"I wish you luck, Prince Qoren. My husband is quite the fighter even without my favour." She mocked before taking her seat. For the remainder of the jousting, Aerea kept her focus on the knights though occasionally she'd sneak a glance of two towards Aemond. His eye never left her the whole day, seeing the smile on her face every time a knight would get knocked down to when she'd cringe at anyone suffering any battle wounds.

But the part he found most memorable was the way she blushed at Prince Qoren. The smile she tried to hide when Qoren practically begged for her favour. He hated it. Qoren shouldn't be looking at her in that way. He shouldn't be making her smile or laugh or anything for that matter. The man had no right. And yet neither did Aemond. Aerea wasn't his or Qoren's, yet he knew what it was like to be inside her. To taste her. To touch her. He knew the way his name sounded from her lips. He didn't want any other man to know the same as he did.

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