Chapter 34

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Aemond stayed close by Aerea's side as they found their way back to her former chambers. He kept one arm protectively wrapped around her as the other rested on the pommel of his sword, eyeing down any lord that even looked her way as if to threaten them for staring at her unladylike attire. Dyana was just leaving Aerea's chambers after drawing them a bath, giving the couple a gracious smile before excusing herself.

Once inside, Aerea turned to Aemond and leaned her head against his chest, sighing with relief that it was finally over. No more wars, no more blood. Just them together at last, with no one to keep them apart. He held her close until he got a whiff of her.

"My love, I normally find the smell of you exhilarating, but-." He joked, but she playfully swatted his shoulder and laughed.

"Yes, I know." She smiled sweetly up at him as she unbuckled her belt. "Join me?"

"Of course." He leaned down to kiss her softly. She let the belt fall to the ground, leaving only his coat to barely cover her body underneath. The two exchanged a mischievous look, but he was thrown off when she turned to walk towards the bath, shedding his coat to reveal her bare backside before she stepped into the water. He just stood there, watching her sink into the water, finally finding relief in her muscles soaked in the warmth.

"Well don't keep me waiting." She slightly turned her head back to him with a wink, her arms draped along the sides of the tub. He didn't waste a single minute as he quickly stripped his clothes off and practically jumped in to join her, splashing water everywhere. They both laughed as he pulled her over onto his lap, cradling her against his bare chest. She leaned the side of her face on his shoulder and looked up to see he had his eye closed. "I'm sorry about your mother, Aemond."

"Don't mother made her choices the day she wrote that letter to you." He mumbled, but her eyebrows furrowed together. His eye opened to see that same endearing indent he adored so much.

"What letter?" She asked.

"The one hidden in your desk." He said. Her face fell flat when she realized what he was talking about. Before she could say anything, he kissed her forehead and flashed her a sincere grin. "I would've loved nothing more than to have seen you on my nameday, princess."

"Oh, gods..." She blushed and began to drift back into the water, but he pulled her back up to him.

"Oh, come now. I find it sweet how even as a child, you still pined for me." He chuckled, pulling her close against him before turning serious. "My mother shouldn't have spoken to you like that...if I had known, I would've flown to Dragonstone immediately and-."

She cut him off with a gentle kiss that would've had him on his knees if he were standing. When she pulled away from him, she looked up at him with curious eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to save them?"

"Because I knew your mother wouldn't spare my life and I couldn't have you risk everything you took back be ruined on my account once more." He answered.

"So your solution is to cause me an even greater pain by losing you?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you would find a better life without me."

She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. "A life without you by my side is no life to live as far as I am concerned. My brother always told me I'd one day find happiness and he was right. It's with you, Aemond. No one else. And until the day comes, I forbid you from ever doing something as foolish as you did when you left Dragonstone."

"As you wish, my princess." He smiled. The two scrubbed themselves clean and dried off before plopping onto her bed. They faced each other, not a word spoken, but stealing glances at the other as they felt the world was right for once.

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