Chapter 12

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Daemon kept his eye on Aemond as they all walked through the woods. He remembered the way his nephew looked at his daughter the night they had supper with the greens. The curious, lustful gaze directed at his firstborn daughter. It took everything in him that night not to plunge his sword through the boy's chest.

But what struck him most odd is he hadn't heard a word from his daughter about the boy. She had gone on and on about what a monster Aegon was, but never once mentioned Aemond. He knew there was something going on and he was going to get to the bottom of it. Especially after the whispers he'd heard about his daughter the previous night.

"I think I see something! Up ahead!" Jace called out and Leo instantly covered Jace's mouth.

"Shh! Have you never hunted before, my prince?" Leo whispered, removing his hand and looking to where Jace pointed. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but it was large. A pale flesh back lurking above the bushes, making a very distinct noise. "I think we've found supper for tonight. Prince Lucerys, care to do the honors?"

Luke's eyes went wide at Leo, then to the hiding animal. "Me?!"

"Has your sister not taught you to shoot?" Leo asked.

"N-no, actually. She doesn't know how." Luke stammered

"Yes, she does." Both Aemond and Leo spoke up. Aemond was silent most of the hunt, mostly to observe Leo, but he couldn't stand being around the two "Velaryon" brothers. Leo turned to look at Aemond curiously.

"And just how would you know that, Prince Aemond?" Leo narrowed his eyes with a sly grin.

"I taught her." Aemond gritted through his teeth.

"Actually, I taught her. Every day." Daemon chimed in, prepping his bow with a stern fade.

"Apologies, uncle. I can't recall ever seeing you in our training yard when we were children. I must be mistaken remembering the first shot she landed in the center." Aemond scoffed, preparing his bow as well.

"I'd imagine your vision was just as weak back then as well." Jace joked, bringing a glare from his uncle. Daemon fired his shot, just barely missing the animals back but it didn't flee from its spot.

"Shit." Daemon mumbled under his breath.

"Perhaps it's best she learned from me instead. What an honor it is to be the one who was her first." Aemond smirked. Daemon clutched at his sword right when Aemond released the arrow, landing it straight through the animal's eye. Aemond turned back to Dameon with a small laugh. "Teacher, that is."

Before Daemon could say anything, they both turned at the sound of laughter coming from where the animal was lying. They both rushed over and saw Jace and Luke hysterically laugh above the carcass. Aemond's jaw clenched tightly when he saw what his arrow pierced through.

"Oh, no, uncle! You've killed your dragon!" Luke joked as he looked down at the pig, only making Jace laugh even harder. Before Aemond could take a step, Leo stepped in between the boys, clutching tightly onto his sword.

"Let's not do anything we'd regret to tell my betrothed, Prince Aemond." Leo smiled, but his face almost dared him to do something. Aemond's blood was boiling and his hands were shaking with rage, but instead he just stormed off from them and made his way back to the castle, muttering curses under his breath. Leo turned back to the younger princes and smiled. "I hope you two are strong enough to carry the pig back to the castle."

Aemond marched through the front gate with his temper running hot. His fists were clenched so tight that his fingernails drew blood from digging into his palms. Then he heard faint sounds of giggles coming from down the hall that distracted him from his frustrations.

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