Chapter 15

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Daemon sat at the supper table, watching everyone slowly exit one at a time. He noticed Luke practically ran out from the hall before their meal even started, but decided to leave it be. Now all who sat at the table were him, Rhaenyra, Otto, Alicent and Aemond. He kept his focus on his one eyed nephew, like a predator to his prey. It was unclear what exactly Aemond's intentions were, but he would get to the bottom of this.

"So Prince Aemond...what will you do now that you have no betrothal of your own?" Daemon taunted, taking a sip of his wine without breaking eye contact from the boy.

Aemond smirked and crossed his arms in his lap. But Alicent was the first to speak up before Aemond could answer. "We are currently exploring his options through the realm."

"Ha! Trying to find the perfect house to ally yourselves, are we?" Daemon rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair.

"Hardly, Prince Daemon. We simply seek the best match for the Prince." Otto chimed in and Daemon's humor shifted into anger hearing the hand's voice.

"As our daughter has done for herself." Rhaenyra smiled, trying to defuse the tension in the room. "I only wish the same for your son, Your Grace."

"Father!" Rhaena ran into the room out of breath with nothing but panic in her face. Daemon stood and was at her side in an instant.

"What is it, Rhaena?" He questioned, ignoring everyone else's stares in the room.

"It's Aerea! She's gone to Dragonstone with Luke on dragonback!" Rhaena exclaimed and Daemon froze in fear. "She means to finally claim a dragon."

Aemond shot up and joined Daemon's side. "When?"

Daemon turned to his nephew with a scowl, but Rhaena answered before her father could pounce on the younger prince. "Joffrey just told me now. They left right after Luke excused himself from supper."

"We must find her before she gets to the dragonmount, my love. Get Baela and Jace as well. We'll need every dragon we can to reach her." Rhaenyra rushed as they all stormed down the halls, even Otto and Alicent. Aemond could feel his blood boiling at the thought of Luke leading Aerea into a death trap. He remembered what it was like to claim Vhagar and the danger he almost faced, fearing Aerea would not be as successful as him.

As they all stormed into the dragonpits, they were surprised by Luke waltzing back in with a pleasant smile on his face. Aemond was the first to reach him, grabbing him by his collars and lifting him up to his eye level. "What have you done to her?!"

Their attention was pulled from the sound of a thunderous roar from outside. Aemond looked away momentarily and Luke smiled widely. Luke shoved Aemond's hands away from him and walked over to his mother and whispered to her, "They may have Vhagar, but we now have someone just as comparable, mother."

They all rushed outside and looked to the skies, seeing the faint hints of dark wings in the clouds. The clouds separated as the bronze beast rushed into view towards them all. Rhaenyra gasped with a smile of relief once she heard the screams of joy coming from the back of the dragon.

Aemond didn't care who saw him at that moment. He couldn't help but smile from ear to ear at the sight of Vermithor in the sky with Aerea cheering on his back. He'd never seen such joy in her than the moment she landed the Bronze Fury in the sands nearby.

She climbed down, giving Vermithor a gentle rub on his snout with an endearing smile at her new companion. She turned towards her family and walked casually towards them, as if nothing had happened.

"What were you thinking, Arry?!" Rhaenyra rushed over to her daughter, inspecting her for any wounds but found none. Just the dirt and sweat over her face and dress.

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