Chapter 30

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"How did you know about the poison?" Aerea asked once they steadied in the skies.

"I'd heard rumors from the other handmaidens about the Queen regent and Lord Larys knowing of the babe. Then one night I heard Ae...the usurper and the hand speaking and I heard the usurper speaking with the hand about the Long Farewell." Dyana explained. "They were trying to place the blame on Dorne to cause a strife between Prince Qoren and your mother."

"So all four of them are the reason I lost my child." Aerea gritted through her teeth.

"The queen was scheming with Lord Larys to have the child removed, but Aegon wanted you dead. He saw Prince Aemond leave your chambers when I overhead his plan."

Aerea thought about the vague words she remembered when she was poisoned. I had hoped my brother would keep his word. But why? Aemond and her had barely seen each other until the day he willingly married another. "I don't understand."

"Aegon made Aemond swear to stay away from you in exchange for freedom and safety within the keep, princess. Aemond broke his word when he stole Prince Lucerys' sword from Aegon and gave it back to you."

Vermithor landed in the fields outside of Dragonstone. Aerea stood still for many moments trying to process what Dyana had just told her.

"What of your family, Dyana? Are they safe?"

"They remain hidden in Flea Bottom, princess."

"You have my word, I will reunite with you with them safely when this is all over with."

Dyana smiled to herself as Aerea began to climb down with the satchel at her side. She followed the princess down and kept at her side, making their way to the castle. The two were stopped in their place when Rhaenyra ran out, nearly collapsing at the sight of her daughter finally returned home.

"Aerea." Rhaenyra gasped.

"Mother!" Aerea cried out as the two of them ran to each other, embracing immediately. Both collapsing into the other's arms with violent sobs. Daughter reunited with mother at last. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

"Oh, my sweet girl. You have nothing to apologize for. I swear to you I tried to rescue you. I did not abandon you, daughter." Rhaenyra's breath was rapid and unstable in her words.

"I know, mother. Aegon has the red keep surrounded. Oh," Aerea pulled away from her mother to reveal the contents of the bag at her side, "Well, nearly surrounded."

Rhaenyra stifled a laugh at her daughter's twisted humor. She cupped the girl's cheek while shoving the cover back over the bag. "You're just like your father."

"At least mine are grown. Do you know what he's done?" Anger was splattered all over her face, recalling the gruesome sight of the young twins.

"I do...I did not know of his plans until it was too late, I'm afraid." Rhaenyra's eyes fell to the ground, ashamed of what he'd done.

"How could he?"

"Your father has been losing his mind since you were captured. He feared the worst when Ser Leo came to us with news of what happened."

"Leo? Where is he? Is he alright?" Aerea rose to her feet, pulling her mother up along with her.

"He's alright, I promise. far as the realm is concerned, he was captured and killed by the kingsguard. Do you understand?" The implication dangled in Rhaenyra's eyes, but Aerea didn't quite understand. "His fate remained very similar to Ser Laenor Velaryon."

Aerea sighed with relief at the thought of Leo far away, safe from the dangers that were waiting for him.

"And who is this?" Rhaenyra peaked over Aerea's shoulder, seeing Dyana standing behind them with her hands behind her back.

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